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Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:56 am
by Nishlord
Gunslinger wrote:mvscal wrote:I can't help but wonder why you're gnashing your tooth over an issue that is of no concern to you.
God Damn you stupid fuck! Britain fought this war also.
Tell the board how you believe Saddam was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombings. Come on you can do it!! Let us see you type it again.
Please, try to show some class and not kick mvscal when he's down. His war has failed, his boys have let him down, his opinion has been utterly discredited, and he's been exposed as the worthless cunt we all knew he was.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:42 am
by RadioFan
Truman wrote:John Kerry is a contemptuous fuck.
Perhaps, but I heard a caller on John Gibson's radio show last night who said Ann Coulter said bascially the same thing as Kerry in an interview with some magazine ... which I can't recall. :x The caller claimed Coulter made some statement along the lines -- that only the dumbest among us end up being atheletes or serving in the military. That's a paraphrase, but the caller quoted the statement.
Tried Googling it tonight, and checked many blogs and news stories for about an hour, without success.
Gibson didn't dispute the caller's claim, however, which led me to believe there may have been some credibility to it.
At any rate, RACK Dave and Dins in this thread.
Service or no service, Kerry should've kept his trap shut. The Great Communicator he is not.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:20 am
by Y2K
and a good year before he declared war on your lot (because, naturally, you boys were too pussy to get involved from the off because you couldn't be 100% certain that you were on the winning side).
Just like in this century there were plenty of John Kerrys around in the late 1930's and early 40's some very famous. Charles Lindbergh didn't give 2 fucks about you Brits and led a major opposition to the War all the while sipping tea in London and proudly displaying his German Medal of Honor
Funny how he hated the Japs but didn't give two shits about the Brits.....
Lucky for the British that there's people in the US with big enough balls to care about the freedom of others or European Soccer would be nothing more than training camp for the latest Master Race. Unfortunately for Lindbergh he never had the chance like John Kerry to be a Senator who even though he despised you Limeys he could vote to send men to war to help your people then turn his back, cut their funding and scream for the Yanks to come home once the Nazi's fought back and posed unforseen challenges.
History is loaded with John Kerry's, none of it good for the soldier following orders from Superiors in the Battlefield. As soon as Kerry decides to enhance a soldiers chance of survival and victory by rallying constituents around the soldier and making sure they has everything he or she needs regardless of his opinion the sooner the Quagmire disappates toward the objective of a free government but hate for Dubya' and a opposing Political Party causes failure and the deaths of men GW sent there. Republicans and Democrats are just two fools lost in distrust and hate and soldiers continue to die while they argue over the Mid Term Election pissing match. Times sure have changed.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:27 am
by Truman
BSmack wrote:Truman wrote:BSmack wrote:
Which is pretty much what Kerry was saying.
No it wasn't, Brian.
Yes it was you ignorant twat. Now, are you going to talk issues? Or are you just going to swing away at your strawman?
Main Entry: straw man
Function: noun
1 : a weak or imaginary opposition (as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted
2 : a person set up to serve as a cover for a usually questionable transaction
Oh, you mean right after I burned
yours to the ground? Please pardon my confusion, Brian, but was it you or was it me that posted the following:
But hey, keep bashing away at Kerry. It beats the hell out of having to explain the quagmire in Iraq, the rigging of gas prices, the corruption of the Congressional GOP leadership (Foley anyone?) and the 40% approval ratings the Dipshit in Chief sports.
Issues, eh? Already ran you.
As for staying on topic? KYOA much?
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:43 am
by Truman
RadioFan wrote:Truman wrote:John Kerry is a contemptuous fuck.
Perhaps, but I heard a caller on John Gibson's radio show last night who said Ann Coulter said bascially the same thing as Kerry in an interview with some magazine ... which I can't recall. :x The caller claimed Coulter made some statement along the lines -- that only the dumbest among us end up being atheletes or serving in the military. That's a paraphrase, but the caller quoted the statement.
