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Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:00 pm
by BSmack
Every time I see mvscal spout off on one of his psychotic Malthusian rants, I get a vision of mv playing the part of "Pink" in The Wall during Waiting For The Worms.
Waiting to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting to clean up the city.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to put on a black shirt.
Waiting to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors.
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens.
Waiting for the queens and the coons
and the reds and the jews.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms.
Of course by the end of that number Pink is found in a toilet stall in a completely insane state of mind begging for final judgment from his inner torments.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:16 pm
The fact that so much of humanity is so utterly and completely worthless is actually by product of our success as a society. What other culture could carry so much dead weight?
I agree with that part. You labor to bring comforts and amenities to your offspring, and they afford themselves the enjoyment of your labors. It gets harder and harder to maintain discipline, both as provider and providee. Short of very active, measured parenting (which is indeed shorter and shorter), we get soft.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:22 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
I will give you this Tom, you make for an interesting case, if you are indeed, speaking for mv.
Sowell makes a valid argument. And so, it allows viewing of mvscal's point-of-view from a much different perspective. If the use of the "n" bomb is just the yin to "crackers" yang, then by all means it is fair. I can support resenting an attitude such as the one Sowell cites, yet can't you make that same argument for/against ALL races? Of course you can. And therein lies part of the problem of "perception".
The term n.i.g.g.e.r. is misguided here. And it still offensive, no matter how you justify or explain its use. Let's be honest here, mv and cuda and their like use far more derogatory terms than that one in talking about African Americans. So are jigaboo, coon and other iterations to be rationalized as being acceptable so long as one is talking about an "attitude"? I call bullshit here. Those are specific and deliberately hate-filled expressions of disgust for a race, a pigmentation and not a 'tude.
If someone wants to use hatred as a means of expressing a viewpoint or making a joke, so be it. Most of us are fairly thick skinned about that stuff, what with this being a smack board and everything. However, with that said, a line is being crossed here, and it isn't cool, it isn't funny.
But hey, that's just an opinion. Just an observation.
I would love to see mvscal explain his percentage of contempt here. 95 is high number. Pretty much most of the world. I don't see how anyone can rationalize that, as nobody has or ever will, actually met 100% of the population.
There is a word for hating that which you don't know, nor understand.
It's called ignorance.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:14 pm
by MadRussian
Jay in Phoenix wrote:I will give you this Tom, you make for an interesting case, if you are indeed, speaking for mv.
Sowell makes a valid argument. And so, it allows viewing of mvscal's point-of-view from a much different perspective. If the use of the "n" bomb is just the yin to "crackers" yang, then by all means it is fair. I can support resenting an attitude such as the one Sowell cites, yet can't you make that same argument for/against ALL races? Of course you can. And therein lies part of the problem of "perception".
The term n.i.g.g.e.r. is misguided here. And it still offensive, no matter how you justify or explain its use. Let's be honest here, mv and cuda and their like use far more derogatory terms than that one in talking about African Americans. So are jigaboo, coon and other iterations to be rationalized as being acceptable so long as one is talking about an "attitude"? I call bullshit here. Those are specific and deliberately hate-filled expressions of disgust for a race, a pigmentation and not a 'tude.
If someone wants to use hatred as a means of expressing a viewpoint or making a joke, so be it. Most of us are fairly thick skinned about that stuff, what with this being a smack board and everything. However, with that said, a line is being crossed here, and it isn't cool, it isn't funny.
But hey, that's just an opinion. Just an observation.
I would love to see mvscal explain his percentage of contempt here. 95 is high number. Pretty much most of the world. I don't see how anyone can rationalize that, as nobody has or ever will, actually met 100% of the population.
There is a word for hating that which you don't know, nor understand.
It's called ignorance.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, you limpwristed semen junkie. You are an embaressment to men everywhere.
Your man card is SO fucking pulled, you may as well go ahead with that transgender operation you have been lusting for.
