A separate debate can be had regarding which should felons be allowed to vote or not.
However, Holder, said some idiotic things in his speech regarding this topic.
What? Because these individuals can no longer vote in some states, they are more likely to commit future crimes? Bull. They had the ability to vote prior to committing their first crime, but didn't stop them from committing said crime. Further if some states allow felons to vote, why wouldn't they move there then?Eric Holder wrote:"These restrictions are not only unnecessary and unjust, they are also counterproductive. By perpetuating the stigma and isolation imposed on formerly incarcerated individuals, these laws increase the likelihood they will commit future crimes."
Further, a study of released prisoners found the 52% end up back in prison and most of those within three years of release date. So long before most of these felons would complete the terms of their release (and therefore eligible to vote in most states) they are back in prison anyway.
Eric Holder's DOJ also recently sent schools across the country a letter telling them that some school punishments are racist. First among its decrees: Schools should not strive to treat all races the same; rather, they should treat the races differently, levying weaker punishments when necessary, in order to effect equal outcomes among students of all races. IE, if one race commits more acts that deserve punishment than another, the race that commits more punishable acts should be punished less severely than the other race so as to equal out total punishment.
Read that bold underlined section again. When schools treat kids exactly the same regardless of the kids skin color, they are in fact racist.Eric Holder's DOJ wrote:“Schools also violate Federal law when they evenhandedly implement facially neutral policies and practices that, although not adopted with the intent to discriminate, nonetheless have an unjustified effect of discriminating against students on the basis of race...Examples of policies that can raise disparate impact concerns include policies that impose mandatory suspension, expulsion, or citation (e.g., ticketing or other fines or summonses) upon any student who commits a specified offense — such as being tardy to class, being in possession of a cellular phone, being found insubordinate, acting out, or not wearing the proper school uniform.”
This is absolutely crazy. Let's use tardiness as an example. The example school is 90% black and 10% white. This school has a mandatory detention for any student that is tardy to any class. For each tardy, the student has to spend 30 minutes in detention after school. On the example day 27 black students are tardy and 3 white students are tardy to a class. The black students are each given the standard 30 minutes of detention after school. In order to comply with the DOJ directive, the 3 white students are required to be given 4.5 hours of detention each.
This Eric Holder really is a dumb human.