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Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:13 am
by RadioFan
Diego in Seattle wrote:You're calling me an idiot?
Ya, I got it, you're implying that the shooter is as bad as the Islamic fanatics.
You're an idiot in the sense that you don't understand true religion from the left, just as much as the nutjobs of ALL religions don't understand it, from the right.
Fanatics on the right of ALL religions can't distinguish between
connotation and
denotation. They'd much rather choose the latter. It's far easier.
Fanatics on the left, on the other hand, have no concept of either.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:30 am
by poptart
RadioFan wrote:poptart wrote:76% of Americans identity themselves as ... Christian.
And we know that percentage is a total crock of shit.
That would depend on one's
personal definition now, wouldn't it?
Yes, you're right.
"Christian" can mean different things to different people.
For one of
many examples, a lot of KKK members identify themself as Christian.
I seriously doubt if many of them are written in the Book of Life.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:39 am
by RadioFan
poptart wrote:For one of many examples, a lot of KKK members identify themself as Christian.
I seriously doubt if many of them are written in the Book of Life.
But who am I to judge?
Hey, let's leave the mvscals and the Diegos out of this.
The only thing worse than a "Christian" KKK is an atheist KKK. Talk about scary, from both sides.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:38 pm
by Sirfindafold
Back on topic:
The real religion of peace is at it again. But of course everyone knows this story, its all over the news.
Suspect arrested in Arkansas recruiting center shooting
CNN) -- An Arkansas man was arrested Monday in connection with a shooting at a Little Rock military recruiting center that killed one soldier and wounded another, authorities said. Police identified the suspect as Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, formerly known as Carlos Bledsoe, faces a first-degree murder charge and 15 counts of engaging in a terrorist act, Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. The terrorist counts stem from the shots fired at an occupied building.
While authorities continued to investigate a motive, Thomas said Muhammad is a Muslim convert and, based on preliminary interviews with him, investigators believe there were "political and religious motives" in the shooting.
Military officials initially believed the shooting was a random act, but Thomas said police believe the shooter acted alone "with the specific purpose of targeting military personnel."
The soldier who was killed was identified as Pvt. William Long, 24, of Conway, and the wounded soldier is Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville, Thomas said.
Ezeagwula is in stable condition and expected to recover, the police chief said.
"I'm relieved there's a suspect in custody," said Capt. Matthew Feehan, commander of the center.
Feehan said seven other recruiters were in the building, but nobody else was injured.
Thomas said police recovered three guns from Muhammad's black Ford SUV: an SKS semi-automatic rifle, a .22-caliber rifle and a pistol.
The victims were just out of basic training and had not been deployed, said Lt. Col. Thomas F. Artis, commander of the Oklahoma recruiting battalion that oversees the Little Rock recruiting center.
Melvin Bledsoe of Memphis, Tennesee , who was listed on the police report as Muhammad's father, declined to comment, referring questions to Little Rock Police.
The soldiers were part of a recruiting program called "hometown recruiting assistance," Artis said. Under the program, recruiters have the soldiers tell their stories to potential recruits. It's a volunteer position taken while soldiers are visiting or based back in their home region, Artis said.
The FBI has opened an investigation into the incident, said Steven Frazier, spokesman for the agency's Little Rock office. "Based on what we find, we will determine whether there is any federal jurisdiction to prosecute," he said
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:50 pm
by Van
pop wrote:For one of many examples, a lot of KKK members identify themself as Christian.
I seriously doubt if many of them are written in the Book of Life.
So do I. I seriously doubt anybody is written in the Book of Life. I seriously doubt there is a Book of Life, other than the one Mary Joe Kopleski from Topeka keeps in her kitchen.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:02 pm
by Smackie Chan
R-Jack wrote:Jeez, who knew this thread about a shooting would morph into a discussion on abortion?
Tip of the iceberg. I can steer it into discussions on capital punishment and gun control if you'd like.
can, but I
won't. I don't hate you guys
that much.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:10 pm
by Cuda
ppanther wrote:My goodness, Van. You're still going on about the motorcycle comment and at the same time, you're calling my post "unhinged"? Seriously?
