MsCJ wrote:Did Clinton disrespect actual veterans regarding their service? Did Clinton ever question anyone's patriotism? The problem with Trump isn't really that he's a draft dodger, it's that he's a draft dodger who has somehow managed to claim to be more patriotic than the people that have really gave all.
So, being even more of a draft dodger is OK.....if, you don't claim excessive patriotism afterwards?
In addition to today's disrespected Gold Star family, there was also the Khan family (also he got caught with fact problems on this on), there's trying to politicize John Kelly's loss which John Kelly has been vary careful not to publicize (also fact problems), I could go on but you get the point.
not sure wtf you are babbling about there concerning Kelly. The Khans, who in addition to being gold star parents are political hacks and he is an immigration lawyer, came after him, he responded
And Trump is outpacing Obama on golf : ... ack-obama/
Which is another one of those problematic things because of the blatant hypocrisy of spending so much time complaining about Obama golfing.
Finally kneeling during the anthem has nothing to do with veterans or patriotism, it's about bringing attention to a cause. And it's working. And old white men aren't happy that the black men that are paid to entertain them care about social justice. Boo fucking hoo.
They don't give two fukks about an imagined problem. They are fanning the racial flames because they know damn well, if they don't keep the balcks on the democrat plantation, they're fukked. And yes, some of us old white dudes are a little fukking pissed and we have the right to be. Everyone should be pissed that racial tensions, which we have all done a pretty good job of putting behind us have been fanned back to life thanks to Obama and the rest of the dems.
You know every goddamn word of that is true, but your desire for "free healthcare" or late term abortion, or whatever the fukk it is that motivates you is more important.