Tried Googling it tonight, and checked many blogs and news stories for about an hour, without success.
Gibson didn't dispute the caller's claim, however, which led me to believe there may have been some credibility to it.
At any rate, RACK Dave and Dins in this thread.
Service or no service, Kerry should've kept his trap shut. The Great Communicator he is not.
Point taken, RaF, but please keep in mind that neither Ann... or Rush... or even Al Franken for that matter presently hold elected office. Their opinions are beholden only by their corporate sponsors... And their ratings.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:33 am
by Y2K
Their opinions are beholden only by their corporate sponsors... And their ratings.
That statement describes every elected member of Congress for the last 50 years or more, Many an Administration and all their court appointments, Republican, Independent or Democrat. It takes a lot of money to make it in DC as "the next saviour of America" and paybacks are a given. Big money peeps have their Lobby Moles to make sure the account is paid in full with interest. God Bless America
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:50 am
by RadioFan
RACK Jack.
For all of my disagreements with Glenn Beck, I still listen to the fucker, almost every morning, while I'm getting ready for work. (If you haven't heard him, he kills me, especially on Fridays, when I'm off and they do More-On Trivia, where they call convenience store clerks an have a point system -- sort of like a football game -- where the city that knows more about current events "wins.") Fuck, I wake up early on Fridays, on my day off, just to listen, and more often then not, laugh at this. Dude takes a huge page from Phil Hendrie. Only on Fridays, though. But I digress ...
Yesterday morning, he did a brilliant parody, concerning political ads, and it went on and on. Fake ads, one after the other, with one opponent attacking the other and vice versa.
Then he went into a semi-serious monologue: I.E. All these candidates talking about gay marriage and stem cell research, as if that's what the rest of the country is talking about. What the rest of the country is talking about, he said, is security, education, the economy, bloated government, the borders. "Who is talking about gay marriage and stem cell research? Nobody, except these politicians."
With the exception of health care, dude was pure $.
Don't get me wrong here, Beck was definitely doing a backhand against his own, which is why I still listen to him.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:43 pm
by BSmack
Truman wrote:But hey, keep bashing away at Kerry. It beats the hell out of having to explain the quagmire in Iraq, the rigging of gas prices, the corruption of the Congressional GOP leadership (Foley anyone?) and the 40% approval ratings the Dipshit in Chief sports.
So when are you going to talk about the issues? Bush's 40% approval ratings got you by the tounge?
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:39 pm
by Gunslinger
mvscal wrote:Gunslinger wrote:mvscal wrote:I can't help but wonder why you're gnashing your tooth over an issue that is of no concern to you.
God Damn you stupid fuck! Britain fought this war also.
Kerry wasn't talking to or about British troops, dipshit.
And your opinion matters why?
Youre the ignorant moron that believes Saddam was involved in the Oklahoma City Bombings. You deserve to be insulted and any person that would get into an intellectual debate with you, is lowering themselves to your "tinfoil" headed level. Your the person in this country that needs their voting priviledge yanked away. There is no difference between you and the moron that believes the US concocted 911. Your both pussies, your both nutjobs.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 2:42 pm
by Gunslinger
Mister Bushice wrote:I don't think Dungslinger has earned the av title "eternal scobode" quite yet.
Pig fucking circus monkey, maybe.
You were a part of the ruckus that had me banned from the political forum for "not contributing intellectual debate". Yet you allow the mvscal asshat, to post his one liner insults that contribute nothing.
Forgive me if I dont believe in your rationality.
Pig fucking circus monkey sounds like a bunch of jumbled kid insults thrown together. I prefer Sir Slappy Tits.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:44 pm
by Gunslinger
mvscal wrote:RadioFan wrote:I heard a caller on John Gibson's radio show last night who said Ann Coulter said bascially the same thing as Kerry in an interview with some magazine ... which I can't recall. :x The caller claimed Coulter made some statement along the lines -- that only the dumbest among us end up being atheletes or serving in the military. That's a paraphrase, but the caller quoted the statement.
