The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:Poptart, there are hundreds of photos available of the ISS alone that are available with a simple search.
I said there are no pics of a satellite or space debris.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Now admins (Mgo, 88,...) are you going to give Snot his timeout?

Nobody should ever open up a thread and have a pic of a man sodomizing another man fly up on their screen unannounced.

Let alone, one posted by an administrator. :meds:

The lack of judgment there is staggering.

And it's not like we haven't seen such lack of judgment from this individual in the past, either.

I know Snot will say, "There was no cakk shown, so it's not really a violation," but that would be as lame as most of his other takes in this thread.

It is pornography.

That was evident the very moment I saw it.

I'm not really here to bust Scott's balls, but... c'mon, people.

That's some stupid, weak shit right there.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:Way back in this thread, Brian posted a FILM image from one of the Apollo missions that clearly shows a very round Earth in the background. As photoshopping and digital imaging didn't exist when the picture was taken, your entire silly argument fell apart right there alone.
It proves nothing.

Are you 11 years old?

Did you ever watch the Buzzed Aldrin clip I posted?
Where he and the Apollo 11 crew + ground control manufactured a fake earth image to deceive the American Zombies with?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by smackaholic »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:Poptart, there are hundreds of photos available of the ISS alone that are available with a simple search.
I said there are no pics of a satellite or space debris.
So fukking what? Are you implying that the photoshoppers at NASA aren't capable of wytching up some? Or are they just not clever enough to think of it? Also, remember that that space junk is hurling along with a pretty good velocity. Trying to get on a synchronous orbit with it so they can snap a pic is prolly not high on their list of stuff to do.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:there are no pics of a satellite or space debris.
There aren't any of the Earth's edge or the firmament either. I would think that at least the former would be a pretty easy one to get and that there are plenty of folks who would be eager and able to snap and produce it.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

There are some who think that the Antarctic ice ring extends out thousands of miles in all directions -- such that "The Designer" made it so that we could never even get to the edge.
And that the cover (or firmament) is MASSIVE in scale compared to the earth land that we live on.
Like a large salad bowl covering a coin, or something like that.

I'm not saying it IS or ISN'T that way.
Just putting it out there as food for thought.

What I DO know is that space near earth is supposedly littered with satellites and junk -- but there are no pic(s) to verify it.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

You understand the concept of "scale", correct?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:There are some who think that the Antarctic ice ring extends out thousands of miles in all directions -- such that "The Designer" made it so that we could never even get to the edge.
Hmmm...I see. I guess flying over the ice ring and taking an in-flight photo of the edge would be out of the question, too. I'm trying to picture this scenario and frankly am having a tough time. Is it correct to assume Antarctica is on the south end of a flat stationary surface? And you're saying there are "some" who believe the ice ring extends thousands of miles in all directions? Wouldn't it, then, cover the entire surface? If not, there should be areas in directions other than to the south (like, I dunno, north?) in which the Earth's edge should be accessible by land or sea. Or does this ice ring completely bound the surface such that no matter which direction one goes, one will encounter an ice wall? If so, there should be plenty of photos available of the ice wall from all sorts of different angles, from ships, planes, and the ground. Got one you can show me?
the cover (or firmament) is MASSIVE in scale compared to the earth land that we live on.
Like a large salad bowl covering a coin, or something like that.
I tried making that argument with you many pages ago, but you dismissed it. My idea of MASSIVE was billions of light years in diameter, but you said there's nothing in Genesis that would lead one to believe that. Of course, there's nothing in Genesis or anywhere else in the Bible that gives any hint as to the size of the firmament. So your belief is that it's MASSIVE, just not that MASSIVE, and that your belief of its size is not really based on anything except what you believe. Got it. But again, believe what you want.
I'm not saying it IS or ISN'T that way.
Just putting it out there as food for thought.
Understood. Food for thought, but with no evidence or scripture to support what you believe its size to be.
What I DO know is that space near earth is supposedly littered with satellites and junk -- but there are no pic(s) to verify it.
I'm curious about that, too. Here's a link that provides some "food for thought" as to why that might be that I'm certain you will summarily dismiss.

