whats the skinny on petco park for taking in a game

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whats the skinny on petco park for taking in a game

Post by mothster »


ya saavy?
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Post by 1tnacU »

Ohh how I yearn for the days when I was privy to the Mod buttons.
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Post by mothster »

1tnacU wrote:Ohh how I yearn for the days when I was privy to the Mod buttons.
oh how i yearn for a take that doesnt suck
mvscals blow monkey spunk

Post by 1tnacU »

rack canibus for keeping up this whole mothster pile-on troll charade for so long.

anyway, canibus, when i go to a game... i usually grab some food... maybe a beer or ten... buy a shirt, or whatever... and call it a day.

i've done this at numerous ballparks scattered throughout north america. my modus operandi rarely deviates. they all have bathrooms, they all have concession stands that sell pretty much the same shit... there aren't too many amusements rides or other diversions to be found at these places. you got your food, your drink, your toilets, and your gear stands. plus... when you're not spending time in these lines, there's this thing called the fucking game that you're supposed to sit and watch. occasionally... you stand up and cheer or gawk at the hotties sauntering by... looking all lost... wearing next to nothing.

you're welcome.
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Post by mothster »

memorial nite game at petco rocked

thats all---out
mvscals blow monkey spunk
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