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Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:47 pm
by Mike the Lab Rat
Well, that was a weak attempt at "turning his argument back on him", then and you failed miserably.
Like you said, he had an argument based on mathematical odds on the number of stars, galaxies and "yadda yadda yadda" to base his belief on.
His "argument" was based on numbers that even HE admitted came from nowhere.
We don't KNOW how many galaxies there are, how many galaxies have suns like ours, how many suns like ours have planets like ours, etc., so every number he was using was pulled completely out of his ass.
He had questioned the logic (and actually, the intelligence) of claiming to be science-minded folk while believing in the divinity of Christ. The gist of his argument was that HIS beliefs were logical.
MY point in countering him was that pulling unsubstantiated, unproven (and unprovable, IMNSHO) numbers and statistics to base HIS belief was no more logical than my religious belief. Just tossing numbers in there doesn't make his argument scientific if the numbers have no basis, which they don't.
He can believe all he wants in extraterrestrail life. He just has absolutely no truly logical, fact-based, scientific way to justify it. His belief that there "must" be life on other planets is just as much a matter of faith as my belief in the Resurrection, God, Heaven, Hell, etc.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:01 am
by See You Next Wednesday
Cuda wrote:You'll smoke a turd in hell for all eternity fort that, VOR
What happened to the loving and forgiving God?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:07 am
by Cuda
See You Next Wednesday wrote:Cuda wrote:You'll smoke a turd in hell for all eternity fort that, VOR
What happened to the loving and forgiving God?
You called him a cocksucker, what do you
think happened to him?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:08 am
by See You Next Wednesday
Cuda wrote:See You Next Wednesday wrote:Cuda wrote:You'll smoke a turd in hell for all eternity fort that, VOR
What happened to the loving and forgiving God?
You called him a cocksucker, what do you
think happened to him?
Tweren't me.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:13 am
by smackaholic
Does Jesus exist? I honestly don't know ,although I am leaning towards non-belief.
Is there another planet out there kinda like ours? Prolly.
On said planet is there a fat ass no line having "actor". Prolly.
If he is making 2500 clams a day, is there any chance that he is not spending a considerable % of it on hookers? No fukkin' way.
That settles it, jess is unique in the whole universe.
Maybe he's jesus.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:15 am
by Cuda
Well, how about that? You didn't call him a cocksucker in this thread, did you, SYNW? RACK you for catching Cuda making a mistake.
Well, VOR will smoke a turd in hell for all eternity for that. You'll smoke one for some other reason, no doubt
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:16 am
by See You Next Wednesday
Cuda wrote:
Well, VOR will smoke a turd in hell for all eternity for that. You'll smoke one for some other reason, no doubt
Fair enough, then.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:23 am
by Mike the Lab Rat
mvscal wrote:
Nonsense. He knows that there is life on every corner of this planet no matter how inhospitable the location.
No he doesn't. And there ARE spots on this planet where there is no life.
It is certainly "logical" to believe that life exists on other planets as well.
No it isn't, without PROOF. And citing numbers pulled out of his ass is not proof.
On the other hand, your beliefs are utterly without any rational basis in fact whatsoever.
That's my point, dingus. That's why my beliefs are faith...just as his are.
You don't know anything at all about the Resurrection, God, Heaven or Hell.
I "know" as much about those things as he "knows" about life on other planets.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:28 am
by War Wagon
Lab Rat has some time on his hands.
Before this is all said and done, someone's going to be springing for a round of Johnny Walker Red, I just know it.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:29 am
by Voice of Reason
Mike the Lab Rat wrote:You don't know anything at all about the Resurrection, God, Heaven or Hell.
I "know" as much about those things as he "knows" about life on other planets.
The point, again, is that based on what he knows about life on "this" planet, and all the various forms it takes and rough terrain, climates and environments it can live in, he is making a logical assumption about there being life on one, or more, of the billions of other similar floating rocks out there.
