Smackie wrote:Given the uncertainty of how contagious vaxed folks may be, the reason they are being encouraged to wear masks is to protect those who are either too selfish, stupid, misinformed, or for any other reason are unvaxed.
The "vaccines" have not been given FDA approval.
In light of that, isn't your rhetoric a bit strong?
Smackie wrote:Taking this to its extreme, if everyone in the world were vaccinated, thereby reducing the virus from being a deadly pathogen to one that causes nothing more than flu-like symptoms in all but very few cases, there would be no reason for anyone to wear masks.
I think this is an extreme hypothetical scenario worth exploring.
What if 100% of the world got the vaccinations?
Would it really "reduce the virus to being nothing more than flu-like?"
Would that be the end of Covid?
Think carefully before answering.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:15 am
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:19 amThe "vaccines" have not been given FDA approval.
For most drugs, the process for obtaining FDA approval is a long one, primarily because the FDA has the "luxury" of time. Let's use Viagra (which originally wasn't created for its current use) as an example. Some researchers, through any number of possible means, discover that it might be effective at combating ED. The next steps would be to conduct clinical trials to determine appropriate dosages, efficacy, and safety. To fully get a clear picture of safety & efficacy, MANY extensive tests over long periods of time must be conducted. The FDA has rigorous standards that must be met to obtain "full" approval, which is fine in this case (and most others), since the only drawback of waiting for approval is that some dudes won't be able get boners. Sad, but not a global health threat. The FDA is right to ensure that the drug is not made available for use until a very high level of confidence in its safety and efficacy is obtained. Along the way to full approval, usually years before, the researchers (and FDA) already have high confidence levels, but still must jump through all the hoops to give the public a sense of security that its use is safe. There is no harm in waiting for it.
Side note: There are MANY drugs that have been granted FDA approval for specified purposes, but are routinely administered for other non-FDA approved uses. Happens all the time. Don't hang your hat too securely on the term "FDA approved."
Your quote above is technically incorrect. The FDA has given emergency approval for use of the three COVID vaccines - the emergency being that there is a global pandemic killing large numbers of people. The luxury of time is not present, and the emergency approval was not granted willy-nilly. The determination was made that, because the preliminary data provided high levels of confidence in safety & efficacy, the risk of granting emergency approval for their use was FAR less than the risks posed by allowing the virus to continue killing people at the rate it was. The continued dying of thousands/millions of people didn't justify the additional time required to meet the rigorous standards of full approval. BIG difference between no hard-ons vs cemeteries filling up. The emergency dictated that the calculated risks associated with granting less-than-full approval were much lower than those of waiting for full approval, which is prudent and reasonable.
In light of that, isn't your rhetoric a bit strong?
Nope. I believe I exercised an admirable level of restraint by not using stronger language.
What if 100% of the world got the vaccinations?
Would it really "reduce the virus to being nothing more than flu-like?"
Probably, but no one knows for sure.
Would that be the end of Covid?
Multi-layered question. It would not be the end of the virus, at least in the short term (say, 10 years). But it in all likelihood would spell the end of the disease, at least in its most severe forms for the vast majority of people.
Think carefully
I'd strongly recommend you heed your own advice before giving it to others.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:37 am
by Softball Bat
Usually, drug manufacturers are liable for the safety of their products, and they spend many years developing and testing their drugs to ensure they are safe to use.
That's not how things work in a pandemic.
Rather than years, companies such as BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca managed to develop their COVID vaccines in a matter of months. And drug regulators, who would usually demand to see the final results of large-scale testing before approving any vaccine, have been issuing temporary authorizations while testing was still ongoing.
That's the nature of this situation: COVID is a killer and it spreads fast, so speed is of the essence in fighting it. Nobody in the vaccine business has thrown caution to the wind, but it is equally true that nobody has had the luxury of being quite as cautious as they might like.
Which is why, in these circumstances, the pharma companies have mostly been absolved of liability over the potential side-effects of their COVID-19 vaccines. If problems were to arise, the people affected would need to look elsewhere for compensation.
And, history suggests, claiming that compensation won't be easy.
