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Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:26 am
by BSmack
Moving Sale wrote:Van wrote:
The poster I so shamelessly stole my old nic from.
He used to do these awesome rhyming couplets* of deathsmack.
*Maybe they were not couplets but they were one of those poemy things.
They were called triplets. Here's an example.
War Wagon, Philly fan and Gary Coleman,
Drunken secret sharer
Rude finger giver
Tiny worm dinner
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:24 am
by smackaholic
Wags, that was fukked up. Drunk or not.
Van, I understand your anger with him. Actually, I can't really comprehend it, having never been in your shoes.
As for using the I was drunk card, it doesn't excuse it, but, it does explain it a bit.
Alcohol does not cause one to make shit up, Van, but, it does affect the fukked up thought filter that keeps most of us gainfully employeed, out of jail and alive. And let's face it, we all have some pretty fukked up shit pop into our heads. Normally, our internal fukked up shit blocker squelches it. Drunks, not so much.
To have this put a lifetime ignore on whitey is IMO, a bit of an over reaction. He did apologize. If he did it again, I'd prolly wanna track him down and kill him.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:27 am
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:smackaholic wrote:yes really. how the fukk do you "keep your eye on the bag until the ball is caught" ?
That's why they pay MLB umps 6 figure salaries. Because they know how to do exactly that. And when they forget, you have a story.
BTW: As I always heard it, you keep your eye on the bag and listen for the ball to hit the glove. If you hear the ball hit and the runner hasn't touched the bag, he's out.
Yes, you heard it right. That is how it works in the usual play at first. It does not work in this situation. There is no pop of the glove as the ball is being lobbed underhanded, quite often.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:50 am
by M Club
Van wrote:M Club, I sat on that info for over ten years. I only brought it up recently in Chat due to the circumstances, including the people involved. I figured that after all this time, we - meaning the collective 'we' of this longstanding community we have here, most of whom are well over the novelty of 'smack' - were past this sort of juvenile nonsense.
You're right, I should've never said anything. pop says I should feel like I earned 'bode. Fuck that. All I gained was a visceral appreciation for just how pathetic some people really are.
ja, well, it's still a place where the core group of people finds it necessary to drop mvscal on a conversation if they haven't done so in the last three days. add to that the anonymity of having actually never met. i say things to people here i'd never do if i actually knew them. trying to remember the last time i called someone a bitch in casual conversation.
as for being drunk, everyone has fucked up things cycle through their id, drunk or not. it's the super ego that takes an alcohol nap, especially when someone's digging deep for the fun-nay.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:56 pm
by R-Jack
How about a haiku instead?
Wagon blames the drink
For acting like a douchebag
Bud Light is hardcore
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:56 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van - I'm not gonna parse any of your posts, but rather try to reply in a general sense. Very general.
I know the definition of morality - posting a dictionary entry was unnecessary. I'm not gonna do a search for Van posts to refute your claim that you've never done anything "immoral" here. I'll simply say that if we loosely define "running smack" as "hurling insults," and insults are meant to belittle or "hurt" others, even if they're responses to what the recipient has said or posted, and if doing unto others something different than what you would want others to do unto you falls within your very broad interpretation of immorality, then the purpose of a smack board is pretty much, by that interpretation, immoral. Are you going to try to tell me you've never tried to run smack - hence insult - anyone here?
If what's in the above paragraph is accepted (and I've a feeling you'll twist it around to try to show it to be unacceptable), then it must be accepted that the "rules" of civility that apply to polite, face-to-face society are set aside to include participation here as part of moral behavior. Yes, it's all supposed to be in good fun, and those who participate are fully aware, or at least should be, that the potential for hurt feelings exists. Knowing that going in, if you willingly participate and wind up on the receiving end of a particularly vicious smack assault, irrespective of how tasteless or unprovoked it may be, you can't go and start crying about immorality when someone crosses a line you arbitrarily draw.
