It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Taxidermist, though on my tax forms I claim to sell tacks..

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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Dr_Phibes »

R-Jack wrote: communist supporting coffee house
They're called cafes :meds:

RACK LTS, happy birthday Binny! Shame he got stitched up.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by R-Jack »

Moving Sale wrote:I'm sure there's a punchline somewhere. Gimme a while. I'll find it.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

By that you mean the rape of America? Lady Liberty getting gang banged by the Zionazis?

Ooohh...some smokin' foreplay...

Oh no...Dov Zakheim and Donald Rumsfeld did a Bill Cosby date rape number on me...what will come next?...Oh No!!!

Oh let's get in the hole, baby...

She's lying..and I believe and will defend the official story of 9/11...

Put a little ice on that.. :wink:
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:What utter gibberish. Why are you posting pictures of clouds?
Gee you're dumb. Threefold idiot, first is that O'Hare was awash with clouds. Second, people see things in shapes that aren't there if the shape is unusual. Perception of the unfamiliar can make a primitive savage see gods in normal men they've never see before. Third, you posted pictures in the UFO thread that were obvious fakes but stood by them as real. You lied. So why not show you a saucer shaped cloud when that's where your pointy little head is.
The air controllers at O'Hare aren't reporting as witnesses--if you actually listened--but rather are relaying the reports of pilots. And moreover, where do you get off trying to float the "military flares" no0nsense concerning the Phoenix lights? What, the military was conducting target practice for jets and missiles right above the city of Phoenix? Really? 8)
Yes really, as that is what happened. Remember dumb fuck, I was there. The military here do shit like that all the time. This has been documented and established. I was in the media at the time, had ties in the local military and government, and that is exactly what happened. The rest of the UFO sightings were nonsense.
But, really, UFO's and so forth are another subject. Why can't you admit that Bin Laden was never charged and no evidence has ever been produced--not even after 14 years. Why? That is, why are you such a squirming weasel?
Why are you such a lying scum bag? Why do you insist on perpetrating conspiracy propaganda?

Why do you continue to draw breath? You're brain dead already, just let your body catch up.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Bullshit. The weather in Chicago that day was overcast--not cloudy. And witnesses reported the object blasting strait up through the 10,000 ft deep overcast, leaving a big clear hole of visible blue sky.

As for these mysterious lights photographed over Phoenix, the suggestion that these are some military target practice routine is absurd, despite your having a paper route or whatever at the time. The notion that the military would be firing at targets right over a major city is the most desperate reach I've seen since the official story of the WTC towers collapse.


As for no evidence being presented for the guilt of Bin Laden, why do you claim this to be a lie? Do you know of any evidence? Why are you such a squirmer?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Bullshit. The weather in Chicago that day was overcast--not cloudy. And witnesses reported the object blasting strait up through the 10,000 ft deep overcast, leaving a big clear hole of visible blue sky.
Do you even know what the difference between overcast and cloudy is? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. I know you don't know. If you did, you would ascertain that overcast means the sky is almost completely cloud covered. Dull grey skies that are thick and lighting is diffuse. That means even worse conditions for visibility.

Thanks for helping my point.

As for these mysterious lights photographed over Phoenix, the suggestion that these are some military target practice routine is absurd, despite your having a paper route or whatever at the time. The notion that the military would be firing at targets right over a major city is the most desperate reach I've seen since the official story of the WTC towers collapse.
I was out on a break from working at a t.v. station, had a camera with a telephoto lens and could zoom in on the lights. They slowly floated down in a pattern, just like flares do. Eventually, they would fade and drop. Flares. The military does this periodically here, there is constant activity over the valley skies. You have heard of Luke AFB? The flares weren't directly over the city, but the visibility was very good. The picture you show looks like a flare pattern. Or, it could be a boomerang with lights. Or it could be anything, as it is blurred and grainy. It could very well be a military test aircraft, which is very possible. But is it ET...fuck no.

But you keep that tin foil bonnet on your head good and tight. The blood flow is being stopped from entering your pea-brain, so brain death should be a blissful moment away.

