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Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
Wolfman wrote:"Head" of Harvard Law Review is like being Student Council President-- now if he had
been EDITOR I might be impressed !
If he was a Republican, you’d have been shocked and awed.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:30 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:"Head" of Harvard Law Review is like being Student Council President-- now if he had
been EDITOR I might be impressed !
As usual, you have it all backwards. There are many editors of the Harvard Law Review. In fact, had he merely been an editor, one could have argued that his inclusion was a result of affirmative action quotas. But to be elected President of the Review is a whole different matter.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:32 pm
Wolfman wrote:I might be impressed !
Soooo...when exactly did George W. Bush's intelligence impress you, Wolfie?
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:38 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Even Wolfman's taste buds are easily impressed.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:42 pm
by BSmack
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Even Wolfman's taste buds are easily impressed.
Yea, but just to be safe, you'll never see him drinking this.

Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:44 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I would never put anything in my mouth named "growler".
But, that's just me.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:45 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Seems to me you've put more wretched things in your mouth, perk.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:48 pm
by Tom In VA
I've heard "Growler" used as a synonyn for taking a shit. Just to be sure, I googled it.
Who knew.
Some of the ones from Wiki:
Growler, a singer of calypsos
Growler, a vulgar term for female genitalia
Growler, a slang term for the act of defecation.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:49 pm
by BSmack
Martyred wrote:I would never put anything in my mouth named "growler".
But, that's just me.
You do know that "growler" indicates the type of container the beer is in, not that it is a solid form of human waste?
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:51 pm
by Tom In VA
Maybe he's having flashbacks to one of the other meanings of the term "Growler".
And I don't mean a "singer of calypsos"
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:52 pm
I bet missjo also might think of something different for "Growler". Either way, I think the Canadians would be nonplussed.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:56 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
PSUFAN wrote:I bet missjo also might think of something different for "Growler". Either way, I think the Canadians would be nonplussed.
You're goddamned right.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:25 pm
by Morte
PSUFAN wrote:pretend that Omacaca isn't a W-T Guilt Quota Suckcess Story.
Try that in English, nimrod.
As for the accomplishments of a POTUS...list them for Bush, can you? What did that halfwit do in two terms of office?
Someone slams Ohe812 and you retort by bringing up Bush? The two are not equivalent. Both are the beneficiaries of the playing field being tilted in their favor. The important difference is that while plutocratic nepotism is sux and gax, it is at least an understandable prerogative of the Haves. They have demonstrated a competence in navigating this reality. The rationale is that their progeny have a greater chance at same. The sick fetish of the radical white left for groveling before any melanin count greater than theirs is a notoriously entrenched feature of the latter day ivory tower and the basis for pushing shit like Obunghole up the ladder.
Tongue In OVagina,
Balack yOmama has
demonstrated a level of idiocy that calls into question the basis of any promotion he's had. Like I noted before the arrogant vacuous mouth that he is did nothing prior to his campaign to distance himself from his many albatrosses. That is fucking stupid. His stupid shit isn't limited to things writ large: he also seems to have lost count of the number of states.
Go on with your bad selves all you feebs who loving kiss the blackest of ass. Your mind is not your own and you spin on things shows this. You are caught up in a positive feedback loop of Assholes screaming Raaaaaaaaaaaaaacism and then you go through yoga like contortions to placate that and feel better about yourselves. Then other Assholes pick up on the scam and cry more Raaaaaaaaaaacism and the contortions start all over again. Good job.
One thing above all else should be clear: give the Assholes jobs, titles, scholarships and all the idiotic ass kissing you want, you will anyway. But making the job of president a quota vacancy is non negotiable.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:59 pm
by JayDuck
The history of the pickle can be summed up as stated above.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:14 pm
by Tom In VA
Papa Willie wrote:Who is "Morte"? 5 posts and fucking fireworks! :D
I'm pretty sure it isn't anyone whose has been run from the board recently coming back to get back at the folks who ran him and is using threads like this to get into the "mosh" until such time that chooses to unleash his deadly smack on his intended targets.
No, Morte, is just another swinging richard with a broadband connection and an opinion. Strong tone - kind of LTS like in it's insanity and urgency, has name smack down - pretty good, the Van Halen reference is chaffe. I digress.
Either way, a welcome addition to this motley crew and the balloon we're floatin in could always use more hot air.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:25 pm
by MadRussian
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:59 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, morty, yer penis envy is showing.
Obama is just a refreshing alternative. And not just to the unelected cabal backing out the door, but to Hillary! You really don't get it, and it's cuz yer a racist little twat.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:08 am
Someone slams Ohe812 and you retort by bringing up Bush?
