It's official--Trump posts here

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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Softball Bat »

I thought I always make sense.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote:I thought I always make sense.

Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by smackaholic »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:Image
Let's leave smackaholic's backyard out of this, okay?
Sorry, but I see neither extension cords nor feral ornamental grasses in this pic. Also, wayyyyyy too many colored folks.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by smackaholic »

BSmack wrote:Kind of fucked up when Pop-Tart is the voice of reason on the right. I don't think anybody on this board would trade where they live right now for any place in Haiti, but only a first class cock would actually give voice to those kinds of sentiments as the President of the United States.
Had TGOF stood at a podium in front of TV cameras and declared various shitholes, shitholes, I could understand people taking offense.

But, he didn't do that.

He was talking to a handful of politicians discussing this issue.

Imagine if you were a fly on the wall in similar meetings between Presidents and congressional 'leaders'. I would bet you'd hear a lot worse. How many times you figure LBJ let fly the N bomb in such a setting? The difference is back then there was some sense of honor/decency. They knew there was a difference between what you can say amongst the boys behind closed doors and what you say in public. Unfortunately those days are gone.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

Softball Bat wrote:
Derron wrote:
schmick wrote:As if, "he's right" isn't more than enough defense needed by anybody.

That's what's wrong with libshits, they'd rather be polite than correct. Fuck those shit hole countries, fuck everyone from those countries and mother fuck sanctimonious libshit cocksuckers who demand someone be polite over correct.
schmicks takes are usually a bit much, but in order to pour gas on the Shit Slinging Monkeys and their liberal pussy dripping bullshit takes...RACK THE FUCK OUT OF SCHMICKS TAKE.
You are an incredibly foolish person.

There are SO many reasons why Don's comments were stupid and counter-productive -- and they are so basic and easy that even a young child would undertand them.

The U.S. has embassadors and diplomats scattered around the world in these various countries that Trump casually and crassly disparaged.
They wake up one morning and see look at the news and... "My president said WHAT??"

Good grief.

We have troops in many of these countries.
We are working hand-in-hand with these countries.
Do you think Don's actions enhance things?

It's quite scary, but Don is the leader of the free world.

Do you know anything at all about leadership??

Evidently not.
You are way over extending yourself thinking that myself or anybody else on here really gives a flying rats ass fuck about your completely fucked up view of this or any other geopolitical event. Other than to laugh incessantly at where you dream this shit up from.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Felix »

88 wrote:Your takes, while predictable, do not address the substance of the immigration issue. So I will present it to you succinctly:

What should the immigration policy of this nation be at this time, and why?

Here is my take (to be fair):

A sovereign nation such as the United States is not required to permit anyone not presently a citizen of the United States to enter the country and become a citizen. It should only do so if adding new citizens to the nation benefits the nation (or if there are humanitarian reasons that compel the United States to act notwithstanding the absence of any benefit). I acknowledge that there are reasons why a sovereign nation such as the United States might want to encourage immigration and grant citizenship to immigrants at various times. Examples might include the need for a particular type of labor, or the need to settle swaths of territory that are largely uninhabited and therefore undefended. These reasons tend to change over time. And the immigration laws must change to account for changing times. For example, if technological improvements reduce the demand for unskilled labor, and the unemployment rate for large populations of unskilled labor already in the country becomes too high (thereby suppressing their wages and resulting in poverty etc.), it would be counterproductive to the health and well-being of the citizens of the nation to have immigration policies that encourage large populations of unskilled labor to immigrate to the country and become citizens. In that circumstance, it would be appropriate to have policies that favor immigration by people who can benefit the economy and the health and prosperity of the current citizens of the country. Furthermore, regardless of anyone's particular position on immigration, there must be strong border security, which is enforced. Absent border security and enforcement, immigration policy is a joke. And it has been a joke for decades and decades. It is time to fix it.
you know it's interesting because my sons wife's father has a rather large farming operation in the Indianapolis/Cincinnati area and he had a really difficult time finding people to work. The immigrants were afraid and no one between the ages of 16 and 19 would work the time or labor to work in a hard industry for much better money then they'd make at McDonalds.They disdain farm labor and as such, there was a large shortage of competent farming employees.....

so much for the "taking jobs away from Americans" horseshit....
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by BSmack »

Felix wrote:
88 wrote:Your takes, while predictable, do not address the substance of the immigration issue. So I will present it to you succinctly:

What should the immigration policy of this nation be at this time, and why?

