Screw_Michigan wrote:
Trump is accused of felonies. There is no such thing as a civil felony, asswipe.
By a couple of people who are about as sane as you. Reading is your friend... you should try reading what I wrote, rather than what you wish I wrote. I can help you with any multisyllabic words, if need be.
Diego in Seattle wrote:
And how would others even know to pay off Daniels & McDougal if he hadn't told of his schtupping them?
He knew of the payments, and what they were for.
So, you are privy to some corroboration? You should get thyself to Screweyland, STAT!!!! If you don't think campaigns insulate with "plausible denialbilty," then you're a fucking rube.
Jsc810 wrote:I don't handle criminal cases' but I don't think that willfulness is an element of the crime
We have something in common -- neither do I. Guess what -- Obama was busted for campaign violations, and fined heavily. I don't recall you calling for his head. He was never accused of a crime because... he was unaware that he was party to illegal activity. Jeebuz, crack a book/newspaper. There's tomes discussing the legalities these days.
I have no idea how things will turn out -- if he committed crimes, then turf the douche. I won't shed a tear nor a shit. Didn't like the guy 30 years ago, don't like him now, and didn't vote for him. But the TDS sufferers are providing great entertainment with their newfound blend of legal-expertise, hand-wringing, weeping, and general dipshittery.