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Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:34 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Dee Snutz wrote:You know what the definition of insanity is? It's repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results?
Just like you have been doing. Check.
A. I don't listen to, or care about Kanye West.
Yet you asked the question yet continue to cower away from answering it yourself. Check.
B. I don't give a shit about you or your opinion. On any matter.
Yet you continue to respond. Poorly. Check.
C. I don't give a shit about whoever the fuck Obrien is, or his opinion. On any matter.
Yet if you would take about two minutes to read, you would find some enlightenment. Yet, you continue to demonstrate you have the mental capacity and attention span of a fly. Check.
D. Thank you for reminding me to double check and heighten all my internet privacy security settings.
You're welcome, though I don't know why you would be worried about security. None of you privacy has been exposed, unlike your stupidity. But check anyway.
I believe that would now be checkmate. Game over, you lose.
Now buzz off fly, and enjoy your dinner with the rest of the band.
Bon appétit petite mouche. La justice il est doux!
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:11 pm
by Mace
Dee, Dee, have repeatedly claimed that you are NOT Kid Nashville, so how would posting a link to music/noise recorded by that stupid, no talent, douchebag effect you in any way, shape, or form? Kid Nashville is not a member here and does not post here.....or does he? Are you confessing to being Kid Nashville? If so, that would be somewhat of a relief in knowing that at least there aren't TWO knuckledragging idiots out there posting on internet messageboards, and that it's limited to just one. Thank your mother for not having twins.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:22 pm
by atomicdad
Mace wrote: Thank your mother for not having twins.
My Gawd, what if she did?
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:24 pm
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:Dee, Dee, have repeatedly claimed that you are NOT Kid Nashville, so how would posting a link to music/noise recorded by that stupid, no talent, douchebag effect you in any way, shape, or form? Kid Nashville is not a member here and does not post here.....or does he? Are you confessing to being Kid Nashville? If so, that would be somewhat of a relief in knowing that at least there aren't TWO knuckledragging idiots out there posting on internet messageboards, and that it's limited to just one. Thank your mother for not having twins.
You have blatantly displayed your willingness and intent to be damaging to me personally. It doesn't matter if I'm KN or not, you crossed the line. Posting people's names here is irresponsible and malicious. Anonymous internet smack w some faceless, nameless douchebag like you should be harmless fun. But clearly anyone gets under your onion skin is at risk to find his name, family, employer on here getting slandered or worse. You think that's overreacting? Post your name. I'll have your wife's credit report up here in 10 mins.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:24 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
It appears that Dee is in full...
Hope you've enjoyed the show.
Pick up your trash and leave by the courtesy exits.
Thanks and have a good night.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:29 pm
by Mace
Dee Snutz wrote:You have blatantly displayed your willingness and intent to be damaging to me personally. It doesn't matter if I'm KN or not, you crossed the line. Posting people's names here is irresponsible and malicious. Anonymous internet smack w some faceless, nameless douchebag like you should be harmless fun. But clearly anyone gets under your onion skin is at risk to find his name, family, employer on here getting slandered or worse. You think that's overreacting? Post your name,
Still not admitting to being Kid Nashville? I don't blame you, as
no one would want to claim being that no talent piece of shit.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:34 pm
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:Dee Snutz wrote:You have blatantly displayed your willingness and intent to be damaging to me personally. It doesn't matter if I'm KN or not, you crossed the line. Posting people's names here is irresponsible and malicious. Anonymous internet smack w some faceless, nameless douchebag like you should be harmless fun. But clearly anyone gets under your onion skin is at risk to find his name, family, employer on here getting slandered or worse. You think that's overreacting? Post your name,
Still not admitting to being Kid Nashville? I don't blame you, as
no one would want to claim being that no talent piece of shit.
When's the last time he was here? This may be the longest dome occupancy in the history of messageboards.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:45 pm
by Mace
Dee Snutz wrote:
When's the last time he was here? This may be the longest dome occupancy in the history of messageboards.
I have no idea and don't care enough to look it up, doucher. Like you, Kid was long forgotten two minutes after his last post...just like you'll be. You're the one who returned to this board, this time as Dee Snutz, looking for me and to start your ankle biting routine. FYI, when you're nipping at someone's ankles, sometimes you get your teeth kicked down your throat. Make sure you spit them out and don't swallow.....yeah, I know that will take a little practice for you.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:55 pm
by Dee Snutz
Don't worry about me, Mace. You've convinced me. You've just gone from harmless internet jerk, to scary creep. Jay would like to welcome you to the big leagues. I suddenly have the same feeling that your young juvenile delinquent charges have as you smirk at them while snapping on your rubber glove and inform them that they are about to receive your fully invasive cavity search.
No hard feelings, I have a family and a job that I would prefer not be victimized by a stalking internet creep like you.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:09 pm
by Mace
Dee Snutz wrote:Don't worry about me, Mace. You've convinced me. You've just gone from harmless internet jerk, to scary creep. Jay would like to welcome you to the big leagues. I suddenly have the same feeling that your young juvenile delinquent charges have as you smirk at them while snapping on your rubber glove and inform them that they are about to receive your fully invasive cavity search.
