... -2050.html
Bad news indeed! By 2050 Willy Wonka is gonna have to shut down his chocolate factory because GLOBAL WARMING (best read while hearing dramatically ominous bum-bum-BUM! music playing in your head) is going to kill ALL THE MAGIC CHOCOLATE BUSHES AND TREES!
The would-be Algores of the world wonder why nobody takes them seriously despite these dire warnings of plague, pestilence, and death issued by them on a regular basis. After all, what will it take to wake up the World Citizenry to extreme dangers of manmade global warming?!?
This follows barely averted disasters of no gas back in the ‘70s, NYC underwater by 2015, and ever bigger, stronger, meaner, sour milk inducing hurricanes rampaging across the globe— even in areas where only typhoons once dared tread. Now it’s chocolate— and if that doesn’t get the lazy populace off their duffs and out in the streets getting all woke and stuff to protest with raised consciousness about community organization and activism, nothing will.
More ridiculously over the top alarmist AGW news
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
More ridiculously over the top alarmist AGW news
Cock o' the walk, baby!
Re: More ridiculously over the top alarmist AGW news
Could you please retype that in noncrazy?
Re: More ridiculously over the top alarmist AGW news
This bird is lucky he can read let alone fly...
Go Bucs, Gators