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Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:35 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:I've looked at that link again, and still did not see where Obama said he was born somewhere other than Hawaii.

But perhaps I missed it. Would you be so kind as to quote Obama's exact words with a link?
Perhaps you have. Either you aren't very bright or you aren't very honest. In any event, I'm here to help. It's right here:


Note that his birthplace isn't the only lie. And, yes, that is Barry talking. He provided the information and he approved the information. That's the way it works in the publishing business. This blurb in various forms was around for at least sixteen years without correction...that is without correction until he decided to run for President.

Coincidence? Or not?

Oh, by the way, who paid for his education at all these tony Ivy League schools anyway?

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:38 am
by mvscal
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote: Image

SWEET MERCIFUL JEHOSHAPHAT! Is she hiding the kids under that thing?!?!
Terry, your thoughts?
She's probably wondering how long she has to pretend to be married to that fag. I suppose it also explains gaysc's fanatical devotion. One poorly closeted faggot to another.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:23 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:Furthermore, Obama did not provide the information,
:lol: :lol: :lol:

So who did? The Tooth Fairy? Easter Bunny? Miss Cleo?

Are you attempting to suggest that Barry never once glanced at his own bio in 16 years? You really are a gullible simpleton, aren't you.
Even the site you got that from admits Obama was born in Hawaii.
That isn't even the point, idiot. The point is that his entire personal narrative is a lie. From his composite girlfriends to his racist granny to his African pretentions to Moochelle, his beard. It's all a sham.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:38 am
by Wolfman
Release of Obama's college records would go a long way to resolve this issue. Even folks like JSC should be calling for that.
Till then, I stand on my opinion. He fabricated a lot of his past to gain an advantage to colleges, money to pay for it all, and other favors. The guy comes off as the ultimate opportunist and bullshitter.
Meanwhile, I'm going to make some crab recipes I found from Elizabeth Warren's "Cherokee" past. (Talking about bullshitters)

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:57 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:You are unable to provide anything that shows Obama saying he was born outside of Hawaii.
Who provided his biographical information to his publicist if not Barry himself? Was the lie that his father was a finance minister in Kenya also a simple "fact checking error"?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess you closet cases need to stick up for each other.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:32 am
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote: none from Obama saying he was born somewhere else than Hawaii.
He says it right here.


If that isn't Barry Onoggle talking, who is it? Don't tell me he never saw it either. He is completely obsessed with himself. Even writers who aren't as vain or narcissistic review their bios for accuracy.

The issue here isn't whether or not he is a natural born citizen. The issue is whether or not he is actually human. For all we know, he was built in a Chinese robotics lab.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:48 am
by bradhusker
Wolfman wrote:Release of Obama's college records would go a long way to resolve this issue. Even folks like JSC should be calling for that.
Till then, I stand on my opinion. He fabricated a lot of his past to gain an advantage to colleges, money to pay for it all, and other favors. The guy comes off as the ultimate opportunist and bullshitter.
Meanwhile, I'm going to make some crab recipes I found from Elizabeth Warren's "Cherokee" past. (Talking about bullshitters)
Hey wolf? How bout some jumbo lump maryland crabcakes??? I'll pay top dollar to have you ship em' to me Fed ex!!!!

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:50 am
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:You are unable to provide anything that shows Obama saying he was born outside of Hawaii.
Who provided his biographical information to his publicist if not Barry himself? Was the lie that his father was a finance minister in Kenya also a simple "fact checking error"?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess you closet cases need to stick up for each other.
If his father was indeed a finance minister? THEN you're a "stunt-cock" making porn out in LA.
(you'd have to have at least a 13 incher to get a gig like that) FWIW.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:56 am
by bradhusker
Wolfman wrote:Release of Obama's college records would go a long way to resolve this issue. Even folks like JSC should be calling for that.
Till then, I stand on my opinion. He fabricated a lot of his past to gain an advantage to colleges, money to pay for it all, and other favors. The guy comes off as the ultimate opportunist and bullshitter.
Meanwhile, I'm going to make some crab recipes I found from Elizabeth Warren's "Cherokee" past. (Talking about bullshitters)
You will NEVER find his college records. Academic elite creeps Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn have made sure of that. Apparently, Barry did some things that he wouldnt be proud of, BEFORE Harvard?

