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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Atomic Punk »

Get back to me after 13,000 years (half of the 26,000 years) of observation and tell me Polaris is in the same spot where it is now. That "time" thing is a burden on your credibility.

Your dismissal of science and math isn't a bit surprising.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:Your dismissal of science and math isn't a bit surprising.
Yeah, I know.
You watched Apollo 11 go to the moon from your backyard.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Is everyone here having fun discussing this with Poptard? Image
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by mvscal »

yet the North Star remains nearly completely and exactly fixed above the North Pole.
So which is it? Nearly or exactly?

What part of sidereal motion are you having trouble with?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Scott wrote:The cruises & flights on my link say otherwise - you can go anywhere
Where in the link does it say you can go anywhere?

Although several countries have laid claim to various portions of Antarctica, it is governed by the 1958 Antarctic Treaty, which establishes the continent as a peaceful and cooperative international research zone. There are no cities per se, just some two dozen research stations with a total population ranging from 1000-4000 depending on the time of year. These are maintained for scientific purposes only, and do not provide any official support for tourism. The laws of the nation operating each research station apply there.

Private travel to Antarctica generally takes one of three forms:

- commercial sea voyages with shore visits (by far the most popular)
- specially mounted land expeditions, or
- sightseeing by air

Scroll to Regions and you'll see that there are very limited areas where you can even go.


The purple and some of the pink.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Goober McTuber »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:The North Star (Polaris) is a pole star.
So was a young black lady I knew named Rita. God, she was good.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:
yet the North Star remains nearly completely and exactly fixed above the North Pole.
So which is it? Nearly or exactly?

What part of sidereal motion are you having trouble with?
What part of English are you struggling with?

Nearly completely.
Nearly exactly.

Considering the extent to which you think the earth is whizzing around, the deviation from exactly North Pole alignment with the North Star is very minimal, to say the least.

I struggle with nothing regarding the issue, mvscal.

The reaction to this topic makes for a pretty interesting psychological study, I would say.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:You're not interested, so I'm not going to waste my time on this question.
I told you, if you are interested, watch Flat Earth Clues #2 -- and then we can talk.
So instead of being a reasonable adult and responding to a simple question in a matter YOU started, you're going to act like a 5-year old and pout.

Got it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

How is this still happening?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Goober McTuber »

Are you new here?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Roach wrote:...someone as brainwashed and closed minded as you.
I don't think he's "brainwashed". That would imply a current state of irrationality.
I have no evidence of past rationality to compare his current behaviour to. He very well could have been like this his whole life.

As an example of "brainwashing", I think Tom In VA would be a better representative.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

...or Shrubber...but that's a case of the whole bottle of bleach tipping over into the rinse cycle...
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote: Nearly completely.
Nearly exactly.
Your grasp of English is on par with your grasp of science... awesome.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Dinsdale wrote:
poptart wrote: Nearly completely.
Nearly exactly.
Your grasp of English is on par with your grasp of science... awesome.

Yeah, but I imagine his grasp of Korean is "nearly perfectly".
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

His faith is a "weaponised Christianity".
He appears to be more interested in fashioning his spirituality into a crude stabbing weapon, than bringing the lost to "the light".

There have been a few blogs and YouTube channels that I've kept tabs on in the last 10 or so years, that have been authored by such "poptarts".
Their MO is homogeneous. Don't take this personally, but I find their take on Christianity to be "typically American". It's a weird blend of chauvinism, bourgeois nationalism and just plain ol' superstition.
I guess religion in the "new world" had less emphasis on the urtext of Judeo-Christianity existentialist thinking and more appeal to those seeking magic...akin to primitive cargo-cults that worship Bic lighters that can produce seemingly divine "heat and light".
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Jay in Phoenix
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Actually Marty, that is a pretty right on observation. The "typically American" comment is a wide brushstroke, but not entirely inaccurate. Poptart is exhibiting the prime example of a primitive mind buying into magic and miracles to explain very simple and observable facts. His "logic" and "mathematics" are as backward as his mythology and deviant version of faith.

