As has been the case, it is impossible to answer every question, protest, or criticism.
Simply no time for it.
Stop crying, people.
Why don't you do one of two things?
1. Do your own research if you think the topic merits it. Enjoy doing it a little bit.
2. Just leave the thread alone. If poptart is a wack job, just let him stew in it.
Going back to page 21 to make a couple of comments about this video...
Smackie Chan wrote:
Why do you believe lying Scots?
1. There are things about the sun, equinox, etc. that I am exploring. Both on a flat earth model and a ball earth model. I'm not satisfied with how it (sun, equinox) relates to
either ball earth or flat earth, right now.
2. Within the first minute, he speaks of west and east, but that very thing is based on a ball earth model. West and east on a flat earth move as soon as someone moves from their current spot on earth.
3. 7:40 he says, "the sun is very far away." This is his assumption. Then he goes on to talk about how the angle of the sun's rays are different depending on what part of the ball you are standing...
I would submit that the differing angles of sunlight people experience, depending on location on the earth, are that way because they light source (sun) is very close to the flat plane earth.
If you shine a light source on an object (of any shape) from up close, the object will be hit by rays of light coming at different angles.
If you move the light source very far away (like 93 million miles :wink: ) the light that comes upon the object will all come in at a near 90 degree angle all over it, sort of like a