The story goes on to describe how individuals harmed by the vaccines, put out as *emergency* tools, will find it difficult to be compensated for their illnesses and/or deaths, if they occur.
I mean, people know the shots did not receive full FDA approval.
People have taken the risk of the shots because they decided that risk outweighed the risk of potential damage/death from the vaccines.
Since you, and others here, have had the shots, have you looked at the papers you signed?
What do they say about liability?
poptart wrote:What if 100% of the world got the vaccinations?
Would it really "reduce the virus to being nothing more than flu-like?"
Smackie wrote:Probably, but no one knows for sure.
The vaccines put pressure on the virus to mutate into something that can overcome the protection the vaccine has given.
For this reason, I find your "probably" answer to be dubious.
Two months ago A. Felchi told the world that the vaccinated are "dead ends" for the virus.
Now he says y'all are potential "super spreaders," and you need to mask up.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 5:13 am
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:37 amThe vaccines put pressure on the virus to mutate into something that can overcome the protection the vaccine has given.
For this reason, I find your "probably" answer to be dubious.
Viruses mutate all the time for many reasons and sometimes for no discernible reason. It's just their nature. Vaccines are only used for protection against viral diseases; i.e., there aren't vaxes for bacterial or fungal maladies. This means that ALL the vaxes that have been created have faced the same "pressure" you cite above to mutate into something that's vaccine resistant. Can you cite an example of it happening?
Let's also draw a distinction between drugs and vaccines. We tend to lump vaccines under the drug label, but for the purposes of most medical discussions, drugs are used to treat/cure, while vaccines are used to prevent. Might seem like a minor detail, but it isn't regarding this discussion. Here's why:
My wife is a retired RN, and was highly regarded and respected among her peers and coworkers. While that doesn't make her an expert on this particular subject, it does instill in me confidence that her opinions of others in the medical field with whom she worked should be given considerable weight. An anesthesiologist she worked with, whom she holds in very high regard, regularly posts about COVID. Granted, he's not an immunologist or virologist, but then again, he's also not a veterinarian. Here's what he has to say:
Delta is here in hefty doses across the country, and it has become very evident that previous Covid infection and vaccination are not a 100% guarantee against infection. In fact, it has become abundantly clear that vaxxed folks may be able to carry a fairly heavy viral load, both with and without symptoms.
So, what does that mean for me? I don't have time to quarantine for 10 days from hospital work, nor do I want to put my patients or coworkers at risk for infection, so yes, I'm masking back up. I wore my N95 on the plane back from Maine yesterday and insisted on outside dining with my family while on vacation in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire. Overkill perhaps with a low incidence in those areas, but quite frankly, I'm not willing to take the risk of putting someone else's life in danger if I can wear a mask and prevent it.
So, what does that mean for you? If you are vaxxed or previously infected, your risk of serious disease or death remains incredibly low. The CDC estimates that 99.6% of current Covid deaths are in the unvaccinated. You may still get sick, but it's likely to be in the realm of a typical head cold or upper respiratory infection.
If you are not vaxxed, then I believe you are taking a very great risk. The delta variant has taken away the buffer of the vaccinated population. You should NOT be secure that those unmasked and vaccinated folks around you are really safe for you. Delta is an enormously different virus than the original one we saw in early 2020. Everyone makes choices, but don't let yours be uninformed.
Finally, it has also become clear that boosters are likely inevitable at this point. Israel has begun to add a 3rd vaccination in its over 60 population. I've also seen some early data for kidney transplant patients (immunosuppressed to prevent rejection) that suggest a 3rd vaccination may help them develop a more robust antibody response. I know I'll be first in line for #3 when the time comes.
We're not done yet. Be safe, make good choices, stay alive.
I sincerely hope you wise up, but am not optimistic.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:55 am
by Softball Bat
Smackie wrote:This means that ALL the vaxes that have been created have faced the same "pressure" you cite above to mutate into something that's vaccine resistant. Can you cite an example of it happening?
Because of the mass vax program, I believe we are in an unprecedented situation.
I don't think there has been a mass vax roll-out take place right as a pandemic has been burning through.
There are also different types of vaccines.
What we have in this situation is a vaccine designed to allow for asymptomatic (vaccinated) folks to carry the virus and spread it around.