That's not to say you don't have every right to be pissed. Be pissed all you want. I simply submit that your reason for being pissed should not be on the grounds of immoral behavior, but rather on the grounds of poor taste and lack of judgment. Would I be pissed if someone took info from chat about me or a dear friend that hadn't been posted on the board and used it in here for the purpose of running smack or any other purpose? I probably would. But I wouldn't throw a flag for immorality.
While I often use the phrase, "It's just a message board" as rationale for boorish behavior, that doesn't mean it can be used to justify everything. When damage (other than hurt feelings) results from actions taken by posters, "It's just a message board" no longer applies. Calling employers, falsely accusing the real people behind the posters of felonious actions, and similar activities that go beyond the realm of posting on a board cross the arbitrary line I draw. When ZZ Top knowingly and falsely accused the person behind the poster using the nic "ankomak" of rape, that, to me, approached the boundary of immorality if not crossing it. If/when personal info gleaned from the board is passed along to employers or others who don't visit the board for the purpose of harming posters, that's immoral. So you see, I am not a completely amoral person, but my boundaries of morality seem to be considerably wider than yours when it comes to message boarding. Confining the use of personal info to the board, while peradventure (archaic, I know) tasteless and possibly even against the rules of the board, do not constitute immoral behavior. Taking that info and using it to inflict real life harm (real or potential) does.
I don't buy your implication that those who profess to be Christian should somehow be held to a higher moral standard. That's simply bullshit. They may use their religious beliefs to guide their behavior, but the standards of morality should be applied across the board. Atheists and agnostics don't get a morality pass just because they don't subscribe to Christian doctrine. I doubt you actually meant to imply that they do, but you did come across that way. I do, however, agree with you that alcohol consumption is no excuse for immoral behavior.
Perhaps I'm unique in this view (or maybe not), but I perceive this board in somewhat the same way I do works of fiction. Fictional characters are created by real authors. The words and actions attributed to fictional characters are generated by real thoughts of real people, but they don't necessarily give an accurate reflection of the characters' creators. If they did, Stephen King would be among the most evil humans who ever lived. War Wagon, for example, is not a real person. He is a character created by a real person. When War Wagon runs smack, however vitriolic, against Smackie Chan, Smackie's creator does not take offense to WW's creator, even if the smack refers to actual events in the life of Smackie's creator. For me (the person, not the character) to take offense at War Wagon (the character, not the person) would be tantamount to my taking offense to the actions of Pennywise the Clown. It's pointless and stupid. And since there's no way to tell on this board where the line between real person and character is drawn, I just attribute pretty much everything to the character. I say "pretty much" because there are exceptions, such as you, who want us all to believe that Van the poster is no different from Van the person, although I believe there still are differences, however subtle.
As Dins mentioned, there are some sick fucks (both characters and creators) who post here. There are individuals who submit sickening posts, but I have no idea if those posts are true reflections of the authors' moral composition, so for the purpose of maintaining calmness and inner peace while still participating in these message board shenanigans, and also to give the benefit of the doubt to the authors, I assume no ill intent on the part of the authors and attribute almost everything to the characters. It tends to insulate nerve endings.
From an author-to-author perspective in the arena of smack-running, it's best, imo, to adopt an approach similar to that of boxers. The worst thing you can do as a boxer is to let your opponent know he's hurt you. It's better from a strategic standpoint to make him believe he's done no harm, since it tends to demoralize him. To do the opposite is to show weakness, which is what you have done here. You've openly shown that your opponent has hurt you. The only time that's effective is if you're seeking a disqualification for, say, a low blow - in this case, if you were trying to get WW banned, which you don't appear to be doing and would be unwarranted if you were. Maybe you're OK with showing your feminine/sensitive side in an effort to show what a "dirtbag" the creator of WW's character is. And maybe there are people reading this thread who buy that. I don't. I admit I could be wrong about it, but since I don't know and I can't prove otherwise, for me to say I know the person behind the WW character is a dirtbag would be as arrogantly and ignorantly pompous as R_t_S saying he knows that God exists.
I know you didn't ask for my opinion, and I'm certain you'll reject most everything I've said in this post, but I really am just trying to help. It's my humble view that you'd fare much better in here (not that you already don't fare well) if your skin got a little more calloused.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:54 pm
by indyfrisco
Spot on, Smackie. It was a low blow, yes. However, the classless/dirtbag/etc. reply cemented WW's goal. Getting the reaction.
