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Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:18 am
by Felix
Diogenes wrote:

look dude, the original premise of the thread wasn't all that exciting

tony snow is dead...some may say "whoa, that's too bad" others may say "fuck that neocon douchebag"...the vast majority would say "who gives a fuck"

if you feel that adamant about it, I'll pm one of the admins and have them cut out all the responses not related to the original theme then move those unrelated responses to the theology forum but rest assured the original thread was never going to make it to the need to get all weepy about it

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:36 am
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote:

look dude, the original premise of the thread wasn't all that exciting
Neither are your 'questions' all that thought provoking. Or even original.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:15 am
by Felix
Diogenes wrote: Neither are your 'questions' all that thought provoking. Or even original.
well that really hurts

if my questions cause you all this consternation (and obviously they do, hence your continued sobbing) might I suggest you simply not open this thread anymore

see there, problem solved...glad I could help

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:30 am
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote: Neither are your 'questions' all that thought provoking. Or even original.
well that really hurts

if my questions cause you all this consternation
If by 'consternation' you mean alternating by yawning and rolling eyes, you're on the mark.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:38 pm
by poptart
Bushice, yes, the Gospels were all written some decades after Christ's earthly ministry ended.

Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Bible's first five books) about 1000 yrs after Noah, some 600 yrs after God called Abraham, and around 300 yrs after the death of Joseph, and yet he NAILED the large portions of lineage that God revealed to him that would produce the coming Messiah.


The prophet Daniel wrote 500 years before the fact about EXACTLY when the Messiah would arrive ... and he NAILED it.

The prophet Micah wrote some 700 years before the fact about exactly where the Messiah would be born ... and he NAILED it.

In light of that reality, I'd think it the wise course of action not to wring hands over a few decades and try to shoot down the Word because of it.

It's got a pretty strong track record ... to say the very least. lol

Because the Bible was 'penned' by men but it was authored by God Almighty.

The purpose for all of the Scripture God has given to us is to testify of Jesus Christ -- John 5:39.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Disease, curses and disaster continue to come to man, and it won't be stopped, regardless of man's level or effort.
Because man left the God that he was created to be with.
Mental oppression comes to man
Then physical problems.
Then death.
Then because man chose to follow the evil one, despite knowing and hearing the truth of Christ, he follows the evil one to his home - hell.
Then man's spiritual problems are passed on to his children,

This is the resume of man.

For man to avoid this heartbreak is why God gave the Christ, and why He gave the Scriptures testifying of the Christ.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Mucho better to do that bowing in this lifetime ... mucho MUCHO.

The troof.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:50 pm
by Mister Bushice
poptart wrote:Bushice, yes, the Gospels were all written some decades after Christ's earthly ministry ended.

Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Bible's first five books) about 1000 yrs after Noah, some 600 yrs after God called Abraham, and around 300 yrs after the death of Joseph, and yet he NAILED the large portions of lineage that God revealed to him that would produce the coming Messiah.


The prophet Daniel wrote 500 years before the fact about EXACTLY when the Messiah would arrive ... and he NAILED it.

The prophet Micah wrote some 700 years before the fact about exactly where the Messiah would be born ... and he NAILED it.

In light of that reality, I'd think it the wise course of action not to wring hands over a few decades and try to shoot down the Word because of it.

It's got a pretty strong track record ... to say the very least. lol
Track record. Yeah.

You really have it all backwards. Moses, Daniel and Micah, did not predict, they preordained. What they said, the faithful followed - to a T.

Babies get born all the time, everywhere. Been that way since before moses. It wouldn't be that hard to fill up the quota on all lineages.

It's not a real stretch to see that the followers of the bible would use it as a road map, and follow it, errr religiously.

But we've been over this. You cannot see that logic chain, and I refuse to believe it was some kind of a repeated prescient occurrence.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:08 pm
by smackaholic
poptart wrote:Bushice, yes, the Gospels were all written some decades after Christ's earthly ministry ended.

Moses wrote the Pentateuch (Bible's first five books) about 1000 yrs after Noah, some 600 yrs after God called Abraham, and around 300 yrs after the death of Joseph, and yet he NAILED the large portions of lineage that God revealed to him that would produce the coming Messiah.


The prophet Daniel wrote 500 years before the fact about EXACTLY when the Messiah would arrive ... and he NAILED it.

The prophet Micah wrote some 700 years before the fact about exactly where the Messiah would be born ... and he NAILED it.

In light of that reality, I'd think it the wise course of action not to wring hands over a few decades and try to shoot down the Word because of it.

It's got a pretty strong track record ... to say the very least. lol

Because the Bible was 'penned' by men but it was authored by God Almighty.

The purpose for all of the Scripture God has given to us is to testify of Jesus Christ -- John 5:39.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Disease, curses and disaster continue to come to man, and it won't be stopped, regardless of man's level or effort.
Because man left the God that he was created to be with.
Mental oppression comes to man
Then physical problems.
Then death.
Then because man chose to follow the evil one, despite knowing and hearing the truth of Christ, he follows the evil one to his home - hell.
Then man's spiritual problems are passed on to his children,

This is the resume of man.

For man to avoid this heartbreak is why God gave the Christ, and why He gave the Scriptures testifying of the Christ.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Mucho better to do that bowing in this lifetime ... mucho MUCHO.

