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Post by War Wagon »

I'm still wondering what orc sees in RJ that I don't.
I hate sigs. But I lost a stupid fucking bet because a KC Paul lookalike and his sorry ass team were inferior to the greatness that is the Pittsburg Steelers.
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Post by jtr »

Rack this thread!
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Post by Raydah James »

JHawkBCD wrote:
Raydah James wrote: Please pooky-this fucking thread is all about your tard coalition heelnipping me while you hide out and throw some half-assed humorless post here and there and collect ghost racks for sucking harder than a sunset ho in need of another hit.
Nah, this thread is all about the enlarging of your dimehole into a depository and calling it Fort Cox.
You sure it isnt about your attempted stint in a band, JFlockofSeagulls?




Holy FUCK! :lol: This is the definitive meaning of human tragedy:




Im just shocked that you didnt wipe off the dirty sanchez your homeboy threw down around your mouth, stay puft......

DA HAWK?????????

Last edited by Raydah James on Sat May 14, 2005 2:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by War Wagon »

War Wagon wrote:I'm still wondering what orc sees in RJ that I don't.
Upon further review, I've answered my own question.

From what dealings I've had on these boards, if orc says a thing is such and such, it IS such and such.

James is a genuine poster, love him or hate him, what you see is what you get.

The same can't be said for many others here, except for the NFL forum, where we WILL get to the crux of the matter in short order.
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Post by Zyclone »

1tnacU wrote: If you've never brought a bucket to puke into on the day you do squats...
Rack that! Been there done that! You know the reason you get sick is your shocking your body into a unnatural act of stress and the nausea is from your body releasing GH and Test.

Can say this after the workout you are spent but the high is better then anything you could drink, swallow or shoot(sorry Pogue) into your body.
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Post by poptart »

Some funny cartoons, yeah, I laughed.

WEAK move by Dave though, fans.

Put your hatred and penis envy of RJ aside for a moment and see this for what it is.

Put yourself there and see what you would think of it.

Yeah, yeah......RJ's got a big mouth, etc, etc.......

The end justifies the means......etc, etc.....

I hear y'all.

You know what?

Dave couldn't smack, never has been able to.

James went yard on him a few times and the frustration mounted.

Soooooo he played punk.

Salute the goon.

Rack James bro' for his blasts in here.

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Post by trev »

I'm going to go with RJ and poptart. Always more fresh and new. J Stalk and KC Stalk stale as usual. I know it's not the popular opinion here, but whatever. Dave, never really stale, I enjoy him.

I find myself laughing at RJ and poptart more than the above. And at least interested at what Dave has to write.
I know my opinon means nada, so EAD or whatever.

Oh, and rack Roach for starting this thread.
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Post by ElvisMonster »

Raydah James wrote:...all the pussies from RTT...
Why the hate, playah? I already said I'd have a Zima with you.
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Post by rozy »

poptart wrote:Some funny cartoons, yeah, I laughed.

WEAK move by Dave though, fans.

Put your hatred and penis envy of RJ aside for a moment and see this for what it is.

Put yourself there and see what you would think of it.

Yeah, yeah......RJ's got a big mouth, etc, etc.......

The end justifies the means......etc, etc.....

I hear y'all.

You know what?

Dave couldn't smack, never has been able to.

James went yard on him a few times and the frustration mounted.

Soooooo he played punk.

Salute the goon.

Rack James bro' for his blasts in here.

Pride and Poise

Good grief.

Penis envy?


I like the shit outta RJ and have thought all along he is one of the most entertaining reads here. And he knows that.

This just wasn't his thread. Vic got him hard, early, and all night long.

As to the Dave part, I am cracking up over here. Not solely because of what you think you know, but because of the fact that you won't be made aware of that which you are ignorant of. It is much more fun to watch you flounder around in supposed understanding, poptarting your chest out, beat it with your size 2 fist, screaming at the top of your lungs that Columbus discovered Russia, and then *gasp* get all uptight when we point out to you that your premise is about as safe and sound as a gerbil in a San Francisco pet shop.

Keep thinking you have it figured out. It amuses me greatly. :lol:
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by JHawkBCD »

Good job, James... meltdown complete.

Did you get into a teleconference with Zyclone and Shrubber before that pic went up? It came from Zyclone's stash, so it's obvious who you "run" with.

That's an eight year old pic, take it for what it's worth. Thing is, I never made any claims that I was "beautiful", or bragged about "how much ass I pull".

In your case, however, someone that brags as much as you on an internet message board (nearly 1000 posts worth within 3 1/2 months) and takes smack lessons from Zyinfo and Roger_the_Sclerosis, there is no fucking way that you pull ass, even if there was a Peterbilt full of it parked next to your house.

