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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:21 pm
by battery chucka' one
I thought that Armitage was the guy who leaked the name? Also, Wilson didn't have undercover status, no? Finally, why did Novak further the leak after learning the information? What greater good is gained from the public knowing that she's an operative? I, for one, could have gone my entire life without learning this piece of information. Again, perhaps our fourth estate should realize that we don't need to know everything they learn. Such as, was it really that important to know that the U.S. government was monitoring OBL and AQ's actions via cell phones? Once more, I say no. Impressions? Opinions???

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:07 pm
by Mikey
battery chucka' one wrote:Finally, why did Novak further the leak after learning the information? What greater good is gained from the public knowing that she's an operative? I, for one, could have gone my entire life without learning this piece of information. Again, perhaps our fourth estate should realize that we don't need to know everything they learn.
Of course you didn't GARA about that, and neither did 99.9999% of the rest of the world. But that's not the point. The point was to embarass Wilson's husband who had exposed the whole "Niger yellow-cake" as a fabrication by Cheney's gang to further justify going into Iraq. Do you think Robert Novak gives too fucks about journalistic integrity? He's basically another tool in Cheney's little box.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:26 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Mikey wrote:...Robert Novak gives too fucks
These things are turning into something like the "bat signal" for Dinsdale.

Consider this you're warning.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:33 pm
by battery chucka' one
Mikey wrote:
battery chucka' one wrote:Finally, why did Novak further the leak after learning the information? What greater good is gained from the public knowing that she's an operative? I, for one, could have gone my entire life without learning this piece of information. Again, perhaps our fourth estate should realize that we don't need to know everything they learn.
Of course you didn't GARA about that, and neither did 99.9999% of the rest of the world. But that's not the point. The point was to embarass Wilson's husband who had exposed the whole "Niger yellow-cake" as a fabrication by Cheney's gang to further justify going into Iraq. Do you think Robert Novak gives too fucks about journalistic integrity? He's basically another tool in Cheney's little box.
Are his editors tools, too? Was there nobody who could say, 'hey, we don't really need to be running this'??? No. This is sloppy, selfish reporting. Go ahead and see the devil in the details, if you want, but it is what it is. All it took was a red line drawn through a few words and this isn't an issue. Very sloppy.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:40 am
by LTS TRN 2
"End of story"...?...what, with nothing that really happened? Gee, why didn't we see that?

You pathetic Dittohead jerk-off, Novak is one of the most venomous attack dogs on the planet in the service of Israel. His slimy participation was nothing less than a calculated smear attack on a critic of the Cheney cabal. He should have been "water-boarded" immediately to reveal the national security leak.

OR WHAT? The judge was totally wrong? You know, the judge who carefully examined all of the evidence and determined that Scooter should be in jail immediately?

You and your diseased headspace are coming to a necessary conclusion. Ready?


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:38 am
by LTS TRN 2
Wow, you really are on hardcore spin duty.

Seriously, are you some sort of plant from Rove, et al, assigned to this palsied site just to automatically and indefatigably roll out the neocon line--everytime!!!

Regardless, you're full of shit, and everyone knows it. Despite Goering's Law, as carried forth by Rusp Limpdick and assorted ilk, that a lie just repeated ad nauseam will somehow be accepted, the plain facts of the Cheney cabal's fascist coup come clear each day

And neither you nor anything like you can really fake it all the way. Remember, you're strapped to Cheney. "History falls in the dark like rocks." Now who said that?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:26 am
by LTS TRN 2
Sometimes the sheer oozing criminality of this (unelected) administration and its minions is just astonishing! ... ed&search= ... ed&search=

The brazenness of the lies is no doubt girded by a railing of fanaticism, but mostly they're just crooks.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:33 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Hi, I'm the toady criminal who was actually installed as your Attorney General!!


Bye bye, you sniveling piece of shit.