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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:04 pm
by Dinsdale
Mister Bushice wrote:Not being from KC, I don't think I can manage a decent "I know you are, but.." type post.

Oh, bullshit.

Here, I'll walk you through it --

Hey, Bitchice...YOU FUCKING SUCK!!!!!!

Now, I KNOW you can figure out the appropriate response here...if you can't, PM me, and I'll help you out.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:25 pm
by Mister Bushice
christ almighty, Dinsdale. Did you drop a handful of dexies this morning or something?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:47 pm
by War Wagon
BSmack wrote:
Dave, I fucking GUARANTEE your daughter has a deep dark secret she has been hiding from you for years. It might be some little shit like blowing some weed, or maybe blowing the boy next door (mix in a fence dude). Or it might be that she got herself knocked up, aborted her child and is seething with this unconscious self loathing that manifests itself in a knee jerk adherence to your fundamentalist doctrine.
Your guarantee isn't worth shit, Brian. You're going to sit there and try to tell me that you know my daughter better that I do? Get a grip and try not to presume that which you know nothing about.

She made a decision when she left Jr. High to dump all her former friends, because they were heading down that same road you describe. Pregancies and abortions, drug use, dropping out of school, run-ins with the police. Yeah, she was smart enough to avoid all of that.

Instead, she found new friends at Oak Park HS who shared her beliefs, and then became deeply involved with her church and FCA, among other things. Dude, her list of acomplishments at age 19 is quite lengthy. A dad has never had any more reason to be proud of their kid. The only vice she has that I know of is she loves to play Texas Hold'em poker, and she's damn good at it.

Unlike me, she walks the walk, not just talks the talk. I didn't force one damn thing on her as far as her Christian beliefs are concerned. I just happen to agree with them. If anything, she saw my bad habits and didn't want anything to do with them.

Nice find on the Evangel pic. You're correct, that is an old picture. She's not in it. If she was, I'd proudly point out exactly which fine young lady were her.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:00 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote: I'm still waiting on an explaination on how two fags slurping dong in the house down the street æffects me in any way...
Yeah, and the fact that right now as you read this somebody is being murdered somewhere in this country by a legal abortion doesn't affect you in any way, either. Does it?

Well, it bothers me because I believe it's wrong. I will speak out about it.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:11 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Just wait until she's 28 and still hasn't had a boyfriend. Your daughter sounds like the sister of my good friend. Graduated at the top of her class. Daddy's little girl. Volleyball player. Went off to a small little christian school to become a teacher.

Everybody wondered why she never had a boyfriend all these years. Not even a single date.

"Oh, she's just preoccupied with school. She's not thinking about boys."

"Oh, she's just picky. She can't find anyone she likes."

Uh huh.

3 or 4 years later, and guess what? You guessed'er ... Out of the closet.

The sooner you come to the realization, the less of a blow it will be when it actually happens, dude. Just accept it and move on.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:29 am
by War Wagon
Jay in Phoenix wrote: Again, while I don't condone gay behavior, (i.e. -- gay sex) as nescessarily acceptable, I am not going to vilify them for it either.
Nice way to ride the fence there, Jay.

Look man, you're either for something, or you are against it. There is no mealy mouthed in-between. There is no grey area.

Either you accept thru tacit approval, or you condemn. I do NOT accept and choose to condemn.

That said, I'm not out picketing military funerals ala Fred Phelps. I realize that I can't change a damn thing about fags being fags. Just sayin' that when the subject comes up, you'll know exactly where I stand.

What annoys me the most is the liberal news media constantly trying to shove the gay agenda in my face and make me believe this is a normal, acceptable behavior. And if I vociferously disagree, then I'm a homophobic bigot. So be it then, I'm a bigot.

See, I don't believe a person is born a homosexual any more than I believe a person is born an alcoholic or a meth-head. Sure, they may have some inbred tendencies towards it, but in no way does that excuse the behavior. They choose that lifestyle, it's not forced upon them.

And as far as being in fear of them, nothing could be further from the truth. I fear for them. They should be afraid.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:49 am
by War Wagon
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Just wait until she's 28 and still hasn't had a boyfriend.
She had a boyfriend. Good kid from a good family, too. Had him over at the trailer several times and fed him a nice T-bone steak once. The boy ain't very big, but man could he eat. They went out for awhile, and for some reason she dumped him. Not sure why, she won't talk about it. Probably tried to get something from her that she wasn't ready to give. They're still friends, I believe.