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:06 am
by mvscal
bradhusker wrote:...a "stunt-cock" making porn out in LA.
(you'd have to have at least a 13 incher to get a gig like that)
Thanks for the info, brad. I'm sure it will never come in handy but it's the thought that counts. You really don't give yourself enough credit for your encylopedic knowledge of cock, cock lengths, cock girth, cock qualifications etc.

If it wasn't so disturbing, I might be in awe.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:38 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
Who provided his biographical information to his publicist if not Barry himself?
it's been answered....just because you didn't like the answer doesn't make it any less true....

but if you want to rely on some blurb on an obscure publishing house website as opposed to certified copies of his birth certificate....knock yourself out hoss...

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:42 am
by mvscal
Felix wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Who provided his biographical information to his publicist if not Barry himself?
it's been answered......
No, it hasn't.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:42 am
by bradhusker
mvscal wrote:
bradhusker wrote:...a "stunt-cock" making porn out in LA.
(you'd have to have at least a 13 incher to get a gig like that)
Thanks for the info, brad. I'm sure it will never come in handy but it's the thought that counts. You really don't give yourself enough credit for your encylopedic knowledge of cock, cock lengths, cock girth, cock qualifications etc.

If it wasn't so disturbing, I might be in awe.
Knowledge is knowledge, at Nebraska, thats what the "N" stands for. You give me way to much credit,
im actually quite the modest fellow.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:09 am
by Screw_Michigan
The flailing, hand-wringing and petulant foot-stomping by mvscal in this thread has been pretty hilarious. I certainly look forward to a whole summer of this.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:32 am
by poptart
Martyred wrote:
poptart wrote:

Give me your take or we're done here.
My take is that you are out of your fucking mind.

The second picture is a close-up. The first picture isn't in a resolution high enough to show a small, faint emboss.
You're blind, an idiot, or a liar.

Maybe all three.

I posted a close up - right off the FUCKEDcheck site that Gaysc linked us to.
First post of this page, you ignorant cunt.


Go to the FAKEcheck link that Gaysc posted and see the image - if you can't
stomach what I posted.
Blow it up, enhance it, do whatever you want, Canucktard.

There is no seal.

The security lines are clearly visible and solid.
No breakage whatsoever.


Here, enhanced...


FAKEcheck simply duped shit-swilling morons like Gaysc and Foolix - who took
their word as some sort of gospel.

It's not new news to me that dipshits like these two are turned into blubbering
fools who have no ability to do their own thinking.

Useful idiots.

This is 4 years old - duh!

Hey Foolix, did you hear The Hindenburg crashed? lol

What kind of a loser comes flying into a thread firing insults, posts a link,
and then, when asked, "Ok, let's look at your link," refuses, but continues
to indignantly declare that all righteousness is his to declare?


Pitifully, Jsc's true fascist stripes came through loud and clear in this thread.


Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:41 am
by Felix
poptart wrote: Pitifully, Jsc's true fascist stripes came through loud and clear in this thread.

at one point I think you were serious, but now it's obvious that you're just trolling
I'd say mvscal is as well

if not, I think that both posters critical thinking skills have taken a sharp might be the time to see if either of you have suffered some type of mini-stroke

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:28 pm
by bradhusker
Felix wrote:
poptart wrote: Pitifully, Jsc's true fascist stripes came through loud and clear in this thread.

at one point I think you were serious, but now it's obvious that you're just trolling
I'd say mvscal is as well

if not, I think that both posters critical thinking skills have taken a sharp might be the time to see if either of you have suffered some type of mini-stroke
Felix, Pop just posted some pretty damming evidence, and you pass him off as trolling?

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:03 pm
by poptart
FAKEcheck used three different documents in it's presentation (9 pictures) to supposedly show that one Obama COLB is legit.

Only one of the docs it used has a true Hawaii Dept of Health seal, and it's the one with the camera set so that you can't see the name on the document. lol



Hey, Felix - we landed on the moon!

