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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

This is an excellent video, if you have the time for it.
Talks about the spin of the earth, the ridiculous idea that planes can land on N-S runways on a globe spinning 900 mph, and earth curvature from a flying perspective.

Regarding earth curvature and flying...

Imagine you're flying from LA to JAX -- 30 degrees of earth curvature.
LA being at the left end of the brown and JAX being at the right end of the brown.


So your airplane takes off from LA and gets to cruising level (35,000 ft or whatever) at the point of the first red arrow.
Gravity is supposedly pulling the plane down so that it stays on course around the curve of the earth.
No need to use the elevators to pull the nose of the plane down from time to time because gravity does it for you.

The plane is not flying on a straight line, it is curving continually, and automatically, we are told.

But what if the pilot got a wild hair and wanted to go straight with his plane?
Take it off toward space.
Instead of following the curve he wants to take the plane straight -- to the point of the red arrow A.

To fly the plane straight, he would need to raise the elevators.

To fly... straight.

Are we thinking?

Anyone thinking?

To fly straight he would have to use the elevators to make the plane go... up.

But don't you use elevators to make the plane go... up, not straight?


Flat earth. :wink:

Happy Weekend!
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Atomic Punk wrote:
poptart wrote:I'm not going to waste time on this debate with you, AP.
It's already been done.

I've thoroughly detailed (with Scriptural basis) how the Bible tells us the firmament is a solid structure.

If you think otherwise, think away.

I don't care.
Is "matter" firm and having substance or not?
Matter (noun):
1. the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed:
the matter of which the earth is made.

2. physical or corporeal substance in general, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, especially as distinguished from incorporeal substance, as spirit or mind, or from qualities, actions, and the like.

3. something that occupies space.

Isn't that describing "firmament?" However, God said it was without shape or form in Genesis 1.
Where do you propose the waters of Genesis 1:6,7 are?

And what do you do with Job 37:18?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Atomic Punk »

No pops, you are dodging reality and dodge and duck at every turn with scroller-type responses.

Does firmament describe the noun "matter" in a biblical sense? I just laid out the definition for you above. You aren't going to change anybody's opinions after 27 pages, so just stop it and realize you are wrong about literal interpretations.

One has to wonder if you joined a whack job cult and moved to Korea to flee ridicule. Flat faces, flat Earth I guess.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:Does firmament describe the noun "matter" in a biblical sense?
What is this sentence supposed to mean?

Everything is matter, yes.

AP wrote:Isn't that describing "firmament?" However, God said it was without shape or form in Genesis 1.
Everything was dark and void in Genesis 1:2.
Then God began creating, and making things -- such as the firmament in Genesis 1:6-7.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

mvscal wrote:Excuse me? Are there any photos of the edge of the earth? Surely there has to be at least one?
STFU, Arthur C. Clarke. We're decades, perhaps centuries, away from having the technology and the means to reach all the way to the Earth's edge and photograph it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Felix »

27 pages? I just want to say I was there
Smackie Chan wrote:
mvscal wrote:Excuse me? Are there any photos of the edge of the earth? Surely there has to be at least one?
STFU, Arthur C. Clarke. We're decades, perhaps centuries, away from having the technology and the means to reach all the way to the Earth's edge and photograph it.
^^^^^^ what he said.....tart has now convinced me we're living on a flat what does that mean? it means there is indeed a big giant firmament floating above the earth.....given that, it's impossible for NASA to have sent a space ship to the moon because said ship would have had to pass through the firmament and that's simply impossible....

skip to 0.49 and you'll see Kirk admit there is a barrier which cannot be breeched.....while of course the Final Frontier is just a movie, I believe the producers were acknowledging the existance of the firmament in that particular scene......

if nothing else tart, you've convinced at least one former believer of the whole "the earth is a globe" where do we go from here?
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

Felix wrote:it's impossible for NASA to have sent a space ship to the moon because said ship would have had to pass through the firmament and that's simply impossible
Try not to be an iodot your whole life. The moon and stars are UNDER the firmament, dumbass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:This is an excellent video, if you have the time for it.
Talks about the spin of the earth, the ridiculous idea that planes can land on N-S runways on a globe spinning 900 mph, and earth curvature from a flying perspective.

Regarding earth curvature and flying...

Imagine you're flying from LA to JAX -- 30 degrees of earth curvature.
LA being at the left end of the brown and JAX being at the right end of the brown.


So your airplane takes off from LA and gets to cruising level (35,000 ft or whatever) at the point of the first red arrow.
Gravity is supposedly pulling the plane down so that it stays on course around the curve of the earth.
No need to use the elevators to pull the nose of the plane down from time to time because gravity does it for you.