All sarcasm and snarkiness aside, I really am trying to keep an open mind and see if there's even a shred of legitimacy to the flat earth and firmament propositions. I've done my own research, looking into sites and listening to those (some who might even be characterized as scientists) who believe as you do. Just ain't addin' up. Not saying some of the questions and doubts you raise aren't legitimate, or that all questions are answered to my satisfaction. But as far as scale-tipping goes, there is abundantly more evidence to support a spherical orbiting planet that's part of a much larger solar system, which is just an infinitesimally small part of an unfathomably huge universe, than there is to support a stationary, flat-surfaced planet surrounded by an ice wall and orbited above by a sun that's just a few thousand miles away, a self-illuminating moon, stars that all fit within a firmament surrounded by water, with no man-made satellites orbiting it. From what I can gather, it's not even a close call.

But believe what you want.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Left Seater »


Why do you claim to be searching for answers, but anytime someone posts something that goes against flat earth you dismiss it or call it bullshit or the poster a liar? If you are really searching for answers you should be thanking folks for brining said info to your attention.

Let's also put away the name calling and liar crap. You have stated that you would answer any question yet have refused to answer dozens.
poptart wrote:
I'm more than happy to answer any question put my way

As for your suggestion of the sun's path over the flat earth, math proves that impossible given we have periods of darkness. It would always be light across the entire earth if the earth were flat.
Pop wrote:Image

You have told us that the sun is 2500 miles above the surface of the earth. We also know that the distance from the equator to the North Pole is roughly 6250 miles. Using the math of a right triangle we can then calculate the angle of the sun above the horizon. Let's say the sun is on its orbit where it is centered directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. This would put the sun roughly 7875 miles from the North Pole. So using Triangle with sides A, B and C and angles d, e and f where side A is 2500 miles (distance sun is above the earth) and Side B is 7875 miles (the distance from the Tropic of Capricorn to the North Pole) and angle f is 90 degrees (since the sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn) we can calculate angles d and e. For this discussion lets label the angle between Side B and Side C angle d and the angle between Side C and Side A as angle e.

To calculate the angle d we have to use a little trig.

Tangent d = (Side A/Side B)

when we divide both sides of the equation by tangent we get:

d = 1/Tangent x (Side A/Side B)


d = arctan (Side A/Side B)


d = arctan (2500/7875)

or d = 17.61 degrees

Given your suggested model, the sun would never be less than 17.6 degrees above the horizon. We also know that the sun still provides some light even after it has moved below the horizon or prior to rising above the horizon. So your perspective theory is out the window here.

If the earth truly is flat the sun would never set and the entire earth would always be in the light and we would have perpetual "day."
Last edited by Left Seater on Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by R-Jack »

poptart wrote:Now admins (Mgo, 88,...) are you going to give Snot his timeout?

Nobody should ever open up a thread and have a pic of a man sodomizing another man fly up on their screen unannounced.
Before it was witched it was man on woman most likely. Some here may argue it still is. If you just admitted that pictures are hard for you to read, we could've saved about 30 some-odd pages.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:Poptart, there are hundreds of photos available of the ISS alone that are available with a simple search.
I said there are no pics of a satellite or space debris.
What, the ISS isn't proof enough? Poptart, most of the debris in space is quite small and as has been mentioned is hurling through orbit very, very quickly and to photograph it you would have to be in geosynchronous orbit with it to get a picture. There are pictures of satellites available, but even if I were to give you one, you again would dismiss it as a fake.

As to Buzz Aldrin, here is a Twitter page dealing with his reaction to people saying the landing was faked.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Having watched the Buzz Aldrin interview, it seems apparent that the old and decrepit astronaut has suffered from extreme stressful conditions and senile paranoia. While I respect what Aldrin has accomplished, I seriously doubt that even he at this point of his life really remembers what he experienced. Very sad and very proper respect to Mr. Aldrin, but he contradicts very important facts and physical information given by by Niel Armstrong, who was the first man to set foot on the moon.

Moon rocks, dust, soil and other indisputable evidence supply physical proof of elements that do not and never have existed on the Earth. Dispute these proofs to your false heart's content, but until you provide verifiable evidence beyond conspiracy websites, you remain, as you have ever been, from the start, a troll and a liar.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Smackie wrote:I'm trying to picture this scenario and frankly am having a tough time. Is it correct to assume Antarctica is on the south end of a flat stationary surface? And you're saying there are "some" who believe the ice ring extends thousands of miles in all directions? Wouldn't it, then, cover the entire surface? If not, there should be areas in directions other than to the south (like, I dunno, north?)
I've posted this (or similar) pic many times already.
And just for this reason.

People can't seem to understand what Antarctica would look like on a flat earth.