Try not to suck any niqqer cock on your way home, ok?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:16 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
MadRussian wrote:SHUT THE FUCK UP, you limpwristed semen junkie. You are an embaressment to men everywhere.
Your man card is SO fucking pulled, you may as well go ahead with that transgender operation you have been lusting for.
Try not to suck any niqqer cock on your way home, ok?
Thank you for proving my point there slappy.
You're dismissed.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:17 pm
by Tom In VA
Jay in Phoenix wrote:It's called ignorance.
Lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. I am a fortunate man in terms of experience with people and therefore my knowledge, education and awareness. The area I grew up in, outside Washington, D.C. has in my lifetime always been diverse. Some folks have not had the benefit of that upbringing and environment. Their perceptions of people are based on what they see. I saw, all. I see people of all types behaving and holding attitudes. Segregated on those behaviors and attitudes, you would have a sampling of all races, creeds, and height - as you intimated.
An astute quote I've picked up in my travels.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
As I've come to know the poster, mvscal, I have to come to know that moniker as one that seeks objectivity and values truth and facts. He lacks prognostication skills apparently, but his knowledge of history, his wit, and his economy of words are entertaining and informative.
Once I see beyond the "reflexive guilt response to politically incorrect opinions" I can come to understand what he's trying to say. He's said it ...
Oh, I do have compassion...for those who are honestly trying.
While I disagree many times with mvscal, I am not inclined to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", and judge him as "racist". He's a utilitarian. If you're not useful, you're not useful. He casts that assessment equally among people.
Why does it appear as if his assessments are one sides and solely targetting "n--g--rs" ? Again I cite Sowell ....
What some portray as "authentic black culture" is actually a relic of a highly dysfunctional white southern redneck culture. Such a dysfunctional white culture Sowell maintains, in turn derived from the ‘Cracker culture’ of certain regions in Britain, mainly the harsh English borderlands, origin of many 'cracker' migrants. Sowell gives a number of examples that he regards as supporting the lineage, including an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,… and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery.
How is a non black supposed to know any different when the media, the press, the entire "identity" of a certain segment of our population owns this ?
As I grew up, white kids who studied, had self discipline, valued following rules and regulations were labelled "nerds", "geeks", "prudes", etc.. etc..
Black kids, I observed doing that were labelled as "acting white". Why do you suppose that is ? I'll raise Michael Steele, a black man who ran on the Republican ticket for senator in MD. Black folks castigated him and threw oreo cookies at him. Why is that ?
So you see, mvscal is observing and holding in contempt behavior that fit's into the mold of "an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,… and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery." i.e. behavior "derived from the ‘Cracker culture’ of certain regions in Britain, mainly the harsh English borderlands"
He is not basing it upon race. As for why some folks consider this behavior as a primary identifying feature of black folks ...... mvscal is not at fault, not the cause of the problem, and I will place money on the fact that he is no fan of enabling it and disallowing that "mold" to be broken. In fact he's stated quite the opposite.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:34 pm
by MadRussian
mvscal wrote:Jay in Phoenix wrote:I will give you this Tom, you make for an interesting case, if you are indeed, speaking for mv.
Close enough. Technically speaking, I'm a cultural bigot not a racist. First point I don't
hate anybody. I am contemptuous of most people, but that is very different from active hatred.
I am not contemptuous of porch monkeys because they are black. I am contemptuous of them because they are failures and not just garden variety losers either. They are extraordinarily violent failures. Look at the mess they've made in Africa as well as the inner city horrorshows they have perpetrated in the United States. There is no reason or excuse for it. That there is a black middle class in this country (not to mention a black President) demonstrates that their failure to get their act together is cultural not racial.
The term n.i.g.g.e.r. is misguided here. And it still offensive, no matter how you justify or explain its use.
If it offends you, I would suggest that you develop a thicker skin because I really couldn't care less if you are offended. In fact, your indignant hysteria provides me with a great deal of amusement. It takes a very weak minded, desperately insecure individual to give a simple word such power over you.