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:36 pm
by DC Smackmaster
I have no idea what you were trying to prove with that book excerpt.

I'm not interested in bullshit that he (or Ayers) wrote, I'm interested in facts.

Felix wrote:
how would he have gone about getting the state of hawaii to phoney up his birth records, or did he do that prior to running for the senate?

We don't know if his birth certificate is faked because we have not SEEN his birth certificate.

He did release a pdf file on April 27th last year that is a very bad BC forgery.

His selective service form (supposedly from 1980) is also a BLATANT forgery.

Barry sealed some records when he took office and other records are not able to be viewed unless he gives authorization for them to be viewed.

Here is a short list of records we have not seen - and there may be more.

1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.
2) Marriage license between Obama's father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) -- not found, not released
3) Obama's baptism records -- sealed
4) Obama's adoption records -- sealed
5) Records of Obama's and his mother's reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia -- not found, not released
6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records -- not found, not released
7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) -- not released
8 ) Punahou School financial aid or school records -- not released
9) Occidental College financial aid records -- not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
10) Columbia College records -- not released
11) Columbia senior thesis -- not released
12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
13) Obama's law client list -- sealed
14) Obama's files from career as an Illinois State Senator -- sealed
15) Obama's record with Illinois State Bar Association -- sealed
16) Obama's medical records -- not released
17) Obama's passport records -- not released

We've seen...

- an internet image of a supposed COLB pfft... *cough*.. sorry
- a pdf file of a forged BC
- a laughably forged selective service form

We have had some "Yeah, I saw that... or, we have this..." from people regarding these credentials, but we are woefully short on HARD PROOF.

Oh... there are some photocopies of newspaper clippings that are apparently... official documents.

but we are woefully short on HARD PROOF.

Yet, you profess to believe in stories of talking snakes and soul saving jewish zombies based on an ancient book...

Your proof-meter is not to be trusted!!

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:29 pm
by Wolfman
Let's look at this from another angle. Are there any records for Mitt Romney that are sealed/hidden/not available? Why is the public not able to have access to all the school/college/government records of President Obama? What are the DNC talking points about those questions?

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:37 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:Let's look at this from another angle. Are there any records for Mitt Romney that are sealed/hidden/not available?
The question is, can you find them all? I'd like to see pictures of his wedding ceremony.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:52 pm
by Wolfman
If the Obamanauts thought it was relevant we'd be seeing them on the evening "news" broadcasts. I'm sure they are more available than say Obama's health records or his doctoral dissertation.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:37 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:If the Obamanauts thought it was relevant we'd be seeing them on the evening "news" broadcasts. I'm sure they are more available than say Obama's health records or his doctoral dissertation.
Why are Obama's "health records" or "doctoral dissertation" any more "relevant" them "Romney's". If they are "available" then I'd like to "see" them. Why aren't they "out" there? Why aren't you "interested" in "seeing them"? You don't "believe" that "Obama" has seen any "doctors" or that he didn't actually get a "doctorate" from "Harvard"?

And where are Romney's "wedding pictures". I, for one, "think" he's been "living in sin". Maybe I should ask "Arpaio" to investigate.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:11 pm
by Van
Mikey, you sure used a lot of "quotation" marks !! By golly, I "sensed" sarcasm dripping from every "word" you typed !! <------ (Gotta always add an inexplicable space before those multiple exclamation marks.)

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:21 pm
by Mikey
Van wrote:Mikey, you sure used a lot of "quotation" marks !! By golly, I "sensed" sarcasm dripping from every "word" you typed !! <------ (Gotta always add an inexplicable space before those multiple exclamation marks.)

Do you think I went "overboard?" <----------------- (Notice the proper juxtaposition of the question and quotation marks.)

((Also ... my arrow is longer than yours.))

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:48 pm
by bradhusker
Jsc810 wrote:Image


OH MY GOD!!! Jsc, you just posted that ad in the paper as PROOF? LMFAO!!!!!! Hey genius?
ANY fuckin human being can call the paper and put an ad like that in with ZERO proof whatsoever.

