(!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Van »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Fuck it. I'm in. So what's a nice spot out west?
You love sports. You love baseball. The Giants are the defending WS champs and their gorgeous ballpark is considered by many to be a national treasure. That would be definitely be at least one recommended stop during your travels.

Presumably you love scantily-clad sluts too, so any beach from Orange County down to the Mexican border will have your neck spinning.

Natural scenery-wise, it's hard to say without knowing what you'd be interested in seeing. Same with the various cultural lowlights and highpoints.

Do you like Mexicans?
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Van wrote:Nice of you to gloss over the part where I was saying that you need to move out of that barren wasteland. It was kind of cool, though, to see you go all SEC!SEC!SEC! with your bad self by attempting to cover your sorry ass state in the rest of the conference's region's reflected (minimal) glory.
The hell you say...

My "sorry ass state" helped launch yours. Ever hear of the California Trail? Guess where it originated? I'm wondering what would've happened if the good people of Independence, Missouri, had told potential settlers, "Naw, you don't wanna go there. It's full of fags, smog, riots, traffic, Mexicans, darkies, earthquakes, and Mikey. Try our Oregon trail, instead!"

Any move I'd make would be in pursuit of 14er's - and less people. You weirdos fall short of both.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

Truman wrote:Perception is reality, Van.

your big socialist enclave.
Funny, the Congressman from my district was one of the most embarrassingly conservative assholes in the house "leadership," at least until we got re-districted out - still solidly Republican here anyway.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

mvscal wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote:Mv's moving east, watch his postings become less violent and more thoughtful.
It's sort of like a reverse dustbowl. Productive citizens are fleeing California by the millions for points east. California is a complete basket case and things are only getting worse.
Horseshit, Phibes. Have you ever seen the way I-wegians drive?

If anything, I for one am looking forward to coblio's (council-bluffs-iowa - 'sup mvscal) takes on how fucked-up Flyover government works. Politically, Iowa is a pariah in this region - mvscal will feel right at home...
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Van »

Truman wrote:My "sorry ass state" helped launch yours. Ever hear of the California Trail? Guess where it originated? I'm wondering what would've happened if the good people of Independence, Missouri, had told potential settlers, "Naw, you don't wanna go there. It's full of fags, smog, riots, traffic, Mexicans, darkies, earthquakes, and Mikey. Try our Oregon trail, instead!"

Any move I'd make would be in pursuit of 14er's - and less people. You weirdos fall short of both.

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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Mikey wrote:
Truman wrote:Perception is reality, Van.

your big socialist enclave.
Funny, the Congressman from my district was one of the most embarrassingly conservative assholes in the house "leadership," at least until we got re-districted out - still solidly Republican here anyway.
Missed his name. Was his "embarrassingly conservative" credentials moreso than the embarrassingly leftist credentials of your senators, governor, and state legislature?

Pickin' on the short kid aren'tcha, Mikey? What more do want, other than a Federal bailout?
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Van »

Truman wrote:If anything, I for one am looking forward to coblio's (council-bluffs-iowa - 'sup mvscal) takes on how fucked-up Flyover government works. Politically, Iowa is a pariah in this region - mvscal will feel right at home...
Dunno 'bout you, but the very thought of mvscal living in Iowa just makes me laugh. Gawd, I hope he isn't there ten minutes before going all mvscal on some poor unsuspecting Jon.

Actually, what am I thinking? Detroit is where I really want to see him live. Or maybe East St. Louis. Any Black Town, Alabama would just be a hoot for the guy.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

Truman wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Truman wrote:Perception is reality, Van.

your big socialist enclave.
Funny, the Congressman from my district was one of the most embarrassingly conservative assholes in the house "leadership," at least until we got re-districted out - still solidly Republican here anyway.
Missed his name. Was his "embarrassingly conservative" credentials moreso than the embarrassingly leftist credentials of your senators, governor, and state legislature?