There is nothing you know about ressurrection, god, heaven or hell because none of those things has
ever been observed, unlike life has been observed on this planet and unlike other planets have been observed in the universe.
Your stance = blind unknowing faith, without evidence or a logical basis for the claim.
His stance = educated guess, backed by observation.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:40 am
by Bizzarofelice
88 wrote:What I don't get about the whole Jesus Christ story is why? If God Almighty is so fucking good and so fucking powerful, why does he send his own son to Earth to be brutally murdered?
PR? Spin? Trying to amend his eye-for-an-eye ways?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:41 am
by War Wagon
Voice of Reason wrote:
There is nothing you know about ressurrection, god, heaven or hell because none of those things has ever been observed...
How do you know they've never been observed, mensa? Just because you've never observed them, doesn't mean that they haven't been observed.
Your stance = blind unknowing faith, without evidence or a logical basis for the claim.
His stance = educated guess, backed by observation.
I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on evidence, logic, and observation.
I also believe that idiot savants like you whistle when you walk past the graveyard.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:48 am
by Voice of Reason
War Wagon wrote:Voice of Reason wrote:
There is nothing you know about ressurrection, god, heaven or hell because none of those things has ever been observed...
How do you know they've never been observed, mensa? Just because you've never observed them, doesn't mean that they haven't been observed.
Stories are not observations.
When someone comes forth with a video tape of a decomposing corpse, completely devoid of life coming back to life, then maybe there will be some evidence of an observation of reserrection. Until then, you have no observations, only stories.
I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on evidence, logic, and observation.
I also believe that idiot savants like you whistle when you walk past the graveyard.
Well I happy that you believe that. But, you are wrong. People of faith base their conclusions on
Please, there is no logic than can lead to these conclusions. This is a fact that can be proved through formal proofs, which actually define what logic is.
No argument that leads to the belief in god is either logical or sound. Most arguments that leads to the belief in God are based on, or made up of fallacies.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:50 am
by Mister Bushice
War Wagon wrote:
I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on evidence, logic, and observation.
This from a guy whose religious beliefs began after a friend of his blew his own head off right in front of him.
So much for logic and observation.... :roll:
Re: Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:14 am
by ppanther
Blitzkrieg wrote:This isn't the tread for religious debate or smack.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:16 am
by War Wagon
Voice of Reason wrote:
Stories are not observations.
When someone comes forth with a video tape of a decomposing corpse, completely devoid of life coming back to life, then maybe there will be some evidence of an observation of reserrection. Until then, you have no observations, only stories.
Ahhh....the doubting Thomas rationale, I see. To prove anything to you, you'd need a time machine, apparently.
Btw, seen any videos of George Washington crossing the Potomac lately?
How about Abe Lincoln delivering the Gettysburgh address?
Joan of Arc being burned at the stake?
Columbus discovering America?
I'm positive that Magna Carta and Ghengis Khan thingy is on tape at the History Channel, but they prolly doctored the sumbitch.
Well hells bells then, you're right by golly. Those aren't observations... only stories. As such it is not logical to believe in such stories, eh Spock?
Well I happy that you believe that. But, you are wrong. People of faith base their conclusions on FAITH.
I happy also to know that a person who doesn't have faith know what a person who do base their conclusion on. I much happy. I do HAPPY DANCE!
Please, there is no logic than can lead to these conclusions. This is a fact that can be proved through formal proofs, which actually define what logic is.
No argument that leads to the belief in god is either logical or sound. Most arguments that leads to the belief in God are based on, or made up of fallacies.
How old are you son? I'm guessing about 15.
Get back to me in about 25 years when you actually have some life experience to relate your "sound logic" to.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:22 am
by War Wagon
Mister Bushice wrote:War Wagon wrote:
I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on evidence, logic, and observation.
This from a guy whose religious beliefs began...
You know nothing about when or how my religious beliefs began, ankle biter.