Why would I worry about you, Dee/Kid? You're just a harmless, no account, no talent musician who posts a lot of really stupid shit on an internet messageboard. And, btw, you seriously need to update your spreadsheet on me. Things have changed since you were here posting as Kid Nashville and collecting information on the posters here. Or your can continue to post meaningless shit and continue to swing and miss....something that you did so frequently when you were an
athlete, I'm sure.
It's okay though,
somebody has to hit in the 9 hole and get lifted for a pinch hitter in those JV games. In fact, you could use a pinch hitter right now.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:20 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dee, if you truly felt "victimized" (haha) you'd have left this board instantly. Fact is, you're still here because you're a dramatic little attention whore just trying to stir the pot. Drop your obsession with Mace and Jay and go have some milk and cookies then take a nap.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:24 pm
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:
Why would I worry about you, Dee/Kid?
I don't know, why are you posting people's personal info? Could it be because you got cunt punted all over a message board? Do you make a habit of doing stupid malicious shit to people like that who aren't clowning the shit out of you? I guess that's your first line of defense when you can't count on your wits alone to get over on some "no account, no talent musician who posts a lot of really stupid shit".
Don't worry, little fella I can see where I fucked up. I read the board policies and took them serious.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:38 pm
by atomicdad
Dee Snutz wrote:
Don't worry, little fella I can see where I fucked up. I read the board policies and took them serious.
Call me crazy, but I don't think you really do see where you fucked up.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:43 pm
by Mace
Dee/Kid, you are a total fuck up. No doubt about it. You fucked up royally by coming back here posing as someone else.
Just had an opportunity to listen to several of your songs on youtube and would suggest that you quit trying to cover Springsteen and move on to Tiny Tim, as it would more accurately capture your musical talents.
And, btw, it was really nice of you to get your mother a twitter account so she could be your lone twitter follower. And three family members "liked" one of your songs, so props to you. Apparently they didn't like any of the others, which tells me they have more sense than you.
And I didn't post any of your personal information, dumbass, and I deleted the link to your music that I did post. I think you're more concerned that everyone here will find out what a failure you are in your little corner of the music business than the fact that your "real name" was included in the link that was posted for a few minutes today. Can't blame you there, Kid, as I'd want to hide that too.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:03 pm
by R-Jack
The question is if Kid Gashville offered up that link to other posters on this board or others publicly. If so, then he is an absolute dipshit, especially considering someone like Dee Snutz could pull up his wife's credit report with that info.
Watch your info Gashville. Internet predators like Dee Snutz are watching.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:12 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Well, now that the T1B staff have deliberated on the matter, there's not much needed to discuss further.
and we all know how fair and judicious they can be...
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:25 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:28 pm
by Mace
Martyred wrote:Well, now that the T1B staff have deliberated on the matter, there's not much needed to discuss further.
No further discussion needed? Are you serious? Heck, I've got all kinds of personal info on Kid Nashville that hasn't been posted yet....not to mention his financial information. And you guys think that the U.S. debt is horrific? Wait until you see the Kid's. I don't know how the poor bastard can afford a guitar pick.....he must just steal them from the guitar store.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:48 pm
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:Martyred wrote:Well, now that the T1B staff have deliberated on the matter, there's not much needed to discuss further.
No further discussion needed? Are you serious? Heck, I've got all kinds of personal info on Kid Nashville that hasn't been posted yet....not to mention his financial information. And you guys think that the U.S. debt is horrific? Wait until you see the Kid's. I don't know how the poor bastard can afford a guitar pick.....he must just steal them from the guitar store.
Well, hopefully, Mace, KN isn't as crazed and fueled by the same hatred for you, as you are for him. And hopefully he won't get your IP address you left Youtube stat tracking during your prowling endeavors today. You know that ol IP address. Clickity click and BAM. I'd hate to see you matching that U.S debt over the weeks and months of paying some Internet reputation repair service because you pissed off some lunatic that's crazier than you. The www's filled w creeps, Mace. My advice to you would be to quit being one.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:02 am
by Mace
Dee Snutz wrote:
Well, hopefully, Mace, KN isn't as crazed and fueled by the same hatred for you, as you are for him. And hopefully he won't get your IP address you left Youtube stat tracking during your prowling endeavors today. You know that ol IP address. Clickity click and BAM. I'd hate to see you matching that U.S debt over the weeks and months of paying some Internet reputation repair service because you pissed off some lunatic that's crazier than you. The www's filled w creeps, Mace. My advice to you would be to quit being one.
You really are one stupid fucking douchebag. I see you're still waiting for someone to spend 99 cents to download one of your shitty tunes, so you'd better hope that someone with means will go "clickity click and BAM" to buy a few thousand downloads, Boss.
Keep stringing those guitars, Kid, and don't fuck up when somebody throws you a curve and drops of a five string.