Pickin' on the short kid aren'tcha, Mikey? What more do want, other than a Federal bailout?
Sorry, I misspokewrote. It's not being conservative that makes Darrel Issa an asshole. He'd just an asshole.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Van wrote:Dunno 'bout you, but the very thought of mvscal living in Iowa just makes me laugh. Gawd, I hope he isn't there ten minutes before going all mvscal on some poor unsuspecting Jon.
I'm of the opinion that you could drop mvscal in most any part of the country, and he would translate well. Marlin in a crappe pond? Oh, sure. But if there is any dumbfuckery to be found that disparages the tenets of our Founding, mvscal will root it out. Fortunately (for him), Iowa is a proving ground...
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Mikey wrote:Sorry, I misspokewrote. It's not being conservative that makes Darrel Issa an asshole. He'd just an asshole.
In. That's how a Claire McCaskill gets re-elected over a Tardd Aiken. Ain't mad atcha, Mikey.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by smackaholic »

Truman wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Truman wrote: Tedious. You DO realize we feed half the world, correct?
Agriculture sector top 10 states in 2008
Agriculture gross domestic product in $ billions
Rank State GDP Percentage of U.S.
1 California $27.3 17.3%
...And $18.5 B of that number was in wine sales - an agricultural product. I said feed half the world - not get it drunk.

While exporting beef bourguignon sounds like a grand idea, the third world is apparently content with the corn and beans we send them to feed their stock, as well as the wheat we send them to bake their bread. You wanna take another swing at this, or are we done here?
OK, so leave off wine. They are about in a tie with Texas.

Face it, Cali may be a fuct shithole full of undesirables, but, it does produce an assload of groceries.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

smackaholic wrote:Face it, Cali may be a fuct shithole full of undesirables, but, it does produce an assload of groceries.
Oh, I don't disagree... But forgive me if I fall short of impressed by the Grenache sent to Grenada or the Merlot shipped to Madegascar...

And I'm fairly sure it wasn't Chardonnay Reagan was threatening to embargo to the Soviets back in the day...
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Derron »

smackaholic wrote:
Face it, Cali may be a fuct shithole full of undesirables, but, it does produce an assload of groceries.
And the relationship to that and illegal spics, high taxes, and some of the nations most restrictive farming laws is what ?
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by smackaholic »

Derron wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
Face it, Cali may be a fuct shithole full of undesirables, but, it does produce an assload of groceries.
And the relationship to that and illegal spics, high taxes, and some of the nations most restrictive farming laws is what ?
The discussion here is whether or not Cali produces a ridiculous amount of food. They do. It is not whether or not these foods are geopolitical bargaining chips, tax rates, regulations or illegal populations.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote:
Derron wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
Face it, Cali may be a fuct shithole full of undesirables, but, it does produce an assload of groceries.
And the relationship to that and illegal spics, high taxes, and some of the nations most restrictive farming laws is what ?
The discussion here is whether or not Cali produces a ridiculous amount of food. They do. It is not whether or not these foods are geopolitical bargaining chips, tax rates, regulations or illegal populations.
It's actually all about irrigating the desert, farmers vs. city folk vs. salmon vs. delta smelt, NoCal vs. SoCal, growing cotton and rice where they really shouldn't, recycling gray water, blowing up the Hetch Hetchy, sucking the Chilly Colorado dry, etc. etc.

In other words, whatever all you ignoramuses think about Cali's real and/or imaginary problems it really in the end comes down to water.

And I've got a pool full so I really don't GARA.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by smackaholic »

Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert. But we have to do such things or let a few billion people croak. I wonder if solar powered desalination could ever be done on any scale worth considering? You have a shit ton of salt water and plenty of sun.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mace »

The western part of Iowa is by far the most rural and conservative part of the state and I think mvscal will find it a good political fit for himself. Congressman Steve King is a Tea Party kind of guy and should share a lot of common ground with our T1B poster. Living over on the river will also allow mvscal to feel an immediate sense of intellectual superiority over the disproportionate number of Husker fans in the area.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Left Seater »

Mikey wrote: In other words, whatever all you ignoramuses think about Cali's real and/or imaginary problems it really in the end comes down to water.
At the end of the day it is always about the water. Everywhere.