Jsc, you could call the Daily News right now, and post an ad for transgender surgery, and they wont ask you for any documentation whatsoever. PLEASE tell me you've got more? Something more concrete?

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:14 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:critical thinking skills
By all means apply your critical thinking skills to the issue.


Now this person claimed it was a simple "fact checking error." That itself is a lie. They don't check facts. They're given the brief biographical information by their client and they print it. His father was not a Kenyan finance minister either nor was Barry a financial journalist and editor for BIC. More "fact checking errors"? Think critically now.

This "error" is then propagated through numerous different printings over the course of the next sixteen years until it finally discovered just before Barry decides to run for president. Evidently we are to believe that this so called fact checking error languished undiscovered that whole time and that Barry himself never even glanced at it. Once is possibly a mistake. Sixteen years is no mistake and the 2007 correction is no coincidence. Critical thinking leads one to the inevitable conclusion that Barry wanted people to believe that he was from Kenya for at least 16 years. Whether or not he actually is from Kenya is quite beside the point.

Since when did critical thinking become an exercise in accepting without question self-serving statements anyway? It's clear to me that the phrase does not mean what you seem to think it means.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:13 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote: They don't check facts. They're given the brief biographical information by their client and they print it.
How do you know what they do and they don't do?

And don't tell me you're omniscient. That's reserved for the Big Guy upstairs.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 9:58 pm
by mvscal
Mikey wrote:
mvscal wrote: They don't check facts. They're given the brief biographical information by their client and they print it.
How do you know what they do and they don't do?
For one, all you have to do is look at it. There are (at least) three errors in that short paragraph. His birthplace, his father's employment and Barry's own employment at Business International. How could they have possibly gotten all of that wrong if they were actually verifying their clients' submissions? That service is little more than an upscale classified ad. They don't check facts. They check copy and then they print.

Second, Barry would have read it at least once in sixteen years, noticed the errors and notified the service to correct them. That didn't happen until he decided to run for president.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:53 pm
by Sirfindafold
Jsc810 wrote:So you're just using this as another excuse (any will do) to bash the President.
Because being a serial liar is okay, as long as you're a liberal.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:57 pm
by Wolfman
Because being a serial liar is okay, as long as you're a liberal.

Worked for me!
sig-- Bill Clinton

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Wolfman wrote:Because being a serial liar is okay, as long as you're a liberal.

Worked for me!
sig-- Bill Clinton
No, apparently it's okay if you're a conservative as well.


Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:08 pm
by Sirfindafold
If only BHO could suffer the same fate as tricky Dick.

Re: interesting

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:22 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Sirfindafold wrote:If only BHO could suffer the same fate as tricky Dick.
Burning in hell?

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:07 am
by Screw_Michigan
Papa Willie wrote:At least Nixon had...decency
I laffed. You are a mess.

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:24 am
by Felix
Jsc810 wrote:Wait. Is the issue whether President Obama was born in Hawaii? Or is it whether politicians lie/mislead/spin?
good question...lets go to the tape
obama's birth certificate is a bad forgery
why would he go through the trouble of coercing all of the Hawaiian state officials he would have needed to coerce into lying for him and then produce a bad forgery of a birth certificate?
obama lies to the american public
and this is supposed to be some kind of revelation?
obamas' selective service card is a forgery
same question asked about the birth certificate, only this time it would entail involving a lot more people...
look, something shiny

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:41 am
by titlover
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Sirfindafold wrote:If only BHO could suffer the same fate as tricky Dick.
Burning in hell?

right along with Teddy Kennedy

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:44 am
by Wolfman ... l_equ.html

Could Biden be more of a shit-head?

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:16 am
by Felix
Wolfman wrote: Could Biden be more of a shit-head?
only if he headed a firm that specialized in leveraged buyouts and putting people out of work

Re: interesting

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:37 am
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:So you're just using this as another excuse (any will do) to bash the President.
Why would anybody need an excuse?

It doesn't matter now where he was born, he's the duly elected POTUS and the office, if not the man, has my respect. I simply ask that he not do irreparable damage and it would seem that for the most part, he hasn't.
November is going to be so much fun.
True, but perhaps not for the reason you imagine.