The troof.
does he even give you a pass on being a faiduh fan?

that's what I call forgiveness.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:15 pm
by poptart
Bushice, the family lineage that one has is simply not something that they, or anyone else, has any control over.

The man, Jesus, came through the exact narrow lineage that the Messiah was prophecied to come through.
Further, He came at the exact time, and in the exact location on planet earth that the prophets said He would.

Yes, because His is the promised Christ.

Your cockamamy 'that was orchestrated' take is BIZARRE Twilight Zone stuff, and I'd recommend you try selling it on the short bus.

Goofy as can be, guy.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:24 am
by Felix
Diogenes wrote: If by 'consternation' you mean alternating by yawning and rolling eyes, you're on the mark.
you must be a supreme masochist-you continue to subject yourself to something that apparently causes you enormous anguish

you go girl

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:41 am
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote: If by 'consternation' you mean alternating by yawning and rolling eyes, you're on the mark.
you continue to subject yourself to something that apparently causes you enormous anguish
Don't flatter yourself, twinkie.

Now listening to cRap-that would be enourmous anguish.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:35 am
by Felix
Diogenes wrote: Don't flatter yourself
you lost me here keep sobbing about what you apparently thought was going to be some monumental thread that was headed straight to the archives being derailed

I'm not "flattering" myself (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean), but one thing I am able to do is to quit responding when I lose interest in the topic of a thread....something you seem unable to do

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:00 am
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote: Don't flatter yourself
you keep sobbing
More like laughing at you, mensa.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:04 pm
by warren
Dinsdale wrote:
warren wrote:You don't have to believe in loaves and fishes to believe in forgiveness and redemption, and you damn sure don't have to call him a dirty fucking hippy. That's reserves for fat ass, activist moron Abbie whateverthe fuck his name was.

So, you get to make the rules for how Warren conducts himself, based on a "leap of faith," but you also get to make the rules for how mvscal conducts himself?

The phrase "typical christian" comes to mind.
Thanks dude and that is sincere to you Dinsdale. I mean give me a freaking break here. These people remind me of when I learned Santa wasn't really coming down the chimney and that my Dad ate the cookies and drank the milk, and probably smoked my skunk weed too.

Look man or woman or whoever the fuck you people are; does it really matter? You know it's the message and not the fucking proof.

I consider my self a Christian and one of Grand Design, however, when I read the feeble attempts from some of you pseudo-theologians attempting to tell me how to believe in the origin of life or how much I tip the fucking maitre' de' or anything else I misspelled. I want to fucking puke on your wives gina.

Shut the fuck up people, this thing was about how much I hate all of you and how Obama sucks monstrous donkey cock and he's going to ruin the world and if you don't leave Jesus, Son of God, out of it. I'm going to reach through this motherfucking electronic orphus and strangle every no job having bitch on the virtual table.

What a bunch of fucking losers that couldn't go Ivy league so they went T1B.

Be proud, be very, very, proud.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:00 pm
by Felix
Diogenes wrote: mensa.
thanks dude

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:13 pm
by Diogenes
Felix wrote:
Diogenes wrote: mensa.
thanks dude
you're welcome princess

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:44 pm
by Mister Bushice
poptart wrote:Bushice, the family lineage that one has is simply not something that they, or anyone else, has any control over.
you mean naming the children going forward? If my great great great great grandfather left a million dollars to a sixth generation male child on his daughters side of the family if he was born in grandpas home town, you don't think every generation moving forward would not ensure that happened? Arranged marriages, move to the right place at the right time, etc. It is not out of the realm of possibility. Human beings have done many things thought to be impossible in the name of their gods.

Look at the pyramids. They still haven't figured out exactly how they lifted and positioned those massive stones - 2 to 15 tons in weight - with gaps of centimeters in between them.

You only choose to say "that is impossible" when nothing is impossible when it comes to believers pleasing their gods.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:12 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Just a thought, since I'm a mod in the Theology forum . . .

Perhaps this thread should be split right around mvscal's post on Page 3, and the latter half moved to the Theology forum. I'd do it myself, but I can't do this in the main forum.

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:23 pm
by warren
Dinsdale wrote:
warren wrote:You don't have to believe in loaves and fishes to believe in forgiveness and redemption, and you damn sure don't have to call him a dirty fucking hippy. That's reserves for fat ass, activist moron Abbie whateverthe fuck his name was.

So, you get to make the rules for how Warren conducts himself, based on a "leap of faith," but you also get to make the rules for how mvscal conducts himself?

The phrase "typical christian" comes to mind.
You are correct dude. I don't in any way, whatsoever, try to make the rules for mvscal, I only attempted to say that I believe the overwhelming, educated types, unlike yourself, believe that Jesus Christ walked the Earth and had some thought's that may or may not fit your ethos, dude.

However, I am quite sure that you sit the Earth and add nothing to anyone's anything. I also might add that you most likely enjoy pole more than hole.

Shut the fuck up dude, I didn't try to tell mvscal anything. I like that dude, he's full of shit a lot, as am I. However, he brings something to the table.

The table is set, what have you got to lay on my cloth?

Dinsdale, you are so practiced in the art of sucking, to darn bad they don't sign contracts for that, do they?

Re: Tony Snow, RIP

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:41 pm
by socal
warren wrote:I enjoy pole more than hole. I like that dude (mvscal), he brings something to the table. The table is set, what have you got to lay on my cloth?
For the love of God, please keep your homoerotic trolling PM's to Dins and mvs private.