LTS TRN 2 wrote:Bullshit. You're the one who just keeps parroting the same simplistic nonsense. The link of the How To Make A Crop Circle is simply bullshit. The insructions are absolutely worthless. The notion of "having a plan" and "a team" that can somehow render one of these huge designs with precision in the dark is a fucking joke. And notice how the (fake) instructions are curiously shallow and incomplete. Notice how the so-called "stomper" is never described or in any way demonstrated.
CTRL-KC much Nick? Pot and kettle time again? Moron.
Those "instructions" are every bit as valid and more than all of the crap you've linked to over the years. Just because you don't like the truth, it doesn't mean you have to keep ostriching your pin-head into the sand to avoid it. Chin up buttercup, the real world doesn't completely hate you, as much as it wants you to just go away.
And as for the Phoenix Lights, who are you to deny the actual witnesses who clearly saw those lights maintain a moving precise formation for hours. the "mountain" theory is nothing--and you've offered nothing to back it up.
I'm an actual witness. Moron.
The military has proven what the lights were, as have scientists. Your clutching at some desperate straws here, holding onto "testimony" from biased sources. Witnesses have been trying to one-up each other for years now, you happen to be biting into that hook like a stupid, starving fish. Plus, the human eye is a terrible judge of altitude of point sources of light(s) in the sky.
The images of the Phoenix Lights presented on the web further confuse the fact that two different incidents happened. The first incident, the original “vee,” passed overhead with almost no one photographing or filming it. Only one video seems to exist, and since it was shot of an overhead object it does not show a cityscape. This film was never promoted by UFO enthusiasts, perhaps because it doesn’t show the famous optical illusion of the “dark triangle.”
Most of the photos and video of the lights were taken of the second incident — the flares — as people came out in response to the first. These images show the flares in an arc over the Phoenix cityscape, which is sometimes confused with the earlier, overhead “vee.”
The famous "vee" was a formation of airplanes, and this was confirmed by eyewitness Mitch Stanley, who was using his Dobsonian telescope at the time. He clearly saw each light was a "double", with one light under each wing.
As for the people who swore they saw a black triangular shape joining the five lights of the vee, that’s a classic contrast effect of the human eye. In a very telling case, a man who swore he saw a black shape joining the lights of the vee saw it pass directly in front of the moon. At that point, he saw not a black shape but wavy lines pass over the undimmed moon. But rather than conclude that he’d seen the contrails of planes, the man, whose perception had already been heavily influenced by the UFO explanation concluded instead that the pilot of the alien craft had turned his spaceship transparent right at that moment so the man could see the moon through it.
How convenient.
All of this is documented by Dateline NBC and the Arizona Republic.
And of course all you've got is childish potty jokes concerning the supposed guilt of Bin Laden.
You're the pathetic fraud. Who are you trying to kid? And that's a real question.
Sorry you don't like the ass buggery of your fallen idol, sucks to be you I guess. But unlike you, I'm just passing along facts, not kidding anybody. As you insist on hammering your dome into the rocks of ignorance, I'll leave you with a little quote.
“Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence.”- Ashley Brilliant
Or, as Mark Twain once wrote, in talking about someone like you...
“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of the 9/11 conspiracy club. But I repeat myself.”