However, with that said, a line is being crossed here, and it isn't cool, it isn't funny. But hey, that's just an opinion. Just an observation.
And what exactly makes it so uncool and unfunny to point out the (obvious) fact that n...iggers are total losers? Keep in mind, I'm just using n...iggers as the most handy example of across the board failures. Arabs are another shining example of utterly revolting, cretinous, subhuman failure. Note that both cultures share certain defining traits: Mindless violence and a pathological inability to accept responsibility for their own failure by blaming other groups for their ineptitude.
Why are you so concerned that their feelings might get hurt by having their noses rubbed in their own shit? What gives them a free pass and isn't that, in and of itself, just another form of bigotry?
I would love to see mvscal explain his percentage of contempt here. 95 is high number. Pretty much most of the world.
It is just a random percentage chosen for effect. I'm pretty comfortable with the ball park estimation that well over half of all humanity is composed of gibbering, knuckledragging troglodytes with no useful skills or abilities, though. Just useless eaters consuming resources and nervously waiting to get 86'd. Unfortunately, humans are remarkably successful social animals and have managed to short circuit natural selection as means of maintaining genetic hygiene so much so that our cultural flotsam continues to accumulate rather than being permanently extinguished for the greater good of the species.
RACK that fukkin take!!!
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:35 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Close enough. Technically speaking, I'm a cultural bigot not a racist. First point I don't hate anybody. I am contemptuous of most people, but that is very different from active hatred.
I am not contemptuous of porch monkeys because they are black. I am contemptuous of them because they are failures and not just garden variety losers either.
And yet you have complete comtempt for one who started out in less than optimum circumstances, graduated from Columbia, with a law degree from Harvard, taught Constitutional Law at U. of Chicago and in two months will hold the highest office in the land.
Not exactly a failure.
All your blathering is utter bullshit. Now go home.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:36 pm
by Tom In VA
Mikey wrote:And yet you have complete comtempt for one who started out in less than optimum circumstances
You bought that fairy tale ?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:41 pm
by Mikey
Tom In VA wrote:Mikey wrote:And yet you have complete comtempt for one who started out in less than optimum circumstances
You bought that fairy tale ?
And what fairy tale would that be?
The circumstances that he started out in, or mvscal's contempt?
Whatever circumstances he started out in, I don't think you could honestly call him a "failure".
Your contempt for the man, in spite of your snide and obviously sarcastic posts purporting to portray a more conciliatory attitude, is as obvious as mvscal's.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:53 pm
by Tom In VA
I never called him a "failure".
I don't hold the man in contempt. I am highly suspicious of his idealogy. Do YOU have a problem with that ? If you do, it is most definitely YOUR problem.
I admire his achievement and respect his work ethic and perserverence. That doesn't mean I have to gleefully agree with everything he says, does, and espouses.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:56 pm
by Mikey
I never said you called him a failure. My post was about mvscal's contention that he only hates blacks because they're failures. There is one who is obviously not a failure, and yet mvscal has more contempt for him than any other. Mvscal is a lying racist. EOS.
So, what fairy tale were you referring to?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:05 pm
by Tom In VA
It ain't like this guy came from the hood or the dirty south. He was a middle class dude. Any economic hardship he might have endured was by choice - his mother's choice to be exact - who chose the life of a professional student and "researcher", "peace corps" volunteer.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:09 pm
by Mikey
Tom In VA wrote:It ain't like this guy came from the hood or the dirty south. He was a middle class dude. Any economic hardship he might have endured was by choice - his mother's choice to be exact - who chose the life of a professional student and "researcher", "peace corps" volunteer.
So, he didn't start out as a poor black child like Steve Martin.
Irrelevant to my argument that he's not a failure. Mvscal's supposed reason for having contempt for all "n...gers" is that they're failures. He's not. Mvscal has contempt for the man. Because he's black and most likely at least partly because he's NOT a failure. Mvscal is a lying sack of racist shit.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:11 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:Mikey wrote:Not exactly a failure.
