Mace wrote:Van wrote:No kid has ever had to be coached up on what to do to avoid getting hit in the face with a pitched baseball. Coaches don't waste time on teaching this any more than they do on teaching players how to breathe or pick their nose, and it's all a bunch of bullshit. Whether you're in your first season of Little League or your seventeenth season for the New York Yankees you're naturally going to duck away from a ball heading towards your dome, a bat winging its way towards you, or even a fucking pigeon that suddenly dive-bombs you.
No one but you is talking about a dome shot, dumbfuck. Apparently not all kids are as naturally gifted as you and "naturally" know to turn their back to a ball that's headed for their ribs. :roll:
Really? Name one. Go ahead. Tell me about one kid you ever coached who didn't naturally try to turn away once he spotted a fastball headed for his ribs.
It never happened. Kids don't need self-aggrandizing coaches like you to tell them what to do in that instance. If anything, a kid is more likely to bail out of the box like a fool at the first sight of a decent curveball. You think it matters whether the ball is headed towards a guy's head or his ribs? Either way, his natural instinct is to duck away. If you say anything other than, "Yes, you're right," you are a fucking imbecile. No one has ever needed to be taught something so basic, least of all by his dimwitted Little League coach.
Notice also that I specifically mentioned "hand/wrist/elbow/face injuries," not just dome shots.
I'm really starting to wonder whether you've ever even played baseball before, or ever witnessed anything shot at or thrown at a single human being in your entire life. You seem utterly clueless as to these most basic things.
Any time you'd like to take a little BP, let me know and I'll gladly watch you demonstrate your natural ability at dodging fastballs at your dome.....and don't forget your helmet. Or better yet, don't bring one.
Nice white flag there, feeb.