Screw_Michigan wrote:
Because Democrats......wait for it.......are the REAL racists!
Hey good to see you finally admitting it. The first step to fix your issues is to admit them.
There can be no doubt that you and other liberals are the worst kinds of racists either. You tell yourself you aren’t but your actions say differently.
You support lowered standards for education, in effect telling kids they will never be as smart as their counterparts from other races so why try, we have just lowered the bar for you.
You support affirmative action which is by definition racist.
You support quotas in government contracting and hiring. Both of which promote the bloat of the government and also tell business owners they they aren’t good enough to compete on the quality and price of their work, so we have reserved this piece of the pie over here for you.
You support the endless welfare state that keeps many people, minorities included, from their own economic freedom.
But like I said, at least you have started to admit you are a racist.