ML@Coyote wrote: Mikey,
Wow, it took you some time to respond! You seem to have been struggling with my post, so I'll help you out step by step. See if you can ignore the liberal rhetoric you hold so dear, and follow along:
Not struggling with your post at all. Let me clue you in...I often have a lot better things to do on my weekends than sit down and respond to your consistently verbose crap. You seem to sit constantly in front of your computer breathlessly waiting for another chance at intellectual self-confirmation or...something.
I do this mostly as an occasional break at my desk.
You've got to be the most tedious last word whore since Goobs. At least he does it with a sense of humor.
ML@Coyote wrote:1. Your the one who started up this bullshit about who my friends were. It was a rookie mistake on your part, and you ought to admit it and move on. This being a message board, I can tell you anything I want, and you have no way of verifying whether it's true or not. And odds are that you'll call me a liar no matter what I say. You fucked up here, so move on and stop pretending you've made some kind of point.
1a. Nice job italicizing
you're own syntax error, dumbass.
1b. Check again.
Your the one who wrote:
I'm all for our friends south of the border becoming legal citizens
and then challenged me to point out what you were missing, exactly.
Exactly, I don't believe that you actually have any dreamer friends, either south or north of the border. You can confirm or deny it all you want. Tell me you have some dreamer friends and I'll admit I was wrong, assuming
your not lying out your ass.
ML@Coyote wrote: 2. You claim they're not from south of the border because they're here. This is one of the more stupid statements I've read on this subject. I can't even believe you wrote it. What the fuck are you talking about? I'd say not only are they from south of the border, but they're here illegally.
2a. I did not claim that they're not from south of the border. Let me quote you one more time:
I'm all for our friends south of the border becoming legal citizens
What you're missing, exactly, is the word "from." Believe it or not, that changes the meaning of your sentence.
2b. They are not all from south of the border. Many are, some are not. Again, I was pointing out EXACTLY what you were missing.
ML@Coyote wrote: 3. You say a minor child can't become a citizen legally? Then what the fuck is the child doing here? Who put them in the position their in? US citizens? Hardly. If you want to complain to someone and assign blame for the situation, look to the child's parents. You seem to keep forgetting who began and prolonged this difficult situation in the first place.
They cannot become a citizen legally on their own. You say that I should blame the parents, and yet your entire point in this thread is that the child should be held responsible and pay the price. You seem to be a bit confused.
ML@Coyote wrote:4. I gave you an analogy. Rather than try to comprehend the purpose of the analogy, you picked it apart.
Because your analogy was bullshit, and I already explained why. EOS.
ML@Coyote wrote:5. Yes I've broken traffic laws, and when I've been caught, I've paid the price for them.
So, you only pay when you get caught. Where's your respect for our laws?
By the standard you're setting for others, you either should not break the law or you should turn yourself in whenever you do.