LTS can go on and on about energy, but the real battles will soon be fought over water. Something will have to give in about a decade, either the EPA and the Sierra club stop their fights against new lakes or cities will not be able to meet demand.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Derron »

Mikey wrote: And I've got a pool full so I really don't GARA.
And that might last you a year, if you hand wash clothes, bathe once a week and conserve the hell out of it, unless of course the racoons shit in it.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Derron »

smackaholic wrote:Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert.
Of course the energy efficiency of building all that infrastructure and then to operate it to bring the water from the Colorado, irrigating coarse sandy soils that leach out chemicals and fertilizer residues into what remaining ground water you do have, producing shit tons of GMO produce of which the quality is marginal at best, but to feed the masses who are too fucking stupid to know the difference. Makes sense. When the water runs out, and it will someday, the valleys will make the dust bowl era look wet. As the population continues to breed itself into extinction, there are very few water projects being built, nor will the greenies allow them to be built.

Cali is one bad water year away from food anarchy.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

Derron wrote:
Cali is one bad water year away from food anarchy.
You are so right.

Guess I'd better arm myself and put up some perimeter protection.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Derron »

Mikey wrote:
Derron wrote:
Cali is one bad water year away from food anarchy.
You are so right.

Guess I'd better arm myself and put up some perimeter protection.
Not a bad idea considering you have 20,000 gallons or better of water, that is going to be in very high demand when the earthquake/brushfire/ riots hit.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

35,000 gal. I like a nice deep pool. Raccoons have been known to disappear and never surface.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Mace wrote:Living over on the river will also allow mvscal to feel an immediate sense of intellectual superiority over the disproportionate number of Husker fans in the area.
Well, Iowa City IS practically in Illinois. And wasn't U of I known as the "Cornhuskers" at one time? Iowegians confuse easily - or so I've heard. Maybe if the Hawks and 'Clones were a bit more consistent, you folks would cut down a bit on the border bleed... :P
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Left Seater »

Mace wrote: sense of intellectual superiority over the disproportionate number of Husker fans in the area.
Everyone should have that regardless what with their prop 48 honors grads.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Dinsdale »

Truman wrote: Any move I'd make would be in pursuit of 14er's - and less people. You weirdos fall short of both.

For clarification, is your use of "14er's" in reference to 14,000 foot mountains? That's the use of the term I'm familiar with, anyway.

Newsflash -- over half of the 14,000+ peaks in the country...

are in california.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by kcdave »

Back on topic for a minute:
Nice forecast for tomorrow. I will be grabbing my bucket, sponge, and taking the parrot cages
up in the back of the truck for a good spring cleaning. Will be interesting to see if anyone wants
to be told to go get fucked.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by mvscal »

smackaholic wrote:Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by smackaholic »

Good point. "National Treasures" tend not to change their names every few months.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Dinsdale »

smackaholic wrote:Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert.
Well, except for the parts that are rainforest... or temperate maritime... or...

Yeah, whenever I go to San Francisco, I think "desert."

Ain't a drop of water on the north coast, either.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by mvscal »

Mace wrote:Living over on the river will also allow mvscal to feel an immediate sense of intellectual superiority over the disproportionate number of Husker fans in the area.
The Huskers are pretty well despised by my in-laws. I understand that is a fairly common sentiment in western Iowa, so we'll have that much in common at the very least. Wherever else I've been or lived, I am a born and bred midwesterner so I'm not anticipating any culture shock. I am a weather pussy, though, so winters will be the biggest adjustment.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by smackaholic »

Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert.
Well, except for the parts that are rainforest... or temperate maritime... or...

Yeah, whenever I go to San Francisco, I think "desert."

