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Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:18 pm
by Moving Sale
The water battery is made mostly out of ... water. The turbine is made mostly out of steel. The bike is made mostly out of Al. The GT is made mostly out of PVC. The solar and some of the batteries have some 'exotic metals' but there is very little lead in the system.
The some total IS way better for the "Earth's resources."
Nice try you stupid right wing fuck.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:52 pm
by mvscal
Too bad slapping a few solar panels on your roof isn't going to do jack shit to replace the 20 million barrels of oil we use everyday. Nor will it get the food you eat to your table or the goods you purchase to your hovel or the people who provide the services you use to their place of employment.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:56 pm
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:Too bad slapping a few solar panels on your roof isn't going to do jack shit to replace the 20 million barrels of oil we use everyday. Nor will it get the food you eat to your table or the goods you purchase to your hovel or the people who provide the services you use to their place of employment.
and i'm sure his solar panel will power his
golf cart leaf no problemo, so long as he limits it to about 10 miles a month. i will give him props though for the e-bike. i think they are a great idea and we'll see lots more of them in the near future.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:15 pm
by Moving Sale
Try and move the goalposts all you want. Run false dichotomy smack all you want.
The turbine is made from and old Tractor. If you really are dumb enough to run 'bikes are bad for the planet because they are made out of Al' smack than it probably is not just your kid who is a retard. The PVC was on my friends farm too long so it can't be used for any pressure application. The batteries are mostly alk-mag batteries and I am working on a concrete battery to replace them... I know concrete is made of lye which is nasty.

And you can take your 'not thinking of brown people' crap and shove it up your pasty white ass.
Any other fallacies are just plain BS you want to spout you fucking tard?
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:14 pm
by MadRussian
Moving Sale wrote:Try and move the goalposts all you want. Run false dichotomy smack all you want.
The turbine is made from and old Tractor. If you really are dumb enough to run 'bikes are bad for the planet because they are made out of Al' smack than it probably is not just your kid who is a retard. The PVC was on my friends farm too long so it can't be used for any pressure application. The batteries are mostly alk-mag batteries and I am working on a concrete battery to replace them... I know concrete is made of lye which is nasty.

And you can take your 'not thinking of brown people' crap and shove it up your pasty white ass.
Any other fallacies are just plain BS you want to spout you fucking tard?
Need a tissue, whining tub of AIDS shit?
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:08 am
by Dinsdale
LTS -- time to Wakey Wakey.
Ask any (non-grant-whore) meteorologist who by far the most knowledgeable meteorologist on Planet Earth is.
His name is Richard Lindzen.
And he thinks you're funny.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:29 am
by LTS TRN 2
Yo dins, you mean this rolled-up fuck wad?
Lindzen recieved $2500 a day from oil and coal interests for his services. His article "Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus," was underwritten by OPEC.1 Lindzen has lectured at numerous Cooler Heads Coalition meetings. The Cooler Heads Coalition is funded by CEI which is in turn funded by Exxon Mobil. He has also given talks for the George C. Marshall Institute which is also funded by Exxon Mobil. His connections to the oil, coal, and even tobacco industry are apparently rather extensive. Richard Lindzen claims he is currently not recieving any handouts from oil companies.
Lindzen also has a habit of disagreeing with other people. According to SEED magazine: "His former graduate students describe him as fiercely intelligent, with a deep contrarian streak." One of Lindzens own MIT students, Kirk-Davidoff, has said "If you want to prove yourself a brilliant scientist, you don't always agree with the consensus," "You show you're right and everyone else is wrong. He certainly enjoys showing he's right and everyone else is wrong, If you have a ten minute conversation with him, you can tell that."
Uh..are you even trying?
I mean, what are you really saying? I'm always very clear on my points. But it's damn hard to figure out exactly what you're advocating. Are you a Christer? A stockholder in various Defense Industry stocks? What are you, dins? No one knows. Do you?
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:29 pm
by Dinsdale
Hook, line, and sinker.