Stay tuned.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Of course I'm familiar with the difference between overcast skies and the round clouds you've displayed with photos. And the various witnesses at O'Hare understood the difference as well--and certainly weren't about to confuse the typical muggy sealed overcast sky with some saucer shaped "cloud" hovering about 1,000 feet up--and then blasting straight up through the overcast, leaving a huge hole in the overcast.

As for the photos of the Phoenix lights, here's some actual footage (with which you're no doubt familiar) and one can see that whatever it is , it's clearly not some target practice flare pattern.

And as for the lack of evidence produced for Bin Laden's 9/11 guilt, neither you nor the FBI, nor the DIA, nor the Department of Homeland Security has offered anything. And why?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Left Seater »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Bullshit. The weather in Chicago that day was overcast--not cloudy. And witnesses reported the object blasting strait up through the 10,000 ft deep overcast, leaving a big clear hole of visible blue sky.

First off never use the word cloudy in aviation. In order of progression use sky clear, Few, Scattered, Broken and Overcast.

That said for everyone's benefit let's move on to LTS' usual BS.

For an overcast cloud layer near ground level to be 10,000 feet from bottom to top would mean it was a nimbostratus type of cloud. For a large vertical development which would be 10,000 plus feet, it would require frontal or cyclonic type lift. Or in other words the air mass would be turbulent and in constant motion.

In basic 5th grade terms for LTS, the clouds would continue moving and quickly cover any movement thru said cloud layer. The only way that one could see thru said cloud layer would be if a large tube was inserted that prevented the clouds from filling in behind any movement.

On top of that, for multiple people to claim to have seen this blue sky "hole", the object that supposedly cleared said hole would have to be miles wide. Unless you were standing directly under the path of said object, you wouldn't have a line of sight to the "blue sky". Again in 5th grade terms for LTS, stand 500 feet directly behind a mountain tunnel that is two miles long. Now walk to your left until the light at the other end of the tunnel disappears. Mark this point. Now walk to your right and mark the opposite point where the light at the tunnel disappears. Now measure the distance between the two points. This distance is the diameter of the circle that would allow people to view the "Blue Sky" for an object as wide as the tunnel entrance.

IE, you are full of crap like usual.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Of course I'm familiar with the difference between overcast skies and the round clouds you've displayed with photos. And the various witnesses at O'Hare understood the difference as well--and certainly weren't about to confuse the typical muggy sealed overcast sky with some saucer shaped "cloud" hovering about 1,000 feet up--and then blasting straight up through the overcast, leaving a huge hole in the overcast.
Dude, you're missing the point here. The cloud pictures aren't meant to illustrate what the witnesses saw at O'Hare, however they are designed to illustrate that appearances can be deceptive. No one knows what caused that hole, but it could have been an unusual weather phenomenon and clouds do very strange things sometimes. So, you have all these witnesses, yet no a single shred of physical proof, no photos, nothing. An airport with thousands of people should have produced one person with a camera, camera phone, video, something. Yet, nothing. Doesn't that strike you as a bit odd?
As for the photos of the Phoenix lights, here's some actual footage (with which you're no doubt familiar) and one can see that whatever it is , it's clearly not some target practice flare pattern.
It almost certainly is. That is exactly what those patterns look like, I know, I've seen them. LTS, you simply cannot speak with authority on something you didn't see, but I did. Let it go,
And as for the lack of evidence produced for Bin Laden's 9/11 guilt, neither you nor the FBI, nor the DIA, nor the Department of Homeland Security has offered anything. And why?
Why are you including me here about OBL? I haven't commented because your argument is ridiculous. He didn't fly the planes, he didn't crash them, but he did pull strings and is responsible. Why are you defending a terrorist? Do you like old, dirty, shaggy bearded goat shtuppers? Do you fantasize about "milking" him in a mud hut in the mountains?

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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

As to why there were no photos, I don't know. It would certainly have helped clear up the confusion. But that said, why would so many people--who didn't know each other--provide the same account of what they saw? And these include reasonably responsible folks like the ground crew and pilots.

