poptart wrote:1. Old-time Jews who held to the Old Testament never believed in evolution. Christians never believed it, either, until modern times. Evolution is a fantasy which in no way aligns with the Truth of God's Word.
1. Evolution is happening all the time. It just happens very very slowly and over great periods over time. It is a verifiable fact, which your Book is not. Pops, I have never dismissed the Bible as a belief system or a way of of faith. Just not as an absolutely verifiable document of history. We BELIEVE in the Bible, we cannot KNOW it as absolute and knowable, recorded truth. You cannot SEE evolution anymore than you can see the air we breathe, yet we KNOW the air is there.
We BELIEVE Christ existed, yet we cannot prove it. We can see the change in species over time, through fossils, sediment deposits, sea changes, etc. The world we inhabit is in constant flux, or evolution. I am not speaking of Darwinism. Just change. That is a constant that cannot be ignored.
2. The virgin birth is basic Christian belief.
So what. Does that make it real? Belief versus fact. Prove the virgin birth actually happened. Show us the evidence outside of the Bible. Show us the bones of Christ. Show us his actual image.
3. As is the resurrection.
My points are mainstream Christian belief, Jay.
Certainly not radical in any way.
I never said your Christian beliefs were. I never questioned your passion or faith.
Just your knowledge of history, science and logical proof.
The resurrection is NOT verifiable in any way, shape or form. It is simply a matter of faith, as are all of your belief systems.
You and I are more in agreement than you realize, when it comes to faith. When it comes to truth, we are worlds away.
Of which I am blessed. You dear poptart, on the other hand, might well be cursed. You speak about opening the mind, so why haven't you done so? Start with your eyes and the line of sight question I asked. Then we can speak rationally.
If a Christian goes around speaking contrary to 1, 2 or 3, he is surely dismissing God's Word.
if you choose not to believe the Bible, that's up to you.
Not at all. It boils down to interpretation.
Unless God has actually spoken to you, through burning bush or other means, unless you have a recording of His words on tape or digital storage, that we can playback and ALL listen to, then it's your word and your belief alone.
Yes, I am being somewhat sarcastic here, but I will always take what I can see, smell, hear, touch or taste over what some book tells me to think.
Believe whatever fallacies you want, that's up to you.