But it's not surprising that you'd spout off about something you don't know anything about.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:40 am
by Mister Bushice
Considering that you spilled your guts on the topic over at TNW, I'd say I and every one else over there at that time knows exactly how your religious beliefs began.
Because you're to stupid to keep your big mouth shut about your pathetic life is no reason to deny what you yourself posted.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:51 am
by SunCoastSooner
You know for people that are so quick to complain about their religious rights being infringed upon and attacked (christians in America today) you guys sure are quick to do it to others :?
I'll admit your rights are being infringed upon but from what I have gathered the same occurs when another point of view is expounded upon as well.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:10 am
by Voice of Reason
War Wagon wrote:
Btw, seen any videos of George Washington crossing the Potomac lately?
How about Abe Lincoln delivering the Gettysburgh address?
Joan of Arc being burned at the stake?
Columbus discovering America?
I'm positive that Magna Carta and Ghengis Khan thingy is on tape at the History Channel, but they prolly doctored the sumbitch.
Well hells bells then, you're right by golly. Those aren't observations... only stories. As such it is not logical to believe in such stories, eh Spock?
Actually, those
are stories. And since you aren't using them in an argument they are simply meaningless stories. What, exactly, would you be trying to prove or disprove with these stories?
That Columbus discovered America? Well, he wasn't the first and much of the Columbus stories
have been embelished, but that is really beside the point.
Columbus and his crew sailed a boat. If the stories said that he ate 6 cans of beans and farted his way across the Atlantic, and we all accepted that as fact, you might have a point.
How old are you son? I'm guessing about 15.
Get back to me in about 25 years when you actually have some life experience to relate your "sound logic" to.
Way to bust out the age and "life experience" smack. A sure sign of getting the upper hand in an argument. You clearly have no clue about logical arguments, or know what a sound, or cogent, argument, is.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:26 am
by Blitzkrieg that funny feelin' God is.......dead...
Perry Farrell
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:28 am
Blitzkrieg that funny feelin' God is.......dead...
Perry Farrell
Everybody has their own opinion........ :wink:
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:31 am
by War Wagon
Mister Bushice wrote:Considering that you spilled your guts on the topic over at TNW, I'd say I and every one else over there at that time knows exactly how your religious beliefs began.
Because you're to stupid to keep your big mouth shut about your pathetic life is no reason to deny what you yourself posted.
I'm not denying anything, you flipping tiresome 'tard.
Pathetic life?
Let's think claiming 'bode on a message board is the end all and be all of your life, yes?
One of these days I'll call you out and end this once and for all...that is if you aren't
too much of a chickenshit to answer the call.
In the meantime, I'll get back to my pathetic life, which doesn't include much time for losers like you.
You get back to yours.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:34 am
by Tom In VA
What's wrong with a Significant Emotional Event in somebody's life causing that person to turn to God ?
I'm missing something here. I was at TNW, I don't remember this "pathetic" revealation.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:34 am
by trev
Arguing about religion doesn't do much good.
Show me your hands.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:34 am
by Bizzarofelice
Tom In VA wrote:What's wrong with a Significant Emotional Event in somebody's life causing that person to turn to God ?
nothing. just recognize it for what it is.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:34 am
by Mister Bushice
War Wagon wrote:
Btw, seen any videos of George Washington crossing the *Potomac lately?
Or when the Germans attacked pearl Harbor perhaps? :roll:
* pssst it was the delaware, dumbshit
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:46 am
by Mister Bushice
Tom In VA wrote:What's wrong with a Significant Emotional Event in somebody's life causing that person to turn to God ?
I'm missing something here. I was at TNW, I don't remember this "pathetic" revealation.
Well He's not denying it, and I clearly remember him posting it. Don't need to know much more than that.
What's wrong with a Significant Emotional Event in somebody's life causing that person to turn to God ?
