Hey Hap, election time must be close at hand

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Post by tough love »

Not everyone was raised in a house of privilege, for some, lies and perfidy were nonexistent.

Poli_ Funny:

The despicable two faced traitor poli_skank saying that she only joined the ranks of the openly corrupt because she, "owed it to her contrituents."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It would be just terrible for Canada if the Liberals profited from this horrid example of betrayal.
Not that that could possible deplete their Party's moral stature futher than they themselves have mismanaged to do, but Canada as a whole has never ventured so low as to knowingly reward such treachery.

How this power slut can even live with herself is beyond me, and anyone who still believes in that little thang called honor.
For the sake of whatever remains relatively decent, the people of Canada need to collectively administer their contempt toward this vile creatures unholy uncanadian act of complete and total self-serving selloutatude.

We the people needs to start drawing lines on what sort of behaviour we the people are willing to accept from these pathetic po$ers.
And we needs to do this right quick.

VOTE HARPER...cuz he just may be the only poli-man in Ottawa who didn't dink Stronach

P.S...THANK YOU POLI_TARDS, for the bestest time ever. :)
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by fix »

^^^ Jilted

Are you related to Peter MacKay by chance? :lol::lol::lol:

Belinda saw Harper for what he is.. a Reform party advocate who is in bed with the seperatists.

RACK her for not wanting to be part of that pathetic group.
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Post by tough love »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And wAr another large segment of our electorial society who are now unwittingly sided with their sworn enemy.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Go Rich People...Wha'da scam of a system they do play upon the blinded.


VOTE HARPER....He likes some of the same foods that you do.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by fix »

Hap's silence yesterday speaks volumes about the state of his party... :lol::lol::lol:

Any early predictions on the outcome of the vote today?

Me: The Conservitards will stay true to form and lose yet another vote.

Carolyn Parrish may not make the vote.. appendicitis :mad:
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Post by tough love »

I honestly can't see how anyone could get enjoyment outta what that self-serving bimbo whore did; not that her sinking our dysfunctional pol_system to an even lower depth than it already was, has in any way changed my reason not to vote. (unless I get paid too....nudge nudge)

Aside from Viper being raised by commies, and you being parented by lesbians; placing both your heads so far up the heathen ass that you are well beyond the stink, explains your lack of distain for what is unfolding before your very cushioned pink eyes.

I'm pretty sure that Hap is feeling a tad disenchanted with the whole of it about now, so cut the guy some slack for at least caring about the overall state of this once great country.

Word Hap...Next comes; giving up on all things poli, than comes the disappointment that all poli_clones just don't get that they are being played for suckers, over and over again.
It get worse...Many voting tards are so wrapped up in their plastic that they no longer care about moral values.

Sure one Party wins, but the true victor continues to be Greed

Welcome to the real world, Hap.
Laugh, or go fn nuts.

VOTE HARPER...Cuz he eats all his peas.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by fix »

tough love wrote:I honestly can't see how anyone could get enjoyment outta what that self-serving bimbo whore did; not that her sinking our dysfunctional pol_system to an even lower depth than it already was, has in any way changed my reason not to vote. (unless I get paid too....nudge nudge)

Aside from Viper being raised by commies, and you being parented by lesbians; placing both your heads so far up the heathen ass that you are well beyond the stink, explains your lack of distain for what is unfolding before your very cushioned pink eyes.

I'm pretty sure that Hap is feeling a tad disenchanted with the whole of it about now, so cut the guy some slack for at least caring about the overall state of this once great country.

Word Hap...Next comes; giving up on all things poli, than comes the disappointment that all poli_clones just don't get that they are being played for suckers, over and over again.
It get worse...Many voting tards are so wrapped up in their plastic that they no longer care about moral values.

Sure one Party wins, but the true victor continues to be Greed

Welcome to the real world, Hap.
Laugh, or go fn nuts.

VOTE HARPER...Cuz he eats all his peas.
Oh boo fucking hoo.. cry us another river tl..

If it had been a Liberal crossing the floor over to the Tories, you'd all be celebrating pulling off a coup..
Same as any party would.

And until Tuesday, Belinda was within the Tories ranks, still seen as the golden girl and an intracite part of the Conservatives plan to help win over vote rich Ontario.

The whole act being spun by the right wing now is nothing but bitterness at them being jilted by someone that was so key to their election chances.
She saw the Conservative agenda for what it truely is... not a Progessive Conservative platform.. it's the Reformed Alliance agenda being spun under the guise of the Conservative banner.
And that's not what she believes in.
If you saw anything of her during the Conservative convention a couple of months back, you'd have seen she didn't like the direction and decisions being made by the far right party leadership.

What was it DrDetroit said to a Democrat a few days back..

You lost in 1993, 1997, 2000 and 2004. Get over it.
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Post by fix »

Harper said he was "embarrassed" and deeply regretted that Parliament had decided to maintain its confidence in a "corrupt party."

Harper should be embarassed, it's obvious to everyone but him and his flock of sheep that he's not a leader that anyone will respect enough to vote for.
And he just lost yet another vote..

Scobode Liberals.

Once again.
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Post by tough love »

Otis Wrote:
Oh boo fucking hoo.. cry us another river tl..

If I could, I would cause a flood.

If it had been a Liberal crossing the floor over to the Tories, you'd all be celebrating pulling off a coup..
Same as any party would.

NO WAY...What Mackay did to Orchard was completely different. Totally :)

And until Tuesday, Belinda was within the Tories ranks, still seen as the golden girl and an intracite part of the Conservatives plan to help win over vote rich Ontario.

She was also the slutty spoilt rich daddy's girl, and now your stuck with it...Baawaa

The whole act being spun by the right wing now is nothing but bitterness at them being jilted by someone that was so key to their election chances.
She saw the Conservative agenda for what it truely is... not a Progessive Conservative platform.. it's the Reformed Alliance agenda being spun under the guise of the Conservative banner.
And that's not what she believes in.
If you saw anything of her during the Conservative convention a couple of months back, you'd have seen she didn't like the direction and decisions being made by the far right party leadership.

Poor little golden Paris...boohoo...She don't likky wikky...She go shopping, make it wal bedder.

What was it DrDetroit said to a Democrat a few days back..

Dr. Who???
Is that the incessant nit picker that some others tried to bout up against Assinine?
If yes, I can now see the humor of that transpiring, for about 10 seconds.
Do me a favor...Never quote the brainwashed again...TIA.

You lost in 1993, 1997, 2000 and 2004. Get over it.

I Did?
Must of been the water or something, cuz up to losing all poli-hope in these corrupt pieces of shinny smilie shits, I was more libby than not.

Again; to celebrate this sort of crap happening in our warped flawed system, just makes it easier for all these poli-tards to continue screwing us over and over again.
Hey; you wanna keep handing the thiefs your keys, go right ahead and empower scumbags.
Have your non-C vote....Personally; I can't see how anyone could have any confidence in this joke of a soap opera parliament where every acting character lacks character.
Nice Win..Not

VOTE HARPER....He has Ivory soft hands.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Viper in Vancouver »

TL, my dad was an investmant banker and my mom was in charge of running the palliative wards in the Vancouver area. Trust me, I wasn't raised my commies or left wing granola crunchers. I have based my political opinions from what I personally believe in.

