I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:1. The current discussion was about satellites. Typical backspin to avoid the FACTS about that topic.

2. Ignoring the physics and physical reality of how gravity works is childish and ignorant. Of which you are both. The fact that your using the term "glued" proves this. My challenge for you is to prove the world is NOT a globe.
1. You provided no FACT to show that satellites are up in space.

2. The physical reality we observe is that water will not stick to the outside of a flying, spinning ball. We all know this. Hocus pocus does not impress me.

Prove the world is not a globe?

Well, I long ago posted about the laser tests, which you (like nearly all of the delusional globe fanatics) never commented on.

That is funny.

And I have posted MANY similar things to that.
Things demonstrating that the curvature for your 25,000 mile in circumference globe is simply -----> not present.

The globe is just very very dumb.

I see no reason at all to believe it.

LS wrote:The ice wall duh. Never mind no one has seen it. Just trust them.
I don't know if there is an ice wall.
If there it is, it might be that it is not possible to get to it.

I don't know the shape of the earth and I surely don't know what a map of the earth looks like.

It can be interesting to research this topic, though.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Left Seater »

Yeah no satellites in space means more tens of thousands of people in on the conspiracy. Small private companies to large telecom companies have designed and launched their own satellites. But amazingly no one has had a death bed confession.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Dumb grunts who turn screws (like Jayne) don't have to be in on any conspiracy.

How do you come up with these weird scenarios?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Left Seater »

They are only weird to you because you want to deny facts.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

Kierland wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:02 pm If they weigh 4tons why can’t they slap on a camera? It seems like it would be an incredible shot to see the curve come into view.

Ingse Bodil wrote:rich jews aren't the same as real jews, though, right?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

This video has been posted before.

As is always the case, the camera cuts away before the rocket gets to space.
This time at 1:28.

No uncut video of a rocket going from land to space, ever.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by The Whistle Is Screaming »

Are you implying the video is fake?

If so, don't you think "they" could fake a continuous shot?

This one is pretty cool as well, but it isn't 1 continuous shot either.

Ingse Bodil wrote:rich jews aren't the same as real jews, though, right?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

A few things, TWIS.

1. No rocket is ever shown going from land to space, uncut. So why? Did nobody at NASA ever think about showing that to us? Or they just never considered that it would be a cool thing to show? Seeing that everything is filmed these days, I find those rationalizations to be entirely wack.

2. This video cuts off, and that is what they all do.

3. Even if we want to assume that this video is legit, it still just went up just over 49 nautical miles (56 miles) and is ended before reaching space (62 miles).

4. My opinion is that the first 1:28 of this video is probably legit, and after it comes back after the cut it is a "cartoon."
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:57 am Or they just never considered that it would be a cool thing to show?
You have the mind of an innocent child.
Never change, amigo.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:48 pm I would love to hear how you can prove gravity, if that is what you are claiming and it is absolutely relevant to flat erf.
Great question.

Answer 1. Occums Razor. "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily." Or, "When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."

Answer 2. What is the definitive proof there is gravity?

There isn’t one. That is not how science works.

Gravity is the name given to the phenomenon that objects accelerate towards each other when they are otherwise left to their own devices.

The “proof” of gravity is the demonstration that this phenomenon happens.

A casual demonstration would be to hold an ordinary object out in the air at arms length and let go. Watch it fall. The object and the Earth just accelerated towards each other when there was no other significant force acting.

When you perform the same experiment in a vacuum, you get an entirely different result. A feather and a hammer fall at the same rate, rather than if you dropped them off of a building. In a vacuum there is no air, thus slowing acceleration. Like in space.

Still, in the end, gravity is a theory. It is also a considered a law, by Newtonian or Einstein classification. But it remains a theory.

Consider this however. A scientific theory does not get proven. It gets established, though…but not by the evidence that supports it. Rather, a scientific theory is established by the number and cleverness of the failed attempts to disprove it.

So far, no one has dis-proven gravity.

So, Occums Razor.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Mikey »

It's Occam's Razor.

Carry on.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

It’s just as simple and therefore just as likely that some things are heavier and so they drop.
So far we have: it’s scientifically possible to video erf to space just nobody has done it. And we have: gravity might be real trust us.
Do you see how I am struggling with the science of your round model assertion?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:22 pm It’s just as simple and therefore just as likely that some things are heavier and so they drop.
So far we have: it’s scientifically possible to video erf to space just nobody has done it. And we have: gravity might be real trust us.
Do you see how I am struggling with the science of your round model assertion?
Thanks for that input Mikey, great addition to the discussion. :meds:

I'm sorry you're struggling Sale, but I don't see your struggle at all. You asked me about satellites and I answered you with truth and science. Knowledge and fact. I've stated before, I worked in television and used satellites for programming. In addition, my uncle worked for NASA on the APOLLO program. I have plenty of practical experience about the subject.