Oh, and not to accuse Van of this as I don't think he has run the smack on WW, but Wags takes a shit load of smack about his daughter being a dyke because she is (was, Re: Tears) a softball player. We all get smacked. IMHO, if you don't want it repeated, don't say it anywhere, CDS, PM or Chat.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:00 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
War Wagon wrote:Van, you're really overreacting.
Yeah, you're a douche.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:17 pm
by Van
Smackie, I'm not holding Wags to a "higher" standard for being a Christian. I'm holding up a mirror to him, in light of his own chest thumping about being a moral Christian.
As to your opinions on how I might far better in the smack wars, I couldn't care less. I've managed just fine over the years. Like I said, most of us have gotten over the novelty of "smack," and what Wags said went well beyond any smack board nonsense. Considering how long I've been here, and with as much abuse as I've taken, I'd say I've proven that my skin is plenty thick. Attacking me on a personal level about Angelina wasn't smack, and it went well beyond the pale. That was a very different thing.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:24 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:Smackie, I'm not holding Wags to a "higher" standard for being a Christian. I'm holding up a mirror to him, in light of his own chest thumping about being a moral Christian.
As to your opinions on how I might far better in the smack wars, I couldn't care less. I've managed just fine over the years. Like I said, most of us have gotten over the novelty of "smack," and what Wags said went well beyond any smack board nonsense. Considering how long I've been here, and with as much abuse as I've taken, I'd say I've proven that my skin is plenty thick. Attacking me on a personal level about Angelina wasn't smack, and it went well beyond the pale. That was a very different thing.
OK then.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:36 pm
by Go Coogs'
Hey, Van, I can't really put my fingers on Wags' behavior on this board.
When my sister had cancer and I posted the timeline of her last few days here on earth, some people were complete ass-holes and others were very sincere and genuine about her untimely death. Wags was the first one to post a request from me to post a picture of my sister's tits. Then the dude turned around and defended me when people claimed that I was trolling. He went to bat for me. Very strange.
I think Wags tries to be like mv, but fails miserably. I believe when he posted the comment about your first marriage, it was a concious dig at you. He wanted to cut deep for some reason or another. Probably because you post in every thread with some sort of holier than thou proclivity of proper syntax and sentence structure . You are Dins sans the funny. It's unfortunate you are this way, but then again, it doesn't warrant Wags or anyone else for that matter to drop a post about your first wife.
I suppose timing is everything on this board because had R-Jack or Mv dropped a bomb like that, it would've been funny. Although, I highly doubt they would have used such info against you in this particular thread. It was shitty to say the least on Wag's part.
Sorry for your unfortunate loss, but next time consider the "dirtbag" you want to berate before going down that road.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:03 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
smackaholic wrote:yes really. how the fukk do you "keep your eye on the bag until the ball is caught" ? if your eye is on the ball, you'll have difficulty judging when the ball is caught. and in this type of play, the ball is reglarly bobbled, so you have to be watching that closely.
The primary objective is to watch the bag through the end of the play. Everything else is secondary. This is elementary shit. The ump will know when the ball is caught through these things called sound and peripheral vision. If you've even so much as volunteer-umped one of your sons little league games, you'd understand.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:09 pm
by Van
Coogs, the dirtbag reveals himself, making my choice easy. I didn't select him.
Also, in over ten years of posting here, certainly fewer than one percent of my posts have had anything to do with espousing proper grammar. On this board alone I have, what, 11,000 posts?
Don't you get cable?
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:12 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
how the fukk do you "keep your eye on the bag until the ball is caught" ?
How will the chef know what the patron ordered?
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:56 pm
by indyfrisco
Go Coogs' wrote:I suppose timing is everything on this board because had 1smoothG dropped a bomb like that, it would've been expected.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:02 pm
by Smackie Chan
IndyFrisco wrote:1smoothG
Damn, almost forgot about that guy. Dude specialized in terse & personal brutality.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:40 pm
by Mikey
I love it when T1B goes soap opera.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:55 pm
by War Wagon
Van wrote:Attacking me on a personal level about Angelina wasn't smack, and it went well beyond the pale.