HAHAHAHAHA Harper isn't going to get his election. The Conservatives are never going to get in power and I love it. When the Conservatives dumped Cadman because he had cancer, it was a classless move and it once again come back to bite them in the ass :lol:
Is Rozy a man or a woman? This thing has a chicks name and deleates threads about hot chicks. I'm guessing this loser isn't a dude
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Post by tough love »

Viper Wrote:
I have based my political opinions from what I personally believe in.
Viper Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA Harper isn't going to get his election. The Conservatives are never going to get in power and I love it. :lol:
So you believe in being the immature brat.

I blame that on your silver spoon upbringing.

And that hatred for all of Canada thang you go going on just may be the drugs.

According to you, you either believe in the Quebec Party, the Jack Layton Party, or the now ruling, Ontario Party; or does your overly astute poli_opinion system have you siding with some fringe group?

Not that that would be a bad thing.

A vote for The Rhinos, The Natural Law, or the Heavily Zonked Party would personally do you as much good as what we the people will ever get from any of these main stream po$ers.

BtW...It's pretty funny hearing all that Alliance/Blog connection crap coming from the Liberal/Ontario connection crap mongers.

Vote Harper....His babies greed for greater opulence.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by fix »

TL, good article written in of all places, the Calgary Sun..
Loss dissected

By RICK BELL -- Calgary Sun

Et tu, Chuck? Poor Stephen Harper, hoist on his own petard.

After the despair of defeat seeps into the skulls of those who picture themselves in power mere days and weeks ago, where will all the vitriol now vent?

Which conspiracy will be contrived to account for what has occurred to the Conservatives?

Once again down in the national polls, ailing in all-important Ontario, antsy about taking the Liberals to another vote.

Can't blame Chuck Cadman. Chuck didn't do a deal. Chuck didn't score a cushy cabinet post. Chuck didn't fish for favours. Chuck is a genuine grassroots good guy who takes to politics after his teenage son is murdered, a dad determined to work for the rights of victims, a most conservative concept.

Talk about conservative concepts. Back in the day, Chuck Cadman was a Reform fellow. So he follows the Reform way. Vote with the people and Chuck the one-time Reformer votes the way the majority in his Lower Mainland riding of Surrey North want him to vote. Most don't want an election right now. Many like this Liberal-NDP budget with all sorts of spending for such places as Surrey.

So Chuck votes to keep the government going. Old rank-and-file Reformers, and their numbers are legion in Alberta, should be commending Chuck. Slapping him on the back. Democracy in action. Truly inspiring. Way to go, Chuck.

Must be tough, though, to be taken down by a guy you dumped. Last election, Chuck the Conservative is a loyal sitting MP, but the Tories decide to dump Chuck who turns around, runs as an independent and the sensible souls of Surrey, not about to be led by the nose, cast their ballots for their Chuck and whip the Tories silly.

Then, isn't life strange? This week, Chuck has the final say. Would've been nice to have him on the Conservative side for the big one. Then again, what goes around, comes around.

Can't bellyache anymore against Belinda. No points for picking on the former Tory star. Belinda is now seen as the prodigal back with the family. After all, Belinda never hid what few ideas she possesses. She is no conservative, but Tories didn't care. They used her and she used them until the marriage of convenience is no longer convenient for Belinda.

Belinda is now like the good daughter who runs with the bad crowd but then tires of them and finally returns home. "Now, dear, we're glad you saw those people for who they were. Your room is just as you left it."

If Belinda isn't a prodigal in the beginning she sure is after the Tories, who love her until they lose her, chatter on about her prostituting and whoring herself out. Just when you think the knuckle-draggers are safely in the box marked PREHISTORIC they peep out, foot firmly in mouth.

Yes, you can blame Chuck or Belinda or Confederation itself. Play sore loser all you want. But the Liberals outsmarted the Tories.

The Liberals offered an election after the Gomery Commission report, ready to run against their own corruption. They brought the NDP on board with a spending budget, allowing themselves an easy out. Aw shucks, we Liberals just want to help little kiddies and po' folks. We want to get on with the business of government.

Harper, in opposing at any and all opportunities, paints himself as more pit bull than politician. Silver lining in the dark cloud for Conservatives? If there were an election today, the Tories wouldn't win.

So let the whining begin. Allow those who grieve to spout off about a separatism for Alberta that will never happen.

It is all so tiresome. Face it. The rest of Canada will not buy into the ideology of official Alberta. The rest of Canada is not, never was and never will be as right wing as the majority here wants.

So there is a choice. Become more like the rest of Canada, leave Canada or keep steering to the right and shut up when another one is put in the loss column.

Only question.

If Alberta ever cuts loose, could we still have Victoria Day as a holiday?
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Post by Diogenes »

Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.

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Post by tough love »

the sensible souls of Surrey,
Aren't they the same shameless tards who just voted Liberal. :lol:

I agree with Chucks decision, and applaud his courage, but am still not getting how any of this crap is suppose to instill confidence into anyone.
If anything; poli_tards behaving like 12 yr olds just proves that we are being mis-managed by emotional misfits.

Make then stop, Otis.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Viper in Vancouver »

tough love wrote:
Viper Wrote:
I have based my political opinions from what I personally believe in.
Viper Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA Harper isn't going to get his election. The Conservatives are never going to get in power and I love it. :lol:
So you believe in being the immature brat.

I blame that on your silver spoon upbringing.

And that hatred for all of Canada thang you go going on just may be the drugs.

According to you, you either believe in the Quebec Party, the Jack Layton Party, or the now ruling, Ontario Party; or does your overly astute poli_opinion system have you siding with some fringe group?

Not that that would be a bad thing.

A vote for The Rhinos, The Natural Law, or the Heavily Zonked Party would personally do you as much good as what we the people will ever get from any of these main stream po$ers.

BtW...It's pretty funny hearing all that Alliance/Blog connection crap coming from the Liberal/Ontario connection crap mongers.

Vote Harper....His babies greed for greater opulence.
Harper is being the immature brat and he's the one trying to become Prime Minister, not me. I also don't believe in any fringe group. I like some of the things the Green party stands for, but I also disagree with a lot of what the stand for as well. I also like a lot o fwhat the NDP stands for, but I don't like Layton and they're just a little too left for me. Tough Love, that would leave your buddies that are currently in power, that I'll be voting for. I don't like corruption, but I'll take ayone over G.W. Harper any day
Is Rozy a man or a woman? This thing has a chicks name and deleates threads about hot chicks. I'm guessing this loser isn't a dude
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Post by tough love »

Viper Wrote:
Tough Love, that would leave your buddies that are currently in power, that I'll be voting for. I don't like corruption, but I'll take ayone over G.W. Harper any day
My Buddies???
I really got nothing against East of Thunder Bay Ontario, Vip, but I wouldn't go so far as to consider The Pockets Party, my buddies.
For one thing, Vip, contrary to what your poli_dad, and your crack province would suggest, real buddies don't steal from buddies.