The plane is not flying on a straight line, it is curving continually, and automatically, we are told.

But what if the pilot got a wild hair and wanted to go straight with his plane?
Take it off toward space.
Instead of following the curve he wants to take the plane straight -- to the point of the red arrow A.

To fly the plane straight, he would need to raise the elevators.

To fly... straight.

Are we thinking?

Anyone thinking?

To fly straight he would have to use the elevators to make the plane go... up.

But don't you use elevators to make the plane go... up, not straight?


Flat earth. :wink:

Happy Weekend!
Yes, the earf is spinning. Its surface is traveling at about 900 mph, but so is everything on it, dumbfukk. Let's say you are standing inside a greyhound bus barreling down the highway at 80 mph. If you toss a baseball to someone in the front of the bus with a speed, relative to you, of 20 mph, are you throwing a 100 mph fastball? Geeebus Christ, you are one dumb SOB.

As for flying straight off into space and elevators, yes, you do need elevators to fly straight. You need them to fly up, you need them to fly down. You need them to fly period. As for maintaining an altitude, of course it requires continual adjustments by either the pilot or the autopilot.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Felix »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Felix wrote:it's impossible for NASA to have sent a space ship to the moon because said ship would have had to pass through the firmament and that's simply impossible
Try not to be an iodot your whole life. The moon and stars are UNDER the firmament, dumbass.
my bad, I was thinking of the Hovind "Theory" which states that the earth was surrounded by a giant sheet of ice, which god melted and thus resulting in the flood that took out everybody except Noah and his clan.....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Left Seater »

poptart wrote:

So your airplane takes off from LA and gets to cruising level (35,000 ft or whatever) at the point of the first red arrow.
Gravity is supposedly pulling the plane down so that it stays on course around the curve of the earth.
No need to use the elevators to pull the nose of the plane down from time to time because gravity does it for you.

But what if the pilot got a wild hair and wanted to go straight with his plane?
Take it off toward space.
Instead of following the curve he wants to take the plane straight -- to the point of the red arrow A.

To fly the plane straight, he would need to raise the elevators.

To fly... straight.

But don't you use elevators to make the plane go... up,

What makes that a good video? The cinematography? The content certainly doesn't because the guy is seriously lacking in knowledge of flight just like you.

To help the two of you out here are a few answers to your questions. Yes Gravity is always working to bring the plane closer to the surface of the earth. You can't doubt gravity can you? That is a completely different discussion if you do. But assuming you don't doubt gravity, it is always working to bring a plane down. This force is offset by lift. If the lift generated by air flowing over the wings is greater than the gravity pull the plane will climb. If it is less it will descend. If it is equal the plane will maintain its altitude.

As for the elevators they do only one thing. They change the pitch of the plane. Pull back on the stick and the elevators will force the rear of the plane down which raises the nose. Push the stick forward and the rear of the plane will rise which causes the nose to fall. This alone does not change the altitude of the plane. Take for example when I want to descend for landing. 90 percent of the time I don't push the stick forward which would push the nose down. Instead I pull the throttles back which slows the plane and therefore decreases the lift which causes the plane to descend. If we are flying a CDA approach we shouldn't have to touch the throttles or change the pitch until just before touchdown. But more likely we are flying a step down approach and will have to level off at some point before being cleared to descend to the next step. When we reach this step I will increase the throttles to increase the speed which increases the lift.

As for flying off into space that isn't going to happen. The higher a plane goes the less dense the air becomes and lift is decreasing. At some point there will not be enough density to allow a plane to operate. For a 737 this might be 38000 to 40000 feet, for a 747 it might be 44000 to 50000 feet, for the planes I fly it might be 55000 to 60000 feet. But regardless of the plane at some point the wing will stall and the plane will descend until there is once again enough air density and lift to maintain that altitude.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:This is an excellent video, if you have the time for it.
Talks about the spin of the earth, the ridiculous idea that planes can land on N-S runways on a globe spinning 900 mph, and earth curvature from a flying perspective.

Regarding earth curvature and flying...

Imagine you're flying from LA to JAX -- 30 degrees of earth curvature.
LA being at the left end of the brown and JAX being at the right end of the brown.


So your airplane takes off from LA and gets to cruising level (35,000 ft or whatever) at the point of the first red arrow.
Gravity is supposedly pulling the plane down so that it stays on course around the curve of the earth.
No need to use the elevators to pull the nose of the plane down from time to time because gravity does it for you.

