Dinsdale wrote:
This is one of the most astoundlingly moronic things I've ever read.
And it's liberalism in a nutshell.
Yes, Felix really typed this -- a road project is too expensive for a state to finance... therefore, if the feds fund it, the Money Fairy magically makes the money appear out of thin air.
Monumental dumbfuckery. It takes a special kind of stupid to make a statement like that.
really? say, how exactly do you think Paul Ryan made his money?
here's a hint-Ryan's family has amassed much of their fortune based on.....wait for it
federal highway funding projects!!!!!
I know this has got to be a shocking development but it's true...if you need the data, let me know and I'll provide it to.....in a nutshell, no state is capable of funding their own road funding project, especially when we're talking Intersate roads, and high volume state highways....sorry dimbulb, but you are way, way, way out of your fucking league on this one....this is my area of expertise and if you want a breakdown on how federal funds are doled to the states, make a request and I can give you a breakdown on how much money the WSDOT receives from the feds for highway funding projects....Washing state rely heavily for federal funding
portipitionWDOT funds much of their state highways, but highways built to federal standard are much more expensive to construct, due to such things as environmental compliance, there is no state in the country that has the funds to roads utilized as federally designated highway....that's why we have a federal gas tax....if the state of idaho were to rely soley on the money we generate from our gas tax, you'd be driving on dirt fucking roads....
you see my friend, once again your speaking out of your ass and that's what if love about you dins, offering your expertise on something you have no fucking clue about what your talking about....federal funding for state highways and highways roads leading through Portland designated with State Highway status, but have been funded were largely paid by fed funding
believe, youy
don'a tlcue as to what I, y
or chlodre are