Not that it really matters who we pick anymore, cuz under flawed systems, we the people will always be the ones who end up getting screwed.
Our one and only hope lie's in the expectations and promise of getting screwed to a lesser degree by the newly-elected liar, than that which was done upon us by the previous bright and shinny de$pots.

VOTE HARPER....Cuz He's No Jap Bastard
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by Viper in Vancouver »

tough love wrote:
Viper Wrote:
Tough Love, that would leave your buddies that are currently in power, that I'll be voting for. I don't like corruption, but I'll take ayone over G.W. Harper any day
My Buddies???
I really got nothing against East of Thunder Bay Ontario, Vip, but I wouldn't go so far as to consider The Pockets Party, my buddies.
For one thing, Vip, contrary to what your poli_dad, and your crack province would suggest, real buddies don't steal from buddies.

Not that it really matters who we pick anymore, cuz under flawed systems, we the people will always be the ones who end up getting screwed.
Our one and only hope lie's in the expectations and promise of getting screwed to a lesser degree by the newly-elected liar, than that which was done upon us by the previous bright and shinny de$pots.

VOTE HARPER....Cuz He's No Jap Bastard
I was being facetious with the "your buddies" comment
Is Rozy a man or a woman? This thing has a chicks name and deleates threads about hot chicks. I'm guessing this loser isn't a dude
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Viper Wrote:
I was being facetious with the "your buddies" comment
Been There. :?

If it persists, try Imodium.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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WTF are those po$ers good for?
Did the self-serving a-holes just up and vanish, or are they all in recouperrrs ville after their retardathon of a confidence thingy???



VOTE HARPER....Cuz Vipers Not.
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Post by Hapday »

Sponsorship loss now $355 million, probe finds
CTV.ca News Staff

The total amount of money lost in the sponsorship scandal now appears to be $355 million -- $100 million more than was originally thought.

"If you didn't like the sponsorship program to begin with, you've now got about a hundred million more reasons to not like it," CTV's Jed Kahane told CTV Newsnet on Tuesday.

The new figure of $355 million is from the forensic accounting firm, Kroll Lindquist Avey.

"They have in the past looked for money from such people as Saddam Hussein, the Marcos family, Manuel Noriega -- that sort of thing," Kahane said.

"They're used to looking far and wide for money."

The sponsorship inquiry -- headed up by judge John
Gomery -- was ordered last year, after a report by the federal Auditor General found irregularities in the now-defunct sponsorship program.

The program, established by former prime minister Jean Chretien to promote national unity, wound up paying Liberal-friendly ad firms for little or no work.

Kahane, who is watching the proceedings of the Gomery commission in Montreal, said the total figure is "a lot more money than we thought."

"Up until now, for the past couple of years, we've been talking about $250 million. Kroll and Lindquist says it was $355 million, so a jump of almost 50 per cent."

Kahane also noted that Kroll and Lindquist have produced a 300-page report that shows, in their opinion, how much money was spent and who profited from it.

"For example, the ad firms at the centre of the scandal made $51 million in profits for themselves during the years of the sponsorship program," Kahane reported.

May plead guilty

In other news from the sponsorship inquiry, Paul Coffin, the first person charged in the scandal, has asked that the date of his plea on fraud charges be moved up a week.

Coffin's fraud trial was supposed to begin on June 6. Now he'll enter his plea on May 31, leading to speculation he may plead guilty.

The Crown Prosecutor, Francois Drolet, wouldn't confirm that, but said "the date has not been set for nothing."

In his testimony before the commission in late April, Coffin said the Department of Public Works approved and even encouraged his agency to falsify paperwork and inflate bills for several sponsorship deals, including a 1999 contract to promote the Clarity Act.

Coffin testified his company made nearly $86,500 in commissions from the campaign to promote Jean Chretien's new sovereignty referendum ground rules, even though the work was done by another Liberal-friendly ad agency, Group BCP.

Between 1996 and 2002, Coffin's firm posted $6 million in revenues, of which about $5 million came from government contracts.

Despite the millions in sponsorship contracts received by his company, Coffin insisted he was never pressured to give money to the Liberal party.

The president of Coffin Communication, who is in his 60s, is one of three people facing criminal or civil charges in connection with the sponsorship scandal.

He was arrested in September 2003 on charges relating to 18 federally sponsored events -- ranging from automobile races to festivals -- which took place between 1997 and 2002.

He is scheduled to face trial on June 6.

Also on Tuesday, Alfonso Gagliano has been rebuffed in his bid to help oust Justice John Gomery from the sponsorship inquiry.

A lawyer for the ex-public works minister couldn't persuade a Federal Court judge that Gagliano should be allowed to help remove Gomery

:lol: :lol: :lol:

With files from CTV's Jed Kahane and The Canadian Press
Otis wrote: RACK Harper.
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I Laughed

Then I Cried

But Hap; they were just trying to save Canada - Otis Martin and the Viperettes
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Post by fix »

Those damn Labradorians...

Liberals win crucial byelection
Last Updated Tue, 24 May 2005 22:08:45 EDT
CBC News
HAPPY VALLEY-GOOSE BAY, LABRADOR - The Liberals have held on to the riding of Labrador and that could mean an end to the brinkmanship politics that nearly toppled the government last week.

Along with the crucial byelection victory by 38-year-old Todd Russell, who used to head the Labrador Metis Nation, comes a rebalancing of power in Ottawa.

Liberal candidate Todd Russell celebrates his victory in the federal riding of Labrador. (CP photo)
With half the polls reporting, Russell had double the votes of his Conservative rival.

By winning the Labrador seat the Liberals now have 134 seats in the House of Commons. When combined with the NDP's 19 seats and the support of independent MP Carolyn Parrish, the Liberals need just one more vote from either of the other two independents to secure a majority in the 308 seat House.

It was a beautiful day in most parts of the riding, which sits on the mainland east of Quebec and the significance of the byelection was not lost on the voters.

"It's an important thing. I mean they have to replace Lawrence O'Brien. They're big shoes to fill. And I think I'm going to vote for a candidate who I think is going to do something good and not try to further their own personal agenda," said Keith Russell who voted in Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

The byelection came about after O'Brien's death late last year of cancer.

As in any crucial byelection, voters were treated to a parade of high ranking politicians, including Opposition Leader Stephen Harper, his deputy Peter MacKay, new Liberal cabinet minister Belinda Stronach, and federal Resources Minister John Efford.

Some voters said they were impressed by all the attention, but others said it was a show of desperation.

The Labrador riding has been a Liberal stronghold for more than 30 years, and has only gone to the Conservative once since Confederation, so the outcome was not surprising.

The Conservative candidate was Graham Letto, the mayor of Labrador City.
How dare they make it harder for Harper and his band of seperatist fools to try and bring down the government..