Well, fuck. If radio show caller said so, it must be true.
Why dont you link us to your info to your whackjob conspiracies about relations between Timothy McVeigh and Saddam Hussein. I heard Saddam was responsible for Lincolns assasination and 2 kicked puppies, can you confirm this?
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:07 pm
by Uncle Fester
I was one of those fukkers that skipped class too many times and ended up in the navy.
Skipped class...and ENDED UP in the Navy?
Oh the horror, what an insult, you've insulted our proud men and women in uniform! Oh it makes me mad...
Desperate Republican Pantload, trying to gain a few cheap political points.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:27 pm
by Derron
Gunslinger wrote:mvscal wrote:RadioFan wrote:I heard a caller on John Gibson's radio show last night who said Ann Coulter said bascially the same thing as Kerry in an interview with some magazine ... which I can't recall. :x The caller claimed Coulter made some statement along the lines -- that only the dumbest among us end up being atheletes or serving in the military. That's a paraphrase, but the caller quoted the statement.
Well, fuck. If radio show caller said so, it must be true.
Why dont you link us to your info to your whackjob conspiracies about relations between Timothy McVeigh and Saddam Hussein. I heard Saddam was responsible for Lincolns assasination and 2 kicked puppies, can you confirm this?
It is this type of rational thinking that makes you the bottom dwelling fucked in the ass bitch that you are.
Continue contributing fodder for your plungering.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:44 pm
by Nishlord
Uncle Fester wrote:I was one of those fukkers that skipped class too many times and ended up in the navy.
Skipped class...and ENDED UP in the Navy?
Oh the horror, what an insult, you've insulted our proud men and women in uniform! Oh it makes me mad...
Desperate Republican Pantload, trying to gain a few cheap political points.
Even amongst all the vitriol, nobody thought about dropping a Village People reset, which was a basic Constiutional right for all free men.
America, how low hast thou sunk?
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:50 pm
by Cuda
Back-row, middle looks like either Army, or Air Force, not Navy
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:36 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:Truman wrote:But hey, keep bashing away at Kerry. It beats the hell out of having to explain the quagmire in Iraq, the rigging of gas prices, the corruption of the Congressional GOP leadership (Foley anyone?) and the 40% approval ratings the Dipshit in Chief sports.
So when are you going to talk about the issues?
Bush's 40% approval ratings got you by the tounge?
Pssst, Bri, you actually gave Bush a few extra points he doesn't have. :wink:
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:58 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Actually it's 42%, idiot. Try to keep up. No wonder you morons get stomped flat.
Well, so only 58% percent of the country thinks Chimpy is a total fuckup?
Damn, you sure got me there.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:59 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:mvscal wrote:Actually it's 42%, idiot. Try to keep up. No wonder you morons get stomped flat.
Well, so only 58% percent of the country thinks Chimpy is a total fuckup?
Damn, you sure got me there.
Spokesperson for the Entire Democratic Party of Myopians.
" Fuck Bush is our Motto"
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:09 pm
by BSmack
Derron wrote:"Fuck Bush is our Motto"
Damn near sig quality material there.
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:58 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:Derron wrote:"Fuck Bush is our Motto"
Damn near sig quality material there.
When taken out of context like the entire Democuntric position.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:48 am
by Trampis summarize,I was wrong.Apparently he(JFK wannabe) wasnt trying to use an anolgy between a lack of education and the war in Iraq,it was a yoke on Bush minus a few key words or something...I dont get it either.
So,Kerry probably screwed his future hopes for presidency(Im sure the good northeast libs of Mass. will continue to elect him senator as long as he remains ridgedly Vietnam eraish liberal)and all the conservative radioheads and news shows got something to talk about for a few days.Doubt this will sway any house or senate seats toward the R's though.