The plane is not flying on a straight line, it is curving continually, and automatically, we are told.

But what if the pilot got a wild hair and wanted to go straight with his plane?
Take it off toward space.
Instead of following the curve he wants to take the plane straight -- to the point of the red arrow A.

To fly the plane straight, he would need to raise the elevators.

To fly... straight.

Are we thinking?

Anyone thinking?

To fly straight he would have to use the elevators to make the plane go... up.

But don't you use elevators to make the plane go... up, not straight?


Flat earth. :wink:

Happy Weekend!
I actually threw away nearly half of an hour of my life to watch this dumbfukk. He seems reasonably intelligent and claims to be an engineer, but, he is a batshit crazy fukkd up as tart is. It is painfully obvious when he talks about how using the elevators to make the plane climb just to fly straight makes no sense. Funny how a desire to believe something can make apparently intelligent people into weapons grade stupid mouth breathers.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Left Seater »

No doubt about his weapons grade stupidity.

I tried to warn you.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:Yes, the earf is spinning. Its surface is traveling at about 900 mph, but so is everything on it, dumbfukk. Let's say you are standing inside a greyhound bus barreling down the highway at 80 mph. If you toss a baseball to someone in the front of the bus with a speed, relative to you, of 20 mph, are you throwing a 100 mph fastball? Geeebus Christ, you are one dumb SOB.
Am I the dumb one?

1. Your stupidity was on proud display previously in the thread. MULTIPLE times. Incredibly dumb takes that would make a decent 8th grade math student blush.

2. Try throwing a baseball while the both of you not inside the bus, but are instead on top of the bus.. Let us know how that works out, genius.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Left Seater wrote:What makes that a good video? The cinematography? The content certainly doesn't because the guy is seriously lacking in knowledge of flight just like you.

To help the two of you out here are a few answers to your questions. Yes Gravity is always working to bring the plane closer to the surface of the earth. You can't doubt gravity can you? That is a completely different discussion if you do. But assuming you don't doubt gravity, it is always working to bring a plane down. This force is offset by lift. If the lift generated by air flowing over the wings is greater than the gravity pull the plane will climb. If it is less it will descend. If it is equal the plane will maintain its altitude.

As for the elevators they do only one thing. They change the pitch of the plane. Pull back on the stick and the elevators will force the rear of the plane down which raises the nose. Push the stick forward and the rear of the plane will rise which causes the nose to fall. This alone does not change the altitude of the plane. Take for example when I want to descend for landing. 90 percent of the time I don't push the stick forward which would push the nose down. Instead I pull the throttles back which slows the plane and therefore decreases the lift which causes the plane to descend. If we are flying a CDA approach we shouldn't have to touch the throttles or change the pitch until just before touchdown. But more likely we are flying a step down approach and will have to level off at some point before being cleared to descend to the next step. When we reach this step I will increase the throttles to increase the speed which increases the lift.

As for flying off into space that isn't going to happen. The higher a plane goes the less dense the air becomes and lift is decreasing. At some point there will not be enough density to allow a plane to operate. For a 737 this might be 38000 to 40000 feet, for a 747 it might be 44000 to 50000 feet, for the planes I fly it might be 55000 to 60000 feet. But regardless of the plane at some point the wing will stall and the plane will descend until there is once again enough air density and lift to maintain that altitude.
Did you watch the video?

He wasn't talking about going off into space, and I wasn't either.

He was making a point (as I was) that IF a pilot wanted to not follow the curve of the earth, but instead wanted to fly straight, taking himself up from say 35,000 ft cruising level to 50,000 ft, he would use the elevators.

... to go STRAIGHT. lol

1. As a pilot you follow the curve of the earth, because gravity does that automatically for you, yes?

The nose of the plane is continually, or periodically (to some degree) going DOWN to follow the curve, due to gravity, yes?

If at cruising altitude, you decided you didn't want to follow the earth's curve, but instead wanted to go STRAIGHT, what would you, mr. pilot, do?

2. Did you watch what was presented about landing on a N-S runway on a 900 mph spinning globe?

What's your take?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:He seems reasonably intelligent and claims to be an engineer
He clearly shows himself to be infinitely more astute than you've shown yourself to be.