I've acknowledged gravity as a theory, though an easily established one.

For round planets, including Earth, you just need a telescope. Point it at Saturn and study the rings. The go AROUND the planet. Watch Jupiter's surface and you can see the rotation. What more do you need?

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

Some scientific evidence that erf is round.
So far I have zero on the land to space video.
Zero on the pics of satellites even though both are scientifically possible according to you.
Gravity is a theory.
Now you are adding Saturn is round.
How does that show erf is round too? It’s certainly circumstantial evidence, but that’s not science.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Common sense should be more than enough. If you can establish that a single planet in our Solar system...any solar system is round, then then it is reasonable to assume that all planets are round. Look at the moon during its crescent phase. That's the Earths shadow causing that circular shape.

Science is simply a bonus of proof when you have your own two naked eyes.

Ever been to a planetarium? An observatory?

Do that and experience the truth for yourself.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

But science isn’t common sense. So far there has been no science you have provided that even hints that the erf is round.
And that is the problem I have had ever since pop brought it up. Sure I can believe it’s round or I can take somebody else’s word for it, but I can’t find anyone who can use science to prove it.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:21 pm But science isn’t common sense. So far there has been no science you have provided that even hints that the erf is round.
And that is the problem I have had ever since pop brought it up. Sure I can believe it’s round or I can take somebody else’s word for it, but I can’t find anyone who can use science to prove it.
So non-doctored film photos from space during the Apollo missions isn't enough proof? I suppose if you dismiss the the event (the moon landing) as having been staged, as poptart alleges, then I suppose you'll claim foul there too. But in all seriousness MS, why would this decades old series of rocket launches and space explorations be faked? The billions if not trillions of dollars spent by multiple countries invested on a fraud? It doesn't add up.

There are countless negatives of those photos in existence and you couldn't fake film back in the sixties. I've seen the negatives for myself...at NASA. In my uncles library.

Science doesn't need to prove the Earth is round. It's up to the doubters to prove it is not.

And so far, they can't. The first theories of a round planet go back the 3rd century BC. It is no longer a theory. It is straight up fact.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Mikey »

It goes to the on board camera at about 2:52. At about 3:20 you see the first stage falling away with home sweet earth in the background.

Descent starts about about 3:55.

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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Mikey »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:47 pm

Thanks for that input Mikey, great addition to the discussion. :meds:
If you're going to cite a reference, at least get the reference correct, otherwise you look like a fucking idiot. If you can't get the citation right, you're probably not quoting it accurately either.
At least I didn't call you a fucking idiot, which would have been perfectly legitimate.

Carry on.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Mikey »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:21 pm But science isn’t common sense.
It is to those who have common sense.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

And that is where we always end up. You say it’s a fact. Trust me. Well I don’t trust you and I don’t trust NASA. I trust Pythagorus. I know that water is a Newtonian fluid. And the math that arises from knowing that show me flat erf. Nothing you have said has had any math or science. Not even Mikey’s vid. I’m still listening. I’m just not hearing anything that is not a fallacy or opinion (yes I know I know) or second hand testimony. What I know for a fact and what I can observe adds up to flat.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

Mikey wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:30 pm
Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:21 pm But science isn’t common sense.
It is to those who have common sense.
Science often flies in the face of common sense.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Mikey wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:29 pm
Jay in Phoenix wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:47 pm

Thanks for that input Mikey, great addition to the discussion. :meds:
If you're going to cite a reference, at least get the reference correct, otherwise you look like a fucking idiot. If you can't get the citation right, you're probably not quoting it accurately either.
At least I didn't call you a fucking idiot, which would have been perfectly legitimate.

Carry on.
Other than the misspelling, I did get it right. Care to show where I was wrong?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:41 pm And that is where we always end up. You say it’s a fact. Trust me. Well I don’t trust you and I don’t trust NASA. I trust Pythagorus. I know that water is a Newtonian fluid. And the math that arises from knowing that show me flat erf. Nothing you have said has had any math or science. Not even Mikey’s vid. I’m still listening. I’m just not hearing anything that is not a fallacy or opinion (yes I know I know) or second hand testimony. What I know for a fact and what I can observe adds up to flat.
Okay, let's try another angle. You want to base fact on what you can observe. Fine. We breathe air, our lungs rise and fall. Without air we die. But you can't see air. So how do you know it actually exists? We see the wind ripple a flag or ruffle hair or wave tree limbs, but you can't see it. Does that negate its existence. We see the sun arise in the East and set in the West. Where does it go at night? Why does it rise and fall in the same basic place? You can't see the sun at night...does it just disappear?

