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Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:25 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
schmick wrote:There was a time when MARS/Groove was also on my car stereos presets but that station was cool for a bit twice and both times in less than a year it changed format, the first time to something called jazz
Something called jazz? Now I know you're trolling.
Because if you don't know what jazz is...
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:39 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
That's fine schmickles, let us know when you've graduated from high school and we'll get back to you.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:49 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jay in Phoenix wrote:And what you said is more or less part of my point as well. There is music out there that goes back hundreds of years that I not only know of, but still listen to. My music library wouldn't be the same without Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, or even a Debussy, Ravel or Chopin.
Huge Big Daddy Wags fan here.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:01 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Goober McTuber wrote:Huge Big Daddy Wags fan here.
War Wagon is a composer...? Who knew?
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:03 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:Huge Big Daddy Wags fan here.
War Wagon is a composer...? Who knew?
That would be Whitey Wags. And you can drop the "com" part.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:09 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Still, the fact that you're a fan is quite telling Goober.
How do you feel about forklifts and the Royals? Is Bud for you? IKYABWAI?
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:13 pm
by Goober McTuber
You're easily cornfused, Jay in Phonics. I said I was a fan of the composer, Big Daddy Wags; not the forklifting poser, Whitey Wags. Let me know if I need to draw you a picture.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:20 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
noun: sarcasm; plural noun: sarcasms
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
"his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing; More
Let me know what part of that easily confuses you Goobs.
You can find your sense of humor in your jocular vein. Cut deep Goober, cut verrrry deep.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:02 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
In the meantime, I've tried to find any reference to a "Big Daddy Wags", and the only thing that is close is for Mark Wagner, some Cincinnati sports honk who died a couple of years ago.
That would make him a decomposer instead.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sorry, Jay, but with a dim bulb like yourself, it's often hard to tell whather you're being sarcastic or just confused. You weren't very funny back in the Honksville days. Some things never change.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:09 pm
by Goober McTuber
Big Daddy Wags, or just Daddy Wags, was Leon Wagner. Played for the Indians when I was a kid in Ohio. And you've never heard of a composer named Wagner? Way to tard up another thread.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:16 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Goober, are you really that fucking stupid? Honksville?
Sorry bud, but I never participated in that board, don't know who the hell Jay Hanks or Honks is or was, nor do I care.
And if you want the purest definition of what isn't funny, take a good long look in the mirror.
Your act has worn as thin as the tissue paper Kid Gashspill used to wipe his bloody tuchus.
Back away from yourself and lighten the fuck up.
btw...Big Daddy Wags is also a micro brew company out of Illinois as well. And of course I've heard of Wagner you retard. He was just never ever called "Big Daddy". You're just too idiotic for words.
And schmick, I've said from the beginning 'to each his own'. But it's one thing to have your own individual taste. It's quite another to be culturally locked up in a little box of ignorance.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:31 pm
by Goober McTuber
You never participated in the Honksville hijinks? Like when we visited TNW and other sundry little boards where Nostra and ML hung out? Whatever.
Thanks for the IKYABWAI blast. That was hilarious.
You don’t like my act? Change your fucking station. I’m here to amuse one person and their name ain’t “Jay”.
Yeah, I knew Richard Wagner was never called “Big Daddy”. Sorry you couldn’t put 2 and 2 together re: Wagner and Wagner.
In closing, go fuck yourself.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:46 pm
by Goober McTuber
Sudden Sam wrote:Damn, Goobs. I remember Leon Wagner and I like Tannhauser...and I never put the two together.
That's what happens when you stop exercising your mind, Pilgrim. You lose your mental agility.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:46 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
No Goober, I never visited Honksville. I knew all about nostra, m.j. and ml and company, but it wasn't my thing. The fact that you go back that far and don't remember who did what or who played which troll is pretty funny. You are old aren't you?
Got senility?
And it isn't so much that I don't like your act my friend, it's that NOBODY likes it. So go right on and "amuse" yourself to your hearts content. Watch out for the hair on your sweaty palms though.
And putting Wagner the composer with Wagner the ballplayer might have actually worked better if you left out the Big Daddy part.
Your ongoing sense of the clueless knows no bounds.
Take care Goobs. Take your meds and see your doctor.
Mental health is a serious issue.
Take two cyanide caps and don't call us in the mourning.
Adios pendejo.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:54 pm
by Mikey
Goober McTuber wrote:Big Daddy Wags, or just Daddy Wags, was Leon Wagner. Played for the Indians when I was a kid in Ohio. And you've never heard of a composer named Wagner? Way to tard up another thread.
So you like large women wearing helmets with horns on them?
