"Twas brillag and the slimy toad,
Did Goober bumble in the wake,
All whimsy were his borrowed woes,
And useless takes he'd make.
Take care you Gooberwock, old son!
The jaws that gum, the takes that lack!
'Beware the Jaybird strong, and shun
His furious Bandersmack!”
'Goobs took his purple sword in hand;
So limp, so short with this he faught—
'So rested he by the Dumb dumb tree
And slumped awhile in thought.
'And, as in oafish thought he stood,
The Gooberwock, with sad eyes came,
Came whiffing through the Oneboad wood,
And gurgled his poor game!
One, two! One, two! More shots will do!
White foaming down his wrinkled neck!
'Twas sperm that sped, ran down his head,
And kept his straightness checked.
And hast thou slain the Jaybird son?
Fess up now, my wrinkled boy!
'O frabjous day! I lay down gay!”
Goobs gurgled in his joy.
’Twas brillig, and the slimy toad,
Did Goober swallow in the wake,
All whimsy were his borrowed thoughts,
And the takes he fakes."