...yet. Give it some time.
If it unchafes your labia, I have a staggering degree of contempt for the other Ivy League fuck ups who have corkscrewed the country in the dirt over the last twenty years. I fully expect Onogroid to continue the tradition.
Hey, you can hate whomever you want, whenever and wherever you want. I really don't GARA.
Just don't lie about it.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:15 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Tom In VA wrote:Lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. I am a fortunate man in terms of experience with people and therefore my knowledge, education and awareness. The area I grew up in, outside Washington, D.C. has in my lifetime always been diverse. Some folks have not had the benefit of that upbringing and environment. Their perceptions of people are based on what they see. I saw, all. I see people of all types behaving and holding attitudes. Segregated on those behaviors and attitudes, you would have a sampling of all races, creeds, and height - as you intimated.
Tom, I come from a similar background here in Phoenix. We're a boiling pot of various ethnicities, cultures and religions. Being able to see different types of people integrated and behaving in their various environments allows for some serious eye opening. Attitudes are a product of environment and family and culture. I seriously do get what mvscal is saying, what his opinions represent. I suppose you could say it is his method of application that makes his judgements rankle with hate, at least on the surface.
As I've come to know the poster, mvscal, I have to come to know that moniker as one that seeks objectivity and values truth and facts. He lacks prognostication skills apparently, but his knowledge of history, his wit, and his economy of words are entertaining and informative.
I've recognized those points on many occasions Tom. I did it in this thread. I disagree on you saying he's objective. But since you know the guy better than me, I'll try to take your word on it.
Oh, I do have compassion...for those who are honestly trying.
In that, I believe mvscal. Too bad it's such a miniscule amount.
While I disagree many times with mvscal, I am not inclined to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", and judge him as "racist". He's a utilitarian. If you're not useful, you're not useful. He casts that assessment equally among people.
Why does it appear as if his assessments are one sides and solely targetting "n--g--rs" ?
I never said he was targeting a specific group like blacks. He's an across the board judgeifier. :wink:
Still, why use what are considered to be racist and hateful labels almost every time he posts? It kills the point which you are so valiently trying to explain and rationalize.
As I grew up, white kids who studied, had self discipline, valued following rules and regulations were labelled "nerds", "geeks", "prudes", etc.. etc..
Black kids, I observed doing that were labelled as "acting white". Why do you suppose that is ? I'll raise Michael Steele, a black man who ran on the Republican ticket for senator in MD. Black folks castigated him and threw oreo cookies at him. Why is that ?
It's irrational hatred, plain and simple. And ignorance and stupidity. There's nothing to question about that.
So you see, mvscal is observing and holding in contempt behavior that fit's into the mold of "an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,… and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery." i.e. behavior "derived from the ‘Cracker culture’ of certain regions in Britain, mainly the harsh English borderlands"
He is not basing it upon race.
Yet he and others, like Mad Russkie continue to make racial blasts. It gets to a point where it is indefensible. If indeed, it is not based on race (and I'll give you that more often than not it isn't, in mv's case) why troll with that tactic? Seriosly Tom, how can you justify that? There are plenty of other nice and derogatory terms that can be used. An occasional race bomb is sometimes okay, when someone knows how to use it effectively and intelligently. Where it makes a statement. Where it impacts the bottom line of racism as the ultimate act of an ignorant mind.
mvscal has done this many a time to be sure, but the race bombs are such a common denominator in his style, that the lines between observational humor and hate-filled invective blur.
As for why some folks consider this behavior as a primary identifying feature of black folks ...... mvscal is not at fault, not the cause of the problem, and I will place money on the fact that he is no fan of enabling it and disallowing that "mold" to be broken. In fact he's stated quite the opposite.
Again, point taken. But this isn't an all black or white issue. It's a human issue. A humane issue. You want to make it about character? Perfect. Do it.