When it comes to opera I'll take Mozart or the various wops over Wags.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:55 pm
by Derron
Sudden Sam wrote: each his own. Carry on, schmickety.
You expect more from a fucking moron who admits he only listened to one radio station all his life ? Only one radio station pretty much precludes any records, CD's, mp3's or any other type of music delivery.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:58 pm
by Derron
schmick wrote: Thats why we have head phones, not only do I wear them in public so people dont talk to me, I wear them because I dont like most music.
Keep wearing those headphone, especially in the hood. That way it is a lot easier for somebody to roll up on you and stick a shank in your neck,and steal the $ 1.39 in your man purse.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:59 pm
by Goober McTuber
Oh sure, Jay, I should remember what each and every person posted on a message board 10 years ago. And now you speak for everyone. Well aren't you special?
On second thought, I should have told you to un-fuck yourself.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:02 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:Big Daddy Wags, or just Daddy Wags, was Leon Wagner. Played for the Indians when I was a kid in Ohio. And you've never heard of a composer named Wagner? Way to tard up another thread.
So you like large women wearing helmets with horns on them?
What's not to like? I pretend they're Viking fans and picture grudge-fucking them in their arse.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:05 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Goober, YOU are the one that keeps bringing up Honksville, acting like you know the whole damn history. And I will repeat, ad infinitum, I never posted there. I am not speaking for everyone. I don't know anything about the board or its history. I know the posters you mentioned, and I know they were part of it, but I was not. Figure that out for crying out loud.
Pull your damn head out of your asshole. Figure out what the fuck you're talking about before you hit submit. It helps with clarity and cognition.
Now go ahead and live up to your "last word whore" title with yet another non-witty non-sequitor.
After all, you've earned it.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:24 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
You know schmick, I was going to link you up to a site that features the top 15 jazz artists and samples of their works. But it is pretty clear you aren't down with classic jazz. That's actually ok, not everyone is. But what about modern examples like Chick Corea or Herbie Hancock? They are a lot more accessible for a newer ear and have some commercial viability. Hell, you've probably heard Hancock's "Rockit", as it was a huge hit on MTV in the day.
Can't hurt to check 'em out.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:25 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Goober, YOU are the one that keeps bringing up Honksville, acting like you know the whole damn history. And I will repeat, ad infinitum, I never posted there. I am not speaking for everyone. I don't know anything about the board or its history. I know the posters you mentioned, and I know they were part of it, but I was not. Figure that out for crying out loud.
I have not mentioned Honksville again since you said you never went there. Take a couple deep breaths there, Corky. You’re liable to pop a vein.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:44 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Goober McTuber wrote:I have not mentioned Honksville again since you said you never went there. Take a couple deep breaths there, Corky. You’re liable to pop a vein.
Well then Goober, you are either a liar (and a bad one) or really just senile. This very thread is proof of that. A couple of weeks ago you took a similar weak Honksville shot in another thread. And then you repeat it here. So which is it Goobs, are you lying or stupid? I would recommend taking a couple of deep breaths yourself, but as you are afflicted with rectal-cranial inversion, that might be a bit prohibitive.
I'm not sure why you've taken to putting a target on your old, fat ass, but it is clear you get off on having it kicked. And before you let loose with a rejoinder about that, keep in mind...
everyone here is doing it to you. You might want to fall back a bit, reassess what you're doing and give it rest for, oh say...forever?
Just like the Stones, time ain't on your side either.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:58 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Goober McTuber wrote:I have not mentioned Honksville again since you said you never went there. Take a couple deep breaths there, Corky. You’re liable to pop a vein.
Well then Goober, you are either a liar (and a bad one) or really just senile. This very thread is proof of that. A couple of weeks ago you took a similar weak Honksville shot in another thread. And then you repeat it here. So which is it Goobs, are you lying or stupid? I would recommend taking a couple of deep breaths yourself, but as you are afflicted with rectal-cranial inversion, that might be a bit prohibitive.
I'm not sure why you've taken to putting a target on your old, fat ass
Perhaps you need to re-read this thread.
I have not mentioned Honksville to you since you stated in this thread that you never went there. So I’m not sure why you went off on a sputtering rant about your concern that I keep bringing up Honksville. Just let it go.
I only put a target on my ass so you’d know where to place your bloodied lips.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:16 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
So then, we'll go with liar and call it a day. It would be too cruel to go with senile, though I suspect that it is closer to the truth.
Why would I have mentioned Honksville if YOU hadn't brought it up in the first place? Point one.
Point two, it was by no means a rant, just an observation. You'll know a rant from me when you see one. The Beatles thread comes to mind.
Point three is I have let it go, and would never talk about it if you hadn't gone there in the first place and then went back again.
Really Goober, check your meds. And dust off your memory, it's rusting.