Rather odd that among unbelievers it only occurs to those who experience a significant emotional event, isn't it? And when said person suddenly begins to make references to the fact god spoke to them, after decades of silence? What abut the other few billions of people who don't believe? If it is from the creator shouldn't they hear that message too?
For those "Born Again", it's really a matter of them having no where else to turn, so religion becomes the crutch they lean on, and that's all well and good for them if they need it, but for them to begin preaching the gospel to others as if they were there for the events described therein is rather absurd.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:48 am
by Tom In VA
Well Saul used to beat the living shit out of early Christian until God knocked him off his ass on his ass and he had an epiphany.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure Washington crossed the Potomac at some point in his life :P
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:51 am
by Mister Bushice
Of course he did, but whitey list was pointing out significant historical events. I don't think Washington buying fish in Maryland qualifies. :)
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:53 am
by Tom In VA
Well if he never left Virginia, by crossing the Potomac, he never would have made it to Valley Forge either.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:58 am
by Mister Bushice
You're ruining my animal house reference. :)
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:58 am
by SunCoastSooner
Tom In VA wrote:Well Saul used to beat the living shit out of early Christian until God knocked him off his ass on his ass and he had an epiphany.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure Washington crossed the Potomac at some point in his life :P
Too bad he never stopped persecuting the followers of John the Baptist who did not accept Jesus. He was far worse on them than he ever was to those that followed Jesus.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:25 am
by poptart
War Wagon wrote:I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on evidence, logic, and observation.
I also believe that idiot savants like you whistle when you walk past the graveyard.
RACK Wagon.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:31 am
by Mister Bushice
poptart wrote:War Wagon wrote:I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on what was written in the bible.
I also believe that idiot savants like you whistle when you walk past the graveyard, and being a "good" christian, I will be sure to insult and post condescendingly to you at every opportunity.
RACK Wagon. I do the same thing.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:02 am
by poptart
Mister Bushice wrote:poptart wrote:War Wagon wrote:I believe that people of faith also base their conclusions based on what was written in the bible.
I also believe that idiot savants like you whistle when you walk past the graveyard, and being a "good" christian, I will be sure to insult and post condescendingly to you at every opportunity.
RACK Wagon. I do the same thing.

My faith is not based entirely on what is written in the Bible, Bushice, but yes, absolutely, I believe the Bible.
You can deny God all you want, but I know you can see and feel His truth.
And yes, I promise to continue to insult you, and post condescendingly at you at every opportunity, you moronic idiot savant.
My Christian wife and Christian children are all laughing at you.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:10 am
by Mister Bushice
poptart wrote:Mister Bushice wrote:poptart wrote:
RACK Wagon. I do the same thing.

My faith is not based entirely on what is written in the Bible, Bushice, but yes, absolutely, I believe the Bible.
You can deny God all you want, but I know you can see and feel His truth.
Sure can - famine, diseases, death, suffering,
Oh, what god Hath wrought.
And yes, I promise to continue to insult you, and post condescendingly at you at every opportunity, you moronic idiot savant.
I know you will, you pathetic, hypocritical excuse for a good christian.
My Christian wife and Christian children are all laughing at you.
Yeah, and mansons followers carved swastickas in their foreheads. So what? You can trick anyone into thinking you're the answer, vvv

Including tricking yourself.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:44 am
by RadioFan
poptart wrote:And yes, I promise to continue to insult you, and post condescendingly at you at every opportunity, you moronic idiot savant.
My Christian wife and Christian children are all laughing at you.
Likes to have fun during the snake-charming and CD-breaking parties.
Re: Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:35 am
by Blitzkrieg
ppanther wrote:Blitzkrieg wrote:This isn't the tread for religious debate or smack.
What can I say? I'm a popular guy.
Re: Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:21 am
by Y2K
Blitzkrieg wrote:This isn't the tread for religious debate or smack. It's a straight up anonymous poll in my book.
Let's see what percentage make up the T1B "faithful".
Gotta give it up for a damn good troll em up post.
Rack it!