Here is my take (to be fair):

A sovereign nation such as the United States is not required to permit anyone not presently a citizen of the United States to enter the country and become a citizen. It should only do so if adding new citizens to the nation benefits the nation (or if there are humanitarian reasons that compel the United States to act notwithstanding the absence of any benefit). I acknowledge that there are reasons why a sovereign nation such as the United States might want to encourage immigration and grant citizenship to immigrants at various times. Examples might include the need for a particular type of labor, or the need to settle swaths of territory that are largely uninhabited and therefore undefended. These reasons tend to change over time. And the immigration laws must change to account for changing times. For example, if technological improvements reduce the demand for unskilled labor, and the unemployment rate for large populations of unskilled labor already in the country becomes too high (thereby suppressing their wages and resulting in poverty etc.), it would be counterproductive to the health and well-being of the citizens of the nation to have immigration policies that encourage large populations of unskilled labor to immigrate to the country and become citizens. In that circumstance, it would be appropriate to have policies that favor immigration by people who can benefit the economy and the health and prosperity of the current citizens of the country. Furthermore, regardless of anyone's particular position on immigration, there must be strong border security, which is enforced. Absent border security and enforcement, immigration policy is a joke. And it has been a joke for decades and decades. It is time to fix it.
you know it's interesting because my sons wife's father has a rather large farming operation in the Indianapolis/Cincinnati area and he had a really difficult time finding people to work. The immigrants were afraid and no one between the ages of 16 and 19 would work the time or labor to work in a hard industry for much better money then they'd make at McDonalds.They disdain farm labor and as such, there was a large shortage of competent farming employees.....

so much for the "taking jobs away from Americans" horseshit....
They should brand it as a neo-paleolithic workout. Then milenials will pay them to do the work.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

88 wrote:
Felix wrote:
If farm wages have to rise in order to attract and retain workers (which I understand would increase consumer prices), then doesn't that benefit those who are paid farm wages (and others, who would also likely see their wages increase to prevent them from taking those primo farm jobs)?
How is it going to raise consumer prices ?? Farm crops are a first level resource commodity. What the producer pays for labor is not passed on to the consumer since the processors say this is the price we are going to pay you, take it or fuck off. The producer cannot say, oh no, I pay more for wages so I need more money for my crop. The processor returns with no, this is the price take it or fuck off and let your crop rot in the field. Any price increases for food crops always originate at the processor and market level. The farmer gets fucked in every deal.

So the farmer is dictated to by the producer, he has to absorb the increased cost of labor in his cost inputs. The amounts of crops requiring hand labor at the farm level is rapidly decreasing and more of your produce will be imported since the labor cost is so much lower in those countries, and not even " shit hole" countries. The farmers in my area are switching over to crops that can be grown, harvested with minimal hand labor and overall labor requirements. A friend has over 400 acres of blueberries, and cane berries. They let over 40% of the crop in the field for the birds since they could not get it picked. Others are switching to crops where they can pay a few workers $ 20 plus per hour to run machines instead of having crops that require hand harvesting and care.

If you have an insurable drivers license, can make it to work 6 days a week in season and don't mind 12 hour days farming is great. The numbers of people who can do that job is decreasing every year. Farmers and the trades will soon be importing their labor since the millennials will never do that kind of work.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
Moving Sale

Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Moving Sale »

I didn't want to be tied to a desk so I hung out my shingle. Now I am tied to my car, courthouses and prisons. :doh:
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Dinsdale »

88 wrote:If an insufficient number of farmers are able to bring their products to the processor at prices the processor is willing to pay, then there will be a scarcity (low supply), and if the demand stays the same the processor will have nothing to process and nothing to sell unless the processor increases the price he is willing to pay for the farm products. He has no option.
It's a little more complicated than that. Here in Oregon (same with Washington), commercial (Dungeness) crabbing season was to open today. Due to both price bickering and dangerous ocean conditions, no one went out. It usually starts earlier, but due to a late molt, and slow recovery, the crabs weren't full enough to open the season at the usual time. But it looks like the crabbing will be good. Therein lies the rub -- the buyers don't want to pay what the crabbers consider a decent rate (at present, they are offering less than last year). And crabbing isn't a year-round job. The commercials move on to halibut, bottomfish, and salmon later on, and some go to Alaska in summer. Maybe the buyers don't think they'll have quite enough to fully meet demand. Maybe they know the fishing fleet is desperate because they haven't seen a check in a while.