Ain't a drop of water on the north coast, either.
Sorry, I should have said the central valley. The central coast does have it's fair share of agriculture although I do believe that even they don't get a hell of a lot of rain during the dry season and likely rely on some irrigation. But, at least they don't have to ship their water in from 800 miles away.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by mvscal »

smackaholic wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Basically every last bit of food grown in cali "shouldn't" be as every last bit of it is desert.
Well, except for the parts that are rainforest... or temperate maritime... or...

Yeah, whenever I go to San Francisco, I think "desert."

Ain't a drop of water on the north coast, either.
Sorry, I should have said the central valley.
The central valley isn't desert either.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mace »

mvscal wrote:
Mace wrote:Living over on the river will also allow mvscal to feel an immediate sense of intellectual superiority over the disproportionate number of Husker fans in the area.
The Huskers are pretty well despised by my in-laws. I understand that is a fairly common sentiment in western Iowa, so we'll have that much in common at the very least. Wherever else I've been or lived, I am a born and bred midwesterner so I'm not anticipating any culture shock. I am a weather pussy, though, so winters will be the biggest adjustment.
Folks in western Iowa are either Husker fans or Husker haters. The rest of the state pretty much falls into the hater category.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Mikey »

mvscal wrote: The central valley isn't desert either.
The Imperial Valley is pretty much desert, though. And Coachella.

The Salinas Valley was the first major agricultural area in California, and nothing like a desert.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Derron »

Mikey wrote:
mvscal wrote: The central valley isn't desert either.
The Imperial Valley is pretty much desert, though. And Coachella.

The Salinas Valley was the first major agricultural area in California, and nothing like a desert.
Even marginal soil structures will support agriculture given enough water, fertilizer and chemical inputs. You just get lower yields on poorer ground, which is made up for by the ground rent /cost being real cheap and getting economies of scale with your farming methods. You can grow on straight sand, rock and other structures if you want to. Cali grows a lot in those Central Valleys, and say gets a yield of 50 bushel per acre of wheat. In our area, we get 150 bushels per acre, farm less ground with less inputs and make more money.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Dinsdale »

smackaholic wrote:
Sorry, I should have said the central valley. The central coast does have it's fair share of agriculture although I do believe that even they don't get a hell of a lot of rain during the dry season and likely rely on some irrigation. But, at least they don't have to ship their water in from 800 miles away.

The Sacramento Valley is fed by the Sacramento River. Catch is, fucker dries up during the dry season. But a buncha people are dependent on pumping it dry, so they pump out another river (tributary of the Klamath) clean over the Cascades to keep it flowing year round.

The whole area of far nothern california and Southern Oregon is pretty hit-and-miss on water. If you're near a river that drains the big mountain ranges, you have it, and they generally impound it. Away from a river... you're SOL.

You see Washington high up that list. Most of that is Eastern Washington. Huge freaking desert prarie, that gets ever-so-slightly more rain than Phoenix... that has a really huge river running through it, so they farm the fuck out of it (sup Trampis). Eastern Oregon sits on a massive plateau at high elevation, and it's much harder to move water around, so doesn't have the level of agriculture Eastern Washington does. They still grow their share of onions, potatoes, and wheat.
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Diego in Seattle »

mvscal wrote:
The central valley isn't desert either.
Would you consider the Imperial Valley desert?
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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by Truman »

Dinsdale wrote:
Truman wrote: Any move I'd make would be in pursuit of 14er's - and less people. You weirdos fall short of both.

For clarification, is your use of "14er's" in reference to 14,000 foot mountains? That's the use of the term I'm familiar with, anyway.

Newsflash -- over half of the 14,000+ peaks in the country...

are in california.
Setting aside the conjecture by many that California isn’t even in America, it is still a rare treat to observe TWO spectacularly catastrophic failures in the space of 13 words.

Apparently, math AND geography were of little value to Oregon public school curricula back in the day.

You wanna take another run at this one, Dins, or shall we allow your take to die an ignominious death here on Page 5?

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Re: (!) Sign at the local car wash (!)

Post by mvscal »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
mvscal wrote:
The central valley isn't desert either.
Would you consider the Imperial Valley desert?
For the most part, yes. What does that have to do with the central valley?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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