Sudden Sam wrote: ↑Fri Aug 09, 2019 3:55 pm
One mass shooting is too many, but... ... y-country/
"There is a common misconception that the United States is one of the top few countries, if not the top country, that have the highest mass shooting rates.
In 2015, the United States was actually number sixty-six on the list of countries in terms of mass shooting rates according to a study done by the Crime Prevention Research Center. In this study, looking at the United States alongside all the countries in Europe alone, the United States has the 12th highest mass shooting rate. A few of the European countries with a higher mass shooting rate than the United States include Russia, Norway, France, Switzerland and Finland. "
Nice job picking and choosing which part of the data to regurgitate. What did Sudden Sam Clemens say about statistics again?
Note that your quote is from 2015. Your reference also states that there were 340 mass shootings in the US in 2018, a 26% increase from 2014, and we are on a pace to top that number this year.
More recent numbers have the US behind only nine other countries in mass shooting deaths per 100,000 people, and that's certainly a group we should be proud to be part of. Pretty much the entire top 20, with the possible exception of #10, would probably be considered shit holes by Trump. Good company, for sure.
1 Honduras (60.00 deaths per 100,000 people)
2 Venezuela (49.22 deaths per 100,000 people)
3 El Salvador (45.6 deaths per 100,000 people)
4 Swaziland (37.16 deaths per 100,000 people)
5 Guatemala (34.10 deaths per 100,000 people)
6 Jamaica (30.72 deaths per 100,000 people)
7 Brazil (21.9 deaths per 100,000 people)
8 Colombia (18.65 deaths per 100,000 people)
9 Panama (15.11 deaths per 100,000 people)
10 United States (12.21 deaths per 100,000 people)
11 Uruguay (11.52 deaths per 100,000 people)
12 Montenegro (8.91 deaths per 100,000 people)
13 Philippines (8.90 deaths per 100,000 people)
14 South Africa (8.3 deaths per 100,000 people)
15 Paraguay (7.76 deaths per 100,000 people)
16 Mexico (7.64 deaths per 100,000 people)
17 Argentina (6.93 deaths per 100,000 people)
18 Barbados (6.6 deaths per 100,000 people)
19 Costa Rica (6.3 deaths per 100,000 people)
20 Peru (5.53 deaths per 100,000 people)
If your Dear Leader tries hard enough he might be able to get us to number 5 or 6 before the year's out.