Gay wrote:Why is NASA, or anyone else, covering up the "truth" of the Earth being flat? What is gained by this?
I've answered it - and it is also covered extensively in FLAT EARTH CLUES.
Byrd found the edge.
Antarctica was sealed off.
Decision made by U.S. authorities to not let the sheeple know that the world is not what they've been told.
Kubrick filmed the fake moon landings.
Reinforce the globe - and overall
universe model that the sheeple have been brought up with.
A flat, enclosed earth = a Creator.
Hard to get around that.
Keep the people stupid, uniformed, unaware of their real status -- thinking they are on a random rock speeding through space, around a random sun, among billions of of other suns and planets -- some of which surely must have life, because we are not arrogant enough to think we are the only life.
And we people are just random beings -- which evolved from sea sludge.
Worms, squirrels and monkeys are our ancestors.
Enclosed world = Creator
Don't have people know this.
They remain m0rons, like most in this thread.
My hypothesis.
Read my posts.
Click my links.
Watch the videos.
Or don't.
Get fucked.