No worries here.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:58 am
by KC Scott
War Wagon wrote:
Look man, you're either for something, or you are against it. There is no mealy mouthed in-between. There is no grey area. Either you accept thru tacit approval, or you condemn. I do NOT accept and choose to condemn.
There is gray area dave, And it's all about what you want to make it.
Why hate shit that doesn't effect you in any way?
The all or nothing types are the ones the die from high blood pressure or a stroke at 44.

What annoys me the most is the liberal news media constantly trying to shove the gay agenda in my face and make me believe this is a normal, acceptable behavior.
I don't see that.
I see science saying with almost 100% certainty that queers are born queer, and don't choose to be queer.
I see a lot of the queers saying they wish they wern't queer.

Yea, there's a certain % of them that are doing the Gay pride bullshit, and all they do is fuck up thier own cause even more beacuse it gets the tards and the haters all riled up

Do I think they should legally marry - No
Do I think they should have the same right to do what they do in the privacy of their own home? Why the hell not?
And if I vociferously disagree, then I'm a homophobic bigot. So be it then, I'm a bigot.
It's not that your a bigot - beacuse you don't hear any of us saying fags are OK
It's your vociferous hatred of it that freaks everyone out
See, I don't believe a person is born a homosexual any more than I believe a person is born an alcoholic or a meth-head. Sure, they may have some inbred tendencies towards it, but in no way does that excuse the behavior. They choose that lifestyle, it's not forced upon them.
See it's here that your absolutely wrong and stupid. Think that Colorado preacher who was making $300K and had the hotey wife would choose to get his fudge packed and his life blown up? Dude couldn't help it. And it's even more bullshit when he says he cured. You Bible quoters are the worst. Your so convinced that some twisted interpretation of events that happened 2000 years ago will somehow make the inevitability of your future demise an enjoyable experience in never neverland that your willing to hate, shun or kill anyone that doesn't buy into your fairytale.

Bad news for the 70 some % of the world that's Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or worships the flying Spaghetti monster.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:26 am
by Truman
KC Scott wrote: Bad news for the 70 some % of the world that's Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or worships the flying Spaghetti monster.
Now there goes the neighborhood....



Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:44 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote: The all or nothing types are the ones the die from high blood pressure or a stroke at 44.
I just turned 45 in January and shot a 740 series Sunday nite. Point taken, but I reckon you'll have to put up with me for awhile.
I see science saying with almost 100% certainty that queers are born queer, and don't choose to be queer.
So? Scientists say that we're doomed by human induced global warming. I don't buy that theory either.
I see a lot of the queers saying they wish they wern't queer.
Are these the same queers that you see wearing ass-chaps and performing in gay pron for OCmike's edification? What... not those queers, but just your everyday run of the mill queers?

Sorry, I make no distinction between the classes of queers. Freddie Mercury probably wished that he wasn't gay right before he died from AIDS. Hell, I wish that he wasn't gay. To have such a great talent taken away is a crime against humanity.
It's your vociferous hatred of it that freaks everyone out.
Tough shit. I'm telling it the way that I see it. I hate drug addiction, too. You wouldn't drop in here making excuse for meth-freaks, would you? Same principle in my book. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
You Bible quoters are the worst.
Where did I quote the Bible? That's right, I didn't. I didn't need to. You already know what it says about men laying with men. It's right there in black and white. It's really very clear-cut and simple, isn't it?

It says not to do it, much like I'd tell a child to look both ways before crossing the street. Unwar dis-obedience... that can get a person dead.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:07 am
by Douchebag
i can't believe this place is full of QUEERS. war wagon is the only REAL MAN in here it looks like. bunch of fucking faggots. i hate gays so much, more than anyone. i know where they hang out at. sometimes i go to where they are and spy on them and wait for them to come out of the bars as they're buttoning up their shirts and shit and doing all kinds of gay shit, and i just wait in the bushes for them. one of these days i'm going to unleash and just fuck their shit up. me and war wagon man. we'll fucking take them all on at one time. come get some faggots! come get some!