He is passionate and clearly well versed, but is also clearly misled and as Roach put it, indoctrinated. Simply put, he doesn't know any better. I would like to understand and even pity the old man, but as he insists on burying his head in the ancient sands of legends and tall tales, sorry, no dice.

He reaps the bullshit he sows. Too bad, as he isn't a bad guy.

Just really, really wrong.

And arrogantly juvenile.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Jay in Phoenix wrote:...buying into magic and miracles to explain very simple and observable facts.

He's cognoscente of what he's saying and the message is quite purposeful. As crazy as you think he is, it takes quite a level of discipline.
It's pure ideology. I admire (and am somewhat jealous of) the level of his vanguardism. Just switch out Christ with Lenin.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Dr_Phibes »

I'll stick up for poptart. :idea: Isn't Karl Poppers concept of scientific falsifiability a debated matter?
It's too strict - a methodological claim that things don't adhere to the rules of Poppers demand of falsifiability isn't science at all.
I was under impression that non-falsifiability of theory say nothing about validity - and a falsification test should be used as a tool, not a chain.

He's not mad, he launched an exercise in critical thinking that was doomed to failure. Too many Yanks with personal issues in Christianity I think.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Scott wrote:I thought you didn't consider Wiki a valid source?

As usual, you're not paying attention.

When I cited earth curvature rate -- from Wikipedia, Jay immediately dismissed it as not valid.
Until Goober cited THE SAME EXACT page and then Jay said it was wonderful.


Scott wrote:The cruises & flights on my link say otherwise - you can go anywhere
I don't see that on your link.
Scott wrote:West Antarctica - The Gray Area you reference
With the exception of the Antarctic Peninsula, West Antarctica is barren and empty, even of research stations (except for the Brunt Ice Shelf), but it does contain the continent's highest & lowest points, the former of which you can climb on a guided expedition
Okay, good.

Look at where it's located -- and look at how massive Antarctica is.
You can go to that Mount with a guided tour, it says.

You can't go anywhere you want in Antarctica.

But maybe Super Dins will go there, wander around, and post his PET of it here.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Roach wrote:
Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:
Roach wrote:...someone as brainwashed and closed minded as you.
I don't think he's "brainwashed". That would imply a current state of irrationality.
I have no evidence of past rationality to compare his current behaviour to. He very well could have been like this his whole life.

As an example of "brainwashing", I think Tom In VA would be a better representative.
Thanks Marty for watching my back. Indoctrination is more the word I wanted. The question is, how does one come to the attitude and mind of a Poptart? Since I have a Doctorate in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Theological Studies, I'll go ahead here. Plus vast experience with message boards.

I was thinking of a clean slate baby dropped into the hands of either a Catholic orphange, or a fundamentalist type christian family with lots of guilt, fear, and probably physical violence going on. Isolated to the world except through the control of papa the secret and not-so-secret sex deviant. All under the veil of god, the bible, and what papa the deviant says it says or the area church minister/bishop/first-to-fuk-the-virgins leader says it says. Death and suffering if anyone thinks otherwise, don't beleive it, it's in the bible.

At some time(s) very traumatic events probably occured to further impress this overlay on that virgin mind. Perhaps a failed revolt against papa and the system, then deeper hell, remorse, and refuge in the bible. The only escape to prostelsyze the book, refuse to see the reality of our world, and stiffen in belief of the 'bible,' whatever that poor mind thinks it is now.

He is too astute and functional to consider fetal alcohol syndrome, or shit like that as a cause.

So in my professional opinion, he's fucked up.

On the otherhand, maybe he is a programmed agent from god, once normal now a walking timebomb and zombie. It seems safe from my keyboard, Let's test it out!

You are completely wrong.
No surprise at all.

