Rolling Stone, "Charlie is my husband"
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Charles Manson, perhaps the most infamous convicted killer of all time, is 79 years old and still
locked up in California's Corcoran State Prison, where he walks with a cane and sports chipped
prison dentures. Star is a 25-year-old brunette who's been loyally visiting Manson in jail since
she was 19 years old and maintains several websites devoted to defending Manson and his pro-
Earth environmental causes. And according to an astonishingly in-depth new profile by Rolling
Stone contributing editor Erik Hedegaard in our new issue (on stands Friday) that was nearly two
years in the making, the pair could be heading down the aisle. Sort of.
In 2007, Star moved to Corcoran to be near Charlie, who she visits each Saturday and Sunday for
up to five hours a day. "Yeah, well, people can think I'm crazy," she likes to say. "But they don't
know. This is what's right for me. This is what I was born for." She grew up near St. Louis, where
her deeply religious family feared she'd lost her way ("I was smoking marijuana, eating mushrooms,
not wanted to go to church every Sunday," she explains), so they locked her in her room for much
of her high school years. A friend passed her some of Manson's environmental writing, and she
started corresponding with him. When she was 19, she took the $2,000 she'd saved up working in
a retirement home kitchen and hopped a train to Corcoran. Manson named her Star. She recently
cut an X onto her forehead...
They look like a fairly nice California couple.
Who am I to judge?