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Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:26 pm
by Moving Sale
I didn't know you are a tranny on top of looking like you have been hit by a plethora of ugly sticks.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:55 pm
by Killian
Moving Sale wrote:Glad you were able to admit Bush could (and likely would) have been able to pull this off. So what evidence shows he didn't?
The fact Dylan Avery is still alive?
So Bush was on board with, and even helped try to cover up, the mass murder of over 3,000 civilians, yet he allows a wannabe film maker to potentially out the entire operation without doing anything to try and silence him?
So what did happen at the Pentagon? I’m assuming you saw the tapes from the hotel and gas station that you claim were confiscated. What was on them?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:14 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:
The fact Dylan Avery is still alive?
So Bush was on board with, and even helped try to cover up, the mass murder of over 3,000 civilians, yet he allows a wannabe film maker to potentially out the entire operation without doing anything to try and silence him?
Maybe he was counting on most of the American people to be as stupid as you are.
So what did happen at the Pentagon?
You tell me.
I’m assuming you saw the tapes from the hotel and gas station that you claim were confiscated.
Claim? You're a riot dude. Granted you're fucking stupid, but funny nonetheless.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:41 pm
by Killian
So tell us what is on the tapes?
Also, not a good bet by Bush, if you really thinks that is what he did. There are plenty of people with the access and ability to prove something nefarious went down at the Pentagon. Instead we have multiple eye witnesses, nearly 200 dead, and airplane wreckage that support what happened. Anyone who believes differently is clinging to some half cocked notion that tapes taken from the hotel and gas station somehow show what really happened.
So tell us, what really happend? The burden of proof is on you. You can rant and wail all you want, claim I'm an idiot and that the American people as a whole are sheep, but you cannot provide anything to back up your claim or refute that American 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
Was the guy that pulled all of this off also on the grassy knoll in Dallas?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:51 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:So tell us what is on the tapes?
According you you it is a plane hitting a building.
Anyone who believes differently is clinging to some half cocked notion that tapes taken from the hotel and gas station somehow show what really happened.
They are tapes of course they show what happened.
The burden of proof is on you.
WTF are you talking about? I talking about the tapes. Are you still insisting they are not in the government's possession?
You can rant and wail all you want, claim I'm an idiot and that the American people as a whole are sheep, but you cannot provide anything to back up your claim or refute that American 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.
I have done it many times in many threads. If you are too stupid or lazy to find them I can provide you with a link.
Was the guy that pulled all of this off also on the grassy knoll in Dallas?
Nice fallacy numbnut. Why do you feel the need to use a fallacy if your argument is so tight?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:02 pm
by Killian
Sure, they were confiscated. So what really happened? What's on the tapes? If they show us what really happened, as you say, what is it? Tell me here or provide a link to what you said previously.
You must be a pretty shitty lawyer to not understand what my burden of proof comment was referencing. The burden of proof is on you and all the other conspiracy theorists to prove what actually happened. Because us "idiots" have surviving families, eye witnesses and airplane wreckage to back up our beliefs. You have a kid who cobbled together some youtube footage, added some spooky music and asked a lot of questions but provided no answers.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:20 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote: What's on the tapes?
Like I said before, according to your camp it's a plane hitting a building. So why hide them?
The burden of proof is on you and all the other conspiracy theorists to prove what actually happened.
No the burden is on the person that is supplying the accusation. Your accusation is that a plane flew into the building and instead of just saying I'm right and the tapes should be released, you get your sphincter all tight and call me a conspiracy theorist when you are the one pimping a conspiracy theory. I'm just asking questions.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:32 pm
by Killian
Never said the tapes shouldn't be released.
Please explain to all of us how I'm the one pimping a conspiracy theory, when all I am doing is believing that flight 77 hit the Pentagon and 189 people died. My belief is backed up by the surviving families, hundreds of eye witnesses, and air plane wreckage found at the site.
What do you believe happened, and where is your proof?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:38 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:Never said the tapes shouldn't be released.
Go for you. You might not be a dumb as I first suspected.
And then there is this...
Please explain to all of us how I'm the one pimping a conspiracy theory, when all I am doing is believing that flight 77 hit the Pentagon and 189 people died. My belief is backed up by the surviving families, hundreds of eye witnesses, and air plane wreckage found at the site.