Finally bud, when you actually develop a sense of humor, beyond your own self flagellation, let us know.
Bésame el culo viejo.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:38 pm
by Goober McTuber
Jay in Phoenix wrote:So then, we'll go with liar and call it a day. It would be too cruel to go with senile, though I suspect that it is closer to the truth.
Why would I have mentioned Honksville if YOU hadn't brought it up in the first place? Point one.
Point two, it was by no means a rant, just an observation. You'll know a rant from me when you see one. The Beatles thread comes to mind.
Point three is I have let it go, and would never talk about it if you hadn't gone there in the first place and then went back again.
Really Goober, check your meds. And dust off your memory, it's rusting.
Finally bud, when you actually develop a sense of humor, beyond your own self flagellation, let us know.
Bésame el culo viejo.
I mentioned Honksville (and other boards which apparently don't upset you), you insisted you never went to Honksville, I replied to you (NOT mentioning Honkskville again), and then you went into your
rant tirade about how I keep bringing up Honksville.
You really have a difficult time following along. When your teachers tried to explain things in school and you got lost, did you just call them liars, and stop paying attention? That would explain a lot.
My sense of humor works just fine. And yes, I’m laughing at you, not with you.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:51 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Go ahead Goobs, stick to your story. If your banal attempt at justifying your own redundancies work for you, so be it.
Hell, we've both reached a point of diminishing returns with this circle jerk anyway. Enough.
I'm good to call it a day here and let others return to talking about music.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:07 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Jeebus Sam, I feel your pain. That is horrible, even by kid movie soundtrack standards.
Ear muffs Sam, ear muffs.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:34 pm
by BSmack
My favorite all time Honksville story was when I was in Arizona at Skelly's. Skelly had a huge problem with Jay H@nks. Well one night we got a bit liquored up and Skelly started ranting about H@nks. Skelly thought H@nks was trying to undermine Elba and he was fucking pissed. So pissed that he started talking about making a run up to Vegas, finding H@nk's crib and planting some narcotics in the house. I just went along with the drunken weirdness figuring Skelly would never waste good drugs when he could sell it to his buddies. When we woke up the the next day, all was forgotten.
Flash forward a few months later. I'm back in the ROC and Skelly is slinging dope in Tempe. I made mention of Skelly's threat to H@nks just for laughs about what a paranoid fuckjob Skelly could be. H@nks reply floored me. He offered me my choice of an NFL player jersey for the info I had passed along to him. I passed. For some reason, profiting from all that seemed a bit much.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:47 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
I gotta say Brian, you have had an interesting history with Skelly, to say the least. As I told Goober, I never took part in Honksville, so I never got into the whole history of how it related to Elba or TNW or any other board. I do remember hearing that Skelly and Egoboner were pretty odd ducks. Kind of happy to have avoided the drama, even if I missed out some funny stories.
They were occasionally humorous on SC1, but that was about it.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:58 pm
by BSmack
Jay in Phoenix wrote:I gotta say Brian, you have had an interesting history with Skelly, to say the least. As I told Goober, I never took part in Honksville, so I never got into the whole history of how it related to Elba or TNW or any other board. I do remember hearing that Skelly and Egoboner were pretty odd ducks. Kind of happy to have avoided the drama, even if I missed out some funny stories.
They were occasionally humorous on SC1, but that was about it.
The thing about Elba was that the drama got personal and quite real. I learned a few things. I'll still meet folks if things work out. But taking serious things that are said on chat? No way. It wasn't the smack that did those places in, it was the IRC and AIM chats that were going on in conjunction with the boards. But hey, my trip to AZ was a blast. I saw RoidRod hit an HR at BankOne and 2 weeks later saw Sosa hit a granny (while also on roids). I had a blast on Mill Ave, drove through Salt River and Cedar canyons and saw things I likely would have never gotten to see otherwise. So I rate it as a great learning experience in my life, even if it did come with a side of weird and fucked up.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:10 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Indeed. Taking anything seriously on chat is beyond silly. Never got that. Threats and fights and crap? Dumb.
Glad you took the best out of the experience and moved on, as it appears that Skelly has not.
Drop a line if you ever find yourself out this way again.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:03 am
by War Wagon
jeez, I drop back into this thread and find myself in the middle of a slap fest I did nothing to instigate... and Goobs calling me a "poser".
Whatever, your opinion of me doesn't matter. You've been riding my jock since day one of T1B's inception. I came to the conclusion that you just like being an over bearing asshole towards just about everyone, not just me. And you're good at it. Props, I guess.
