War Wagon wrote:I, for one, didn't know that you went to a Catholic HS so this is news to me.
Rack your parents or legal guardians, then, for trying to give you the best education available. That experience certainly didn't hurt your development.
Believe it or not, it was entirely my doing, not theirs. Well, okay, they did pay for it.
My two brothers went to public schools. I wanted the better education and much stronger baseball program offered at Notre Dame. I didn't give two shits about the religious component, and neither did the school. Sure, I had to attend the classes and sit through the various rites, but no one there ever tried to convert me.
People denigrate Catholicism for a few recent bad news stories, completely ignoring the good works that this venerable institution has done over the course of centuries. It doesn't matter if you agree with their doctrine or not, what Catholics have built speaks for itself.
Nothing they ever built was dependent on the Catholic doctrine, and it all could have been achieved in spite of it. Otherwise, no, it was hardly a "few recent bad news stories." Besides that whole Crusades thingie, the Inquisition, the basic killing of one's fellow man in the name of some mythical figure propped up as a societal control mechanism, etc., there have also been countless incidents of sexual abuse. The thing is, you know that for every case that was reported there must have been a hundred more that never saw the light of day.
To brush all that under the rug in lieu of some wonderful buildings and glorious artwork is rather shallow.
Not trying to go all poptart here ( :swoon: Marty) but the Bible is the foundation of all wisdom.
None of the wisdom found in the Bible originated in the Bible. It's all old hand-me-downs.
C'mon, a nice trolljob is cool and all, but try not to be so transparent about it.