Merely mentioning motorcycles or guitars to Vannie is like bringing up the U&L to Dinsdale- right or wrong, you don't want to go down that road.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:22 pm
by Van
Cuda, what's been up with Dins lately, anyway? He only seems good for maybe one drive-by post a week now.
"Hey! U&L dork! You know the rules here. You get ten minutes of internet time per week. Get yourself off, and let the next guy go. Get a move on. Cellblock C isn't going to clean itself."
Anyway, you got it half right. I'm actually not all that into motorcycles anymore. It's been years since I've sold 'em.
So, make it guitars, college football and, ummm, the ellipsis.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:27 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:ppanther wrote:Clearly mvscal is smart enough to understand that the fetus is a separate living being.
It's seems pretty clear to me. I don't see how you can even begin to formulate a coherent or intelligent opinion on the issue without grasping that fundamental truth.
At a certain point it's a living being, yes, but it's not entirely a separate living being. If it were, it wouldn't need its host to survive. It could move from host to host, on its own. It could live independent of any host.
It wouldn't die, when its host dies.
Until it's a vapid, racist fuckstick it's not entirely a separate living being.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:32 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:What could possibly be more racist than the "Chosen People" creating their Lebensraum on the bones of Canaanites and Philistines?
Naming your football team the Redskins?
-Dan Vogel
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:35 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:Van wrote:At a certain point it's a living being, yes, but it's not entirely a separate living being. If it were, it wouldn't need its host to survive. It could move from host to host, on its own. It could live independent of any host.
It wouldn't die, when its host dies.
Until it's a vapid, racist fuckstick it's not entirely a separate living being.
You really are clueless. You might want to take remedial course in biology someday.
Cut to the chase. Go ahead and educate me. Show me the error of my ways.
I really wanna hear how an amorphous collection of cells which can't sustain its own life is a "separate living being," and not something that's dependent on its host for survival.
Which word is at issue here?
"Separate"? If it's separate, it should be able to separate itself from its host. Even a fluke can do that.
"Living"? At a certain point, yes, it is. Until that point, no, it's not.
"Being"? See "Living."
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:40 pm
by Sirfindafold
"each of us, a cell of awareness, imperfect and incomplete."
How's That?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:42 pm
by Van
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:17 pm
by Van
mvscal wrote:There is nothing amorphous about that collection of cells. They are organized into separate organs.
Separate organs does not a separate living being make. Those organs have to be able to sustain themselves.
That "collection of cells" has its own heartbeat. It moves independently.
It has its own rhythm, but it doesn't beat independently. Remove the mother's heartbeat, you end the heartbeat of the fetus.
The fact that it is dependent on its mother is irrelevant. A two year old is dependent on its mother for survival. Is their any doubt that a two year old is a separate human being?
No, because, like a fluke, a two year old can change hosts. At two years old, any ol' mother will do. At two years old, a child can survive without a mother at all. A team of lettuce pickers or even a Cal football travel secretary could keep that child alive. A fetus isn't separate from its host, free to move to another host, or live independently. A fetus is a part of its host. The host can survive with the fetus, but up to a certain point the fetus can't survive without its specific host.
The heartbeat can be detected at 6-7 weeks.
A heartbeat by itself doesn't constitute a separate living being. A heart can be made to pump, with no body attached to it. A heartbeat is one component among many which will become necessary to sustain independent life, but at 6-7 weeks that fetus is still just a thing growing inside its host. In no way, shape or form is it able to sustain its own separate life.
So, this was your big play, which proves I'm "clueless"? Heartbeats, at 6-7 weeks? Two year old children, vs a fetus?
I'm thinking maybe
you might need to crack open that remedial biology book again. I understood what it said, just fine.
Also, like I said, "at a certain point." What about
before 6-7 weeks? Is it okay to abort when there's no heartbeat yet?
Sorry you wasted your life in a barren, childless marriage. Well, I suppose you have your own selfish pursuits to sustain you.
You ever slaughter any of your own progeny because you were too busy with your own "life"?
No. Never went through any abortions or pregnancies. My wife had
cesarean cervical (

) cancer. She's unable to bear children. I've helped "raise" her son (from a previous marriage) for sixteen years now.