1) I hated Church as a child and my parents were not thumpers by any stretch. They didn't really like Church, either. My folks were every-other Sunday Church-goers who were probably going because their own parents were thumpers, and they wanted to act like they were raising the grandkids up right. My parents never pushed any religious belief on me at all. Nobody did.

2) Jesus is the Christ and He fully proved Himself. If you deny this, you are the brainwashed one.

3) When I first came across flat earth, I laffed and ignored it. But then I began to really look at it...

4) I've posted plenty of substance in this thread.

I posted the Toronto skyline pics (and there are MANY other such examples of this) and ----> 10 pages later, people were still mumbling in confusion about the earth curvature rate.

Nobody has given any realistic take on those pictures.
Just name-calling and the stutterings of brainwashed masses.
YOU are a zombie.

The earth does not curve as we're told, Roach.
Sorry you had to learn this way.
It will be okay, trust me.

The NASA fakery (and there is MUCH more of this) has been posted by me.
I have no idea why zombies just wave it off and trust NASA.
Really funny to me.

Lunar wave?
Oh well.

And on and on...

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Marty wrote:His faith is a "weaponised Christianity".
He appears to be more interested in fashioning his spirituality into a crude stabbing weapon, than bringing the lost to "the light".
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:Poptart is exhibiting the prime example of a primitive mind buying into magic and miracles to explain very simple and observable facts.

You've yet to even articulate what your ball earth facts are supposed to be, Nancy.

I've posted overwhelming fact in this thread.

It's not been well-received.

I'm not surprised.

As I said at the outset, people really don't like it when their ball earth is questioned.

YOU are King Zombie, Jay.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Marty wrote:He's cognoscente of what he's saying and the message is quite purposeful. As crazy as you think he is, it takes quite a level of discipline.

Actually what it is, Marty, is seeing THE TRUTH.
So being a straight-shooter, I just post it.

I could not care less how many people are in the opposite camp.
The truth is what it is.

Truth is, NASA is completely full of shit -- and the ball earth model we've been indoctrinated into it B.S.
Truth also is, the Bible shows us that our earth is not a round ball, it is enclosed, and it does not move.

I'm aware that there are a handful of people who are exploring things I've posted about.
These few are fascinated and their eyes have been opened.

I post for these people.
Some of them are afraid to speak openly about it.
Fearing the same backlash I have received.

I should not laff at the rest of you, but I honestly do.

I repent. :wink:
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Phibes wrote:He's not mad, he launched an exercise in critical thinking that was doomed to failure. Too many Yanks with personal issues in Christianity I think.
As usual, I think for myself.
It's just how I roll.

Among flat-earthers I've seen, many are atheist or agnostic.
Some are Christian.
Some are muslim.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:His faith is a "weaponised Christianity".
How much highly enriched stupidity does it take before Christianity becomes weaponized? I'll bet pops has his own centrifuge.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Scott, if you take a guided tour, you're only going to be going to wherever the guide has been allowed to go.

On a globe earth map, if you travel south (from any location on the globe) to the "end of the earth," you come to Antarctica.


It's the same on a flat earth map.
Travel south the "end of the earth" and you come to Antarctica.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:
Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:His faith is a "weaponised Christianity".
How much highly enriched stupidity does it take before Christianity becomes weaponized? I'll bet pops has his own centrifuge.
Did you ever watch the lunar wave?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Aside from having already demonstrated that this pic is a photoshop fake...


Look at how small the earth is there.

You all know how big the moon is in our sky.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:Poptart is exhibiting the prime example of a primitive mind buying into magic and miracles to explain very simple and observable facts.

You've yet to even articulate what your ball earth facts are supposed to be, Nancy.

I've posted overwhelming fact in this thread.

It's not been well-received.

I'm not surprised.

As I said at the outset, people really don't like it when their ball earth is questioned.

YOU are King Zombie, Jay.

You have posted overwhelming bullshit, that you ASSume as fact. Seriously dude, you need some rest.

Not one single person here has bought into your opinion. That should suggest something fairly significant.