Oh and Hap... I'm not surprised that they did find more money... but from that article, there's still no proof that Martin had anything to do with it.
Those damn sponsership WMD must have been moved out of the country eh? :lol:
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Post by Hapday »

The Gomery inquiry: Forensic study backs allegations from Brault Report supports claim that ad executives made illicit donations to Liberals By TU THANH HA and DANIEL LEBLANC

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Updated at 4:54 AM EDT

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

Montreal and Ottawa — A key report released at the Gomery inquiry yesterday bolsters the allegations of advertising executive Jean Brault that he made illicit donations to Liberal organizers.

The report, by the forensic accounting firm Kroll Lindquist Avey, says that the owners of nine well-connected agencies who benefited from the federal sponsorship program, paid themselves during that period more than $51-million in salaries and bonuses.

Among the nine was Mr. Brault, the former president of the now defunct Groupaction Marketing Inc. ad agency, who has testified that he gave tens of thousands of dollars in unreported cash donations to some Liberal officials.

"We have identified . . . various Groupaction cheques totalling $406,514, which may have provided Mr. J. Brault with the opportunity to obtain cash amounts," the report tabled yesterday says.

Mr. Brault had also alleged that he paid nearly a half million dollars in kickbacks disguised by bogus invoices to PluriDesign Canada Inc., the firm owned by Jacques Corriveau, a friend of former prime minister Jean Chrétien.

The Kroll report notes, "The available documentation does not indicate what services, if any, were provided by PluriDesign to Groupaction for the $430,370 it received from Groupaction."

Doug Mitchell, a lawyer for the Liberal Party, noted that most of the indirect donations attributed to Mr. Brault never made it into party coffers. He underlined the party's argument that the illegal donations were handed to individuals and that the party has set up a trust to repay any confirmed "dirty money."

Between 1994 and 2001, Ottawa allotted $355-million in sponsorship-related spending and ultimately doled out $332-million, including $305-million in private contracts, says the report, expanding the aggregate sums and time span usually cited until now for the controversial program.

Because the Kroll report covers a broader time period, its figures are larger than the previous, often-cited, $250-million estimate given by Auditor-General Sheila Fraser.

The report's authors testified that, despite rumours, they found no traces that money passed through offshore accounts.

"We didn't have any documents which suggest there was other monies offshore somewhere," said the report's co-author, Robert Macdonald.

At the request of inquiry lawyers who didn't want them to interfere with the work of the police, Kroll's specialists did not scrutinize transactions that were the subject of criminal charges or continuing criminal investigations.

The Kroll investigators sorted through an estimated 28.3 million pages from 7,068 boxes of subpoenaed documents.

However, incomplete agency records restricted the investigators' work, the report says.

For example, in the case of Mr. Corriveau -- who, according to the Kroll firm earned $5.5-million in salary, bonuses and dividends during the sponsorship period -- the forensic accountants could not gain access to his bank records from 1994 to 1999.

The report says the Liberal Party got $800,000 in official donations from the nine agencies that Kroll investigated.

(The nine are Lafleur Communication Marketing, Gosselin communications stratégiques, Groupaction Marketing Inc., PluriDesign, Expour/Groupe Polygone, Groupe Everest, Communication Coffin, Vickers & Benson and BCP.)

Of the sponsorship-related contracts, Groupe Everest won the lion's share, with $67.7-million in contracts, thanks mainly to the $27-million Attractions Canada tourism promotion project.

Other big players were Lafleur ($65.5-million ) and Groupaction ($60.8-million).

Other findings in the report include:

Ottawa paid $2.89-million to get visibility through a series of posters on birds and mammals of Canada inserted into Quebec newspapers. The report includes one such poster, showing a picture of a skunk with a Canada logo at the bottom.

During a tour of the replica of the Bluenose schooner, a subcontractor charged at an hourly rate from $12 to $17. Lafleur Communication then billed the hours to the government at a $150 rate.

The Montreal Expos and Canadiens got more money than the Toronto Blue Jays or the Ottawa Senators. The government spent $4.1-million in sponsorship deals involving the Canadiens, compared to $1.9-million for the Ottawa Senators. The Expos got $6-million, while the Blue Jays received $1.4-million.

Rendez-Vous Autochtone, an exhibit of native craft, got $475,000 in sponsorship funding from 2000 to 2002, with bureaucrats apparently being unaware that it was held as part of a larger outdoors show, the Salon National du Grand Air de Montréal, that was getting $1-million a year.

Thanks to the report, for the first time, it can now be reported that after the retirement of Chuck Guité, the bureaucrat who ran the federal sponsorship program, ad agencies paid his consulting firm $525,000, plus Mr. Brault lent him $25,000. In addition, one ad executive bought Mr. Guité's car for $35,000 and another purchased his boat for $27,000.

After the Kroll accountants finish their testimony today, the next scheduled witness will be Gaetano Manganiello, on leave from the Prime Minister's Office of Paul Martin.

Mr. Manganiello does so-called "advance" work for Mr. Martin's travels and is expected to be quizzed on his role in past Liberal election campaigns.

In other developments, a Federal Court judge turned down yesterday an application by former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano to join Mr. Chrétien in a legal bid to recuse the head of the inquiry, Mr. Justice John Gomery.


How to spend $332-million

A report to the Gomery inquiry places the cost of the sponsorship program at $332-million. However, only half went to the promoters of the events that the government wanted to sponsor. Nearly all the rest was used to pay commissions and production costs of ad agencies.

Where the money went

$ million

Commissions/production costs: $147.45: 44.4%

Sponsorship: $164.36: 49.5%

Media purchases: $20.10: 6.1%

Who got the contracts

$ million

Groupe Everest $67.67
Lafleur $65.46
Groupaction $60.83
Groupaction/Gosselin $23.06
Gosselin $21.21
Vickers & Benson $15.36
Compass Communications $15.11
Communication Coffin $8.70
Groupe BCP $6.35
Other $21.35


The skunk

The government paid $2.89-million to raise its profile in a series of posters on birds and mammals of Canada inserted in Quebec newspapers. One poster featured a skunk and a Canada logo.

The Mustang

Following the retirement of Chuck Guité, who ran the program, ad agencies paid his consulting firm $525,000. He got a $25,000 loan. One ad executive bought his red Ford Mustang for $35,000; another purchased his boat for $27,000.

The schooner

In setting up a tour of the replica of the Bluenose, a subcontractor charged an hourly rate of $12 to $17. Lafleur Communication then billed the government $150 an hour, nine times what it paid its subcontractor.

The hockey teams

In all, $10.48-million was spent on professional hockey, most of which went to the Montreal Canadiens, the Ottawa Senators and the National Hockey League itself.

$ million

Montréal Canadiens $4.12
Rafales de Québec $0.59
Ottawa Senators $1.93
Other $0.20
NHL $3.64
Otis wrote: RACK Harper.
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WE WON...sure canada loses, but the important thing is, We WON.