Regardless, it's much easier for the buyer to put the squeeze on small producers than vice-versa. They have larger cash reserves. They can eventually get the small producers to cave by starving them out. Pacific Seafood can be kind of bastards (even as they claim to be such great community members and environmental stewards).

It's not always that cut and dried.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

Farming is a game of economic scale. There are no small farms anymore. If you are not farming 3,000 acres at least, you are poor, working to hard or extremely stupid. Tractors are $ 300,000. Farming 3,000 acres you will go through 1,000 gallons of diesel. You have to have enough equipment to plant or harvest 5% of your total acreage every day. That is fucking expensive.

The cannery says we will pay $ 375 per ton for sweet corn. You hope to hell your production cost is less than that. If you farm 6 crops, you will do well on 2, OK on 2 or 3 and completely lose your ass on one or two. I was at a friends shop for a party last Saturday night and in the shop were farmers totaling about 20,000 acres. Maybe 3 million in net profit, and most of that going for next years operating costs.

Wheat is strictly a commodity set by the futures exchange. There are bright spots, hazelnuts which are effectively grown in the Willamette Valley in Oregon and one area in Turkey which has continual crop failures are bringing up to 1.60 a pound going 3 to 5 ton to the acre> Hershey has said they could buy the entire US production. There have been over 5,000 acres planted in the last year. Even if the price dropped 50% you would still be making good money.

First level producers or resource extractions, farming, logging, mining, rock production are all high volume low margin commodity products with plenty of producers getting ass fucked by the processors. You have to be very good at containing costs and hoping the weather does not fuck you too hard.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

Dinsdale wrote: Pacific Seafood can be kind of bastards (even as they claim to be such great community members and environmental stewards).
Cocksuckers pretty much are a monopoly on seafood processing buying on the West Coast. Last dude I know that was commercial fishing quit about 3 years ago, still a couple family boats we know in Brookings area, but a hard dangerous way to make a living. Plus you have to be a toothless meth freak to be a deckhand.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

88 wrote: Millennials are a pain in every employer's ass. I get kids that show up with a law degree looking for a position in my firm who have never had a job in their life before. As in no fucking job ever. Never worked a day in their life. No paper route. No summer job. No job during school. Never worked in fast food. Nothing. They want six figures to start, and "don't want to be tied to a desk 9-5." Absolutely disgusting.
Can you imagine where this is all going in the next 15 - 20 years ??

I have several income streams, one of which is media marketing, production. This unfortunately puts me in contact with some of these pansy ass morons, who have no work ethic, and are possibly some of the dumbest people I have encountered. My other is residential real estate development. I have to deal with some real estate millennials who think they know more than every body in the world, and have absolutely no listening skills whatsoever. I have to deal with suppliers who have idiots in all positions. I need to go about another 4 years maybe and then I am done in the business world, and not a moment too soon. I can manage my investments and not have to deal with many people.

Millennials are making 150 at 30, building their "dream homes" and taking 2 to 3 out of country trips per year. Lucky fucks have no idea how good they have it. Getting cereal box college degrees from some online diploma mill and not having to attend classes or labs and acting like they are soooo special.

With millennials being in 50% of the work force at this point it will certainly be interesting to see where it all goes. No fucks given though.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

So from what I've gathered, you want everyone to look the same, vote the same, and you want the government to decide everyone's future. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Softball Bat »

schmuck wrote:They are taught how to swing a hammer


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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by BSmack »

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen just said, she wasn't sure if Norway was majority-white. This Administration is so full of shit it's coming out of their ears.
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Moving Sale

Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Moving Sale »

And now Huckster-Sanders is lying about her 2yo son mistakenly ordering a Batman figure from Amazon.
Is there Anything they won't lie about?
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Derron »

schmick wrote:
That's where the Department of Education needs to step in.