Thanks for asking.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:20 pm
Does someone have the OJ soundbite "Beating A Dead Horse" ?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:22 pm
by trev
cesarean cancer
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:24 pm
by Van
trev, my mistake.
Make that "cervical cancer."
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:25 pm
trev wrote:cesarean cancer
Cancer of the "mysterious lady parts" youngling....
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:26 pm
by Van
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:31 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote: This is despite the fact that 30,000 is a relatively insignificant number, compared to the number of people who die each year in this country from drunk driving.
Oh yea Van? How many people die each year "from DD?"
A bit of advise: Check your source carefully before you smash submit.
mvscal wrote: The individuals being culled here have had no opportunity to demonstrate their fitness or lack thereof.
Some of them are Black or, like you, Brown. They are sub-human remember? They have no ABILITY to be fit humans. You even suck at being a racist.
War Wagon wrote:After having a day to think about it and speak to both my wife and daughter, I'll backtrack a bit in saying that doesn't make it ok to murder an abortion doctor, but I certainly understand the motivation.
ppanther wrote: I would NEVER abort a baby...
Good choice, glad you'd pick that option.
ppanther wrote:Stop acting like all Christians are to blame, if in fact the shooter calls himself Christian. It's an incredibly idiotic contention.
A large chunk of them
are to blame, to claim otherwise would be idiotic.
Atomic Punk wrote: (had to throw it in there for the vertically challenged midget)
A transvestite running appearance smack. How droll.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:32 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van, mvscal, and a rabbi are discussing the origins of life.
"Life begins at or shortly after conception," states mvscal.
"Wrong," cries Van. "Life doesn't begin until the fetus can survive outside the host."
Rabbi Shrubber shakes his head and quietly asserts, "You're both wrong. Life doesn't begin until the last kid moves outta the house and the dog dies."
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:34 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:TVO wrote:fucknack
Explain that one, counselor.
It's like a knickknack. A novelty. Something unimportant. A pile of cumdust that large black men use for their sexual pleasure and then toss in the trash or hand off to the next guy. You know mvskkkal.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:40 pm
by Van
TVO, yeah, my bad there. I meant to simply say, "insignificant, compared to the number of drunk drivers," but I made it into "died from drunk driving."
Guess I just had violence on the brain. Btw, what is the number of DD deaths each year?
Not sure why I lobbed up "cesarean" rather than "cervical," though. If I write the word "caesar" (damn, it's hard to even make my fingers type that word...I always want to screw it up), or anything that looks like it, I probably shouldn't have. I probably screwed up something.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:41 pm
Smackie Chan wrote:
Rabbi Shrubber shakes his head and quietly asserts, "You're both wrong. Life doesn't begin until the last kid moves outta the house and the dog dies."
Now that, was flat out funny......
2 beers and a big old bong-swat to you Smackie!
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:45 pm
by Van
TVO wrote:A transvestite running appearance smack. How droll.
It would've again been funnier had you again accidentally said, "How drool."
Oh, and yeah, I think it's safe to say that at least in this country there aren't a lot of atheists, agnostics, muslims and buddhists blowing up Planned Parenthood facilities, or killing doctors.
By and large, like it or not, it's "Christians" (and yes, I use the term very loosely) doing their Lord's bidding, apparently, by
not turning the other cheek.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:49 pm
by Van
Moving Sale wrote:Van wrote:TVO wrote:fucknack
Explain that one, counselor.
It's like a knickknack. A novelty. Something unimportant. A pile of cumdust that large black men use for their sexual pleasure and then toss in the trash or hand off to the next guy. You know mvskkkal.
Yeah, dropping the second "k" there does make the word more visually pleasing!
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:56 pm
by Moving Sale
Van wrote:Btw, what is the number of DD deaths each year?
Hard to tell because the NHTSA fucks up the stats so badly. As near as I can tell the number of people killed by DD, other than the actual DD, is well south of 5,000. Might be as low as 2K. A large number to be sure, but also well south of the 15 or 20K number used by MADD and others, including a judge I had to school on said subject in court a few months back.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:56 pm
Van wrote:TVO wrote:A transvestite running appearance smack. How droll.