Metis 'eh???
You can tick tock a shit load of public payed for freebees coming to your neighborhood Metis. (who, btw, hold the only real distinction of being the off spring of frogs who mated with resident indians)
I never will understand how that makes 'em special enough to recieve more rights than most others. :roll:

Just So You Know...Real First Nations People have no use for them either.

Quote: HAPPY VALLEY-GOOSE BAY, LABRADOR - The Liberals have held on to the riding of Labrador
Otis Wrote: How dare they make it harder for Harper and his band of seperatist fools to try and bring down the government..

Harder for Harper???
They Held their seat...Nothing has changed.
Martin is still living a la vita paranoid, and Canada is still the better for it.

WAR being to exposed to be the same old same old piece of criminal crapulation.
Canada could use something like a permanent inquiry commission, just to keep all those po$ers on a leash..

Band of seperatist fools???
If anything; it's your corrupt Libby's who are creating a serious rift in the country. Their pathetic display of desperation has shown the whole country what The Federal 'what is' really is.
Anyone with half a brain (Viper gets a pass) can clearly see that when it really gets down to it with all masks removed; The Federal Gov of Canada is for Ontario, by Ontarians.

Can't see the West tolerating being voiceless that for much longer, 'Bro,

Vote Harper...Cuz he is no uppity Metis
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Hapday wrote:
The Gomery inquiry: Forensic study backs allegations from Brault Report supports claim that ad executives made illicit donations to Liberals By TU THANH HA and DANIEL LEBLANC

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 Updated at 4:54 AM EDT

From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

Montreal and Ottawa — A key report released at the Gomery inquiry yesterday bolsters the allegations of advertising executive Jean Brault that he made illicit donations to Liberal organizers.

The report, by the forensic accounting firm Kroll Lindquist Avey, says that the owners of nine well-connected agencies who benefited from the federal sponsorship program, paid themselves during that period more than $51-million in salaries and bonuses.

Among the nine was Mr. Brault, the former president of the now defunct Groupaction Marketing Inc. ad agency, who has testified that he gave tens of thousands of dollars in unreported cash donations to some Liberal officials.

"We have identified . . . various Groupaction cheques totalling $406,514, which may have provided Mr. J. Brault with the opportunity to obtain cash amounts," the report tabled yesterday says.

Mr. Brault had also alleged that he paid nearly a half million dollars in kickbacks disguised by bogus invoices to PluriDesign Canada Inc., the firm owned by Jacques Corriveau, a friend of former prime minister Jean Chrétien.

The Kroll report notes, "The available documentation does not indicate what services, if any, were provided by PluriDesign to Groupaction for the $430,370 it received from Groupaction."

Doug Mitchell, a lawyer for the Liberal Party, noted that most of the indirect donations attributed to Mr. Brault never made it into party coffers. He underlined the party's argument that the illegal donations were handed to individuals and that the party has set up a trust to repay any confirmed "dirty money."

Between 1994 and 2001, Ottawa allotted $355-million in sponsorship-related spending and ultimately doled out $332-million, including $305-million in private contracts, says the report, expanding the aggregate sums and time span usually cited until now for the controversial program.

Because the Kroll report covers a broader time period, its figures are larger than the previous, often-cited, $250-million estimate given by Auditor-General Sheila Fraser.

The report's authors testified that, despite rumours, they found no traces that money passed through offshore accounts.

"We didn't have any documents which suggest there was other monies offshore somewhere," said the report's co-author, Robert Macdonald.

At the request of inquiry lawyers who didn't want them to interfere with the work of the police, Kroll's specialists did not scrutinize transactions that were the subject of criminal charges or continuing criminal investigations.

The Kroll investigators sorted through an estimated 28.3 million pages from 7,068 boxes of subpoenaed documents.

However, incomplete agency records restricted the investigators' work, the report says.

For example, in the case of Mr. Corriveau -- who, according to the Kroll firm earned $5.5-million in salary, bonuses and dividends during the sponsorship period -- the forensic accountants could not gain access to his bank records from 1994 to 1999.

The report says the Liberal Party got $800,000 in official donations from the nine agencies that Kroll investigated.

(The nine are Lafleur Communication Marketing, Gosselin communications stratégiques, Groupaction Marketing Inc., PluriDesign, Expour/Groupe Polygone, Groupe Everest, Communication Coffin, Vickers & Benson and BCP.)

Of the sponsorship-related contracts, Groupe Everest won the lion's share, with $67.7-million in contracts, thanks mainly to the $27-million Attractions Canada tourism promotion project.

Other big players were Lafleur ($65.5-million ) and Groupaction ($60.8-million).

Other findings in the report include:

Ottawa paid $2.89-million to get visibility through a series of posters on birds and mammals of Canada inserted into Quebec newspapers. The report includes one such poster, showing a picture of a skunk with a Canada logo at the bottom.

During a tour of the replica of the Bluenose schooner, a subcontractor charged at an hourly rate from $12 to $17. Lafleur Communication then billed the hours to the government at a $150 rate.

The Montreal Expos and Canadiens got more money than the Toronto Blue Jays or the Ottawa Senators. The government spent $4.1-million in sponsorship deals involving the Canadiens, compared to $1.9-million for the Ottawa Senators. The Expos got $6-million, while the Blue Jays received $1.4-million.

Rendez-Vous Autochtone, an exhibit of native craft, got $475,000 in sponsorship funding from 2000 to 2002, with bureaucrats apparently being unaware that it was held as part of a larger outdoors show, the Salon National du Grand Air de Montréal, that was getting $1-million a year.

Thanks to the report, for the first time, it can now be reported that after the retirement of Chuck Guité, the bureaucrat who ran the federal sponsorship program, ad agencies paid his consulting firm $525,000, plus Mr. Brault lent him $25,000. In addition, one ad executive bought Mr. Guité's car for $35,000 and another purchased his boat for $27,000.

After the Kroll accountants finish their testimony today, the next scheduled witness will be Gaetano Manganiello, on leave from the Prime Minister's Office of Paul Martin.

Mr. Manganiello does so-called "advance" work for Mr. Martin's travels and is expected to be quizzed on his role in past Liberal election campaigns.

In other developments, a Federal Court judge turned down yesterday an application by former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano to join Mr. Chrétien in a legal bid to recuse the head of the inquiry, Mr. Justice John Gomery.


How to spend $332-million

A report to the Gomery inquiry places the cost of the sponsorship program at $332-million. However, only half went to the promoters of the events that the government wanted to sponsor. Nearly all the rest was used to pay commissions and production costs of ad agencies.

Where the money went

$ million

Commissions/production costs: $147.45: 44.4%

Sponsorship: $164.36: 49.5%

Media purchases: $20.10: 6.1%

Who got the contracts

$ million

Groupe Everest $67.67
Lafleur $65.46
Groupaction $60.83
Groupaction/Gosselin $23.06
Gosselin $21.21
Vickers & Benson $15.36
Compass Communications $15.11
Communication Coffin $8.70
Groupe BCP $6.35
Other $21.35


The skunk

The government paid $2.89-million to raise its profile in a series of posters on birds and mammals of Canada inserted in Quebec newspapers. One poster featured a skunk and a Canada logo.