Here is the simple point, you manpaste-chortling dittohead. Those who say Obama's stupid but had no problem with Bush's downright idiocy are wallowing in contradiction.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:08 am
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:
We've all seen him speak, we've seen those mental gears grinding away behind the podium.
So what makes a President then is his ability to speak coherently, engagedly, in public. It's not his value system, his judgement, his policies, or anything having to do with something unfathomable to Libs, like being a decent and honorable man.
Of course, yet a guy who fabricates trolls to fight with on the internet would obviously be a better decision maker.
A guy who pulled down his shit stained undies, took a picture, and showed it off to the whole world... knows better about the character of whom should and should not be POTUS.
Fuckin' A dude, your vote should count
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:51 am
by poptart
W is so dumb that he helped orchestrate the theft of two national elections, masterminded the 9/11 inside yob, and duped the entire country and world into an Iraq war that made he and his cronies very rich men.
THAT, my friends, is one dumb fuck.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:54 am
by Bizzarofelice
poptart wrote:W ... helped orchestrate
How much of that do you truly think was W's doing? Anything Dubya does could not be considered "orchestrating".
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:03 am
by War Wagon
Woah, bace has been on too long a sabbatical.
He doesn't recognize sarcasm.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:03 am
by BSmack
poptart wrote:W is so dumb that he helped orchestrate the theft of two national elections, masterminded the 9/11 inside yob, and duped the entire country and world into an Iraq war that made he and his cronies very rich men.
THAT, my friends, is one dumb fuck.
It's just proof that it pays to have rich parents and smart friends.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:04 am
by Morte
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Wrong, morty, yer penis envy is showing.
Obama is just a refreshing alternative. And not just to the unelected cabal backing out the door, but to Hillary! You really don't get it, and it's cuz yer a racist little twat.
I'm here for the betterment of all concerned, even extra chromosome lil fellers like yourself.
With you, LSD TRICK2, we must begin with fundamentals.
1. Talking about another man's family jewels is bad policy. With that at the forefront of your thinking, you'll not win many converts to your POV.
2. I called someone else a twat earlier in the thread. Now you employ it in a sort of "I know he is but what are you?"
Waaaaaaaaaaay to undermine your erstwhile ally.
And look like an idiot.
3. Again with the "racist" stuff. Good for me, bad form on your part. You see, as I said, the tag is meaningless anymore. It is interchangeable with "white guy" now. You need to keep up with your Asshole Talking Points memos.
4. Assholes are defined as the balcks and whites who have bought into the whole Dubois-king-thurgood marshall-jesse jackson axis of integrationist trash. The whole thing was just a hate and bitter angle to get back at whitey and it shit on the very real accomplishments of the balcks who did well doing their own thing: harlem renaissance, historically balck colleges, negro leagues, balck farmers.
But all that is lost on you because one set of loud, slogan slinging retarded Assholes gives you shivers up your leg because you get to feel all tickety boo about kissing balck ass.
Your mortality is your finest quality.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:05 am
Notice, please, idiot cartel, that I have yet to state word one about W's values, or say anything about "his" policies in this thread.
I called him a dummy, dummies. You really can't denythe simple,IKYABWAI-proof troof of that.
Obama is "stupid"? Bush is stupider.
Now - one period for redemption.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:10 am
by Morte
I'm not caught in your puny contradiction trap. I never made a claim about Bush's intelligence one way or the other.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:19 am
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:I have yet to state word one about W's values, or say anything about "his" policies in this thread.
Do proceed. Or don't.
It's obvious you have pre-conceived notions, much like the democratic underground knee jerk reactions to anything the man says or does. It's all a vast right wing conspiracy, right?
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:18 am
Stupid is as stupid does. Bush thinks as if his brain is wrapped tightly in a cotton shroud. I don't know who you think you're fooling to even begin to deny don't need me to dump out 25-35 youtube clips, because you've seen them all for yourself.
I'll give Scotty Mc this much - Bush is a happy-go-lucky simpleton who really believes he's doing good. He was manipulated by smarter men who had more nefarious aims.
History will sort Bush II into the same dustbin as Warren Harding - a simple-minded, good intentioned, not-so-well spoken POTUS who was raped by his buddies for boatloads of cash at the expense of an aghast nation.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:43 am
by Tom In VA
PSUFAN wrote:
a simple-minded, good intentioned, not-so-well spoken POTUS
Objective take. Nicely done.
Simple minded has a negative connotation that I'm not sure I agree with, but that might be because I'm simple minded. Some things are complicated, some things aren't but some people for whatever reason think complicating simple things is - a sign of intellect.