I just wish Hillary would say something so destructive to her political future.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:57 am
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:
So when are you going to talk about the issues? Bush's 40% approval ratings got you by the tounge?
What do approval ratings for Bush have to do with Kerry sticking his foot in his mouth,
What do they have to do with being an effective leader?
Good Lord, but save America from a POTUS who's more concerned about public opinion polls than actually doing what he feels is the next right thing.
I didn't vote for W so that he could sit and spin with his thumb up his ass all day long like you do comrade_B.
I voted for him because he's a man of principle and doesn't give a flying fuck what insipid cunts like you think.
But by all means, keep lamenting the fact that his opponents in both elections were unacceptable alternatives. Keep pining for what you really wanted.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:02 am
by Mississippi Neck
Trampis wrote:So,Kerry probably screwed his future hopes for presidency.
Hate to break it to you but he's been working on that for a lifetime since serving in Nam..
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:04 am
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:I voted for him because he's a man of principle and doesn't give a flying fuck what insipid cunts like you think.
Tears Jerry. Tears.
Seriously Dave, you can't get comedy like this at the freakin Improv.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:11 am
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote: can't get comedy like this at the freakin Improv.
I know.
Politics make strange bedfellows, do they not?
I'm not "apologizing" for my vote though, damnit!
You only get two choices. You go with the lesser of two evils, hope for the best, and then stick with your decision.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:13 am
by Gunslinger
War Wagon wrote:
I voted for him because he's a man of principle and doesn't give a flying fuck what insipid cunts like you think.
I know, he doesnt care how I think Osama Bin Laden should be dead. N. Korea shouldn't have nukes. Iran shouldnt get nukes. Mexicans should stop crossing our border illegally. Wasteful government spending on the welfare of other nations. Saudia Arabian princes funding 911. Our reliance on oil from dictators. Our public education system. Being immune to little miscreants in Latin America with big mouths. Keeping American investment in America. Business interests w/ India being swallowed by their old enemy China. Support of India over a Pakistan that won't rid itself of our public enemy number one. Holding energy corporations accountable for fraud. Proper grammar skills. Being a salesman for America. World opinion. Our falling American dollar. Genocide in Africa. Airport Security. Homeland Security. Organizing disaster response for our citizens. Bargaining government contracts in a democracy that prides itself on competition. Not being the president of the United States of Corporate America. And dare i quote a Right Wing Nutjob: "Not being a president of the united states of corporate liberalism." As in not every country deserves democracy.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:17 am
by Gunslinger
War Wagon wrote:BSmack wrote: can't get comedy like this at the freakin Improv.
You only get two choices. You go with the lesser of two evils, hope for the best, and then stick with your decision.
Yeh, that'll teach them. We will all be sloth and not do a damn thing to strip them of their oligarchy.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:08 am
by War Wagon
Yo, slinger. All full of Dem talking points tonite?
Nice to see you can form a coherent sentence... er sorta', once in awhile when the mood strikes.
Props on the effort, but you're still a gibbering dumbfuck.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:15 am
by Y2K
War Wagon wrote:Yo, slinger. All full of Dem talking points tonite?
Nice to see you can form a coherent sentence... er sorta', once in awhile when the mood strikes.
Props on the effort, but you're still a gibbering dumbfuck.
I'm under the impression Slinger is convinced GWB is as well as has been The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government all by himself since his birth since all this stuff just happened because he became President and ruined everything he has ever believed in....
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:32 am
by poptart
If Dungslinger thinks all of those things he listed would be in better shape had J. Kerry been elected he's even dumber than I already know him to be.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:12 am
by Gunslinger
Y2K wrote:War Wagon wrote:Yo, slinger. All full of Dem talking points tonite?
Nice to see you can form a coherent sentence... er sorta', once in awhile when the mood strikes.
Props on the effort, but you're still a gibbering dumbfuck.
I'm under the impression Slinger is convinced GWB is as well as has been The Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government all by himself since his birth since all this stuff just happened because he became President and ruined everything he has ever believed in....