Here's some witness accounts..

that such an object could be radar-proof should not be impossible to believe.

As for the Phoenix lights, how can you possibly try to suggest that the military would be conducting target practice directly above a major metropolitan area? Seriously, are you a total clown? And, as you can see in the video, those lights are not "flares" at all. No surprise the military would trot out some excuse, but c'mon.

And as for Bin Laden, so now you're just suggesting that he was "pulling strings" and somehow directly involved? Huh? Well this is exactly the sort of charge for which evidence is required. And you haven't got any. And neither does anyone else. can you just toddle along with the official story--which was announced within an hour of the event. And let's be clear, there's no evidence to support any part of the official 9/11 report.

Stop being a squirming weasel and start acting like a man.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:As to why there were no photos, I don't know. It would certainly have helped clear up the confusion. But that said, why would so many people--who didn't know each other--provide the same account of what they saw? And these include reasonably responsible folks like the ground crew and pilots.
LTS, you're being obtuse, purposely so. One person or a thousand can see an anomaly. Perception of something unknown or odd, including weather phenomena that normally isn't seen, can cause the mind to have difficulty processing what it doesn't recognize,instead it starts creating the easiest or most fantastical rationale possible. These people all saw something odd, to be sure, but saying it was a UFO is like the island native seeing a boat on the horizon when he's never seen one before. What is that, he wonders, his long isolated perceptions going to places where his limited imagination cannot process. Why not a alien craft? Vikings step off onto the sand and they become gods in his unlearned eyes.

Same scenario here. At the very least, if you're considering this so-called UFO to be real, you have to acknowledge the most logical possibility, when all other fantastic ones are eliminated, is usually the truth. Weird weather is more realistic than a Flying Saucer.
As for the Phoenix lights, how can you possibly try to suggest that the military would be conducting target practice directly above a major metropolitan area? Seriously, are you a total clown? And, as you can see in the video, those lights are not "flares" at all. No surprise the military would trot out some excuse, but c'mon.
You c'mon. Try to understand, the Valley is a huge fucking place. You can be 30 or 40 miles out from center and still be in it. Those lights were over the desert for the most part, with some over the city proper. Military testing goes on all the damn time, it's common out here. The flares were only a big deal that night as those patterns looked odd. But when you know what they look like, then not really odd at all. So it was no excuse, just an unusually active night.
And as for Bin Laden, so now you're just suggesting that he was "pulling strings" and somehow directly involved? Huh? Well this is exactly the sort of charge for which evidence is required. And you haven't got any. And neither does anyone else. can you just toddle along with the official story--which was announced within an hour of the event. And let's be clear, there's no evidence to support any part of the official 9/11 report.

Stop being a squirming weasel and start acting like a man.
Are you suggesting he was not part of al-Qaeda?

Guilt by association.

Why are you being a conspiracy knob gobbler, swallowing whole the pasty globs of lies and fantasies?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yer squirmin' like toad. The witnesses are not part of some statistical formula. They were looking right at it--and according to their cler descriptions it was not some weather phenomenon. A pilot, especially should be trusted (fake seater an exception, of course) to give an accurate description of something directly above--which blasts up through the clouds, leaving a huge sudden hole.

Same with the witnesses in Phoenix. Why do you suppose thousands of people wouldn't know what "military flares" look like --especially if their deployment is as common as you suggest?

And as for Bin Laden, you're sinking further and further into a pathetic state of childish denial. Look, so what if he was a member of "al qaeda"? There has been no evidence whatsoever that "al qaeda" had anything to do with it in the first place. Or the Taliban. None. So why are you so willing to chug down the kool-aid of some ready-made conspiracy story that has absolutely no evidence to support it. Remember, I'm not suggesting just who did it or why (though of course we can speculate all we like), but rather simply pointing out that there's no evidence to support the official story./ You're the "conspiracy" puppet here.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yer squirmin' like toad. The witnesses are not part of some statistical formula. They were looking right at it--and according to their cler descriptions it was not some weather phenomenon. A pilot, especially should be trusted (fake seater an exception, of course) to give an accurate description of something directly above--which blasts up through the clouds, leaving a huge sudden hole.