Btw, copying an entire post
right above your feeble rejoinder, like you did a page earlier and are wont to do, stamps "idiot" on your post before typing a word, just like proudly admitting you wax your balls did. What, you have short term memory loss from 20 minutes ago and need to see the words right in front of your sloped forehead in order to properly respond?
Well, that's not working either. Here's a clue. Hit "quote" and then "preview" before mashing submit. Check your words as best you can but when you plainly see that nobody else has responded in the interim of your synapses firing on the level of a two cycle engine, feel free to wipe out the quoted part.
That's probably too much to ask of an idiot like you, but give it a try anyway. That said, I fully expect you to quote this entire post with your response because you don't believe in the old axiom:
It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
In closing, go wax your pubes, you bitter old cunt.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:11 am
by Derron
I will just go ahead and rack this war between Jay and Goobles. Been a long time since a thread was worth reading each blast, and getting a couple of laughs out of it. The Honksville feud is awesome. 10 year old smack refreshed is still as bad as the day it went down.
Also Bri's spread sheet needs a rack. You cannot possibly have retained that much knowledge about inane internet flame boards. Fucking impossible. You had to have wrote this shit down, maybe in hopes of just this day ??
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:45 am
by Wolfman
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:33 pm
by Goober McTuber
War Wagon wrote:Btw, copying an entire post right above your feeble rejoinder, like you did a page earlier and are wont to do, stamps "idiot" on your post before typing a word, just like proudly admitting you wax your balls did. What, you have short term memory loss from 20 minutes ago and need to see the words right in front of your sloped forehead in order to properly respond?
So sorry, Whitey. I glanced at the post count before I replied and assumed that I was going to the top of the next page, which is the only reason I would quote an entire post above mine. I apologize for offending your tender smack sensibilities. How will you ever recover?
And just for Jay:
How do you think he does it?
I don't know!
What makes him so dull?
Ain't got no distractions
can't read a simple thread,
don't see the facts a flashin'
must be part braindead.
Always gets the reply,
never seen him bail,
that dumb fucking Jaybird
sure ain’t afraid to fail.
I thought I was
the last word fucking king.
But I just handed
my last word crown to him.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:41 pm
by BSmack
Sad to say, this is now my son's favorite movie. But it gets worse. There is also a Netflix TV show based on these slimy freaks. It is called Turbo F.A.S.T, and it is WAY more in your face obnoxious than the movie. I am in hell. Save me Pervious and Quadravision.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:04 pm
by Goober McTuber
BSmack wrote:My favorite all time Honksville story was when I was in Arizona at Skelly's. Skelly had a huge problem with Jay H@nks. Well one night we got a bit liquored up and Skelly started ranting about H@nks. Skelly thought H@nks was trying to undermine Elba and he was fucking pissed. So pissed that he started talking about making a run up to Vegas, finding H@nk's crib and planting some narcotics in the house. I just went along with the drunken weirdness figuring Skelly would never waste good drugs when he could sell it to his buddies. When we woke up the the next day, all was forgotten.
Flash forward a few months later. I'm back in the ROC and Skelly is slinging dope in Tempe. I made mention of Skelly's threat to H@nks just for laughs about what a paranoid fuckjob Skelly could be. H@nks reply floored me. He offered me my choice of an NFL player jersey for the info I had passed along to him. I passed. For some reason, profiting from all that seemed a bit much.
HØNKSVILLE where are they now:
Jay Hanks was the only person I ever actually met face to face from any of the boards. A bit of an odd duck to say the least. Last I knew, he found religion and was hosting a religious website. He sold
We all lost track of Vern, sad to say. He would set up an entire website, just to make fun of a stranger he encountered at HØNKSVILLE. Like the Troy Portman Gay Packerfan website.
Found G-man (a white man pretending to be black) on an obscure Latino message board a few years back and tried to lure him over here. But G-man always needed backup. He was weak.
Mr. Krappy died. He was my favorite. RIP.
Siggy/Craven Morehead was the absolute weirdest motherfucker this side of And from what I understood, that wasn’t just an internet persona. ~shudder~
I used to see Uncle Fester posting once in a while on a local board based here in Madison. He took a radical turn and became a political conservative. Or maybe he was just trolling.
The poster formerly known as “B” moved from board to board, posting at TNW, and then here, as Mr. Bushice. I’m guessing he also died.
I remember we invaded a short-lived board that Derron and some others posted at, using proxy servers in Czechoslovakia or Bulgaria. They all thought they been hacked by some Eastern European internet terrorists.
Made a few visits to The Vent Online.
I believe we were responsible for Elba changing its url twice. Margaritaville was absolute hoot.
We were downright childish at times.
Re: We're talkin' Rock & Roll
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:40 pm
by Smackie Chan
Goober McTuber wrote:We were downright childish at times.