Felix wrote:and I acknowledged that it was a planned attack...in the immediate aftermath there was a lot of confusion about what went on, but I'm not sure how these factors relate to this statement...
There was no confusion about what went on, you stupid fuckhead. That's the whole fucking point. They knew exactly what happened and they knew it immediately. The confusion you refer to is a direct result of a decision to create a cover story about some protest that never happened.
Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, said at the hearing that a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it. Ms. Lamb also testified that budget considerations played no part in considering additional security. Decisions on diplomatic security went no higher than Ms. Lamb and, in limited cases, Mr. Kennedy, officials said.
so tell me if security decisions are typically made at State Department levels, how does this equate to Obama "incompetence and indifference"....
As a point of fact, we don't know where that decision was really made or what directives were provided to guide those decisions. We certainly know
this was the wrong fucking answer. Honestly I have to question the sanity of the individual making it.
a request from Mr. Nordstrom to extend the military team was only a recommendation and that the State Department had been right not to heed it.
This attack didn't happen out of the blue. There were dozens of attacks going back for months prior to 9/11. One would have thought the issue would have bubbled past State Dept. Security and into a Presidential Daily Brief. Actually it very well might have made it into one of the 53% of the briefings that Curious Barry was too INDIFFERENT to bother attending.
His incompetance begins with the decision to take Qadaffi in the first place. It was done without Congressional authorization making it a blatantly illegal action. That would be arrogant, indifferent
and incompetant. Eastern Libya is completely lawless and well on the way the becoming an independent Islamist state. Those are the kind of animals Barry turned loose and for no good reason at all. It doesn't get any more incompetant than that.
His indifference to the chaos in the aftermath is a matter of record and his indifference to the security concerns of the personnel on the ground is completely unacceptable and the cover story nonsense is impeachable, imo.
The question remains why you are continuing to make excuses for these failures?
and why would mittens release a condemnation statement directed at obama with virtually no information to go on.....
Romney criticized the memo that the embassy in Cairo put out, you fucking idiot. He naturally assumed it went out with the blessing of the administration which may or may not be the case but, in any event, the administration quickly disavowed the statement as well, so they agreed with Romney.
romney politicized it less than five hours after it happened....
Concocting a cover story to paper over your own incompetence
isn't politicizing it? How dangerous is it for other people when you inflame ignorant savages with lies about protests over a video that was never made let alone aired?