Same with the witnesses in Phoenix. Why do you suppose thousands of people wouldn't know what "military flares" look like --especially if their deployment is as common as you suggest?

And as for Bin Laden, you're sinking further and further into a pathetic state of childish denial. Look, so what if he was a member of "al qaeda"? There has been no evidence whatsoever that "al qaeda" had anything to do with it in the first place. Or the Taliban. None. So why are you so willing to chug down the kool-aid of some ready-made conspiracy story that has absolutely no evidence to support it. Remember, I'm not suggesting just who did it or why (though of course we can speculate all we like), but rather simply pointing out that there's no evidence to support the official story./ You're the "conspiracy" puppet here.
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Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

Most of the stuff I see that makes me believe we have been visited comes from antiquity. The nasca lines, alignment of certain pyramids and the old key locks at some of the South American sites. I'm less likely to believe what some stupid tard in Pheonix or Chicago says he did or didn't see.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Left Seater »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: A pilot, especially should be trusted (fake seater an exception, of course) to give an accurate description of something directly above--which blasts up through the clouds, leaving a huge sudden hole.
Unless your "pilot" witness was standing on the ground outside of a plane then there is no way he saw anything directly overhead. Cockpit windows do not allow for visability directly overhead. At best if you lean up against the panel and crane your neck you might be able to see something approaching 60 degrees above the horizon.

Exhibit 9,287,764,101 that you are full of shit.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

I don't give a shit if he was wanted by the FBI or not. Fuck Bin Laden and everybody that looks like him. I hope they pushed him off the boat wrapped in a pig carcass.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Dr_Phibes »

But what's disturbing is that his alleged actions enabled a predisposed foreign policy. LTS is right in that he's not more than a boogyman.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:There has been no evidence whatsoever that "al qaeda" had anything to do with it in the first place.
You saying it doesn't make it so. The paper and financial tracks these idiots left behind lead right to AQ's doorstep. No rational individual can dispute it.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

Do tell
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by mvscal »

I just did, fuckwad.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

Nice white flag asscrack
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:There has been no evidence whatsoever that "al qaeda" had anything to do with it in the first place.
You saying it doesn't make it so. The paper and financial tracks these idiots left behind lead right to AQ's doorstep. No rational individual can dispute it.
A typical blustery assertion that is in fact total bullshit.

Ans as usual you have nothing whatever to support your tedious fake opinion, much less the official story of 9/11.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Yer squirmin' like toad.
As you're just filler on the road.

To stupidity, but enough Doors refs.
The witnesses are not part of some statistical formula. They were looking right at it--and according to their cler descriptions it was not some weather phenomenon. A pilot, especially should be trusted (fake seater an exception, of course) to give an accurate description of something directly above--which blasts up through the clouds, leaving a huge sudden hole.
Which is all well and good, except for one little problem, which has been brought up before. No physical proof.

You just want to gloss over the fact that at one of the busiest airports in the country, not one single person of the hundreds who witnessed this "event" had the wherewithal to take a picture. Hell, there are plenty of pictures of the planes flying into the Twin Towers ( I know I know, those are fake...right? :meds: ) So if there are photos that were taken then, as this occurrence at the airport lasted for a few minutes, where is even one decent photo? Even one blurry one? It would appear then that the only huge hole that has been left is the one between your ears. Save your bullshit Nick, it ain't flying.
Same with the witnesses in Phoenix. Why do you suppose thousands of people wouldn't know what "military flares" look like --especially if their deployment is as common as you suggest?
Because most people who believe this crap don't pay attention to things like facts. Look, the flares are hardly a daily happening, but testing is. There are all sorts of associated stories from that night, including a "witness" who saw a building size UFO over her apartment complex complete with lighted windows and "figures" looking out of them. Right...