Do you SEE where I'm going with this?

Poptart and millions more believe...nay, they KNOW God exists. But can you see God? Is there a photo of God? No, there isn't. So why does He exist? You can't prove His existence. No, it's all based on faith. Faith is not fact.

I haven't provided math because I don't need to. There is plenty of physical evidence to back up what I say, what I know. What you know does not in the least add up to a flat Earth. It never has, it never will.

I've provided you with plenty of information. You choose not to believe, in spite of physical facts. Your choice man. I appreciate the non-smack discussion, I really do, but it is going nowhere with you. Your asking for proof that is right in front of you, you just choose not to see it. That's a bad choice.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

Like I said this is where it always ends. The round erf person provides no real evidence and then says trust me. Not that much different than religion as you noted. I on the other hand can prove lots of stuff that shows you are wrong. So I have evidence, you have none and yet I’m supposed to believe you. Yea that’s not very sciency.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:For round planets, including Earth, you just need a telescope. Point it at Saturn and study the rings. The go AROUND the planet. Watch Jupiter's surface and you can see the rotation. What more do you need?
No, you cannot determine for sure that any of the "planets" are round.
Even if you could, that would not prove you are living on a globe.

Jayne wrote:But in all seriousness MS, why would this decades old series of rocket launches and space explorations be faked? The billions if not trillions of dollars spent by multiple countries invested on a fraud? It doesn't add up.

It definitely "adds up."

NASA takes about 55 million dollars from taxpayers a day.

Other countries have learned how to dupe their people and steal their money, as well.

Up until about 500 years ago, a flat earth was the prevailing view.
The view shifted in the 15th and 16th centuries during the Renaissance Era.
"Scientism" gradually made gains at the expense of religion over the next few centuries.

Forward to the 20th century...

The "science industry" had become a huge thing, in academia and other parts of culture and commerce.
The assumption of the heliocentric model was a critical linchpin of the industry.

My theory (not fact) is that when rockets began going up in the middle of the 20th century, NASA was able to determine that they could not get to "space" because there is a barrier.
The earth is flat and enclosed, they determined with certainty.

At that time they had a decision to make.

1) Tell the general public what you have found out. This would have decimated the "science industry" and all of the gains that "science" had made over religious thought over the past handful of centuries. The impact of this would have been profound and very far-reaching.

2) Don't tell the general public what you know and seek instead to perpetuate the deception. IMO, NASA has been pretty much devoted to the cause of perpetuating the globe lie over the last half-century.

But the globe lie is getting harder to sell.
There are now a lot of people like me (and MS) out there now who are keen to a lot of very peculiar things we see and learn.

We are watching closely.

Just as an exercise, try to notice during a given day how many times you are shown... the globe.

Pictures of a globe, a globe on a desk, a picture or video of a globe in a TV show or movie, etc.

We have been indoctrinated with this since our youth.

I'm sorry, but an adult cannot watch this and think it is real...

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Softball Bat wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:57 am
Up until about 500 years ago, a flat earth was the prevailing view.
The view shifted in the 15th and 16th centuries during the Renaissance Era.
"Scientism" gradually made gains at the expense of religion over the next few centuries.

Martin Luther smashed the hegemony of the church.

Now, this is your reward.
Unfunny atheists.
Electric cars.
The kosher certification on food products.
Faggots teaching your kids to twerk.
Micro breweries with quirky names for their beers like "Kapow!".
Bitchy dog-moms and cat ladies.
Bottled water.
SuperBowl half-time shows.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Derron »

Kierland wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:41 pm And that is where we always end up. You say it’s a fact. Trust me. Well I don’t trust you and I don’t trust NASA. I trust Pythagorus. I know that water is a Newtonian fluid. And the math that arises from knowing that show me flat erf. Nothing you have said has had any math or science. Not even Mikey’s vid. I’m still listening. I’m just not hearing anything that is not a fallacy or opinion (yes I know I know) or second hand testimony. What I know for a fact and what I can observe adds up to flat.
Bitch ass troll mother fucker. You have these dudes actually trying to reason with a troll. Fuck you.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Derron, do you want to go on ignore now?

Or have a time out?
Stand in the corner?
Go to bed without dinner?

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Sale, if you can prove your case, do so. I hate repeating myself, but just go to an observatory or get a telescope and see the evidence in front of your own eyes. Planetary rotations on Jupiter and Saturn are obvious. Again, if one planet is round, they all are. What other shape could they be? What makes sense. We aren't living on a pie plate, that you can be assured of. To think or believe otherwise is foolish.