Uh... what part of insulting our 2 party system were you unable to grasp? Your parents and grandparents, well just parents old fucking fart, supported a new party every 50 some years.
I'd be fucking retarded if i fulfilled your prerequisites if I think GWB is responsible for my sweaty feet. But I choose to think and me thinks your Mickey Mouse speaking ass doesnt. Hence your retarded assumption that I blame Bush for having a dictatorship.
If im so dipshitted, when did Pakistan vs India become a problem in global affairs and the fact that India has money? Your prenatle years of Genghis Khan? Y are you so fucking primitive that you relate shit with the Crusades to todays politics? I thought Muslims are fucking ass backwards, but you want to do your little silly shit and pretend that Pakistan having nukes to scare India was equivalent to a bunch of fucking hindus riding humpback on an Asian elephant and that it has some fucking meaning in the cosmos. Smoke that weed you fucking hippy.
N. Korea having nukes wasnt a fucking fact 5 weeks ago. Now it is and thats supposed to be relevant to what fucking prophecy?
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:25 am
by Gunslinger
poptart wrote:If Dungslinger thinks all of those things he listed would be in better shape had J. Kerry been elected he's even dumber than I already know him to be.
What fucking ass zit that I popped shouted "John Kerry for president!"
You are stuck on fucking retarded. Why is it that every democracy on this planet has a better dollar value than us and a NON2PARTY system? Why?
They have you so locked in on this American Idol of a presidency and banging your head with a fuckin' dunce bat, that your ass cant concieve of changing your own government to allow more then one party.
Your fucking ignorance of its "either or", could be screamed on the moon and create a gravitational blackhole of utter fucking ignorance that in one spoken word you would swallow the fucking cosmos.
Are you so fucking retarded that in this entire thread I have never once supported John Kerry, but used this thread to rip apart our current clusterfuck of a government, that you cant concieve that you live in a democracy that in the very least of their oligarchy they give you a write in vote?
Did you suck MTV in to your sinuses when you were younger?
Is your world of politics consisting of a poll of JZ vs. Lil Jon in a battle where random dipshits speak shoutouts while the videos are playing? No wonder Sony was hit with a government fine of controlling our media by paying radio stations to play what they want you to hear, you fucking dumbfucks love being sheep. At least someone has the good mind to put some checks and balances in this lying hollywood establishment to do some good from time to time, but you fucking retards are so fucking messed up, you cant see when your politics are the equivalent of MTV daily rap jams.
"Hey, yo! This is Adam from New Hampshire and I just wanted to tell you Bill OReilly, YOU ROCK!!!"
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:41 am
by Gunslinger
War Wagon wrote:Yo, slinger. All full of Dem talking points tonite?
Nice to see you can form a coherent sentence... er sorta', once in awhile when the mood strikes.
Props on the effort, but you're still a gibbering dumbfuck.
Dem talking points?
This piece of shit government grabs on to whats popular and uses it. There is the divide in this country that Rush Limbaugh created to either hate the president or not hate the president. I didnt fucking start it. Republicans did.
If the democratic party wants to use what is common amongst this democracy's citizens to get votes, then so be it.
Which circles around to my complete dissapointment in John McCain and your own "self proclaimed" party's hatred for him. His pussy ass should have stood up to Bush when he did that Swift Boat veteran shit. I liked him. When I realized he was as much of a pussy as John Kerry, I no longer liked him. Our veterans are pussies when it comes to politics and have been for the last 50 some odd years. No military veterans have been president for god knows how long now, cuz the moment they get into politics they turn to fucking mudswamp.
It seems in this country all it takes is to talk tough to a bunch of fucking inbreds who take pride through association. Because unfortunately pussies who got bullied in high school will be the norm. They will always be insulted by an underweight military hero who can and will tell them to shut the fuck up. They would rather take lies then to have someone show up and do push ups and say youre fucking retarded.