Epcot meltdown. And be sure to ask Zyclone when he plans to have his oral surgeon fix that beautiful one-inch overbite that he sports in those pics that he's posted. Unless he's happy with it because he can strip a corn cob clean with his jaw closed.
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Post by Jimmy Medalions »

This thread wrote:Image
DeWayne Walker wrote:"They could have put 55 points on us today. I was happy they didn't run the score up. . . .
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »

High Self Gloss will always be a lightning rod for an eventual pile on.

For that reason alone, RJ has had a bullseye on him for quite a white.

With that said, RJ is also one of the funnier contributers to the board,
and is most definetly Val Venis incarnate.
Rack him for that.

It always cracks me up when you see the "support" show up in a thread like this.
How exactly do you take a side when there's no issue?

Some people forget this board isn't 7th grade lunch.
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Post by Dinsdale »

KC Scott wrote:Some people forget this board isn't 7th grade lunch.
I always dug the hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes.

RACK RJ and Inwhitewimminisus. Nice heavyweight bout, right there.

Of all the numerous bombs dropped, I think I have to go with --
Invictus wrote:bukkake bullseye
From somewhere up in Troll Heaven, Valvenis is smiling down upon us all.
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Post by Felix »

KC Scott wrote: .....RJ is also one of the funnier contributers to the board,
and is most definetly Val Venis incarnate.
Rack him for that.

This place would be much less entertaining without him.

One of the better threads in a long time.
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Post by Diogenes »

Invictus wrote:Only motherfuckers who DON'T get a lot of ass feel the need to brag about it to strange men.
Those who can, do.

Those who can't, talk about it.

And based on what I hear from the ladies, the more they talk, the worse they are at it if they actually get anywhere.
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Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:Some funny cartoons, yeah, I laughed.

WEAK move by Dave though, fans.

Put your hatred and penis envy of RJ aside for a moment and see this for what it is.

Put yourself there and see what you would think of it.

Yeah, yeah......RJ's got a big mouth, etc, etc.......

The end justifies the means......etc, etc.....

I hear y'all.

You know what?

Dave couldn't smack, never has been able to.

James went yard on him a few times and the frustration mounted.

Soooooo he played punk.

Salute the goon.

Rack James bro' for his blasts in here.

Pride and Poise

If he's coming out as being a racist tool, then rack his honesty.

If he isn't a born-again aryan, then Vic has definitly gotten into his head.
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Post by Diogenes »

JHawkBCD wrote:Good job, James... meltdown complete.

Did you get into a teleconference with Zyclone and Shrubber before that pic went up? It came from Zyclone's stash, so it's obvious who you "run" with.

That's an eight year old pic, take it for what it's worth. Thing is, I never made any claims that I was "beautiful", or bragged about "how much ass I pull".
So you're saying someone whining what a pussy move it is to post others pics without their permission dropped an old of you here?

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Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Some people forget this board isn't 7th grade lunch.
I always dug the hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes.
I dunno... seems like everybody has pointed their finger-guns at James & did the "Bang, bang- you're a dork!" thingie, btw
Invictus wrote:bukkake bullseye
From somewhere up in Troll Heaven, Valvenis is smiling down upon us all.
BWAHHHH!!! RACK! the ever living fuck outta that!
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Post by poptart »

KC Scott wrote:How exactly do you take a side when there's no issue?
PSU's not some half-baked dipfuck poster hanging around in here.


James says he gave no permission for Dave to put his pics up here.

Am I wrong about that....?

If you know something other than that then speak up, rozy.

Otherwise I'll assume that you're just the takeless shitstain cheerleader that you've always been.
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Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:
KC Scott wrote:How exactly do you take a side when there's no issue?
PSU's not some half-baked dipfuck poster hanging around in here.


James says he gave no permission for Dave to put his pics up here.

Am I wrong about that....?

If you know something other than that then speak up, rozy.

Otherwise I'll assume that you're just the takeless shitstain cheerleader that you've always been.
Let's see.....

I think I've agreed with you more often than not.

And PSU just about never.

So I think I can be objective in stating that unless PSU used some sort of Admin intercept to steal the pic, Metrosexual Man lost any cred when he did the same thing he was whining about.

PSU's move was bullshit.

James' was pussified squared.

And unless he has a history of dropping the race card on a whim,Invicus got in his head about 200%
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Post by poptart »

Diogenes wrote:So I think I can be objective in stating that unless PSU used some sort of Admin intercept to steal the pic, Metrosexual Man lost any cred when he did the same thing he was whining about.

PSU's move was bullshit.

James' was pussified squared.
If I'm an administrator, I NEVER put someone's pic up without asking them.

But maybe that's just the way I roll.

James shouldn't have put JFlock's pic up, I agree.