I totally agree, i had a brainfart. And I've tried to sincerely apologize for that, but for the most part, to no avail. Perhaps an apology isn't sufficient and if that's the case I guess I'm just SOL. I can only fall on my sword so many times.
In my own defense, since very few others are willing to speak well of me or for me, I'm not a mean or malicious person or prone to giving out info given to me in confidence, either by PM or otherwise. I think my time on these boards proves that. But I am what I am, a very flawed person. And I don't claim to be a Christian, I can't come close to walking the talk.
Van, when you related that story to me many months ago, I gave you my sincere condolences and also thanked you for having the confidence in me to share it. I truly regret not living up to that confidence in a moment of drunken stupor. I've never had any malice towards you and don't now either. I hope you can accept this apology and see fit to forgive.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:15 pm
by Goober McTuber
Moving Sale wrote:My apologies to Van and Mal.
I think it would be poignant and totally appropriate if all of your posts showed up in this font size.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:36 pm
by Mikey
Goober McTuber wrote:Moving Sale wrote:My apologies to Van and Mal.
I think it would be poignant ... if all of your posts showed up in this font size.
Interesting choice of words.
Did you mean,
pungently pervasive
painfully affecting the feelings : piercing
deeply affecting : touching
designed to make an impression : cutting
pleasurably stimulating
being to the point : apt
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:53 pm
by indyfrisco
- D. Green
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:05 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:In my own defense, since very few others are willing to speak well of me or for me...
There are plenty of folks who can and will speak well of you. But if I had to speculate, most of us were waiting for you to make some kind of amends.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:11 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:War Wagon wrote:In my own defense, since very few others are willing to speak well of me or for me...
There are plenty of folks who can and will speak well of you. But if I had to speculate, most of us were waiting for you to make some kind of cash offer.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:30 pm
by Smackie Chan
BSmack wrote:But if I had to speculate, most of us were waiting for you to make some kind of amends.
The amends, on a personal level, really only needed to be made to Van. While it took multiple attempts on WW's part to get there, this latest effort seems to be relatively sincere, although the qualifier/excuse of "drunken stupor" probably should've been omitted even if it is germane. He did what he did, he should own it without leaning on extenuating circumstances, and hope for the best.
On a broader level, the reputation that may never be shaken is one of WW's not being able to be trusted with personal info. Not necessarily because he's an evil dirtbag, but because one never knows what he may do with it after a Bud Lite bender. Posting it, then apologizing about it, might fly once. The next time (and perhaps this time depending on Van's willingness to accept this one), an apology won't cut it.
If Van sticks to his guns regarding having WW on perma-ignore the way he stuck to his self-vow of mind-altering abstinence, my guess is that this apology still isn't enough. Wags would now be considered simply a remorseful fucking dirtbag.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:01 pm
by Van
IndyFrisco wrote:Go Coogs' wrote:I suppose timing is everything on this board because had 1smoothG dropped a bomb like that, it would've been expected.
Exactly. mvscal and especially R-Jack sure as hell would never stoop so low. People here who genuinely seem to dislike me still wouldn't go there. This was 1smoothG territory.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:02 pm
by Van
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:how the fukk do you "keep your eye on the bag until the ball is caught" ?
How will the chef know what the patron ordered?
What's that from?
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:19 pm
by War Wagon
Smackie Chan wrote:
On a broader level, the reputation that may never be shaken is one of WW's not being able to be trusted with personal info.
That'd suit me just fine. I don't go soliciting anyones personal info and damn sure didn't ask Van for his, it just showed up in my PM box one day, like so many others. I can count on one hand the number of PM's I've sent out that weren't a response to somebody elses.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:22 pm
by Van
KC, again, alcohol is a depressant, not a hallucinogen. It merely exacerbates that which already exists. It does not imbue a person with something that wasn't already "in there" somewhere. A happy drunk is simply made more happy by his filters having been degraded; same as an angry drunk, a loud drunk, a horny drunk, etc.