Why am I not suprised one of the Conspirators chose to attack the scientist, rather than the science he cites?
It's the only MO the AGW crowd is capable of employing.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:42 pm
by Moving Sale
Dinsdale wrote:
Why am I not suprised one of the Conspirators chose to attack the scientist, rather than the science he cites?
Hey dumbass YOU put his credibility at issue when you said he was "by far the most knowledgeable meteorologist on Planet Earth."
You really suck at thinking clearly.
I’m ‘suprised’ you haven’t died from shear stupidity.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:06 pm
by Dinsdale
When will you stop confusing the "Submit" button with the "YHKYOA" button?
Moving Sale wrote:
I’m ‘suprised’ you haven’t died from shear stupidity.
No surprise at all -- my Mom was pretty red about that "running with scissors" thing.
Remember the Golden Rule of spelling/grammarsmack (even if the spelling error was a missed keystroke)...
Proofread, proofread, proofread.
Classic, tard.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:13 pm
by Truman
The human sig line strikes again.
"Shear" stupidity?
Oh, the irony...
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:52 am
by LTS TRN 2
Don't stoop to quibble over a spelling error..what are you afraid of!?
Look, your "expert" is a paid whore, get it?
Notice how is he outnumbered in terms of credentialed experts about ten thousand to one on the basic issue.
We're still waiting for a simple answer to the question of who or what are you, dins? What is your trip? What do you actually support, defend, represent, advocate, or otherwise inform? Because with all your bitchy parsing and wiggling, it's impossible to tell.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:00 pm
by Moving Sale
Dinsdale wrote:Hook, line, and sinker.
Why am I not suprised one of the Conspirators chose to attack the scientist, rather than the science he cites?
Why am I not surprised that a dense fuck like you chose to attack me, rather than the argument I made.
KYOA much?
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:08 pm
by indyfrisco
We have a KC sighting.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:11 pm
by Moving Sale
IndyFrisco wrote:We have a KC sighting.
Nice Flounder assstain.
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:32 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So yer saying' that Dins is blowing sour gas? Well, that was plain to see for some time now. But the question is on whose behalf? For what? Like you, p-willie, is he a cry baby like Glenn Beck? A fat sweaty nervous fraud like Rusp Limpdick? A creepy Christer? A bunkered (small "l") racist "libertarian" like Avi?
It's all-but impossible to tell.
Regardless, the Denialists concerning Climate Change are about as credible as a the contents of a two-day loaded pampers, etc. The scientists who were smeared in the fake "Climate Gate" accusations have been cleared. And all manner of new evidence has been piling up concerning our degradation to the planet--and there really is a lot even a no-take schmuck like you can do to help. So get the fuck up and get going. :wink:
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:43 pm
IndyFrisco wrote:We have a KC sighting.
In purest form
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:45 am
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So yer saying' that Dins is blowing sour gas? Well, that was plain to see for some time now. But the question is on whose behalf?
I, as always, am on MY side.
In this case, I side with science and common sense.
Glenn Beck... Rusp Limpdick
Who are making
how much money promoting a AGW stance?
Dude -- you're in lockstep with a sexual predator...
fucking hilarious.
Which BTW -- care to explain while the planet has been cooling at adramatic rate for over 10 years, despite the "reporting stations" in cool climates being replaced with ones in urban areas in warm climates?
And the Climategate folks were "cleared"... by themselves? "We launched a thorough investigation into us, and we've decided that we're innocent." THAT's what you're buying into? Awesome. OJ think's you're a swell guy. Rationality thinks you're an idiot.
We read the emails... there's nothing to "clear"... their actions speak for themselves. They don't even deny sending them, they just fell back on the "taken out of context" defense.
You really are a rube.
But I'll tell you what -- if you send me 20% of your gross income, I
promise I'll make the earth continue to cool... OK?
Re: Any Any Global Warming Denialists Still Crawling Around?
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:39 am
by indyfrisco