Re: Midwest Trolls...
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:49 pm
So you live 3 hrs from EVERYTHING cool and you never visit? Then how is being 3 hrs from EVERYTHING cool an advantage to living in shitsville?
3 hours? Nawww, he's only 90 minutes from Iowa.....a really cool spot. Ten below zero last night, to be exact. Can't get a lot cooler than that.Moving Sale wrote:So you live 3 hrs from EVERYTHING cool and you never visit? Then how is being 3 hrs from EVERYTHING cool an advantage to living in shitsville?
Aside from smog, traffic, and crime, there seems a high likelihood that there would be too many self-absorbed a-holes roaming about.Moving Sale wrote:Why wouldn't you want to live here?
We have no smog or traffic and no more crime than any other small town. So aside from the fact that you were 0-3 how’s it going in your neck of the woods.War Wagon wrote:Aside from smog, traffic, and crime, there seems a high likelihood that there would be too many self-absorbed a-holes roaming about.Moving Sale wrote:Why wouldn't you want to live here?
How does having post conviction relief hearings "save" money when you get paid, the prosecutor is being paid, the Judge is being paid, and, when the guilty fucker goes back to prison, all you've done is waste the court's time and spent a lot of money for no reason? No wonder your State is beyond broke.Moving Sale wrote:Mace, I do mostly post conviction work so I SAVE the State money by getting people out of prison. So except for having it totally backwards it was a pretty good post.
Let me be clearer. I have been doing a lot of lifer parole consideration hearings and Habeas writs. Does that clear things up?Mace wrote: How does having post conviction relief hearings "save" money when you get paid, the prosecutor is being paid, the Judge is being paid, and, when the guilty fucker goes back to prison, all you've done is waste the court's time and spent a lot of money for no reason? No wonder your State is beyond broke.
250k people for 3,600 sq miles is not overpopulated, I don't mind paying taxes, I make a lot of $ so not overpriced for me and the highways are good enough to drive the speed limit. You were saying?KC Scott wrote:Let's see......... Cali is over populated, over taxed, over priced, the worst highways I've driven on and the public school system is in shambles.
I have already told you... in this very thread. You can read right?KC Scott wrote:Where is that again?Moving Sale wrote:We have no traffic and no more crime than any other small town.
Yes it does. California should change their laws so that a life sentence means exactly that.Moving Sale wrote:Let me be clearer. I have been doing a lot of lifer parole consideration hearings and Habeas writs. Does that clear things up?Mace wrote: How does having post conviction relief hearings "save" money when you get paid, the prosecutor is being paid, the Judge is being paid, and, when the guilty fucker goes back to prison, all you've done is waste the court's time and spent a lot of money for no reason? No wonder your State is beyond broke.
So, it ain't what it used to be, but we still have major weatherKC Scott wrote:Let's see......... Cali is over populated, over taxed, over priced, the worst highways I've driven on and the public school system is in shambles.
But other than that I'm sure it's fine
Same here, and I think we're really going to enjoy spring this year. I hope the City gets around to shutting down and fixing your water main soon.88 wrote:I love the midwest. Four seasons. This is the shittiest one. But it makes you appreciate the others.
A water main broke by my house about this time last year. I called the city and it was fixed in 30min.88 wrote:A water main broke ... appreciate the others.
In these parts, water mains are buried 8-10 feet underground. It would be impossible to fix one in 30 minutes. Maybe they manged to shut the water off or divert it in 30 minutes, but nobody repairs a broken one that fast.Moving Sale wrote: A water main broke by my house about this time last year. I called the city and it was fixed in 30min.
He is undoubtedly both.War Wagon wrote:In these parts, water mains are buried 8-10 feet underground. It would be impossible to fix one in 30 minutes. Maybe they manged to shut the water off or divert it in 30 minutes, but nobody repairs a broken one that fast.Moving Sale wrote: A water main broke by my house about this time last year. I called the city and it was fixed in 30min.
So, you're either a lying sack of shit or incredibly delusional.
Moving Sale wrote:I called the city and it was fixed in 30min.
Shut the fuck up, you lying bitch.Moving Sale wrote:I have no idea how long it took to fix it
Everybody else on your street calls it the neighborhood toilet.Moving Sale wrote:I have a cistern
I said it was fixed and it was. There was no water running into the street so to me it was fixed. I already told you that. I even typed it up correctly. What is your fucking problem you pissy fuck?MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You made a claim you didn't know was true.
It's called most words have more than one meaning.That's called a lie.
No he said that when he thinks of a 'fixed' water main he thinks of a pipe that is working again, so I then went with his NEW meaning of the word 'fixed.'Then when Whitey called you on it, you backpedaled.
Actually it makes me a person who can read a situation and adjust.This makes you both a liar AND a fucking idiot.
You're a pogo stick with old shirts stuffed in your head to form a makeshift brain.Deal with it.
You are an idiot. Let me put it this way. You are a biased fuckhole looking for every opportunity you can to jack up anything I say. You are not anybody that would ever get on a jury or on the bench. You, and your ilk on this board, are like the shit prosecutors I deal with everyday. They twist and turn and run fallacy after fallacy. THEY might think, as you do, that they are winning 99% of the time but in reality when motions are filled and juries return they win about half the time, and that's just with the clients that are guilty. So you, and the DA, can take your pompous 99% and shove it up your ass.btw, when you're getting jail sexed 99% of the time in petty internet arguments, I can only imagine the slaughterings you must endure in court.
You have no idea how modern life works do you?Carson wrote:Everybody else on your street calls it the neighborhood toilet.Moving Sale wrote:I have a cistern
Ahhh one (right wing piece of shit) poster calling for the death of another poster. How civilized of you.As charming as you are, the line to use it is probably longer than the cheese line your clients form every month.
Hurry up and die from cholera.