People see what they want to see. Groups are prone to mass hysteria or mass delusion when what they are seeing isn't processing as normal. See a light flash through the sky and blink out. Must be a UFO. Couldn't possibly be a meteorite or satellite or anything, right? If you see video of the flares side by side with the Phoenix Lights, you'll see how similar they are. But of course, you and certain midget counselors wouldn't know anything about checking for things like facts.
And as for Bin Laden, you're sinking further and further into a pathetic state of childish denial. Look, so what if he was a member of "al qaeda"? There has been no evidence whatsoever that "al qaeda" had anything to do with it in the first place. Or the Taliban. None. So why are you so willing to chug down the kool-aid of some ready-made conspiracy story that has absolutely no evidence to support it. Remember, I'm not suggesting just who did it or why (though of course we can speculate all we like), but rather simply pointing out that there's no evidence to support the official story./ You're the "conspiracy" puppet here.
Midget Sale brings up a semi-valid point in the Nazca (nice spelling dwarf) lines or pyramid alignments, but there could be any number of explanations for those things we haven't even considered. The civilizations of antiquity are shrouded in mysteries. I cannot discount the possibility of anything, but I refuse to jump to any conclusions about the fantastic or extraterrestrial as you have. Stick with Occom's Razor and 99 times out of a hundred you'll find the answer in the simplest cause. People like you like to ignore logic because it isn't as much fun.

Suck it.

Bin Laden was a bad guy. He's dead and the world is a better place. Deal with it.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Don Rumsfeld and Dov Zakheim are utterly evil and treasonous--and they're still around, gloating over the Permanent War they've started. Whatever Bin Laden was or did, we'll never know because no evidence was ever offered before he was murdered and dumped in the sea.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Isn't he also engaging in snuggle-bunnies with Elvis and Sasquatch on the dark side of the moon?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Papa Willie wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Don Rumsfeld and Dov Zakheim are utterly evil and treasonous--and they're still around, gloating over the Permanent War they've started. Whatever Bin Laden was or did, we'll never know because no evidence was ever offered before he was murdered and dumped in the sea.
He's still alive.
Did you tip your cab driver?
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by The Seer »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: As for these mysterious lights photographed over Phoenix, the suggestion that these are some military target practice routine is absurd, despite your having a paper route or whatever at the time. The notion that the military would be firing at targets right over a major city is the most desperate reach I've seen since the official story of the WTC towers collapse.
I should know better than to humor the fringe but doesn't it ever occur to you that an extraterrestrial civilization that is advanced enough to conduct interplanetary exploration is advanced enough to where they don't have to rely on light bulbs for some type of visual assistance? Do they have windshield wipers also?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Fair question. Why would they present this display at this location? I assume you've examined the video of the actual event? Here it is..check it out.

And who fucking knows? i sure don't, but I'm not believing for a second (and neither do you) that the military just floated this chorus line of extremely bright lights directly over Phoenix in some sort of target practice--and of course no practice firing occurred at all, nothing.

But the issue is this...why and how can hundreds and thousands of witnesses be discounted and ignored--not just in Phoenix, but in New York--all of the firemen, police officers and other folks who witnessed blasts coming from WTC 7 before it collapsed?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Carson »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for these mysterious lights photographed over Phoenix, the suggestion that these are some military target practice routine is absurd, despite your having a paper route or whatever at the time. The notion that the military would be firing at targets right over a major city is the most desperate reach I've seen since the official story of the WTC towers collapse.

Kinda funny how those lights look when you can see the mountain in front of them.

Go smoke another pole, Felchco.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, there's no mountain in front of them. The lights are clearly hovering in a line..and moving all together. Who knows? You? No. Me? No. So..?

Why aren't you concerned that your nation has been hijacked in a coup?

Do you like the Permanent War? Do you believe? :oops:
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Carson wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As for these mysterious lights photographed over Phoenix, the suggestion that these are some military target practice routine is absurd, despite your having a paper route or whatever at the time. The notion that the military would be firing at targets right over a major city is the most desperate reach I've seen since the official story of the WTC towers collapse.

Kinda funny how those lights look when you can see the mountain in front of them.

Go smoke another pole, Felchco.
Get the fuck outta here..

