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Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:10 pm
by Mikey
KC Scott wrote:According to you "we've crashed and burned"

According to you "future generations are fucked"

So here's a simple question - Do you think the US is going to default on the debt?

Very simple, even for you

a Yes or No will suffice

According to poptard we were to have "crashed and burned" four years ago. I guess, to him, "crashed and burned" can mean any state where the economy is not functioning perfectly according to his personal wishes.

Why do you continue to humor him?

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:49 pm
by Derron
KC Scott wrote:Duhron let me simple it down for you

When you're typically broke at the end of the month, you'll borrow money from your kids and won't worry if you don't pay it back

However if you miss the payments on your trailer, you know the bankers will come and get it so you know you have to pay them

Does that make it easier for you?
Typically broke ? Can you expound on that idea a bit ? As in what financial model that works in ? Here is a novel idea dick lick..don't spend more than you have coming in and you will not be broke. People who borrow money and don't pay it back cannot borrow more, unless your the Federal government.

Bad financial managers are broke at the end of the month, and the enablers such as yourself, say " Hey, no big deal..I just won't pay somebody". It is morons like you who have got into government with that fatalistic attitude and fucked this country right square in the ass. Brilliant financial management idea there.

So to simple it down for such a financial guru as yourself, don't spend more than you have coming in and you are good. Go back and get into some more derivatives today.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:20 pm
by Derron
KC Scott wrote:
The balance owed inside the US - pensions, nutual funds, banks, individuals, etc. will be paid in my opinion as will all foreign debt

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:05 am
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:If there wasn't full faith that it would be repaid - as mentioned multiple times - that money would be going somewhere else
Not quite full faith anymore or is there something in reference to the downgrading of our credit rating that you still fail to comprehend? Let me know. I would rather light a candle than curse your darkness.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:16 am
by mvscal
Um, no. It wasn't largely symbolic. It's called 'a clue' or 'warning' if you will. Our economy is decidedly not OK and we are not headed in the right direction and we will crash and burn if we continue our present trajectory.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:00 am
by poptart
Scrot wrote:So here's a simple question - Do you think the US is going to default on the debt?
We've been defaulting, dumbshit.

Printing up (and devaluing) money is just that.

The people are being screwed by this manner of default, as 88 said, and as I've said from the beginning.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:05 am
by poptart
Scrot wrote:default means NOT paying your debt
We're NOT paying our debt, dumbass.

We can't pay our bills so we're borrowing money and we're printing funny money.

Scrot wrote:he's making a prediction for the future - not commenting on the present
88 wrote:The US will simply print a shit-pile more bogus dollars before it will do that
He said it has already been happening.

Beyond that, it isn't even a prediction.

It's an undeniable FACT that we are being screwed and it is an inevitable FACT that we will be screwed worse as time goes by - and as long as we continue to pay our debt... with debt.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:29 am
by poptart
What does more mean to you?

The U.S. Government Accountability Orifice

Excuse me...


GAO wrote:cash has been available to redeem them upon maturity or demand.
I don't doubt it.

It's a debased currency.

No two ways about it.

You just choose, for some reason, to remain in denial.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:11 am
by poptart
Scrot wrote:The money supply has increaed but inflation has not (sorry tard)
Not that it isn't already known, but you're completely full of shit.

The official numbers are put out there for mush-headed dick licks like you to gobble up.

If we calculate the inflation rate the exact same way the government did prior to 1990, the
inflation rate is averaging around 6.5%, which is basically double the official rate. However, if
we measure inflation the same way the government did back prior to 1980, the inflation rate
clocks in at a mind-numbing 11%. ... -as-greece

Forget the modest 3.1 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index, the government's widely used
measure of inflation. Everyday prices are up some 8 percent over the past year, according to the
American Institute for Economic Research.
The not-for-profit research group measures inflation without looking at the big, one-time
purchases that can skew the numbers. That means they don't look at the price of houses,
furniture, appliances, cars, or computers. Instead, AIER focuses on Americans' typical daily
purchases, such as food, gasoline, child care, prescription drugs, phone and television service,
and other household products. ... you-think/

Scrot wrote:Since 2009 other than food and energy we have been fighting deflation of all asset classes
And dumbshits like you actually sit there and cheer on policies designed to help create inflation.

The mental illness is stunning.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:08 am
by poptart

The Dow is up a whole .07%.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:11 am
by poptart
KC Scott wrote:
poptart wrote:Yes.

The Dow is up a whole .07%.
So I was off by a day Tard

Your take was not about the market and QE3, retard.

You're a truly embarrassing idiot.

88 wrote:Bernanke and the Fed just may you his beyotch.
Scrot's financial blabberings were wrong again?


Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:26 am
by poptart
You predicted that yesterday was going to be a big up day - because Germany approved the ECB paln before the U.S. markets opened.

You were wrong.

Now the market has gone up today, because something different happened (which you told us would not happen), and you are claiming you were right.


