The Battle

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Re: The Battle

Post by Felix »

ppanther wrote:
Can you please stop falsely stating MY assumptions? I never said that God "ceded" control over "everything he created" (in bold, no less). I have no need to participate in this discussion if it's really between you and assumptions of your own creation.
so you're saying he does control everything? or is it just some things?

like NFL players catching touchdowns?
Assuming He did such a thing, which by the way is your assertion, why would you ask me to explain His motives? Would you honestly expect me to know them?
look, you said that omnipotence (which is unlimited power) and control of all things are not the same thing....I'm just trying to get a handle on what aspects of human existence he controls and those that he doesn't (akin to what biblical passages we're supposed to believe and which ones we're supposed to disregard) for this entity's motives...I thought you'd respond with something like "he doesn't have motives, motives are a human emotion that HE is not subject to" I would have had a lot more respect for that response than what you clacked out
Since I never asserted any such thing, your question can be filed under "irrelevant".
you most certainly did....deny it if you want, but you said omnipotence and control are not the same, you've got three choices here..... 1. he isn't omnipotent (in which case this entity isn't god) 2. he's given up his control of things 3. he still controls things but doesn't give a's that simple...make your choice
..especially since you'd be contradicting nothing more than what you decided I asserted, which was incorrect? Indeed, what's the point?
then by all means, clarify what you meant by your statement
And what's the point anyway, since you don't believe in God?
And since you don't believe in God, but do believe that morally good behavior is an in-born trait (see: previous discussions), why do you suppose people let innocents die of starvation?
I do what I can, but I'm not this all powerful entity....if I were, you can rest assured the first thing I'd eliminate would be hunger and disease....but apparently your god doesn't deem it necessary...don't you find it just a little ironic that this "god" entity would provide every human being with a sense of what is morally right, while knowing that he's going to have to throw a shitload of them into the eternal fires of damnation....that's just fucking wrong anyway you slice it

why do you suppose that is?
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: The Battle

Post by poptart »

Felix wrote:I do what I can, but I'm not this all powerful entity....if I were, you can rest assured the first thing I'd eliminate would be hunger and disease....but apparently your god doesn't deem it necessary...don't you find it just a little ironic that this "god" entity would provide every human being with a sense of what is morally right, while knowing that he's going to have to throw a shitload of them into the eternal fires of damnation....that's just fucking wrong anyway you slice it

why do you suppose that is?
If we just isolate and look at your case - You've had people repeatedly pointing you toward the SALVATION which God has freely offered to you and yet you choose to trash God instead of simply taking the gift.

Where do you think you belong?

I can assure you, you'll have no excuse when you stand before God.
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Re: The Battle

Post by ppanther »

look, you said that omnipotence (which is unlimited power) and control of all things are not the same thing
Are you really having a problem with that distinction? Really?
I'm just trying to get a handle on what aspects of human existence he controls and those that he doesn't (akin to what biblical passages we're supposed to believe and which ones we're supposed to disregard)
So you're petulantly insisting that someone provide you with an answer that you clearly have no intention of accepting? Why would you even ask, and why would you expect anyone to answer? Are you two? for this entity's motives...I thought you'd respond with something like "he doesn't have motives, motives are a human emotion that HE is not subject to" I would have had a lot more respect for that response than what you clacked out
This is perplexing. You'd have more respect for me if I answered a question you asked in exactly the way you wanted it answered? I guess that would be a bummer for me if I cared about having your respect.
you most certainly did....deny it if you want, but you said omnipotence and control are not the same, you've got three choices here..... 1. he isn't omnipotent (in which case this entity isn't god) 2. he's given up his control of things 3. he still controls things but doesn't give a's that simple...make your choice
Omnipotence and control are not the same thing.

You have a key that gives you the power to control your car. (1) When you're not driving it, do you no longer have the power to control it? (2) When you're not driving it, have you given up all control of your car? (3) When you're not driving it and someone backs into it and creates a huge dent in your fender, do you not care about it?

Now before you get all flustered and try to invent some spin about how I am comparing God to a car, I just used the above as an example to show you that your "three choices" were flawed.
then by all means, clarify what you meant by your statement
Omnipotence and control are not the same thing. Let me know if you still need that clarified.
I do what I can, but I'm not this all powerful entity....
You don't believe in "this all powerful entity" and you do believe that humans have in-born morals. So tell me, why do people let innocents die of starvation?
don't you find it just a little ironic that this "god" entity would provide every human being with a sense of what is morally right, while knowing that he's going to have to throw a shitload of them into the eternal fires of damnation....that's just fucking wrong anyway you slice it
See poptart's post. I can't say it any better.
why do you suppose that is?
Um... are you asking me for God's motive again, Felix? You don't believe in God, and you don't believe (if He existed) that He would be subject to motives... right? So why would you even ask this?
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Re: The Battle

Post by Mikey »

Felix wrote:omnipotence (which is unlimited power)
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