This ludicrous offering is--first of all--offered in a computer voice.. :P

Are you kidding? Can you actually look in the mirror and not blush?

There was no mountain diversion for the thousands of witnesses.

But really, if you're going to stand by this idiotic (totally fake and NOT verified) response to a genuinely mysterious and intimidating incident, well why not claim similar belief in the Popular Mechanics "official" verification of the palsied and polluted 9/11 Commission report.

Oh..what's that? You won't dare?

No surprise.. :arrow:
Before God was, I am
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Jay in Phoenix
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Get the fuck outta here..

This ludicrous offering is--first of all--offered in a computer voice.. :P

Are you kidding? Can you actually look in the mirror and not blush?

There was no mountain diversion for the thousands of witnesses.

But really, if you're going to stand by this idiotic (totally fake and NOT verified) response
Nice job LTS, you just fucking broke the...
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

What would be the simpler explanation for nazca J?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Well MS, there are two different explanations and you aren't going to like them. I will say up front, nobody knows for sure how the lines were formed, or more importantly, why. Knowing that would go a long way toward their origins. I'm not shutting out alien intelligence as a possible cause, I'm just going again with Occum's Razor here.

To whit:

Possible reason #1: Travel author Jim Woodman speculates that the lines could have been created by way of rudimentary hot air balloons, giving their passengers a view of the landscape, allowing the pilots to direct the artists down below. While there is no evidence whatsoever to prove this, Woodman went out and actually constructed a functioning balloon out of materials the Nazca people had available at the time. It looked like this:

Now this is fairly unlikely, but still possible. Better still is this offering.

Possible reason # 2: Wooden stakes have been found in the ground that have been carbon-dated to the time of the Nazca, and some researchers speculate that the Nazca may have simply drawn long ropes between the stakes to create the Nazca Lines. Dr. Joe Nickell of the University of Kentucky decided to make some Nazca Lines of his very own, using only methods and equipment the Nazca would have had handy. So three men and an 11-year-old kid set out to make a giant bird in a landfill, and in only a few hours, they did just that.

They produced this:

Not built by aliens, just a bunch of sweaty dudes who like birds.
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

The balloon idea is stupid and I have looked into the landfill bird which is an awesome idea but lots of the lines have curves which the strings can not duplicate. Your thoughts on the curved lines?
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by mvscal »

Jay in Phoenix wrote:Well MS, there are two different explanations and you aren't going to like them. I will say up front, nobody knows for sure how the lines were formed, or more importantly, why. Knowing that would go a long way toward their origins. I'm not shutting out alien intelligence as a possible cause, I'm just going again with Occum's Razor here.

To whit:

Possible reason #1: Travel author Jim Woodman speculates that the lines could have been created by way of rudimentary hot air balloons, giving their passengers a view of the landscape, allowing the pilots to direct the artists down below. While there is no evidence whatsoever to prove this, Woodman went out and actually constructed a functioning balloon out of materials the Nazca people had available at the time. It looked like this:
It's quite a bit more simple than that. There are these things called "hills" and, when you stand on top of these "hills," you can look down and see things at lower elevations. That and the rudimentary survey techniques you described are more than adequate to account for them.

Talk of aliens is not only idiotic, it's insulting to the intelligence and creativity of ancient peoples. They were working with the same brains we have. It shouldn't come as any great shock or surprise that they came up with some very clever ideas and techniques.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

I wouldn't go as far as saying the balloon idea is "stupid", again though, it is unlikely.

As to the curved lines, if you noticed, there are curves in the bird. Now if you're referring to more complex curves or even circles, you only have to look as far as crop circles for that explanation, as those are simply created with stakes and string. No big mystery, just ground art. You don't even have to be the so-called "eye in the sky" to form them.

Pretty simple stuff.
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

Hills huh? Gee why didn't anybody else think of that? Ancient people might have been smart but you are one dumb racist POS.
Moving Sale

Re: It's Bin Laden's Birthday..Have You Been A Good Boy?..

Post by Moving Sale »

But the curves are not all like crop circles.

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