The Mustang

Following the retirement of Chuck Guité, who ran the program, ad agencies paid his consulting firm $525,000. He got a $25,000 loan. One ad executive bought his red Ford Mustang for $35,000; another purchased his boat for $27,000.

The schooner

In setting up a tour of the replica of the Bluenose, a subcontractor charged an hourly rate of $12 to $17. Lafleur Communication then billed the government $150 an hour, nine times what it paid its subcontractor.

The hockey teams

In all, $10.48-million was spent on professional hockey, most of which went to the Montreal Canadiens, the Ottawa Senators and the National Hockey League itself.

$ million

Montréal Canadiens $4.12
Rafales de Québec $0.59
Ottawa Senators $1.93
Other $0.20
NHL $3.64

Audit team turns up no smoking gun
Hired to help Gomery in scandal probe

Money trail to Liberals remains murky


Montreal—The Liberal Party of Canada may have received more than $2.5 million from ad firms that raked in more than $1.4 billion in federal government sponsorship and advertising contracts, a team of auditors told the Gomery commission yesterday.

But the key word is may.

After almost a year of anticipation, a crack team of investigators from Kroll Lindquist Avey, one of the world's best forensic auditing firms, did not reveal any smoking gun in the sponsorship scandal.

Neither Prime Minister Paul Martin nor his predecessor Jean Chrétien was linked to the scandal by the auditors, who were paid $7.5 million to help Justice John Gomery get to the bottom of the sponsorship affair.

Former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano, who oversaw the sponsorship program, also escaped any major criticism. Retired civil servant Chuck Guité, who doled out the multi-million-dollar contracts, was barely mentioned.

The report also shed little new light — or proof — on cash payments allegedly sent by some ad firm executives to the cash-strapped Liberal party to wage election campaigns in Quebec.

In fact, in their 179-page report, the auditors — who failed to get access to many banking records vital to showing the complete sponsorship money trail — even hedged their conclusion on how much money the ad firms actually sent to the Liberal party.

Of the $2.56 million that may have been sent to the Liberal party, only $801,000 was direct payments that have been proven and acknowledged by the party. Those donations came from nine companies that did business with Ottawa between 1994 and 2004.

The remaining $1.76 million in donations allegedly came from the ad firm Groupaction and its former president Jean Brault, the man at the centre of the scandal. Brault and Guité now face a criminal trial in connection with the sponsorship program.

Brault rocked the Liberal government with testimony in April that he secretly funnelled more than $1 million to party organizers to smooth his way to more than $66 million in sponsorship contracts.

But the auditors cite no new evidence to back up Brault's allegations. Their $1.76 million estimate of Liberal donations is, they write in a footnote, "per allegation by Mr. J. Brault, (but) the actual amount paid to the Liberal party is unknown."

"While we can't state categorically that these are related to the Liberal party, we can state that we can identify these payments at least having come out of Mr. Brault's books and records," Kroll auditor Steven Whitla testified.

"It will be up to the commissioner to decide whether they are, in fact, politically related."

As for Brault's explosive allegations that he also sent more than $100,000 in cash to Liberal organizers for the party's use — often delivered in envelopes stuffed with cash — the auditors conclude the amount of cash remains "unknown."

They do note, however, that Brault did have access to large amounts of cash through Groupaction and its subsidiaries. The auditors found "Groupaction cheques totalling $406,514, which may have provided Mr. J. Brault with the opportunity to obtain cash amounts."

The Liberal party was quick to praise the auditors' findings, suggesting their report shows the scandal does not stretch into the upper echelons of the party.

"This does not appear to have been, from what Kroll is reporting, a great huge scam," said Liberal party lawyer Doug Mitchell.

"It appears to be that some people profited unduly at the expense of the government. It appears there were inadequate controls on the spending. But from what Kroll says it doesn't appear there was a great criminal scheme here."

The auditors estimate the sponsorship program and related programs actually ran from 1994 to 2004, costing taxpayers $355 million — about $100 million more than the usual amount cited for the Liberals' attempt to promote Canada in Quebec after the federalists' near-loss in the 1995 referendum.

As well, the auditors estimate Ottawa spent $1.1 billion for advertising in the same period.

One indisputable conclusion of the auditors is that the ad men who won the bulk of the Liberals' sponsorship and ad contracts got very rich in the Chrétien years.

One of them was Jacques Corriveau, a close friend of the former prime minister whose company PluriDesign Inc. raked in $10.1 million from 1996 to 2004. About $1.2 million of that came from the Liberal party for campaign work, but the bulk came from sponsorship-related contracts, the report found. During that period, Corriveau's salary and bonuses amounted to $4.4 million, not including $1.1 million in dividends transferred to his other company, Jacques Corriveau Designer Inc.

In another development, a federal judge yesterday denied Gagliano's request to help oust the head of the inquiry.

"It was an awful argument," Justice Max Teitelbaum told Gagliano's lawyer in Ottawa. "I look at the application of your client and it tells me nothing."

Gagliano was seeking intervenor status in a motion launched by Chrétien.

Both men have argued Gomery is biased against them and should be removed from the inquiry.

But Teitelbaum said Gagliano offered no compelling explanation for what he would add to the proceedings.

With files from Canadian Press

So much for that crack team of independent forensic audtiors tying Martin into it eh Hap?
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l to r: Gomery, Otis
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Conservatives want to give Gomery teeth


OTTAWA -- The Conservatives have set the stage for a potentially acrimonious return to Parliament on Monday by blindsiding the government with three motions -- including one calling for indictments in the sponsorship inquiry -- for the first House opposition day since the showdown over the Liberal hold on power began last month.

The first Conservative motion listed on the order paper calls on the government to amend the terms of reference for Justice John Gomery's inquiry into the $250-million sponsorship scandal "to allow the commissioner to name names and assign responsibility."

Liberal party witnesses and advertising executives have testified hundreds of thousands of dollars of sponsorship money were illegally funnelled to campaign workers and the Quebec wing of the federal Liberal party for federal elections campaigns.

The Conservative motion stems from opposition allegations Gomery will be prevented from assigning blame by a paragraph in his mandate that directs him "to perform his duties without expressing any conclusion or recommendation regarding the civil or criminal liability of any person or organization."

The paragraph also directs Gomery not to jeopardize criminal investigations or trials.

Conservative party official Geoff Norquay acknowledged the Gomery motion has no binding force on the government and will be no more than an expression of advice from the Commons.

But he said the party intends in part to test the extent of the alliance the NDP forged with the Liberals in order to pass the budget legislation.

"One of the things that will be revealed in the next little while is the extent of the NDP-Liberal coalition," said Norquay. "In our view, the NDP has signed on to support Liberal corruption and they will have to put their money where there mouth is and reveal whether they're in for a penny, in for a pound with the government."