No Tom, mv is not at any particular fault or a cause of the problem. But perhaps his "style" and his views might be seen as exacerbating the problem, even if they don't intend to.
Enabling via a rather curious rhetoric.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:22 pm
by Tom In VA
Mikey wrote:Tom In VA wrote:It ain't like this guy came from the hood or the dirty south. He was a middle class dude. Any economic hardship he might have endured was by choice - his mother's choice to be exact - who chose the life of a professional student and "researcher", "peace corps" volunteer.
So, he didn't start out as a poor black child like Steve Martin.
Irrelevant to my argument that he's not a failure. Mvscal's supposed reason for having contempt for all "n...gers" is that they're failures. He's not. Mvscal has contempt for the man. Because he's black and most likely at least partly because he's NOT a failure. Mvscal is a lying sack of racist shit.
LOL on the Jerk reset.
I disagree. I understand why MVSCAL doesn't like Obama, and it has little to do with his skin color or mvscal's disdain for "Crackers".
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:34 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So, babs, you're cool with your basic Nazi party line? You're okay with being philosophically shoulder to shoulder with George Lincoln Rockwell? And these august social scientists?
I don't think anyone's surprised. Sure, there are some eye-popping stats to shore up your bunkered mindset. The gallingly disproportionate number of murders committed by black men, for example. Let's see...about six percent of the U.S. population are black males. Of these let's say half are too old or too young to be running around shooting people. That leaves three percent, and of those let's be generous and assume that at least half are not murderers. That means that approximately one per cent or so of the American population are committing...let me check....
52% of the murders in this country.
And...from this somewhat jaw-dropping fact, we're to surmise that you
oppose the protest march against the Palo Alto police chief (mega dyke) who assured a community meeting of concerned white folk that the recent rash of (16) sidewalk robberies in the very tony section of Palo Alto would be addressed by a policy of stopping "suspicious looking" black men ("consentually"). Surely you don't want to bring back Bull Conner and his money saving policies of feeding the dogs while on duty?
Looks like you're caught in a quandary: ludicrous robes and weird friends saluting each other in cartoon fashion, or joining the protest march and demanding "Justice for the Palo Alto 12,OOO"
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:58 pm
by MadRussian
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So, babs, you're cool with your basic Nazi party line? You're okay with being philosophically shoulder to shoulder with George Lincoln Rockwell? And these august social scientists?
I don't think anyone's surprised. Sure, there are some eye-popping stats to shore up your bunkered mindset. The gallingly disproportionate number of murders committed by black men, for example. Let's see...about six percent of the U.S. population are black males. Of these let's say half are too old or too young to be running around shooting people. That leaves three percent, and of those let's be generous and assume that at least half are not murderers. That means that approximately one per cent or so of the American population are committing...let me check....
52% of the murders in this country.
And...from this somewhat jaw-dropping fact, we're to surmise that you
oppose the protest march against the Palo Alto police chief (mega dyke) who assured a community meeting of concerned white folk that the recent rash of (16) sidewalk robberies in the very tony section of Palo Alto would be addressed by a policy of stopping "suspicious looking" black men ("consentually"). Surely you don't want to bring back Bull Conner and his money saving policies of feeding the dogs while on duty?
Looks like you're caught in a quandary: ludicrous robes and weird friends saluting each other in cartoon fashion, or joining the protest march and demanding "Justice for the Palo Alto 12,OOO"
YOu cant scream racism with a noose around your neck, bitch
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:34 pm
by Tom In VA
I remember when the DC Sniper was roaming around. Everyone was looking for a 30-40 year old White Male, driving a White Van, and everyone probably suspected he'd be the type that wore a White Hood.
No wonder he was able to slip by police so often.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:12 am
by Tom In VA
Whelp, Mace, I live in Muhammed's AO. And the notion of terrorists attacking people around here is not without precedent. In 1993 a lone gunman, Mir Aimal Kasi, shot up some folks outside the CIA HQ.