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:14 am
by Nishlord

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:43 am
by smackaholic
War Wagon wrote:
KC Scott wrote: The all or nothing types are the ones the die from high blood pressure or a stroke at 44.
I just turned 45 in January and shot a 740 series Sunday nite. Point taken, but I reckon you'll have to put up with me for awhile.
I see science saying with almost 100% certainty that queers are born queer, and don't choose to be queer.
So? Scientists say that we're doomed by human induced global warming. I don't buy that theory either.
I see a lot of the queers saying they wish they wern't queer.
Are these the same queers that you see wearing ass-chaps and performing in gay pron for OCmike's edification? What... not those queers, but just your everyday run of the mill queers?

Sorry, I make no distinction between the classes of queers. Freddie Mercury probably wished that he wasn't gay right before he died from AIDS. Hell, I wish that he wasn't gay. To have such a great talent taken away is a crime against humanity.
It's your vociferous hatred of it that freaks everyone out.
Tough shit. I'm telling it the way that I see it. I hate drug addiction, too. You wouldn't drop in here making excuse for meth-freaks, would you? Same principle in my book. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
You Bible quoters are the worst.
Where did I quote the Bible? That's right, I didn't. I didn't need to. You already know what it says about men laying with men. It's right there in black and white. It's really very clear-cut and simple, isn't it?

It says not to do it, much like I'd tell a child to look both ways before crossing the street. Unwar dis-obedience... that can get a person dead.
740 scratch? I call bullshit.

If you did, you are a pretty fair bowler AND you you bowl on the most blocked set of lanes in history.

Hey dins, can we get a definition on "blocked" lanes? As a sixteen year old, I tossed a 289 game on a set. You absolutely could not miss on them. Well, if you were jess and there was a hot nekid blonde laying spread eagle on them, he'd miss.

BTW, how's about a rank'em on this pic? Number 1 is the brunette next to WW's kid. Gotta do a little more studying for the rest.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:51 am
by smackaholic
This rank'ems kinda tough.

I'm sticking with my 1 pick, though she does have a hint of manliness to her. That jaw is just a bit too square.

In the two hole it's a toss up between the one on lil WWs right and the blonde 1 in from the right, in the back row. Safe to say, that the back row has most of the talent.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:45 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:They went out for awhile, and for some reason she dumped him. Not sure why, she won't talk about it.
Might have been his lack of a snapper.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:15 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
KCScott pretty much nailed it. However Wags, wrong is still wrong. To wit:
War Wagon wrote:
Jay in Phoenix wrote: Again, while I don't condone gay behavior, (i.e. -- gay sex) as nescessarily acceptable, I am not going to vilify them for it either.
Nice way to ride the fence there, Jay.

Look man, you're either for something, or you are against it. There is no mealy mouthed in-between. There is no grey area.
Dude, clearly you only read into my post what you wanted. Try actually reading it again. No fence sitting anywhere to be found. I said I don't condone gay behavior, I said I even have reason to feel animosity toward gays and lesbians. Yet that is a far cry from the vilification and death you irrationally wish upon them. Would you wish death upon a Downs syndrome child, just because he or she was different? Would you wish aids upon a Jew, just for practicing a different faith? Would you stone a one-legged woman because she was born with a deformity? Guess what dude, there are lots and lots of gray areas, the smallest of which seems to be your brain. Intolerance will do that I suppose. Are there absolute black and whites in the world...sure. But the gray areas loom the largest. And that's where you have to deal.

You don't have to be for or against everything, not even this subject. Believe what you wish, but unless someone directly fucks with you or a member of your family, live and let live. So long as it doesn't affect you, why would you hate the way that you do? You're an extremist of the worst order. Keep goose-stepping Whitey and see where it leads.
Either you accept thru tacit approval, or you condemn. I do NOT accept and choose to condemn.

That said, I'm not out picketing military funerals ala Fred Phelps. I realize that I can't change a damn thing about fags being fags. Just sayin' that when the subject comes up, you'll know exactly where I stand.
Yeah, we know where you stand. And your condemnation is patently absurd. Tell me how a queers' lifestyle is directly destroying your own private and public way of life, or the rest of the worlds', and let's have that discussion. Show us the rationality of your hatered, why a gay person, no matter how much they might contribute to society positively, should be put to death. Come on now, should Da Vinci have been executed? Did Freddie Mercury, someone whose art you enjoy, deserve to die of AIDS? Go ahead Wags, reason your way out of that.
What annoys me the most is the liberal news media constantly trying to shove the gay agenda in my face and make me believe this is a normal, acceptable behavior. And if I vociferously disagree, then I'm a homophobic bigot. So be it then, I'm a bigot.