Its a conspiracy because it is an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime coupled with an overt act. It's a theory because it has never been vetted in the proper circles. So I guess you are as dumb as I first suspected.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:51 pm
by Killian
Just be honest (I know, asking a lot of a two-bit ambulance chaser), do you ever plan on answering the question I've asked you now in 3 different posts?
While you are playing cutesy with a quote, why don't you break down what part of my statement hasn't been vetted in the proper circles. Let's do a quick run down:
Flight 77 took off from Dulles and didn't arive in Los Angles - Fact
64 people, including 6 crew, died on September 11th - Fact
125 people in the Pentagon died on September 11th - Fact
There are multiple eye witnesses who saw a plane A.) flying very low B.)toward the Pentagon and eventually C.) hit the building - Fact
There are photos of airplane wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon - Fact
What hasn't been vetted?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:10 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:Just be honest (I know, asking a lot of a two-bit ambulance chaser),
I'm a criminal defense atty you fucking twit.
do you ever plan on answering the question I've asked you now in 3 different posts?
Which questions is that? What's on tapes? Now why the fuck would I want to know what is on the tapes if I already knew what happened?
Flight 77 took off from Dulles and didn't arive in Los Angles - Fact
64 people, including 6 crew, died on September 11th - Fact
125 people in the Pentagon died on September 11th - Fact
There are multiple eye witnesses who saw a plane A.) flying very low B.)toward the Pentagon and eventually C.) hit the building - Fact
There are photos of airplane wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon - Fact
What hasn't been vetted?
Where are the 70 bodies?
Where are the transcripts of the eyewitness' court testimony?
I have shown many times that some of the plane parts were not even from a 757-223.
You really need to up your game if you are going to have any chance of not sounding like a tard.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:28 pm
by Killian
What 70 bodies? 189 people died at the Pentagon that day, 64 of which were on the plane. Be more specific.
You still haven't said what you think happened. Based on what you've window licked together just today, it's safe to assume that you believe that a 757 did not hit the Pentagon. And now the only way eyewitness accounts are reliable is if they happen in court? Of course.
In the time frame from when "X" hit the Pentagon until the first camera showed up, someone planted evidence of a plane that didn't happen to be a 757? So the people that pulled this off are smart enough to convince millions that a 757 hit the Pentagon, but too dumb to realize that some of their planted evidence didn't fit with their operation? And you haven't shown shit.
A criminal defense attorney? No need to be fancy, just say you're a public defender. No shame in a $100k+ student loan debt and a $35k salary. I guess.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:33 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:What 70 bodies? 189 people died at the Pentagon that day, 64 of which were on the plane. Be more specific.
My bad. 64bodies. Where are they?
And now the only way eyewitness accounts are reliable is if they happen in court?
It adds to there reliability because they are subject to cross examination yes.
In the time frame from when "X" hit the Pentagon until the first camera showed up, someone planted evidence of a plane that didn't happen to be a 757?
Who said that?
So the people that pulled this off are smart enough to convince millions that a 757 hit the Pentagon, but too dumb to realize that some of their planted evidence didn't fit with their operation? And you haven't shown shit.
How do you explain that the parts don't match?
A criminal defense attorney? No need to be fancy, just say you're a public defender. No shame in a $100k+ student loan debt and a $35k salary. I guess.
I paid my way thru law school and make more that 35K. What do you do for a living?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:51 pm
by Killian
Not sure. My guess is that they were in parts, spread out over the crash site as happens after a plane crash. Forensics positively identified 184 of the 189 victims of the Pentagon crash. Even if you assume that all 5 that weren’t identified came from the plane, 59 of the 64 victims were positively ID’d.
This was funny:
In the time frame from when "X" hit the Pentagon until the first camera showed up, someone planted evidence of a plane that didn't happen to be a 757?
Who said that?
And then:
So the people that pulled this off are smart enough to convince millions that a 757 hit the Pentagon, but too dumb to realize that some of their planted evidence didn't fit with their operation? And you haven't shown shit.
How do you explain that the parts don't match?
When were they planted? Officials were on the scene almost immediately, and you can see plane wreckage in the lawn while the building is still burning.
Tell us your opinion of what happened. We’ve established that you’re not sure where the bodies are from the flight, and that there was debris inconsistent with that of a 757. So tell us what happened.
Don’t worry about what I do, tiny. I’m not relying on others in my profession to be overbooked or clients that can’t afford anyone else in my line of work.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:50 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Just wondering, "Killian," on whose behalf are you hunkering behind this stodged defense of not only the utterly fatuous 9/11 Commission Report, but apparently the good Warren Commission's bright findings as well?