And in our political realm, that ignorant fuckwad busch light Crawford Ranch drunk gun totin' piece of shit is a fucking hero for firing his gun. While a healthy vegen mother of a dead veteran is mocked. Why? Cuz you cant hang.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:15 am
by poptart
What fucking ass zit that I popped shouted "John Kerry for president!"
Oh, so you agree that we'd be no better off (or WORSE off) if Kerry had been elected.
That's all I said.
I can't imagine anyone's interested in reading your psychedelic political rants, so why not take it walking, shithead ... ?
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:30 am
by Atomic Punk
When responding to a Cumswiller post, get ready for auto-spasm replies from all over the map. What really makes him mad is nobody takes anything his tard ass says seriously.
Not one person other than uber tards have his back except those that uses it as a "target."
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:53 am
by Y2K
Atomic Punk wrote:When responding to a Cumswiller post, get ready for auto-spasm replies from all over the map. What really makes him mad is nobody takes anything his tard ass says seriously.
Not one person other than uber tards have his back except those that uses it as a "target."
Admittedly it takes a while to respond to a GS rant because of time involved in dechiphering his supposed intent and then getting all the words in a workable reading structure if posible.
GS thinks I label him as a GW Bush Basher when the obvious reality is there isn't a Rolodex of names anywhere that's big enough to print a label for Slinger until we can at first decript the message he's trying to convey to posters here. Maybe if he started using his fingers to type on his keyboard rather than his forehead.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:05 am
by Atomic Punk
He rants, goes off, and doesn't realize nobody gives a shit what he spews. The 24 pack of Budweiser kicks in and then it begins. No solutions are offered as his reality is distorted. Fool thinks one party is less corrupt than the other. Joke is on the little rolly polly bitch.
He is a tard that believes Utopia would exist if his party was in power.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:35 am
by LTS TRN 2
A-punk, your president of choice, the Chimp, has proven to be the worst president in history bty a factor of about fifty. Your "ideas," similarly are pathetic immature babblings of a coward. You and your latant passive ilk--the Christers and bigots and scared little pinheads, are basically being annulled. Now shut up and stop pretending to have opinions.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:51 am
by Y2K
At least he figured Sen. Mc Cain out after 4 or 5 years of trying to fellate anyone who was naive enough to think he was an "Independent" politician....
With all his excitement over McCain wait till the political Guru's figure out that Ahhhhnold's people are groomng him as the next "independent thinking" Action Hero to run for President. McCain gets due props because he has an actual story behind his Hero Status and not a Hollywood Script. It should be around 2114 when Slinger realizes The Terminator sucked his way to the top and he missed a free reacharound.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:08 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:I know. Politics make strange bedfellows, do they not?
I'm not "apologizing" for my vote though, damnit!
You only get two choices. You go with the lesser of two evils, hope for the best, and then stick with your decision.
I would like to thank Vanity Fair for helping me to understand you just a bit better.
"Under Karl Rove's sorcerer's spell, Republicans learned how to exploit the intelligence gap, herding the dopey faithful to the polls, and depending on their docility between elections. "Karl Rove was there to recognize that there were substantial powers to be obtained by catering to stupid stubborn people, and George W. Bush would be the man to harvest such resources," Norman Mailer brilliantly proposes in The Big Empty (a series of dialogues between Mailer and son John Buffalo).
"George W. understood stupid people well. They were not dumb, their minds were not physically crippled in any way. They had chosen to be stupid because that offered its own kind of power. To win a great many small contests of will, they needed only to ignore all evidence. Bright people would break down trying to argue with them." It's like trying to reason with a box of rocks. If Rove's vision of a permanent Republican majority comes to rotten fruition, America may well devolve into the moronic dystopia of Mike Judge's movie Idiocracy—a mentally handicapped superpower buried under a mountain of garbage where the Fox News Channel is the sole source of information." ... rentPage=1