Alcohol will not take a happy, peaceful drunk and turn them into a Republican.
In the case of Wags, it was very likely precisely what B Smack (IIRC) posited: Dude wanted to get over on a smack board so badly that his "common sense" filter was sent packing in lieu of his shittier side being given a get-out-of-jail pass. With his inhibitions lowered, his ugly side ran free. The alcohol didn't create that ugly side, it merely unchained it.
I'll say this in his defense: His ugliness was directed at me, but it probably wasn't meant personally; by that, I mean he doesn't harbor any specific ill will towards me. He's simply capable of some truly horrific behavior, apparently. He just as likely could have attacked Smackie, R-Jack or anyone else. I was just the unfortunate soul who happened to be in the vicinity when his ass exploded.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:26 pm
by Mikey
I'm sure everybody would feel a lot better about this really quickly if you'd go ahead and post any Visa, MasterCard and/or American Express card numbers that you have. Be sure to include the expiration dates and 3-digit CRV numbers (see below for instructions on how to find the CRV number).
Amends would be made more quickly if you include you full name and billing address.
You're welcome. Glad I could help.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:33 pm
by Goober McTuber
I think it’s time we all move on, and try to guess what sort of issues Smackie’s friend Deb might have.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:41 pm
by Smackie Chan
Goober McTuber wrote:I think it’s time we all move on, and try to guess what sort of issues Smackie’s friend Deb might have.
That could be fun. Or you can pop into chat sometime and ask her yourself. She's pretty open about it, and probably wouldn't mind if I posted them here since she doesn't read or post on the board. But I wouldn't do that without her permission, being the moral person that I am. :wink:
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:44 pm
by Goober McTuber
Smackie Chan wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:I think it’s time we all move on, and try to guess what sort of issues Smackie’s friend Deb might have.
That could be fun. Or you can pop into chat sometime and ask her yourself. She's pretty open about it, and probably wouldn't mind if I posted them here since she doesn't read or post on the board. But I wouldn't do that without her permission, being the moral person that I am. :wink:
Fine. Be that way. I'll just ask Wags.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:50 pm
by Smackie Chan
Goober McTuber wrote:Smackie Chan wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:I think it’s time we all move on, and try to guess what sort of issues Smackie’s friend Deb might have.
That could be fun. Or you can pop into chat sometime and ask her yourself. She's pretty open about it, and probably wouldn't mind if I posted them here since she doesn't read or post on the board. But I wouldn't do that without her permission, being the moral person that I am. :wink:
Fine. Be that way. I'll just ask Wags.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:51 pm
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote:Wags,
I'm sure everybody would feel a lot better about this really quickly if you'd go ahead and post any Visa, MasterCard and/or American Express card numbers that you have.
You want I should post my Walmart card # too?
I was thinking of sending Van a Walmart giftcard.... just another way of making amends.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:04 pm
by Mikey
That would be step in the right direction.
Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
You fucking turtled, Wags.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:22 pm
by Screw_Michigan
War Wagon wrote:You want I should post my Walmart card # too?
I was thinking of sending Van a Walmart giftcard.... just another way of making amends.
You could also BGrift him, too.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:54 pm
by War Wagon
Martyred wrote:You fucking turtled, Wags.

Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:16 am
by Mace
Van wrote:Following this season it will be the last time that call happens, because next season there will be instant replay to address that sort of ridiculous error to end a game.
Sorry if baseball will lose some of its "charm" for you when the correct calls are made. Actually, no I'm not. You're kind of an idiot, and your position on this issue is completely out of touch with the realities of TV and modern technology in general.
Getting the call right is entirely possible, and it ought to be the main priority. Your typically milquetoast bumper sticker 'thoughts' will once again be noted and summarily dismissed.
Oh, okay, Commissioner. We'll see.
It's a shame you weren't in the car with your first wife, dumbfuck.
Re: Worst call in the history of MLB occured tonight in Detr
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:28 am
by Van
On that I would agree.
Still, god, you're one tedious little toad.