No joke.
You should join Jayne in the Read Only club, champ.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:27 pages? I just want to say I was there
Smackie Chan wrote:
mvscal wrote:Excuse me? Are there any photos of the edge of the earth? Surely there has to be at least one?
STFU, Arthur C. Clarke. We're decades, perhaps centuries, away from having the technology and the means to reach all the way to the Earth's edge and photograph it.
^^^^^^ what he said.....tart has now convinced me we're living on a flat what does that mean? it means there is indeed a big giant firmament floating above the earth.....given that, it's impossible for NASA to have sent a space ship to the moon because said ship would have had to pass through the firmament and that's simply impossible....

skip to 0.49 and you'll see Kirk admit there is a barrier which cannot be breeched.....while of course the Final Frontier is just a movie, I believe the producers were acknowledging the existance of the firmament in that particular scene......

if nothing else tart, you've convinced at least one former believer of the whole "the earth is a globe" where do we go from here?
I like this post.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

5:20 to 14:50

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote: Try throwing a baseball while the both of you not inside the bus, but are instead on top of the bus.. Let us know how that works out, genius.
You really do suck at this analogy thing, you know that?

The atmosphere moves WITH the planet you fukking moron. You act as if the atmosphere somehow is independent of the earth and that if the planet was spinning at 900 mph, we'd have 900 mph winds. As that fukking idiot in the video said, it is about relativity. The trouble is, his mind is clouded as is yours. Where it is by religion or just some snarky desire to prove the rest of us wrong, I can't tell you.

There is just one fukking thing about a spinning planet that comes into play here and that is the acceleration forces generated by a revolving body. But we are talking about a body that rotates 1 time every 24 fukking hours. In other words, they are irrelevant to a dude driving a plane. He is way more concerned with changes in wind velocity. That runway that is moving 900 mph sideways is not a problem because so is he, so is the plane and so are you, you dead from the neck up superstitious old fukk.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

From start to finish of the flight, it is a given that the plane moves at 900 mph west to east -- with the earth and the atmosphere.

When the plane is up at cruising altitude, it is moving west to east 600 mph faster than the ground and atmosphere.
Y or N?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Last edited by poptart on Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:From start to finish of the flight, it is a given that the plane moves at 900 mph west to east -- with the earth and the atmosphere.

When the plane is up at cruising altitude, it is moving west to east 600 mph faster than the ground and atmosphere.
Y or N?

And your point is?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Yes, then go to the next step...

Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:That's a yes, right?

Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
Once again total velocity is irrelevant until it gets somewhere up around 25,000 mph at which time the object will reach escape velocity.

Take that 900 mph and jam it up your arse sideways. It is irrelevant for the topic at hand because EVERYFUKKINGTHING is at it. The only thing here that enters the equation is aircraft airspeed and ground speed.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:Yes, then go to the next step...

Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:
poptart wrote:Yes, then go to the next step...

Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
Okay, good.

The plane can not make a direct right angle turn, right?
It bends.

New velocity for the plane as it approaches the N-S runway is 1,200 mph -- drifting past the runway below, which is moving at just 900 mph.

The plane and runway can not match up.

Why do you hate Newton?

Your fantasy would work if the runway was running E-W.
OR... if the plane could somehow immediately go to zero mph and make a right angle turn.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:Take that 900 mph and jam it up your arse sideways. It is irrelevant for the topic at hand because EVERYFUKKINGTHING is at it. The only thing here that enters the equation is aircraft airspeed and ground speed.
Ground speed is the same as atmosphere speed.
They move together.

That's what YOU said.

Nice melt.

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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote:

Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

They are not independent of each other. The speed of the plane is in the context of the medium it is flying in (the atmosphere).

You should just stop now.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

poptart wrote:Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
smackaholic wrote:Right
smackaholic wrote:Once again total velocity is irrelevant until it gets somewhere up around 25,000 mph at which time the object will reach escape velocity.
bwaaaa hahahahaaaaa!!

Just like Jay when he couldn't decide if he needs to go with the fantasy that water bends or not.

You're speaking out of both sides of your ass, smacked.

Yes, the plane has to be traveling east faster than both earth and atmosphere, of else it will never move at all.
You were right the first time (at least according to round earth theory).

Since the plane can not go to zero speed and/or make a direct 90 degree turn, it must drift off as it turns at a speed greater than both the atmosphere and earth -- thus making it not possible for it to match the runway for a N-S landing strip.

A body in motion will remain in motion unless an outside force acts on it.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

poptart wrote:Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.
Marty wrote:They are not independent of each other. The speed of the plane is in the context of the medium it is flying in (the atmosphere).
Of course.

That's why the plane is moving 1,500 mph and not 600 mph.
The plane is moving 900 mph before it even takes off.

At cruising altitude, the plane is moving 600 mph faster than the earth and atmosphere.
Do you somehow dispute this?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote:
poptart wrote:Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.
Marty wrote:They are not independent of each other. The speed of the plane is in the context of the medium it is flying in (the atmosphere).
Of course.