Take a seat, get some rest and come back when you have a sense of rational thought.

No more photoshopping pics from "NASA" that you manipulate to "prove" your sorry point. After all, that is what you are accusing NASA of, then using weak and inaccurate photo manipulations from your own Photoshop program to "prove" your own faked point. Hypocrisy is your main undoing 'tart, too bad you are too blinded and arrogant to appreciate it.

Major fail on every level.

Yet still, God bless.

However wasted that sentiment is.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:No more photoshopping pics from "NASA" that you manipulate to "prove" your sorry point.


I've not manipulated anything, looney tune.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:No more photoshopping pics from "NASA" that you manipulate to "prove" your sorry point.


I've not manipulated anything, looney tune.

Of course you have. You manipulated that photo until you got the supposed "box" effect. Simple photoshop dumbfuckery.

Try it again with the actual film image Brian posted of Earth from the Apollo mission. See if you get the same results.

And bear in mind, loony tune, that it is an actual untouched film image.

The fact that you admitted "enhancing" the Earth image to acquire your desired result, is evidence enough of your duplicity and hypocrisy. Seriously dude, when are your lies and backpedaling going to end?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Oh yes, as to rotf, lol, and all other crap you lean on like a sorry crutch, every single post.

For fucks sake, enough. Try something new and original, at least once, you repetitive troll.

You should never go full retard. The Ben Stiller character out front should have told you.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Jayne, what in the world are you babbling about.

The pic is straight off NASA's site.

Open this pic in photoshop.
Zoom in on earth.
Go to image - adjust - levels
Bring the levels up.
And this is what you see...


They faked it, dude.

Unreal, you are.

Fakery aside, look at the size of the earth they faked there.
It should be 3 or 4 times that size.

They butchered it.

I can't help it that you are VERY slow.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

As I can't help you are deluded, indoctrinated and a fool.

You are living in a tiny little bubble of one and your little world has been popped, tard.

You know jack shit about photography, satellite imaging and digital reproduction, yet you're pushing all in on a weak photoshop manipulation, just as you've done on every graphic, image and drawing that you've used to support your myths and fallacies. Numbers, like pictures can be manipulated. This is what you have accused NASA and other space agencies of since you've started this redundant silliness.

Let me address an important point for you dude. As I have mentioned, I am currently limited by the pad I am using, and as such, cannot link to the video you are so insistent I watch before you answer the simple question i have asked repeatedly. Please give me a direct "word" or "words" summation that I can directly type into YouTube to access your video and I will watch it, respond and THEN you can finally answer that same question as to why have all the World's governments and space agencies have covered up the existence of a flat Earth.

Moving Sale

Re: The Rod of God

Post by Moving Sale »

I know I shouldn't, but I'm wading in again.
I think NASA is probably full of shit most of the time, but that doesn't make the earth flat. It just makes them too stupid to do what it is they say they are doing most of the time.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

MS, right.
NASA being full of shit doesn't mean the earth is flat.
I agree.

I do think that realizing they are full of shit, and that they've been deceiving you for decades, is the first step toward freeing your mind and being able to look objectively at our world.

Btw, has anyone found any pics of a satellite or space debris?
ANY pic?
A single one?



Moving Sale

Re: The Rod of God

Post by Moving Sale »

I don't believe most of what they say so I'm not sure how they are deceiving me.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Left Seater »


Why don't you take a GoPro, a balloon, an iPhone or other gps tracking device and send the camera high into the atmosphere? Pretty decent chance it shows you curvature of the earth. Then what ?

Not sure why I posted this because I won't be checking this post, but if you want to discuss then PM me just like the flights around the deep southern hemisphere.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Dinsdale »

poptart wrote:Aside from having already demonstrated that this pic is a photoshop fake...


As evidence in support of your massive conspiracy, you offer "proof" that NASA was using Photoshop...

in 1969?

You are one monumentally stupid motherfucker.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
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