Are you kidding? That's a rhetorical question, don't worry.
Simply put, Killian, there is not one part of the official 9/11 Commission report that withstands basic scrutiny. Now, I've pointed this out--as though to a row of parking meters--but neither you nor anyone else dares to attempt to defend any part.
Now, you suggest that there are many eyewitnesses to the supposed "flight 77" as it cruised in ground-level and punched a perfect hole through several layers of (recently) reinforced concrete and steel (though for some mysterious reason the wings with their big solid engines didn't make any mark at all on the pentagon walls). But of course these witnesses are actually few and disappeared. In fact we saw only a couple on our television screens and we have no idea who these people were or how valid their claims. Of course the pentagon was completely--as always--monitored by security cameras from dozens of permanent installations on and around the building, and it would stand to reason that of course any incoming 767 (not a 757 as L-Seater would squirmingly remind) would be fully captured on tape. And indeed, as Mover points out, the various videos, tapes, and cameras were in fact all immediately seized and permanently sealed. And apparently, you're okay with this because after all, the official 9/11 Commission report has assured you that it was Hani Hanjour flying flight 77, period. And the fact that he had never flown a jet of any sort, let alone with the learned expertise necessary to execute a (unnecessary) 320-degree turn and cruise in at ground level doesn't deter your blind faith in the 9/11 Commission report.
And...your similar faith-based take on why the black boxes, which the government claims it recovered from "flight 77," have also been permanently sealed?
The idea that the onus of evidence, or burden of proof is somehow upon the people pointing out the outrageous and galling concealing and stifling of evidence by the government is of course ludicrous. Can you imagine applying this standard in any other possible scenario?
Who are you and why are you defending an obvious lie?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:50 pm
by Killian
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What , is this a lame joke, Willers?
So what if a small jet is "atomized"? At least you've got an actual video of the impact. Where's the same video from the pentagon--and why is the government sealing it permanently? And what about the other two thousand major holes in the official story?
And who the fuck was that fake little running bunny named "Killian" whop can't defend anything either?
Seriously, are you guys really so completely surrounded, surrendered, and hiding? Trying to escape while disguised as parking meters? Jeez, the actual perps of 9/11 must really appreciate your total simpering cowardice.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:09 pm
by Killian
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:05 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Oh, here's the lil' bunny now. What's up you fake coward? Any ideas on why no tests were allowed on the mountain of crumpled metal at ground zero? Any ideas on the obvious controlled demolition of the three WTC towers and the various policemen and firefighters who claimed they clearly heard explosions in the basement of WTC 7? Any comical insights as to Hani Hanjour who could barely fly a Cessna, but supposedly flew a Boeing 757 with the expertise of a fighter pilot?
C'mon out, you lil' bunny and I'll make you into a pair of fluffy slippers.
Where ya hidin'?
Ya see, this small neat hole in the steel-reinforced concrete wall of the pentagon is not in any way consistent with a 767 ramming into it. Why? For starters, the massive engines would have caused damage as well as the fuselage. Why was there not a scratch on the wall where the engines would have struck? C'mon you lil' scared bunny, it's time to skin you and make you into something useful.

Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:11 am
by Goober McTuber
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's up you fake coward?
A fake coward?

Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:43 am
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, Willers, an F4 is also a fraction of the weight of a 767. And again...why weren't there ANY signs of damage on the pentagon walls where those huge 767 engines supposedly smashed into them at over 400 mph? What the fuck? How can you possibly hide your head in the sand with the assurance of some pentagon suit who offers no videos, photos, or anything in the way of actual evidence? Look at that hole in the photo provided and try to tell yourself it was caused by a 767.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:13 am
by LTS TRN 2
You're properly shocked at the realization..and that's okay.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:45 pm
by Left Seater
LTS wrote:Blah blah blah 767, blah blah, 767, blah blah 767, blah 767.
The fact that you refuse to even use the correct type of equipment proves you to just be trolling.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:57 pm
by Moving Sale
Moving Sale wrote:Left Seater wrote:What a reach. The government didn't release video footage of the event, so clearly Bush is involved.
No wonder you stick to defending DWI losers.
Lean to read. Took them. They took them from people who owned it and now only the spooks can watch it. You making me scared to fly. The three dumbest people on this board (u, duhron and the tranny) are all pilots.
WTF is up with that?
So do you think the fact that Arron Hernandez destroyed cc tapes is evidience? Or are you really too stupid to know the spooks took peoples cc tapes?