You have standardized tests already in place, if a student performs poorly in those standardized tests, you send them to trade schools instead of high schools. Starting in 9th grade the low performers no longer have to worry about Shakespeare or US History, no worrying about geometry and biology. They are taught how to swing a hammer, work a shovel, clean a toilet. In 4 years you have a trained work force to do the jobs that match their skill sets.
And where pray tell are you going to find the teachers to teach those skills ?? In case you have not noticed the vocational training in most schools has been completely eliminated. There is always going to be and always has been a set of students who will not perform at any level. These students don't have the skills to learn trades even if they could be taught.

The schools have different programs to keep these kids in school. Just for the sake that a student means money. They put them in "special programs for students". They do the bare minimum, these slobs roll in late, they leave early, they sling dope on the way to school but the school district still gets $ 5,000 a year per student if they can sign in. Cottage industry.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Goober McTuber »

Papa Willie wrote:Let's go ahead and nip this topic in the butt: ... ialnetwork
I'm sure you had this link in your Favorites.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Joe in PB »

Papa Willie wrote:Let's go ahead and nip this topic in the bud: ... ialnetwork
Wait, that map is incomplete. Madison isn't listed.

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Butkus didn't wear an earring.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Goober McTuber »

Joe in PB wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:Let's go ahead and nip this topic in the bud: ... ialnetwork
Wait, that map is incomplete. Madison isn't listed.
Does PB stand for Parents' Basement?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Joe in PB »

No need to ask, McTuber is obviously what is stuck down your throat.

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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Rooster »

Derron wrote:Farming is a game of economic scale. There are no small farms anymore. If you are not farming 3,000 acres at least, you are poor, working to hard or extremely stupid. Tractors are $ 300,000. Farming 3,000 acres you will go through 1,000 gallons of diesel. You have to have enough equipment to plant or harvest 5% of your total acreage every day. That is fucking expensive.
That is not accurate. While it may be true in some sectors or areas of the country, my brother-in-law, who farms in Minnesota does quite well for himself working anywhere between 800-1500 acres a year. He owns 160 of his own and rents the rest, but has increased the quality of his equipment and storage facilities steadily over the years to the point that his father would have been astonished at how the family business has successfully grown. He raises no animals and sticks to corn, soybeans, sugar beets, or sorghum.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Goober McTuber »

Joe in PB wrote:No need to ask, McTuber is obviously what is stuck down your throat.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
A potato is stuck in my throat? Way to step up your game, Corky.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Mikey »

Rooster wrote:
Derron wrote:Farming is a game of economic scale. There are no small farms anymore. If you are not farming 3,000 acres at least, you are poor, working to hard or extremely stupid. Tractors are $ 300,000. Farming 3,000 acres you will go through 1,000 gallons of diesel. You have to have enough equipment to plant or harvest 5% of your total acreage every day. That is fucking expensive.
That is not accurate. While it may be true in some sectors or areas of the country, my brother-in-law, who farms in Minnesota does quite well for himself working anywhere between 800-1500 acres a year. He owns 160 of his own and rents the rest, but has increased the quality of his equipment and storage facilities steadily over the years to the point that his father would have been astonished at how the family business has successfully grown. He raises no animals and sticks to corn, soybeans, sugar beets, or sorghum.
Where San Diego County Ranks Nationally
12th largest farm economy among more than 3000 counties
More small farms (less than 10 acres) than any other county
#1 producer of avocados
#1 producer of nursery crops
#1 in number of part-time farmers
#2 in farms with women as principal operator
#3 in honey production
#5 in lemons
#9 in strawberries
#10 in egg-laying hens

San Diego's Mediterranean-like climate makes it an ideal place to grow agricultural crops and livestock products. More than 3.3 million people live in San Diego County, and more than 5,500 farmers call it home and make their living on 5,732 small family farms, 68 percent of which are nine or fewer acres in size. The high cost of water and land make farming here expensive and encourage growers to raise products with a high dollar value per acre.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I believe that the IV is pretty much all corporate farming these days. Probably the same is true w/ the San Juaquin valley as well.
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Re: It's official--Trump posts here

Post by Mikey »

Diego in Seattle wrote:I believe that the IV is pretty much all corporate farming these days. Probably the same is true w/ the San Juaquin valley as well.
That's why it's important to support local farmers markets, even though they're centers of racist environmental gentrification.
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