So long LTS

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So long LTS

Post by ML@Coyote »

"My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion.
He said okay, you're ugly too."


I've had a lot of fun here the past few days at your expense. Do I think you're really crazy? A little, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The world needs crazy people. The odds that any of your ideas is true are about a million to one, but that doesn't mean we'd all be better off if you shut up. One day one of the nutty theories you so wholeheartedly believe in may be proved true, and where would we all be if believers like you hadn't carried the torch? As your friend Tesla said, "One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." Keep thinking deeply. You're amusing and you're often the butt of jokes, including my own, but you're not a useless asshole like the little lawyer. There's a place for you here. Best of luck to you.

One last thing to think about. If your aliens taught the Egyptians about electricity, then why didn't they also teach them about the wheel? If your going to teach a child to play Mozart, you ought to at least first start things off by showing him the location of middle C.

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Re: So long LTS

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

A million to one? But you can't offer a single part of the NIST report that stands up to basic scrutiny. Not one. And what's with this "so long" nonsense? Are you going over Niagra Falls in a metaphorical barrel?
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Re: So long LTS

Post by Mikey »

That should be,
"The odds that any of your ideas ARE true..."

Carry on.
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