See, I don't believe a person is born a homosexual any more than I believe a person is born an alcoholic or a meth-head. Sure, they may have some inbred tendencies towards it, but in no way does that excuse the behavior. They choose that lifestyle, it's not forced upon them.

And as far as being in fear of them, nothing could be further from the truth. I fear for them. They should be afraid.
The news media is neither all liberal, nor all supportive of gays. I work in the television news business, I know. There is no gay agenda, at least not the one you're railing against. Like anything else, the news and television happen to go with whatever is culturally "hot". 'Will and Grace', 'Queer Eye', etc. have had their run, and now they have faded. The subject only gets any real run anymore when a dullard like Hardaway says something stupid.

And genetics does play a part in behavior. As does nurturing and environment. This subject has been covered before. You can be born with a predisposition toward alcoholism and addiction. And homosexuality. Some people really do believe they are born with no choice about being gay, and who is to say it isn't true.

I do know one thing. The world was far far better off for having a Leonardo Da Vinci in it.

Would you deprive art, science and history this genius just because he was gay?

Hate is based upon fear. You fear what you do not understand. Or know. Face your fears Whitey, and bury your hate.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:54 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
What the hell....I've got a few minutes to kill...

My attitude with regards to gay folk is that although I don't "roll that way" and honestly don't understand it, it doesn't really hurt me, so I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it. I was raised to believe that homosexuality was wrong and a choice, but after going to college and actually knowing gay guys and girls, I decided that everything I taught was based on misinformation, ignorance, and prejudice (my folks have even changed THEIR minds on the issue now that they know some gay people).

The biology behind the topic is sketchy. Contrary to the claims of gay-supporters, there is no definitive proven genetic link. But, considering that we don't know what most of the A's, T's, C's and G's in the DNA code for quite yet, the verdict on that may come later on. There's been some brain-scan studies looking at what parts of the gay and straight brain "light up" when sexually aroused, and that has given some support to the claim that homosexual brains aren't wired the same as straight brains, but that's hardly definitive either. We've found homosexuality in other species - bonobo chimps, macaques, baboons, penguins, manatees, octopi, and dolphins (shit, dolphins will pretty much fuck anything....turtles, sharks, eels), so the only humans indulge in that "perversity" argument is out the window. The anti-gay argument that homosexuality "can't be genetic" because gays can't breed is specious - first off, it assumes that sexuality is "either/or" (one gene) and not a spectrum (polygenetic, like pigmentation. If sexuality is a spectrum, then someone attracted to either sex could happen to pass down more "gay" alleles in some of their sex cells. Secondly, social pressure to conform to heterosexuality could cause genetic homosexuals to pass those "gay genes" to kids they had in their hetero unions (so that gay reverend may have just sired some future gay kids). Thirdly, because we are diploid critters (two sets of alleles per gene), homosexuality could be recessive and be carried by heterozygotes unwittingly throughout generations. Even incredibly deleterious alleles have been maintained in our species thanks to diploidy. Anybody who argues that a "gay gene" should disappear over time is showing an ignorance of population genetics. (BTW, we happen to be covering reproduction in my AP bio class, and a lot of the info above I picked up from "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice To All Creation" by Olivia Judson...a hottie bio PhD who writes the sexual biology info like an advice column for animals).

I don't buy the "gay is a choice" argument just because I've seen gay friends (including guys in my fraternity and some of our little sisters) and acquaintances disowned by their families and heard about the discrimination they faced at work, church, etc. because they came out. I honestly don't think that these seemingly intelligent, educated, otherwise well-adjusted folks knowingly made a "self destructive choice"." They no more "chose" to be gay than I "chose" to be straight. And like someone else here already pointed out, not only have I never been creeped out or provoked to violent thoughts over the gay men and women I knew, but my response was that it left more good looking girls for ME.