The white part on the outside of the circle is Antarctica.
If we had an huge extended Antarctica, that would mean that ring is gigantic.
Instead of being a centimeter wide in this drawing, it would be say, 10 or 20 centimeters wide, for example.
Extending way out away from the blue, in all directions.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

poptart wrote:the cover (or firmament) is MASSIVE in scale compared to the earth land that we live on.
Like a large salad bowl covering a coin, or something like that
Smackie wrote:I tried making that argument with you many pages ago, but you dismissed it. My idea of MASSIVE was billions of light years in diameter, but you said there's nothing in Genesis that would lead one to believe that. Of course, there's nothing in Genesis or anywhere else in the Bible that gives any hint as to the size of the firmament. So your belief is that it's MASSIVE, just not that MASSIVE, and that your belief of its size is not really based on anything except what you believe. Got it.

This is not true.

As I noted before, Genesis 1:6-7 says there are waters above the firmament.
It does not say beyond the firmament.

Psalms 148:4 also says the waters are above the firmament, not beyond it.

There are other passages as well, that speak of God being above us, above the firmament.
Again, not beyond the firmament.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

North America sure looks twice as small as South America on that distorted image. Take a road trip from the widest part East to West on both continents and tell me what your odometer reads then get back to me. :meds:
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Left Seater wrote:Why do you claim to be searching for answers, but anytime someone posts something that goes against flat earth you dismiss it or call it bullshit or the poster a liar?
I've called a few people liars when they have... lied.

There are legitimate questions and unanswered questions I have about any flat earth model I've seen.

I currently embrace no model as accurate.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Atomic Punk wrote:North America sure looks twice as small as South America on that distorted image. Take a road trip from the widest part East to West on both continents and tell me what your odometer reads then get back to me. :meds:
poptart wrote:I currently embrace no model as accurate.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:The white part on the outside of the circle is Antarctica.
If we had an huge extended Antarctica, that would mean that ring is gigantic.
Instead of being a centimeter wide in this drawing, it would be say, 10 or 20 centimeters wide, for example.
Extending way out away from the blue, in all directions.
So what would prevent an aerial photo of the ice barrier being taken from a plane that left, say, Argentina?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

LS wrote:Let's also put away the name calling and liar crap. You have stated that you would answer any question yet have refused to answer dozens.
I don't know how many times I need to say this...

I don't HAVE the answers.


I am exploring.

1. It's not possible to answer every question and protest that comes up in this thread.

2. I simply don't KNOW the answer to many of the questions. That's why I tell you to do your own research if you're curious.

At this point I've determined that the current model is WRONG.
NASA has lied over and over.
I believe the Bible.

Beyond that, I don't know what the earth really looks like.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Smackie Chan wrote:
poptart wrote:The white part on the outside of the circle is Antarctica.
If we had an huge extended Antarctica, that would mean that ring is gigantic.
Instead of being a centimeter wide in this drawing, it would be say, 10 or 20 centimeters wide, for example.
Extending way out away from the blue, in all directions.
So what would prevent an aerial photo of the ice barrier being taken from a plane that left, say, Argentina?
It could perhaps happen.
Or perhaps not.
I don't know.

If what I suspect is true, I think any unauthorized plane that crossed over into Antarctica and was moving toward the outer edge would be -----> blown away.

Not fact.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

LS wrote:You have told us that the sun is 2500 miles above the surface of the earth


I've never said that.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Jay wrote:What, the ISS isn't proof enough?
It's not.

I think it is fake.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

poptart wrote:If what I suspect is true, I think any unauthorized plane that crossed over into Antarctica and was moving toward the outer edge would be -----> blown away.
Why would it be unauthorized? Also, are there big solar powered wind generators at the edge of the ice barrier to blow away approaching aircraft? :lol:
Last edited by Atomic Punk on Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Felix »

poptart wrote: The white part on the outside of the circle is Antarctica.
yeah, I wouldn't want to go to Antarctica because if you went too far you'd fall off the if I fell off the earth, where do you think I'd land?
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Smackie Chan »

poptart wrote:If what I suspect is true, I think any unauthorized plane that crossed over into Antarctica and was moving toward the outer edge would be -----> blown away.

Not fact.

By what or whom?

Since you don't believe the earth is a sphere, I think it's safe to assume you don't believe there are North or South Poles. Is that fair to say? If so, how do compasses work? Is there such thing as magnetic north?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »


Maybe they wouldn't.