You had the 9-11 attack on the Pentagon, and this dude Mohammed started his shit @1 yr after 9-11.
Terrorists were being considered as well.
In the end, though, isn't that all Muhammed was anyway ? A McVeigh style terrorist. He had joined the Nation of Islam, his goal according to Malvo was to kill 6 white people a day.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:33 am
by Tom In VA
Semantics. Terrorism is "The systematic use of terror as a means of coercion". One who engages in that is a terrorist.
When people call us "terrorists" as a country, they'd TECHNICALLY be using the word correctly.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:08 am
by MadRussian
Impressive melt, Mace.
Need a fresh diaper?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:54 am
by Screw_Michigan
No surprise to see MadRussian come in for sloppy seconds. Dude has little to nothing to contribute other than tickling MV's taint with his tongue or various homo/racist smack, most which has already been posted ad nauseum.
Then again, he does spend most of his time with G-Pete and his merry band of scared racists over at, so that really shouldn't be a surprise.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:39 pm
by MadRussian
Screw_Michigan wrote:No surprise to see MadRussian come in for sloppy seconds. Dude has little to nothing to contribute other than tickling MV's taint with his tongue or various homo/racist smack, most which has already been posted ad nauseum.
Then again, he does spend most of his time with G-Pete and his merry band of scared racists over at, so that really shouldn't be a surprise.
One day, if you can gather enough male hormones up, you may actually gather up teh courage to post there, fagsmo
But until then, please continue thinking about taint tickling, as you and your boy jay seem to really be into that sort of thing
And tardnuts, I contributed teh epic wytch of all time, so start posting links to where you have brought something other than ankle biting replayed shit, or stfu and continue to throat massage random cocks. I love seeing someone feel compelled to come to someone else's defense, and then he calls me taint tickler..
Thats rich I tell ya, oh the irony
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:14 pm
I contributed teh epic wytch of all time
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:20 pm
by Goober McTuber
MadRussian wrote:Screw_Michigan wrote:No surprise to see MadRussian come in for sloppy seconds. Dude has little to nothing to contribute other than tickling MV's taint with his tongue or various homo/racist smack, most which has already been posted ad nauseum.
Then again, he does spend most of his time with G-Pete and his merry band of scared racists over at, so that really shouldn't be a surprise.
One day, if you can gather enough male hormones up, you may actually gather up teh courage to post there, fagsmo
Don't forget to have 80% of your brain surgically removed, Screw. You'll want to fit in.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:20 pm
by Dinsdale
The IKYABWAI is strong in this one.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:42 pm
by MadRussian
PSUFAN wrote:I contributed teh epic wytch of all time
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:43 pm
by Mikey
PSUFAN wrote:I contributed teh epic wytch of all time
Nothing says
"I'm a child-like bitch in need of attention!!"
like a self-propping mongoloid.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:45 pm
by MadRussian
Mikey wrote:PSUFAN wrote:I contributed teh epic wytch of all time
"I'm a child-like bitch in need of attention!!"
Thanks for admitting that, cock puffer
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:49 pm
by Goober McTuber
OK, the 80% figure might be a bit low.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:14 pm
by Mikey
MadRussian wrote:
Thanks for admitting that, cock puffer
What Dins said.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:00 pm
MadRussian - this needs to be said. Ap's panty pic was plenty funny before you ever fired up MSPaint.
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:05 pm
by Goober McTuber
When I think of epic wytches, the Ayatrollah vs. Beantown Basher comes to mind.
“Less talking, more licking.”
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:44 pm
by MadRussian
PSUFAN wrote:MadRussian - this needs to be said. Ap's panty pic was plenty funny before you ever fired up MSPaint.
You srsly think I did that in paint?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:51 pm
by Mikey
You srsly think anybody cares?
Re: If you are honest...
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:54 pm
by MadRussian
Mikey wrote:You srsly think anybody cares?
Obviously dumbfuck, or he wouldn't have posted it.
So now you are not only gay, but stupid too.