Good intentioned. Again, I maintain he is motivated by the best interests of this country and doing his DUTY as Commander In Chief.
Not-So-Well-Spoken - Given.
I'm also open to the notion he was "managed". He always struck me as a guy who really didn't necessarily want the job.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:51 am
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:
I'll give Scotty Mc this much - Bush is a happy-go-lucky simpleton who really believes he's doing good. He was manipulated by smarter men who had more nefarious aims.
Dear Lord, could you be any more clueless?
Enough with the simple minded and manipulated small talk. Bush knew exactly what he was doing, and still does. You think you get to be CIC by being "managed"? That's just horseshit. He's the fucking manager, or in his own words, the "decider". Those people
work for
him... some part of that you don't get?
History will sort Bush II into the same dustbin as Warren Harding - a simple-minded, good intentioned, not-so-well spoken POTUS who was raped by his buddies for boatloads of cash at the expense of an aghast nation.
An "aghast" nation, as you put it, stood by and watched Slick Willie wag his finger in our face saying "I did not have sex with that woman" and "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
A proud nation stands by and watches George W. Bush stick by his guns until the end of his time of service.
Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.
I voted for the right man.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:00 am
by Diego in Seattle
I won't blow off what Clinton did; his misbehavior could have caused great damage to the country.
Bush has done great damage to the country.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:04 am
by Tom In VA
Diego in Seattle wrote:Bush has done great damage to the country.
Powerful statement. Don't be sad, take heart. Change is on it's way.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:19 am
by Mister Bushice
Bizzarofelice wrote:poptart wrote:W ... helped orchestrate
How much of that do you truly think was W's doing? Anything Dubya does could not be considered "orchestrating".
I think he'd beg to differ:
Now, that's what dubya would call "Orchestratin'
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:18 pm
Enough with the simple minded and manipulated small talk. Bush knew exactly what he was doing, and still does. You think you get to be CIC by being "managed"? That's just horseshit. He's the fucking manager, or in his own words, the "decider". Those people work for him... some part of that you don't get?
Bwaaahahaha! I can see him managing a fantasy baseball team, if PrimeX held his hand through it.
cool kids don't take the POTUS job. Bush's Andover and Yale buddies threw up a simpleton to help steer them patronage. The real big money is not there for those who don the scarecrow suit.
"I'm the decider"?? HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Sure you are. Actually, the
real decider in that White House was the flunkie that pressed the button to microwave Cheney to life every morning.
Yep - the dude who nominated Harriet Miers, blessed with
not a single fucking day of experience as a judge, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court...
that dude is smart? OK, Wags.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:19 pm
by Goober McTuber
Rack PSUFAN for being spot on in this thread.
Rack Whitey for bringing the funnay, however unintentional it may have been.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:55 pm
by Sirfindafold
Wolfman wrote:Can anyone list Obama's achievements during his short career in govenrment?
Give Bri in Crapchester---errr---B-Smack time and he'll come up with something.
Apparently not. I guess because he's got a (D) next to his name, he must be qualified.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:56 pm
One thing we should not, as expected, add to his resume? A wife who drops W Bombs in a public speech. Nice try, you simpering Hannity stooges.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:01 pm
by Tom In VA
Out of curiousity PSUFAN since you seem riled up about Meirs' experience or lack thereof, does Obama's alleged lack of experience cause you concern at all ?
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:11 pm
No, it doesn't. As a matter of fact, for the POTUS, I'm hoping to see a much different approach taken.
Different ballgame for Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement. In regards to the Supreme Court, I think I'd be in favor of appointees that have a wealth of judicial experience. Miers was hardly the first appointee that had no experience as a judge - that doesn't mean I wouldn't think that experience to be pretty crucial to the position, myself.
Who were the folks that decried her nomination most strenuously? Conservatives, of course.
Re: stick a fork in Obama because he's done
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:37 pm
by Tom In VA
PSUFAN wrote:No, it doesn't. As a matter of fact, for the POTUS, I'm hoping to see a much different approach taken.
Yeah, I think much of this guys appeal is he's FRESH. Reminds me of the scene in "Untouchables" where Connery is talking about "When all the apples in the barrel are rotten, you get one from the tree" or something.
Dude's new, seemingly "innocent" as politics is concerned, and a Washington "outsider" many find that appealing. Add to that his populist agenda, perceived failures of the Bush Admin and some spin to make McCain Bush II, we very well might have the first Black President of the United States.
I'd have liked to have seen another black dude be that, but so be it.