Buzzed is a pathetic drunk.
A liar.
A despicable liar.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

Well, they would be unauthorized flights that would be "blown away" by big wind machines.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:
poptart wrote: The white part on the outside of the circle is Antarctica.
yeah, I wouldn't want to go to Antarctica because if you went too far you'd fall off the if I fell off the earth, where do you think I'd land?
I think it's impossible to fall off, Felix.

You're here and you're IN.
There is no place to run.

You can't hide from God.
You're IN His cage.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Smackie Chan wrote:
poptart wrote:If what I suspect is true, I think any unauthorized plane that crossed over into Antarctica and was moving toward the outer edge would be -----> blown away.

Not fact.

By what or whom?

Since you don't believe the earth is a sphere, I think it's safe to assume you don't believe there are North or South Poles. Is that fair to say? If so, how do compasses work? Is there such thing as magnetic north?
I think there is a North Pole.
Or North Center of the circle.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

poptart wrote: I think there is a North Pole.
Or North Center of the circle.
Do you think there is also a South pole? If so, then where would it be?
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

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poptart wrote:I think there is a North Pole.
Or North Center of the circle.
Is it magnetic?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:Do you think there is also a South pole? If so, then where would it be?South Pole?
Look at the flat earth map I put up today.

Pole would be a center.
There is only one center on a flat earth map.
At the north.

If you went to the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, right where it says South Pole on this map...


That is as far as you'd ever be allowed to go, imo.

How every many miles this point is from the beginning of entrance into Antarctica, is as far as you'd probably be allowed to go -- no matter where you entered the continent, imo.

That distance, that point, would represent the very outside of this circle earth.


Beyond that, you won't go further, imo.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Smackie Chan wrote:
poptart wrote:I think there is a North Pole.
Or North Center of the circle.
Is it magnetic?
I don't know.

I haven't explored this aspect at all.
Well, almost not at all.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

Then with 2 opposing map images, then one has a South pole (polar) and the distorted one that makes North America look half the size of South America due to longitudinal lines is not the same. So both images you have can't both be right. The one with South America is obviously wrong if you ever drover West-to East or vice-versa and look at your odometer.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:
Jay wrote:What, the ISS isn't proof enough?
It's not.

I think it is fake.
What you think is false. Why you think it is false is the basis of this silly discussion.

What you can prove is based on awful conspiracy driven videos that are poorly produced and badly edited.

What you can establish has been proven wrong.

The pictures of the ISS as well as the Earth photo from the Apollo missions has been shown to be true, unaltered, and beyond conspiratorial reproach. Why do you insist on carrying on this trolling lunacy?

Are pure film photographs that have been unaltered from their inception not enough to convince you?

Don't answer that, you are too intellectually ignorant to respond.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

poptart wrote:Image

Maybe they wouldn't.

Buzzed is a pathetic drunk.
A liar.
A despicable liar.
Wait a fucking moment. The very same Buzz Aldrin that you have given full credence to provide evidence of falsifying the Lunar Missions is now a " pathetic drunk"?

Old man, you are now caught in not only a flat-out lie, but have exposed yourself as a trolling fraudulent douche.

Shut It down pops. You have nowhere to go from here.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

I'm looking forward to Mark Sargent's show this week.

So far he's had a...

- U.S. Navy missile instructor confirm -----> flat earth

- Career land surveyor confirm flat earth

- U.S. Navy submarine chief confirm flat earth

- Flight instructor confirm flat earth

This week he'll have a valve expert on to discuss why the ISS is simply not possible.

You should really listen to the U.S. Navy missile instructor, Jay.

They simply don't account for any earth curvature.


It is what it is.
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by poptart »

Jay in Phoenix wrote:
poptart wrote:Image

Maybe they wouldn't.

Buzzed is a pathetic drunk.
A liar.
A despicable liar.
Wait a fucking moment. The very same Buzz Aldrin that you have given full credence to provide evidence of falsifying the Lunar Missions is now a " pathetic drunk"?

Old man, you are now caught in not only a flat-out lie, but have exposed yourself as a trolling fraudulent douche.

Shut It down pops. You have nowhere to go from here.
What in the world are you talking about?

Have you been drinking?
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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by Atomic Punk »

I'm a former US Naval aviator and will confirm the missile instructor is wrong.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

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Re: The Rod of God -- (!) Pages 33 and 34 (!)

Post by trev »

Why the Buzz Aldrin hate? Geeez Louise.
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