Just admit that you don't have a clue - and stfu for a change.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:55 am
by Screw_Michigan
88 wrote:I am reading a book published in 2009 by Neil Strauss entitled Emergency This book will save your life. It was recommended to me by a friend, and is entertaining and thought provoking. I recommend it to anyone who thinks they are free and safe. The best part is that it deals with a sobering subject in a very humorous way. If it were a red wine, Parker would give it 94 points.
The Game was pretty good. Strauss is a great writer.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:44 am
by Felix
hey good news, according to his 2011 tax return, Mitt paid 21% in taxes in 2011 on taxable earnings of just over 15 million. Nice gig.....I wonder what his deduction for his dressage horses least now I know he's paying his fair share.....

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:53 am
by smackaholic
Felix wrote:hey good news, according to his 2011 tax return, Mitt paid 21% in taxes in 2011 on taxable earnings of just over 15 million. Nice gig.....I wonder what his deduction for his dressage horses least now I know he's paying his fair share.....
3 mill not enough for ya?

I doubt this board's member's collective tax burden wasn't 3 mill. As for deductions, Mitt is the guy that is championing getting rid of them.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:21 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
KC Scott wrote:If there wasn't full faith that it would be repaid - as mentioned multiple times - that money would be going somewhere else
Not quite full faith anymore or is there something in reference to the downgrading of our credit rating that you still fail to comprehend? Let me know. I would rather light a candle than curse your darkness.
Of course it will be repaid. Trouble is, it will be repaid in counterfeit money.

To mikey and scott and all the other financial bagdad bobs who point to our current interest as a % of debt numbers, do you think this will last? It's as if you went out and got a 2% ARM on the house you can't afford. Yeah, you can make the

And to the wall streeters that hold up bernanke as a hero for keeping the free money spigot open....fukk you. When the shit does hit the fan, lets see how long you survive on your portfolios. Last I checked, you couldn't eat them or heat your house with them or shoot looters with them ('sup derron?).

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:24 am
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote: 60% is blue chip corp bonds
no worries there. i mean they're bonds. they are guaran-fukking-teed.....unless they are GM or Chrysler bonds.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:45 am
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:
88 wrote: No. The US will simply print a shit-pile more bogus dollars before it will do that. But the end result is the same. Bond holders would be fucked because, instead of getting paid in dollars that have the anticipated value when the bet was made, they will get paid in worthless dollars. And everything that is valued relative to the dollar, such as all of your investments, will likewise be devalued when the value of the dollar declines. This has happened many times throughout history. Why would the US be any different?
It's happened throughout history - but not to US
Your Weimar republic scenario gets tossed out a lot by the Teabaggers - to bad most of them don't have any clue as to the real context of why that happened. First and foremost we aren't paying war reparations or looking to absolve our foreign debt.
debt is debt, be it war reps or a lock box stuffed full of IOUs
If you have a crystal ball and see that as the only end game scenario - I don't share your pessimism. I also don't think the Fed will continue to print dollars. Bernanke knows he has one bullet left with QE3 and that’s it. I also don't expect to see that deployed this year.
so what are they going to print? pesos?
We've had recessions you can remember in 81, 90 and 2001 - somehow we came out of all of those. All were proceeded by periods of 8-10 years of sustained growth. I keep hearing "it's different this time" - It's the same refrain used by all doomsayers. I heard it in 2009 when the market collapsed - that's as close to financial Armageddon as you or I will see in our lifetimes. The economists I read project end of this recession by mid 2013 - that's when you should see significant improvement in employment picture. I'm already seeing some signs of it now. My oldest just got a job with a company manufacturing fire suppression systems that's experiencing substantial growth right now. It also means you won't be paying for his Obamacare :)

As for reducing the debt - We are going to have to cut spending and go after the entitlement programs - there's no question about that. We'll also going to see tax increases - though I'm not sure what form they will take.

Finally we need a strong Pro Trade agenda to be front and center for next administration. This is critical for getting us back on track. I've mentioned before we are the second largest producer of LNG in the world. Whichever party wins in November needs to push this - but I've not heard either one give it more than cursory lip service in those shale states where they need votes. Another overlooked "commodity" is technology and it's impact to move the needle. And if you think that's an exaggeration read this note from JP Morgan which says the iphone 5 could add .25% to .5% to the fourth quarter GDP all by itself

More than anything we need leadership and communication. The teabaggers have succeeded in in turning this country into a battleground based on biblical literalism and the inane notion that any compromise is weakness. They've turned people like poptard and duhron, who at one time may have been rational individuals, into raging Xenophobes with a pathological hatred of government. Neither of the candidates strikes me as being able to unify this country.

If we don't get that leadership somewhere, you may very well get that apocalypse you’re forecasting
With you on the trade thing, but, we need to be smart about it. We must tell china to at least give us a reach around while they are fukking us in the ass.

Re: Clinton just knocked it out of the park

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:33 pm
by Cuda
Jsc810 wrote:mvscal, you're grasping at straws, and you know it.

Even George Will admitted it was a great speech. Enjoy reading about it tomorrow, you will see many overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Yeah, George Will thinks he's a fucking baseball expert too. :meds:

Pat Buchanan tells a story about the cat his wife owned when he was courting her. The cat had been de-clawed & neutered, so Pat named it George Will.