I'll just leave this right here for you LS.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:58 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote:
Don’t worry about what I do...
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:45 pm
by Left Seater
Moving Sale wrote:Moving Sale wrote:Left Seater wrote:What a reach. The government didn't release video footage of the event, so clearly Bush is involved.
No wonder you stick to defending DWI losers.
Lean to read. Took them. They took them from people who owned it and now only the spooks can watch it.
You making me scared to fly. The three dumbest people on this board (u, duhron and the tranny) are all pilots.
WTF is up with that?
So do you think the fact that Arron Hernandez destroyed cc tapes is
evidience? Or are you really too stupid to know the spooks took peoples cc tapes?
I'll just leave this right here for you LS.
Our master plan to keep you in CA is working then, since you are afraid to fly. But even better is you calling people dumb while proving you have no grasp of the English language.
Ok, so the spooks took peoples cc tapes. If there was anything on those tapes other than a 757 you don't think a single one of them would have spoken out? Tommy, the owner of a tire shop has a cc tape of a missile flying over his shop trailing a piece of the TWA 800 wreckage, seconds before the pentagon is hit. Tommy watches said tape and shortly thereafter spooks show up and take this tape of his. Tommy then hears all of the government lies about it being a 757 and says nothing?
You really are crazy.
This works nicely with your A Hernandez question as well. First, one would expect an attorney to be able to spell evidence correctly. That aside, the fact he destroyed the tapes is evidence, not proof. But if Tommy the tire guy saw something other than a 757 why wouldn't he or any of the other 100s of people with confiscated tapes or cell phone videos say a single word? Easy, if their tapes and videos show a 757 then there isn't anything to say. On the other hand if it wasn't a 757 you really expect hundreds of folks to keep their mouth shut.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:06 pm
by Moving Sale
Left Seater wrote:
But even better is you calling people dumb while proving you have no grasp of the English language.
Typosmack? You're really going to go there?
If there was anything on those tapes other than a 757 you don't think a single one of them would have spoken out?
No I don't. You can read right? They are fucking spooks they keep secrets for a living. YOU saying you can't believe it is proof of nothing other than that you are stupid.
Tommy watches said tape and shortly thereafter spooks show up and take this tape of his.
Who said anybody watched the tapes. Do you just make shit up to make yourself look dumb or are you really this stupid?
You really are crazy.
If you are so fucking sane then riddle me this. Why take the tapes if they show 77 hitting the pentagon?
First, one would expect an attorney to be able to spell evidence correctly.
So you are going to double down on typosmack?
That aside, the fact he destroyed the tapes is evidence, not proof.
I never said it was proof dolt, but it is evidence. As is the fact that the gov took the tapes. AGAIN, WHY? Why take them and hide them if they prove 77 hit the pentagon?
But if Tommy the tire guy saw something other than a 757 why wouldn't he or any of the other 100s of people with confiscated tapes or cell phone videos say a single word?
How the fuck do I know. Who says he watched them? Why do you make shit up?
On the other hand if it wasn't a 757 you really expect hundreds of folks to keep their mouth shut.
Hundreds? Now its hundreds of people. You just make shit up to fit your own little fantasy world don't you? Look you can say you don't believe people would cover this up. That's fine. Say it all you want, but it is proof of nothing. People keep secrets all the time.
Why did they take the tapes?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:24 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Left Seater wrote:LTS wrote:Blah blah blah 767, blah blah, 767, blah blah 767, blah 767.
The fact that you refuse to even use the correct type of equipment proves you to just be trolling.
You parsing little weasel, how dare you hunker behind a simple and meaningless mistake? As though the fact of flight 11 being a 767 and not flight 77 means a damn thing.
Explain the small hole without the accompanying engine damage on the pentagon walls, you total fraud.
Your niggling reminds one of a bratty little punk. And that's you, right?
You've had your as handed to you served up like an In 'n Out burger, and you still haven;t even dared to actually say you defend any part of the palsied offical 9/11 Commission report. That's called scoreboard, you tedious wad.
And yes, Willers, the obvious controlled demolition of WTC 7 is as clear as any evidence a rational person should need to know the official story is a lie. But the other two towers were also felled in controlled fashion. And the "flight 77" (yes, a 757, fuck off) remains a complete bullshit coverup as well. Where's the pics and vids? Where's the engine damage on the walls?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:58 pm
by Killian
Moving Sale wrote:Killian wrote:
Don’t worry about what I do...