Pops, why do you keep on insisting on the Jayne crap, when I'm maintaining a civil tone, I don't understand. Whatever makes you happy and feel better about yourself, I guess. Your entire theory is ludicrous. The world is not out to dupe the religious about the shape of the planet. What purpose would that serve? None. The Earth is not a perfect globe, it is somewhat elliptical, but round nonetheless. As I told Sale, you just need to watch a planet rotate through a telescope. The proof is there. Ignoring what you can actually see is the very definition of being a fool. There is no barrier above the planet. Show it to me. Prove it. There are satellites in space and people watch television because of them. Prove they are not.

You can't send up a rocket, observe a barrier, stop in mid-flight and turn around and come back. It's physically impossible. The rockets have to jettison the boosters, leaving only the capsule and orbit the planet...that's right...orbit to come back to Earth. Physics 101. You seem to think that science and religion are somehow at war with each other. Cracked a book or watched the news recently? These days, the two are walking hand in hand.

Give this up poptart. Or take it somewhere else. Your protestation is pointless.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Here is something I've mentioned in the past. Remember the movie Apollo 13? They shot weightlessness scenes for real in that movie. It shows you what happens when gravity is briefly removed from the equation. Or what it is like in space. They used the KC 135, or in more colloquial terms, the Vomit Comet.

This is a video showing these scenes were not special effects, but done for real. Go to 5:13 and run it from there.

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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Derron wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:57 am Bitch ass troll mother fucker. You have these dudes actually trying to reason with a troll. Fuck you.
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

You have been shown the math on curve and water and salt flats many times. I would be glad to go over it again if you are actually going to read it.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:24 pm J,
You have been shown the math on curve and water and salt flats many times. I would be glad to go over it again if you are actually going to read it.
Sure, I'll read it. It won't change what I know to be true, but I'll read it.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »


Bingo. As I've been saying from the beginning, if you are willing to actually open your eyes and SEE what is right in front of you, ignorance does not have to be your companion. Poptart will never take you up on it JSC, he refuses to see the truth. Even if he did, he'd go to the special effects card, or something equally silly.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:45 pm
Kierland wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:24 pm J,
You have been shown the math on curve and water and salt flats many times. I would be glad to go over it again if you are actually going to read it.
Sure, I'll read it. It won't change what I know to be true, but I'll read it.
If you have already prejudged it. Why should I waste my time?
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 7:32 pm
Jay in Phoenix wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:45 pm
Kierland wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:24 pm J,
You have been shown the math on curve and water and salt flats many times. I would be glad to go over it again if you are actually going to read it.
Sure, I'll read it. It won't change what I know to be true, but I'll read it.
If you have already prejudged it. Why should I waste my time?
That's fair. Please, offer your resources. I'll keep my mind open, however the math has to conclusively prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the Earth is not a globe.

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Kierland »

I would setting for you explaining how I can see South Lake Tahoe from a dock in Incline village Nevada. I can show you the math that says I shouldn’t be able to it you would like.
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Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:16 pm I hate repeating myself, but just go to an observatory or get a telescope and see the evidence in front of your own eyes. Planetary rotations on Jupiter and Saturn are obvious. Again, if one planet is round, they all are. What other shape could they be?

The assumptions these 'tards make is simply incredible.

Jayne wrote:Pops, why do you keep on insisting on the Jayne crap, when I'm maintaining a civil tone, I don't understand. Whatever makes you happy and feel better about yourself, I guess.

I am happy.

If you don't like it, turn off your station.

Jayne wrote:There is no barrier above the planet. Show it to me. Prove it. There are satellites in space and people watch television because of them. Prove they are not.

I already told you that I don't claim my theory is a fact.

However it is a fact that we have had rockets going up to space for 70 years and we still have never seen one go from land to space uncut.

So... yeah.

Jayne wrote:You seem to think that science and religion are somehow at war with each other. Cracked a book or watched the news recently? These days, the two are walking hand in hand.

We have shown you science, 'tard.

You dismiss it.
MS wrote:You have been shown the math on curve and water and salt flats many times. I would be glad to go over it again if you are actually going to read it
Jayne wrote:Sure, I'll read it. It won't change what I know to be true, but I'll read it.

Why do you persist in arguing (again) with dolts like MS and I who supposedly deny basic reality?
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Softball Bat
Eternal Scobode
Posts: 10973
Joined: Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:02 am

Re: I am considering putting the following people on ignore...

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:That's fair. Please, offer your resources. I'll keep my mind open, however the math has to conclusively prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the Earth is not a globe.
I posted the laser tests months ago, 'tard.

7 laser tests in 7 different locations in 7 different weather conditions.

Curvature for your globe -----> never present.

https://fecore.org/final-results-fecore ... e-surface/


And I've posted at least a dozen other examples of the the curvature -----> never being there.

Why do you lie?
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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