Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:Softball Bat wrote:
Trump, the conservative republican (supposedly)...
I don't recall the last time anyone referred to Trump as a "conservative".
Softball Bat wrote:...vigorously endorsed and supported by evangelicals...
When did that happen?
Softball Bat wrote:
...and "white nationalists"
Trump has disavowed white nationalists at every opportunity.
1. The media will certainly portray Donald as a conservative as he circles the drain.
Two days ago Derron called him a conservative, and chided me for not being onboard.
Derron wrote:I know it must be getting boring lip locking the dicks of Screwed in the Ass and Gobbles Cocks every day and you want some strange stuff, but a conservative is just not your type there big boy.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=49319&p=970817&hili ... ve#p970817
2. Donald was endorsed by Liberty University's (largest Christian college in America) Jerry Falwell Jr. He was endorsed by Robert Jeffress and Pat Robertson. 80% of white evangelicals voted for Trump, which is the highest number since Bush in '04. Evangelicals should have been out LOUDLY voicing their displeasure with Donald's act long ago. They have been as silent as, well, a church mouse. Pitiful.
3. Trump's base is made up of white nationalists. Some open and many "closet" white nationalists. Look at his rallies. It almost all white and he regularly gets them all juiced up by tossing out rhetoric that oozes white nationalism.
Shithole countries, mexican rapists, and on and on...
Many/most not only defend this crap, but they LOVE that he says and thinks these things.
It is what it is.
Again, the media will be happy to taunt and mock "white nationalism" as their loudmouth, buffoonish, sleazeball leader circles and finally disappears in disgrace. The mocking will go on for years.
Yes, it will be the chopping down of evangelicals and white nationalists.