Why are you so concerned that I have all of this personal information about Kid Nashville if he's not you?
Yeah, dipshit, you haven't fooled anyone.....ever.
And, btw, Einstein, thanks for documenting your threats here. I appreciate it.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:07 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:23 am
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:
You really are one stupid fucking douchebag. I see you're still waiting for someone to spend 99 cents to download one of your shitty tunes,
Shit, you think he's charging too much? How much are you charging for your music, Mace? Oh, yeah, I forgot. You're just a jealous, inadequacy addled, socially stunted internet loser w no discernible talent or wit. And after 32 yrs of rotting away in vocational Siberia sitting on your ass demeaning and demoralizing scared kids, I'm sure your physique resembles a quivering jello mold. Now all that's left is just some bitter, angry, frustrated asshole w a ballooning prostate, a looming stroke, and more sand in the bottom of the hourglass than in the top. Let me clue you, Mace. There's an old saying."Do what you like, like what you do". Looks to me like KN's having a blast. You, however, should go to schools on a Scared Straight tour. 30 mins in a classroom w you and the books cracking will make that school sound like a firing range w those kids panicking to cram their heads w whatever knowledge they can to avert any chance of getting caught in the vortex of failure that might land them in your shoes. An embarrassingly inane internet loser who might pass for Danny Devito's bastard cousin.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:49 am
by Mace
You are Kid Nashville, Dee, so please stop pretending that you're not, and you're swinging and missing on so many levels about my personal life that it's not even funny.....oh, actually it is. I'm playing you like Smitha's fiddle, Kid, and you just keep coming back for more, apparently because you enjoy playing the punching bag. And you wonder why everyone thinks you're stupid?
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:51 am
by Dr_Phibes
For precedent, I'd look to The Diogenes Dichotomy.
When that pic surfaced of the weird guy with the fruity drink and the curly straw, Dio was faced with a decision.
- admit to being the guy in the pic for a rock solid case and pursue justice.
- take the route for greater social justice on behalf of messageboard posters everywhere: That's not me, how dare you, etc.!'
If I remember, Dio took the latter.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:04 am
by Dee Snutz
This is Mace.
This is what Mace sees when he looks at his keyboard to run smack
This is Mace's plan B when he panics realizing that he's out of ass rape smack.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:10 am
by Mace
I know that you've repeatedly said that you're not a smacker......apparently the one thing you haven't lied about. Keep trying, dipshit.
Btw, I've gotten a haircut since that picture was taken. Update the spreadsheet, moron.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:20 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:For precedent, I'd look to The Diogenes Dichotomy.
When that pic surfaced of the weird guy with the fruity drink and the curly straw, Dio was faced with a decision.
- admit to being the guy in the pic for a rock solid case and pursue justice.
- take the route for greater social justice on behalf of messageboard posters everywhere: That's not me, how dare you, etc.!'
If I remember, Dio took the latter.
Is the
The Diogenes Dichotomy anything like
The poptart Conundrum?
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:36 am
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:Btw, I've gotten a haircut since that picture was taken.
Good decision after being pissed out the bottom of the county correctional division. Wal Mart likes their greeters presentable. Most shopping malls like their security w their hair high and tight. You're not as dumb as I thought.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:00 am
by Mace
Dee Snutz wrote:Mace wrote:Btw, I've gotten a haircut since that picture was taken.
Good decision after being pissed out the bottom of the county correctional division. Wal Mart likes their greeters presentable. Most shopping malls like their security w their hair high and tight. You're not as dumb as I thought.
Keep fishing for info, Kid, and maybe someday you'll get a bite.....and I'm surprised that you forgot to include McDonalds, dumbass. They like to hire seniors too, you know, and maybe even a few untalented douchebag musicians. You might keep that in mind if record sales don't take off soon. Right now your records are selling like hotcakes.....about 35 cents a stack.
Re: Hey Sudden Sam...
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:24 am
by Dee Snutz
Mace wrote:Dee Snutz wrote:Mace wrote:Btw, I've gotten a haircut since that picture was taken.
Good decision after being pissed out the bottom of the county correctional division. Wal Mart likes their greeters presentable. Most shopping malls like their security w their hair high and tight. You're not as dumb as I thought.
Keep fishing for info, Kid, and maybe someday you'll get a bite.....and I'm surprised that you forgot to include McDonalds, dumbass. They like to hire seniors too, you know, and maybe even a few untalented douchebag musicians. You might keep that in mind if record sales don't take off soon. Right now your records are selling like hotcakes.....about 35 cents a stack.
Fishing for info? I don't need any more info than to interpret everything you post here. You're an aged, incapable of articulating beyond a grunt, under achieving moron sitting online belching and hacking anger and frustration w no embarrassment filter. I would have guessed people in corrections would have been trained, disciplined people w an innate ability to inspire, lift people, turn failing lives around. Come to find our tax dollars are going toward unemployable, contaminating degenerate morons like you w $15.95 to pay to pass a test online. More evidence how are tax dollars are being wasted and our correctional system is a joke.