It was still funnier when you accidentally said "drool."
Oh, and yeah, I think it's safe to say that at least in this country there aren't a lot of atheists, agnostics, muslims and buddhists blowing up Planned Parenthood facilities, or killing doctors.
By and large, like it or not, it's "Christians" (and yes, I use the term very loosely) doing their Lord's bidding, apparently, by
not turning the other cheek.
Not to stroke anyones sack here....
But, arguing with TVO is like getting into a one armed wallpaper hanging contest.....
Moderate, liberal, conservative........He's a pigheaded douche no matter how you label the little mini barrister....
Although, if I had any legal trouble I'd probably retain the fucking commie prick......
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:03 pm
by Van
Adam, I'm not arguing with TVO there. He said it'd be idiotic to try and say that Christians don't deserve a large chunk of the blame, and I'm agreeing with him.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:19 pm
Van wrote:Adam, I'm not arguing with TVO there. He said it'd be idiotic to try and say that Christians don't deserve a large chunk of the blame, and I'm agreeing with him.
Shit Van,
Every religion deserves blame....The whole concept of "My God is better than your God"
is a big old pile of horseshit....
We all bleed red
we all die.....
This shit has been going on for over 10,000 yrs.
It finally took Greco-Roman philosophy to create an American ideal of FREEDOM
Until we can all get past the theory of "My Way or the Highway"
I'll continue to club you to death with an antler femur until you see it my way.......
Redundancy has its virtues...........Sometimes
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:28 pm
by Van
Every religion is to blame for some things, but a disproportionate amount of blame must go to "Christians" who, in the ironic stated cause of protecting the sanctity of life, commit murder in this country.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:29 pm
by Smackie Chan
ADAM wrote:Reduncancy
What is to be a dunce...twice?
FUBUclown wants to know.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:37 pm
by Mikey
Sort of describes the salad I had a Buca di Beppo last week.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:38 pm
by Van
Bet the placenta pomoodoro sauce on your pasta was the shit, though, wasn't it?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:41 pm
by Mikey
Van wrote:Bet the placenta pomoodoro sauce on your pasta was the shit, though, wasn't it?
Yeah but the calamari...for some reason it didn't actually look like a squid.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:43 pm
Van wrote:Every religion is to blame for some things, but a disproportionate amount of blame must go to "Christians" who, in the ironic stated cause of protecting the sanctity of life, commit murder in this country.
Christianity is going to be the scapegoat for all the worlds ills....
I'm Irish Catholic and we took a beating for awhile....Once
Islam becomes the most popular religion they'll get theirs too.....
Think about it....
When the Yankees were hot they got bashed
When the Packers were hot, they too got bashed....
See how the sick cycle works....
It's not about any given generation....
Imagine if that genocidal freak Hitler saw his fantasy to an end.....
We'd be dealing with a whole different world today......
Just an opinion though....I could be misguided....
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:48 pm
Smackie Chan wrote:
FUBUclown wants to know.
Who is this FUBU?
AND why does said clown ....well, CLOWN?
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:50 pm
by Van
Mikey wrote:Van wrote:Bet the placenta pomoodoro sauce on your pasta was the shit, though, wasn't it?
Yeah but the calamari...for some reason it didn't actually look like a squid.
Game over. You win.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:02 pm
by Smackie Chan
ADAM wrote:Smackie Chan wrote:
FUBUclown wants to know.
Who is this FUBU?
AND why does said clown ....well, CLOWN?
I'm sure I missed some of the nics he's used.
If you're not familiar with the story, I'll let someone else fill you in on his adventures w/ NoCal Snogirl.
Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:08 pm
by Van
Smackie Chan wrote:ADAM wrote:Smackie Chan wrote:
FUBUclown wants to know.
Who is this FUBU?
AND why does said clown ....well, CLOWN?
I'm sure I missed some of the nics he's used.
If you're not familiar with the story, I'll let someone else fill you in on his adventures w/ NoCal Snogirl and...BLACK COCK!!
It's not pretty. Cover your eyes, and ears.