It should be noted that Flock's grille has been up previously (another pic) at Smackboard (and maybe elsewhere), however, James is not in a position as an administrator on this board, and he did not START the pic posting in this thread.
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Post by Diogenes »

poptart wrote:
Diogenes wrote:So I think I can be objective in stating that unless PSU used some sort of Admin intercept to steal the pic, Metrosexual Man lost any cred when he did the same thing he was whining about.

PSU's move was bullshit.

James' was pussified squared.
If I'm an administrator, I NEVER put someone's pic up without asking them.

But maybe that's just the way I roll.

James shouldn't have put JFlock's pic up, I agree.

It should be noted that Flock's grille has been up previously (another pic) at Smackboard (and maybe elsewhere), however, James is not in a position as an administrator on this board, and he did not START the pic posting in this thread.
I don't disagree with any of that.

But James' real gripe is with whoever he gave the pic to in the first place.

And bottom line, he compiled getting played for a fool by making an even bigger ass of himself.

No sympathy here.

And jeah, Psu is a fuckstain.

Did I mention that already?
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Post by JHawkBCD »

Diogenes wrote: So you're saying someone whining what a pussy move it is to post others pics without their permission dropped an old of you here?

No, I'm saying that he gets the glass dick for dropping a pic that's been dropped many a time before, and acting like he's found a gold mine.

BTW, Rack PSU. Twice.
Last edited by JHawkBCD on Sun May 15, 2005 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Raydah James wrote:RTT bitches
That's me!!
Headsucking mvscal In Charge?
Who's that? PSUFan? Didn't know he was part of the RTT circle jerk.
Head mvscal
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

Invictus wrote:(bass player probably didn't like it tickling his scrot)
hair that looks it was a bukkake bullseye.
they all look like squashed assholes.
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Post by Bizzarofelice »

rozy wrote:
I like the shit outta RJ and have thought all along he is one of the most entertaining reads here. And he knows that.

This just wasn't his thread. Vic got him hard, early, and all night long.
That's what I'm saying... without the naked dude as an av.
KCScott wrote:High Self Gloss will always be a lightning rod for an eventual pile on.
James, you got your purty face on Candid Camera, smile, laugh along and take your lumps. Ask IndyFrisco how horrible his fellatio thread was. If you don't remember, it wasn't that abusive or horrible of a thread. This one, on the other hand, will be in the archives so that all can witness you melting and Vic kicking you while you're down.
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Post by PrimeX »

Am I supposed to archive this now?
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Post by poptart »

Ask the administrator.

.........or rozy.
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Post by PrimeX »

poptart wrote: .........or rozy.
That chick calls me names like CubfanX and shit. She's a total bitch.
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Post by Jimmy Medalions »

PrimeX wrote:Am I supposed to archive this now?
Ya. Where the fuck you been?
DeWayne Walker wrote:"They could have put 55 points on us today. I was happy they didn't run the score up. . . .
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Post by Adelpiero »

PrimeX wrote:Am I supposed to archive this now?
Not yet!
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Post by ElvisMonster »

poptart wrote:...that's just the way I roll.
Rack you, dollar menu guy.
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Post by PrimeX »

Jimmy Medalions wrote:
PrimeX wrote:Am I supposed to archive this now?
Ya. Where the fuck you been?
Do you mean like "where the fuck you been, I totally missed your posts" or "where the fuck you been get your head outa your ass?"

I'm so hoping it's the first one.
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Post by bbqjones »

hello primex. im staring at you.
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Post by M2 »

I'm just here to "Rack"(old school)...

RJ, Vic, PSU, and the rest of the fucks... for some good ass smack

This thread is a Win/Win for all

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Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

I just want to get in on the Rack Parade, this will be in the Archives and I want in along with it. :-)
Ingse Bodil wrote:rich jews aren't the same as real jews, though, right?
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Post by Jimmy Medalions »

PrimeX wrote:
Jimmy Medalions wrote:
PrimeX wrote:Am I supposed to archive this now?
Ya. Where the fuck you been?
Do you mean like "where the fuck you been, I totally missed your posts" or "where the fuck you been get your head outa your ass?"

I'm so hoping it's the first one.
Can I order both and take some home with me? :oops:
DeWayne Walker wrote:"They could have put 55 points on us today. I was happy they didn't run the score up. . . .
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Post by poptart »

Wow TWIS, amazing.

Never would have figured you for a bandwagon fuck.
KC Scott

Post by KC Scott »


So what did we learn from all of this?

Not too much except it's fun to pile on self glossers,
you shouldn't send your picture to anyone on a smackboard
if you don't expect it to get posted and
racial blasts are meltdowns no matter how you spin them.

Off to the Chives Now
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