Look everyone, Tiny found the keyboard again!
Props to you, lil guy! Someone take it down off the high shelf for you?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:34 pm
by Moving Sale
So you are, apparently, much much taller than 5-9 and yet you are a scared little pussy. Oh you have the balls to fuck with me about the fact that I have a JD and a bar license, but you are not yet ready to tell us about how you hustle cock on street corners for money. Why are you so very tall and yet so very scared?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:40 pm
by Killian
Not scared at all, Spud. I got one guy who wants to spreadsheet all of my info, I don't need another. Nor is what I do for a living germane to this conversation. So you can think whatever you like for my profession, Muggsy, while you continue to hitch your mini wagon to the biggest loon on the board.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:43 pm
by Atomic Punk
Moving Sale wrote:So you are, apparently, much much taller than 5-9 and yet you are a scared little pussy. Oh you have the balls to fuck with me about the fact that I have a JD and a bar license, but you are not yet ready to tell us about how you hustle cock on street corners for money. Why are you so very tall and yet so very scared?
The "fact" is you aren't 5' 9" unless you wear platform shoes when defending refuse at the courthouse.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:47 pm
by Moving Sale
Killian wrote: Nor is what I do for a living germane to this conversation.
Nor is mine. Lights yet tard?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:48 pm
by Moving Sale
Atomic Punk wrote:Moving Sale wrote:
The "fact" is you aren't 5' 9" unless you wear platform shoes when defending refuse at the courthouse.
We have been thru this, you just think I'm 5-2 because you were wearing pumps when you saw me.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:51 pm
by Left Seater
Who watched the tapes? Oh, so the government just happened to know of every business and individual that had CC recording system or was pointing a camera or phone at the AA 757? And on top of that the person pointing the camera or cell phone clearly didn't watch what they were filming.
You two sharing a brain is comical. You have zero facts or proof and yet claim you are the only sane individuals. What a world of make believe you live in. Mr Rodgers would be proud.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:52 pm
by Atomic Punk
Moving Sale wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:Moving Sale wrote:
The "fact" is you aren't 5' 9" unless you wear platform shoes when defending refuse at the courthouse.
We have been thru this, I'm 5-2 because you were wearing pumps when you saw me.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:55 pm
by Killian
Moving Sale wrote:Killian wrote: Nor is what I do for a living germane to this conversation.
Nor is mine. Lights yet tard?
Oh, yours most certainly is. You are an admitted lawyer, yet you can't answer a question, can't support your points, can't debate your way out of a paper bag, and constantly get your tinly little ass paddled by people on here who aren't
attorneys public defenders.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:23 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What is is this? Are you guys are pretending to have a cat-fight so you don't have to examine your asses turned inside out with direct evidence of a fake "flight 77" attack on the pentagon?
L-seater, what is this sputtered gibberish? The simple question is Why Were All Of The Video Tapes Impounded And Permanently Sealed? Well? Instead you sound like you're having a panic attack.
Left Seater wrote:Who watched the tapes? Oh, so the government just happened to know of every business and individual that had CC recording system or was pointing a camera or phone at the AA 757? And on top of that the person pointing the camera or cell phone clearly didn't watch what they were filming.
You two sharing a brain is comical. You have zero facts or proof and yet claim you are the only sane individuals. What a world of make believe you live in. Mr Rodgers would be proud.
Why wasn't there any damage from the large heavy engines slamming into the pentagon walls at 400 mph? Well?
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:36 pm
by Left Seater
We have been over this tard.
You do understand the winds are swept back from perpendicular relative to the fuselage? Also the wings are extremely strong along a vertical force axis, ie the "z" plane, but not nearly so much along the "x" or "y" axis. In fact the wing faces very little stress that wants to pull it away from the main body of the plane.
This all adds up to the wings separating from the fuselage right at the wing root fairing as soon as that part hits the bldg. The wings then are pulled inside the original hole made by the cockpit.
See also the holes from the heavy bomber hitting the ESB in NYC. See also holes of other planes fired into bldgs.
Re: Why I Fist Bump 9/11
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:41 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Left Seater wrote:We have been over this tard.
The wings then are pulled inside the original hole made by the cockpit.
This officially qualifies as the most ludicrous and desperate attempt to bullshit oneself and others. You cannot possibly be serious in suggesting this nonsense. You are in obvious denial and are essentially curled in a fetal position. Good luck, because you are really fucked.