Unless some dude is trying to force himself on you, I don't see any reason to go postal. And it doesn't mean that those of us who aren't utterly outraged by gay people are "secretly gay." That's a dumbass argument that falls flat on its face the minute some bigot tries to use it. I'm against discrimination against blacks, Jews, women, and handicapped folks, but that doesn't mean I'm a wheelchair-bound black chick who keeps kosher.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:52 pm
by Jay in Phoenix good sir, are Racked.

Best post in this thread by far.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:47 pm
by Nishlord

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:54 pm
by KC Scott
Toss a third Rack on the BBQ for Mike

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:28 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
mvscal wrote:Why?

Seemingly intelligent, educated and otherwise well adusted folks make self-destructive decisions all the time.
Just like every time you hit 'submit', mvscal.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:07 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:I honestly don't think that these seemingly intelligent, educated, otherwise well-adjusted folks knowingly made a "self destructive choice"."

Seemingly intelligent, educated and otherwise well adusted folks make self-destructive decisions all the time.
In and of itself, being gay is hardly self-destructive. In the case of homosexuals, the "destruction" comes not from their own actions but from the responses of other folks. It's the non-gay folks who are causing the issue - violence, discrimination, etc.

If you're talking about gay sex, is only "self-destructive" if it involves promiscuous, indiscriminate and/or unprotected sexual activity...and hey, guess what - that set of guidelines also works for HETERO folks. Hell, when I worked at the U of R, the "infectious disease clinic" was right down the hall, and they as many hetero syphilitic, chlamydia-wridden, clap-dripping skanks as they did AIDS-infected homsexuals/drug users.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:11 pm
by Tom In VA
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:"Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice To All Creation" by Olivia Judson...a hottie bio PhD
RACK for the science but UN-RACK for breaking the rules.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:14 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Tom In VA wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:"Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice To All Creation" by Olivia Judson...a hottie bio PhD
RACK for the science but UN-RACK for breaking the rules.

OK, on second thought, she's not all that...but she's far better looking than most of the frumps I saw in 10+ years at the U of Rochester...

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:31 pm
by Tom In VA
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:"Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice To All Creation" by Olivia Judson...a hottie bio PhD
RACK for the science but UN-RACK for breaking the rules.

OK, on second thought, she's not all that...
Say what ? She's enough (hell she's female and breathing). :lol: Nice pic.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:44 pm
by War Wagon
sigh... I hate it when Lab Rat does that. One is only left to whimper softly, "uncle".
smackaholic wrote: 740 scratch? I call bullshit.

If you did, you are a pretty fair bowler AND you you bowl on the most blocked set of lanes in history.
740 scratch. Games of 216, 255, and 269. My best series ever, and only my 3rd 700. As for the lanes being blocked, well I did have one helluva shot going on Sunday night. The anchor across from me with the same average didn't fare near as well, though.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:08 am
by Diego in Seattle
Ok.....I'll play along here......let's say that homosexuality is a choice. That simply means that sexuality is a choice for everyone. So where in the Constitution does it say that those who choose heterosexuality are entitled to more rights & privileges than those who choose homosexuality?

What you might think of as gay behavior among dolphins probably isn't really what's going on. Male dolphins are known to press their shlong on other males as a show of dominance. I sort of doubt that that would explain the behavior towards other species, but that's why they do it amongst themselves.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:22 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Diego in Seattle wrote:...are known to press their shlong on other males as a show of dominance.
You can call it whatever you want. We still call it "Friday night."

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:32 am
by Mike the Lab Rat
Diego in Seattle wrote:MtLR;
What you might think of as gay behavior among dolphins probably isn't really what's going on. Male dolphins are known to press their shlong on other males as a show of dominance. I sort of doubt that that would explain the behavior towards other species, but that's why they do it amongst themselves.
Actually, I cited dolphins on the list because Dr. Judson did in her book. From the sounds of the lengthy list of what dolphins will rub their dicks against....well, it doesn't sound like the dolphins are trying to assert dominance so much as well...just getting their rocks off. I mean - they'll freaking rub their erections against AN EEL?!?! And you've got to feel bad for the turtle who happens to find himself in the middle of a bunch of horny dolphins desperate for a "shell fuck."