That's why the plane is moving 1,500 mph and not 600 mph.
The plane is moving 900 mph before it even takes off.

At cruising altitude, the plane is moving 600 mph faster than the earth and atmosphere.
Do you somehow dispute this?

The plane is NOT moving 900 mph before take off.

Here's some more sorcery for you to shake your bag of chicken bones at:

Do you even understand this simple formula? It's high school freshman stuff. Were you asleep in class?
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Please take careful note of the displacement/time portion of the formula...
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Marty wrote:The plane is NOT moving 900 mph before take off.
The earth is allegedly spinning at 900 mph.
The atmosphere is moving 900 mph.
Everything is moving 900 mph -- including the plane.

If the plane is sitting in the dark on the side of the earth opposite the sun, at 9:00 PM and then is 12 hours later sitting in the light, at 9:00 AM, it has MOVED, just like the rest of the earth.

If the plane has gone from dark to light in 12 hours, how can you claim it is not moving?

What are you, on dope?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:The earth is allegedly spinning at 900 mph.
The atmosphere is moving 900 mph.
Everything is moving 900 mph -- including the plane.

We're talking relative motion. When you're standing still, do you feel yourself moving 900 mph? If the earth and the atmosphere are moving at 900 mph because that's the speed at which the Earth is spinning, then everything on the planet and within the atmosphere will appear to be stationary when they're not moving relative to it.

I'm now convinced you've been trolling for the past 27+ pages. You seriously can't be THAT stupid.

Can you?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

Smackie Chan wrote:
poptart wrote:The earth is allegedly spinning at 900 mph.
The atmosphere is moving 900 mph.
Everything is moving 900 mph -- including the plane.

We're talking relative motion. When you're standing still, do you feel yourself moving 900 mph? If the earth and the atmosphere are moving at 900 mph because that's the speed at which the Earth is spinning, then everything on the planet and within the atmosphere will appear to be stationary when they're not moving relative to it.

I'm now convinced you've been trolling for the past 27+ pages. You seriously can't be THAT stupid.

Can you?
I'm not sure that even greek statue facepalm dude is sufficient, or Roman or whatever he is.

Pops, when I said that the ground and air speed were the same, I suppose I should have said plus or minus 50 knots or so as there generally is some winds speed RELATIVE to the surface of the earf.

One more time here, the only thing other than local windspeed RELATIVE the the ground that you need to worry about is accelerative forces generated by the earf rotating on its axis. And these are so fukking minimal that they are irrelevant to this discussion.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

Smackie wrote:We're talking relative motion. When you're standing still, do you feel yourself moving 900 mph?
Our motion is based on what we feel?


Since when?
We've heard from 1st grade that we're cruising at 900 mph, even though we don't feel it.

The earth and atmosphere move at 900 mph, and as the plane reaches cruising height, it travels east at 1,500 mph
True or false?
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

smackaholic wrote:One more time here, the only thing other than local windspeed RELATIVE the the ground that you need to worry about is accelerative forces generated by the earf rotating on its axis.
You and Smackie would be right if the pilot traveling west to east was going to land on an E-W runway.

But as it is in the example, unless you think the pilot can make the plane go to zero and/or do a direct 90 degree turn, you are flat out -----> WRONG.

poptart wrote:Total velocity of the plane is 1,500 mph.
Total velocity of the earth and atmosphere is 900 mph.

Now when the plane slows down so that it can make it's turn (and let's say it slows to 300 mph), the earth and atmosphere do not slow down.
smackaholic wrote:Right.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by mvscal »

poptart wrote:
Smackie wrote:We're talking relative motion. When you're standing still, do you feel yourself moving 900 mph?
Our motion is based on what we feel?

Yes, really. And it really is called relative motion. It's what hurls unbelted passengers through the windshield when the vehicle they are traveling in comes to an immediate stop. You don't have take my word for it, though. Please test it for yourself and spare us any further stupidity.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by poptart »

As described in the video, a plane takes off at LAX and travels east to JAX -- to then make a landing on a N-S runway.

Explain the last 1/4 of the flight for us.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

We bounce lasers off the moon's surface back at us and record precise distances, accounting for the speed of light.

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: The Rod of God

Post by smackaholic »

Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:We bounce lasers off the moon's surface back at us and record precise distances, accounting for the speed of light.

This is an easy one, pops. I'll take it.

The moon is a quarter of a million miles away, just as the frauds at NASA tell us. The firmament, from which it hangs, is even further. That, and g0d says so.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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