NDP MPs have said since the budget vote, which included a bill containing $4.5 billion in new spending programs sought by the NDP, the party should wrest further concessions from the minority Liberals in return for continued NDP support.

The NDP did not respond Friday to a request for an interview about the Conservative motion.

A spokesperson for Public Works Minister Scott Brison said the Tory move is unnecessary and an attempt to discredit Gomery. :lol: :lol:

Press secretary Renee David said the Inquiries Act already gives Gomery the mandate to assign blame once the inquiry is complete.

"It's a blatant attempt to discredit an independent judicial inquiry and the work of Justice Gomery," said David.

She said the Inquiries Act allows commissions of inquiry to make "findings of misconduct" against individuals.

David added the paragraph prohibiting conclusions or recommendations about civil or criminal liability is a routine direction given to all commissions of inquiry to prevent them from interfering with the judicial process or fair trials.

The government also said Friday that one of the motions, expressing non-confidence in the government, contradicts Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's pledge not to try to topple the Liberals following the cliff-hanger confidence vote May 19.

Furthermore, since the Conservatives gave the required 48-hour notice on three motions rather than one for the opposition House day scheduled for Tuesday, a spokeswoman for Liberal House leader Tony Valeri said the manoeuvre does not allow the Liberals a fair opportunity to prepare for the debate.

Under Commons rules, the government might not find out until Tuesday morning which of the three motions will be moved. A vote will be held following the debate Tuesday or the next day.

Conservative House leader Jay Hill said the possibility of a confidence motion, moved by Harper himself, is a signal the government should not expect a free ride from the opposition simply because the budget bill passed second reading by one vote.

Hill said the Conservatives may inform the government Monday what motion to expect.

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Paul Coffin pleads guilty to fraud in adscam
CTV.ca News Staff

Paul Coffin, the first person charged in the sponsorship scandal, pleaded guilty to 15 out of 18 counts of fraud this morning in a Montreal court.

Coffin, president of Communication Coffin, was arrested in September 2003 on charges relating to 18 federally sponsored events.

Under his pleas, the agreed amount of total fraud against the federal government is $1,556,625 -- which amounts to half of the ad executive's total billings.

"In fact, it was revealed in court that for every dollar he billed legitimately, he billed one fraudulently," said CTV reporter Jed Kahane from outside the Montreal court.

Three of the 18 fraud charges that Coffin originally faced were withdrawn by the Crown.

His plea this morning comes six days ahead of the scheduled beginning of his fraud trial.

Sentencing arguments have been deferred until Aug. 16.

"Mr. Coffin could face up to 10 years in jail for every one of (the 15) counts of fraud," said Kahane, adding, however, that the judge made it clear that Coffin wouldn't face the maximum sentence.

"Mr. Coffin wants to pay back that $1.5 million and that could have some effect on sentencing," he said.

Coffin told the sponsorship inquiry on April 27 he regularly submitted false invoices valued at $2.7 million to the federal government at the request of sponsorship program boss Chuck Guite, who has denied the allegations.

Coffin previously pleaded not guilty to the charges.

In his inquiry testimony, Coffin shed light on alleged bureaucratic cooperation in a scheme to create a trail of falsified paperwork and inflated bills for several files, including then-prime minister Jean Chretien's Clarity Act, which set ground rules for sovereignty referendums.

Justice John Gomery's inquiry is examining irregular spending in the sponsorship program -- which was supposed to promote Canadian unity after the Quebec referendum, but has been accused of funnelling millions in government contracts to Liberal-friendly ad firms.

Coffin also testified at the Gomery inquiry that:

- He fronted a Health Canada ad contract for another ad agency, Gingko Group, and took a commission even though Gingko did all of the work.

- He had a close friendship with Guite and once hired the bureaucrat as a consultant following Guite's retirement.

- Guite and assistant Huguette Tremblay were participants in a scheme to top off production-fee budgets for a number of sponsorship files from 1997 to 1999.

- Guite asked him to bill for hours worked even though Coffin's firm didn't keep time sheets.

- Public Works officials approved, and even encouraged, the massive fees each agency took for managing $250 million in sponsorship deals from 1997 to 2003.

- He sometimes billed taxpayers for work done by his wife, who was not on his payroll.
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:lol: :lol: :lol:
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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WooHoo...They brought the funny back.

:lol: Just heard (CBC) Martin pleading his patented ignorance act concerning The Grewal tapes :lol:
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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tough love wrote:WooHoo...They brought the funny back.

:lol: Just heard (CBC) Martin pleading his patented ignorance act concerning The Grewal tapes :lol:
Mr.Dithers is also now saying, the translation was wrong....the tapes were rigged..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice 'leadership' the gLiberals got going there. The idiots in that shithole known as Southern Ontario still dance and fiddle to Martin's song while Canada burns.
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The Grewal Comedy Fest:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
PM's chief of staff, Tim Murphy:
"It is a welcoming mat that has a lot of nice comfy fur on it."

Sudesh Kalia:
Late yesterday Kalia changed his story, and issued a statement saying it was Grewal -- not the Liberals -- who called him about making an approach to the Grits.

PM Paul Martin:
Pick One;
It never happened
I knew nothing
He called me
Who wouldn't.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is a welcoming mat that has a lot of nice comfy fur on it.
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Hapday wrote:
tough love wrote:WooHoo...They brought the funny back.

:lol: Just heard (CBC) Martin pleading his patented ignorance act concerning The Grewal tapes :lol:
Mr.Dithers is also now saying, the translation was wrong....the tapes were rigged..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nice 'leadership' the gLiberals got going there. The idiots in that shithole known as Southern Ontario still dance and fiddle to Martin's song while Canada burns.
Kicking your own ass again I see? :lol::lol::lol:

Experts say Grewal tapes were altered
Two audio experts have independently concluded that the secret recordings made by MP Gurmant Grewal were edited.

John Dooher, a forensic audio engineer hired by CBC News, said Thursday there is a "crude" edit and something "amiss" about a section of tapes made by the B.C. member of Parliament.

The tape has Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh talking about Grewal's future.

Grewal secretly recorded hours of conversations with Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, the prime minister's chief of staff, about switching parties.

"Right here, we hear what sounds like an edit. We have a change in the frequency spectrum so something has changed there," said Dooher, demonstrating the difference while at a sound board.

His conclusions are supported by Stevan Pausak, one of Canada's leading forensic-sound analysts. Pausak was asked by Canadian Press to carry out a similar examination. He said one of the tapes has an abnormal break, indicting a section may have been cut out.

Dooher said while more sophisticated testing could offer more certainty, he believes his original conclusion.

"This sounds to me, not only that this is an edit, but an edit done with something very crude," he said.

Dosanjh hinted Thursday that Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's office was involved in tampering with the tapes.

"The leader of the Opposition had the tapes for 14 days," Dosanjh said of contentious secret recordings. "What were they doing with them?"

On some of the tapes released this week – two weeks after Grewal first released excerpts – Dosanjh and Grewal can be heard talking in Punjabi about what future Grewal might face with the Liberals.