Toss in the fact that when a dolphin/porpoise/whale shoots water on you and your kiddies through his blowhole (nostril) that he's basically just spewed a "farmer's hankie" on you all....and dolphins are some sick frigging critters.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:32 am
by Nishlord
My favourite newspaper cartoon was of a middle-class family on holiday stroking two dolphins. One dolphin says to the other; "It's really strange, but I'm getting an overwhelming feeling of stupidity and ignorance"

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:19 am
by Dinsdale
Nishlord wrote:stupidity and ignorance

What part of "Friday Night" did you not understand, motherfucker?



P.S.: We don't descriminate against saturday through thursday, either.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:57 am
by Y2K
Now here's a great thread that in the past would have a completely different spin . It's just begging for an honest, straightforward debate with vivid commentary and contributions by Valvenis, Peehole and all the Nutsack Swingers.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:12 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:Ok.....I'll play along here......let's say that homosexuality is a choice. That simply means that sexuality is a choice for everyone. So where in the Constitution does it say that those who choose heterosexuality are entitled to more rights & privileges than those who choose homosexuality?

What you might think of as gay behavior among dolphins probably isn't really what's going on. Male dolphins are known to press their shlong on other males as a show of dominance. I sort of doubt that that would explain the behavior towards other species, but that's why they do it amongst themselves.
did your dolphin boyfriend tell you this?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:03 pm
by See You Next Wednesday
mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:It's the non-gay folks who are causing the issue - violence, discrimination, etc.
More bullshit. Faggots bring it on themselves.
Is there something you aren't telling us?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:10 pm
by Goober McTuber
See You Next Wednesday wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:It's the non-gay folks who are causing the issue - violence, discrimination, etc.
More bullshit. Faggots bring it on themselves.
Is there something you aren't telling us?
mvscal sucks large amounts of black dick. Dungslinger out front should have told you.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:05 pm
by IKnowYouAreButWhatAmI
mvscal wrote:In fact, I'd say your desperation to paint anyone who doesn't accept queers as queer themselves says a lot more about YOUR (not so) latent tendencies.
You've been BUSTED!!

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:04 am
by rozy
IKnowYouAreButWhatAmI wrote:
mvscal wrote:In fact, I'd say your desperation to paint anyone who doesn't accept queers as queer themselves says a lot more about YOUR (not so) latent tendencies.
You've been BUSTED!!
Man, I hate shit trolls...

I guess you missed this one, eh?
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
mvscal wrote:Why?

Seemingly intelligent, educated and otherwise well adusted folks make self-destructive decisions all the time.
Just like every time you hit 'submit', mvscal.
Flippin' tard shit troll can't even get his own moniker right...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:41 am
by Terry in Crapchester
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:I don't buy the "gay is a choice" argument just because I've seen gay friends (including guys in my fraternity and some of our little sisters) and acquaintances disowned by their families and heard about the discrimination they faced at work, church, etc. because they came out. I honestly don't think that these seemingly intelligent, educated, otherwise well-adjusted folks knowingly made a "self destructive choice"." They no more "chose" to be gay than I "chose" to be straight.
Yet another rack.
And like someone else here already pointed out, not only have I never been creeped out or provoked to violent thoughts over the gay men and women I knew, but my response was that it left more good looking girls for ME.
Not to stereotype, but anyone who disagrees with this should visit San Francisco. The odds there are very much in favor of straight men. So much so, in fact, that you don't have to go to the women; they come to you.
mvscal wrote:. . . the simple fact that faggots are mentally ill freaks . . .
We disagree.


The American Psychiatric Association since 1973.

Again, the age-old question of "Who should I believe?" springs immediately to mind.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:34 pm
by IKnowYouAreButWhatAmI
rozy wrote:I guess you missed this one, eh?
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
mvscal wrote:Why?

Seemingly intelligent, educated and otherwise well adusted folks make self-destructive decisions all the time.
Just like every time you hit 'submit', mvscal.
Flippin' tard shit troll can't even get his own moniker right...
No, son. That is not a good example of I know you are but what am I smack. It's somewhat close, but certainly not a prime example.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:42 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
rozy wrote:
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
mvscal wrote:Why?

Seemingly intelligent, educated and otherwise well adusted folks make self-destructive decisions all the time.
Just like every time you hit 'submit', mvscal.
Flippin' tard shit troll can't even get his own moniker right...
Excuse me there Rozy, but what the bubbling hell are you babbling about. If you're trying to link me to the "IknowYouAre" troll, try again.