Dinsdale wrote:Constitutionally, getting married is a "right" (multiple SCOTUS decisions). And there is no compelling reason for the government (be it state or federal) to dictate who a person can or cannot marry, since, as Diego pointed out, marriage carries certain privileges with it.
Total bullshit.
1) The Supreme Court makes
many decisions which are quite ponderous, to say the least. Ever heard of Barrycare?
2) Part of being a champion of the Constitution is recognizing state's rights. You want an authority from on high to come down and tell the people of a state that they are not FREE to establish the standard for receiving a marriage license in their state. You advocate tyranny. Of course there are compelling reasons for a state establishing a marriage standard. Pop your head out of you ass and stop gobbling up the spoon-fed fag propaganda you get, and maybe you can figure some of them out.
Dinsdale wrote:Yes, most states grant 16yo's the privilege of obtaining a driver's license. I'm not aware of any state forbidding homosexuals from getting a driver's license. I'm not sure I even understand your point.
Marriage license.
Drivers license.
Food vending license.
Barber's license.
Liquor license.
Fishing license...
States require a given standard to be met for MANY licenses to be granted.
And having a license gives a person "benefits," or otherwise they would not be sought after.
You have a driver's license... because it is beneficial to you.
Some mature 15 year old is denied the benefit.
You're fine with it.
Hypocrite on high.
Dinsdale wrote:I can't stretch my imagination far enough to come up with any compelling reason to restrict that right.
Maybe YOU can't, but the people of the state of California sure could.
And they were told they are not allowed to think that way.