The health minister told reporters Thursday that "in at least two places, conversations had been spliced in" that had been taken out of context to make him look worse.

Dosanjh said two "independent experts" had confirmed that the tapes had been doctored, but gave no other details.

About 90 minutes of taped conversations were released early this week, though Grewal had said he recorded up to four hours of talks with Dosanjh and Prime Minister Paul Martin's chief of staff, Tim Murphy.

Approached by reporters on Parliament Hill later Thursday, Grewal denied the tapes had been altered before refusing to answer any more questions on the grounds that the RCMP were looking into the matter.

Grewal has said the Liberals came courting him, offering him inducements to switch parties in an effort to keep Martin's minority government alive.

The Conservatives want an inquiry conducted on their allegation that the Liberals tried to buy Grewal's vote, and the Bloc Québécois have asked the RCMP to investigate the matter.

Dosanjh and other top Liberals have said Grewal made the first approach, demanding a cabinet position for himself and an ambassadorship or Senate appointment for his wife, fellow British Columbia Conservative MP Nina Grewal, in return for not voting against the Liberals on a key May 19 confidence motion.

Dosanjh also questioned what had happened to two hours of conversation between himself and Grewal at the health minister's home, which he said would show him repeatedly insisting that no promises of advancement could be made.

"I thought he was coming to talk to me about my own personal experience," said Dosanjh, a former New Democrat premier of British Columbia who switched to the federal Liberal party in April 2004, just before the last general election.

"He wanted to turn that into a bargaining session."

Well that would certainly explain what happened to the other 2 hours and 46 minutes of the tapes that Grewal originally claimed to have recorded.

Bode PM Martin... yet again. :lol:
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Do Libby's dream in color?

The tape has more than enough clearly stated beyond refute to bring about more criminal charges against the Martin Mob.
The law is the law, and once again the law and these libby's are at odds.

Gotta wonder what that defecting belinda slut was promised.

How anyone with a brain can still believe in broken down poli-systems, is beyond me.

More to: A house in disrepair:
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... nal/Canada

Everybodies gots to believe in something, I reacon. :?
Am I wrong...God, I hope so.
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Grewal tapes


l to r: Grewal playing tapes, Otis
Otis wrote: RACK Harper.
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Otis wrote: RACK Harper.
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Grewal goes on stress leave

Last Updated Mon, 06 Jun 2005 21:43:11 EDT
CBC News
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper issued a statement Monday saying Gurmant Grewal has been feeling "significant personal pressure" and for that reason the MP is going on stress leave.

"I have spoken with Gurmant," said Harper in a statement on the Conservative party web site.
"I have been aware that for some days now he has been feeling significant personal pressure. As a result, he and I agreed that he should take a temporary stress leave from his parliamentary responsibilities."

Grewal recently released tapes he secretly recorded of conversations between himself, federal Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, the prime minister's chief of staff.

Grewal alleges the Liberals offered him political favours in exchange for his support in a confidence vote in the House of Commons.

But doubts were cast on the tapes after several independent audio experts, including one hired by CBC News, said the tapes had been altered.

Gurmant Grewal
The federal ethics commissioner is investigating the incident.

It was also announced on Monday that Grewal is under investigation by Air Canada.

The MP is alleged to have approached passengers at Vancouver Airport asking them to take a package to Ottawa.
More on the package...

Monday, June 6, 2005 Updated at 6:17 PM EDT

Canadian Press

Ottawa — Air Canada is investigating an incident at Vancouver airport involving a Tory MP embroiled in a taping scandal.

Gurmant Grewal was spotted in a waiting area Saturday trying to get passengers to transport a package to Ottawa.

Airport sources won't confirm if there was a tape in the envelope the B.C. MP was trying to pass along.

"We can confirm that we are currently investigating an incident involving Mr. Grewal," said Air Canada spokeswoman Laura Cooke.

"I have no additional information to provide on this matter at this point."

Security regulations require any passenger must be on a plane carrying that person's luggage.

A source says Mr. Grewal was booked on a flight to Ottawa and passed through security to a waiting area, where he was overheard asking "a number of" passengers to transport the package.

Mr. Grewal turned over tapes last week to the RCMP from secret recordings he made in meetings with two top Liberals.

Several audio experts have agreed the tapes were altered, prompting the Conservatives to issue a statement admitting that small changes had been made to the recordings.

On the tapes, Mr. Grewal is overheard negotiating possible job opportunities with the Liberal party in exchange for his vote in a crucial confidence showdown last month.

Conservative spokesman Geoff Norquay said he was aware of Air Canada's allegation against Mr. Grewal and planned to make a statement later Monday.

Mr. Grewal did not respond to an e-mail request for an interview.

Also Monday, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper announced that Mr. Grewal had informed him that he would step down as co-chairman of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations, while the current investigation into the taping incident occurs.

"I look forward to Gurmant reassuming these responsibilities when these matters are resolved," Mr. Harper said, acknowledging that his MP has been under "significant personal pressure."

With a report from Globe and Mail Update

Stress leave? :lol::lol::lol:

So that's what the Cons call laying low cause your ass is in deep shit eh?
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The Liberal media dragging the whistle blower through the mud. Yeah, that's a surprise. :roll: :roll: No wonder civil servants rarely come foward when they see Liberal corruption.

This WAS a surprise:

Tue, June 7, 2005

MP quits Grits over gay vows

By MARIA McCLINTOCK, Parliamentary Bureau

Liberal MP Pat O'Brien bolted from his longtime party yesterday to sit as an Independent over what he called a broken promise by Prime Minister Paul Martin for wide-ranging consultation on proposed federal same-sex marriage legislation.

O'Brien said he'd be prepared to do anything in his power to defeat the proposed law, expected to face its next vote in the Commons June 16 -- including voting against the government on a confidence budget vote.

"It's my preference to support the government on budget votes next Thursday but events are unfolding," O'Brien told reporters.

"I can't in good conscience support the legislation but more than that, I have to do everything -- and I will do everything -- I can think of democratically to stall ... this legislation."


O'Brien said he called the PM just minutes before going public with his decision to leave the Grits over the "farcical" exercise by the Commons justice committee to examine the issue.

Another Liberal MP said there are at least three other Grits who are prepared to vote against the budget because they're upset over the same-sex issue.

Martin had little to say about O'Brien's exit.

"I'm very disappointed by Pat O'Brien's decision ... there's going to be plenty of opportunity for amendments, debates in the House of Commons. This is an issue that has to be dealt with thoroughly," Martin said.

O'Brien's decision puts the Liberals in a risky position when it comes to confidence votes, plus the party no longer has a one-vote cushion for upcoming budget votes.

Gaining Independents

Party standing in the House of Commons with Liberal Pat O'Brien leaving the Liberals on Monday to sit as an Independent are: Liberal 133; Conservative 98; Bloc Quebecois 54; New Democratic Party 19; Independent 4.
Otis wrote: RACK Harper.
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