Many (or most) of them "feel fine," but some have become (now according to A. Felchi) super spreaders.
Mask up,
An example of it happening?
Well, it is happening now.
The vaccines began in December of 2020 and the Delta began circulating in December of 2020.
As posted by me on the previous page of this thread (36), we have, for one example, a situation in Israel where 2/3 of folks in serious condition in the hospital are fully vaccinated.
So we are in a grand experiment, and those who have taken the shots have willfully placed themselves inside the experiment.
None of us are safe, but I choose to not go willingly -----> IN <----- to their vax strategy.
I find it to be wack, and quite obviously so.
It is going to be "booster" after booster (none of them FDA approved), and it is quite an insane thing to participate IN, imo.
Those who have gone IN to the vax experiment, you can respond to this if you want to...
poptart wrote:People have taken the risk of the shots because they decided that risk outweighed the risk of potential damage/death from the vaccines.
Since you, and others here, have had the shots, have you looked at the papers you signed?
What do they say about liability?
Smackie wrote:This means that ALL the vaxes that have been created have faced the same "pressure" you cite above to mutate into something that's vaccine resistant. Can you cite an example of it happening?
Because of the mass vax program, I believe we are in an unprecedented situation.
I don't think there has been a mass vax roll-out take place right as a pandemic has been burning through.
Not only are you wrong, but when it happened in the past the issue of mandatory vaccination was litigated. SCOTUS held that mandatory vaccinations are constitutional during a smallpox pandemic in Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905. Remember smallpox? Why isn't it around anymore?
And seriously, you're saying that 600,000+ deaths isn't an emergency situation??
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:32 pm
by Softball Bat
Diego, smallpox and Covid are apples/oranges in so many ways.
The Covid vaccines are not designed to eradicate the virus, and Felchi is on record as saying that he assumes the virus will never be eradicated.
The vaccines are supposed to blunt the effect the virus has on a person, but the virus still can (and will) be spread.
And we are already seeing vaccine failure, such that "boosters" are being planned.
How many "boosters" do you intend to take?
The virus is going to be around for the rest of your life -- and it will be mutating.
Massachusetts law (early 1900s), which the SC upheld, allowed for individual cities and towns to enforce vaccine mandates for smallpox.
It wasn't a case of "all federal workers must be vaccinated," or something of that scale.
Smallpox had a death rate of almost 30%.
What is Covid?
I have never said Covid is not an emergency situation.
And I have no problem with people choosing to take the vaccine, if that is what they want to do.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:46 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:42 am
And seriously, you're saying that 600,000+ deaths isn't an emergency situation??
Poptart = Ron Johnson?
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:47 pm
by Smackie Chan
<sigh> Ron White was right. You can't fix stupid.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:54 pm
by Softball Bat
And Geert is also stupid?
Not that I'm here to denigrate anyone who took the shots, because I consider this to be a very serious matter, but since you brought up stupid...
Post the liability section on the forms you guys signed when taking your injections.
I've asked to see them.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:56 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:54 pm
And Geert is also stupid?
Not that I'm here to denigrate anyone who took the shots, because I consider this to be a very serious matter, but since you brought up stupid...
Post the liability section on the forms you guys signed when taking your injections.
I've asked to see them.
I don't exactly have my Covid 19 vaccine waiver lying around. I did read it front to back, though.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:15 pm
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:54 pm
And Geert is also stupid?
He's a charlatan.
I'll go ahead and save you some time by paraphrasing what will no doubt be something akin to your expected response: "HA! Felchi's the charlatan!"
Post the liability section on the forms you guys signed when taking your injections.
Never got out of my vehicle to get the shots. Don't recall signing anything and the only "paperwork" I have is an unsigned vax card. Asked mama if she recalls signing anything (we went at different times), and she said she doesn't. Silly me. Why should my thoughts have been on getting protected against disease when it should have been on who I get to sue when everything goes sideways?
When history is ignored in favor of misguided speculation, when fear beats rational thought, when the science is ignored, and when the advice of laymen is heeded rather than that of widely recognized subject matter experts, I can think of no better descriptor than...stupid.
Be well, my stupid friend.
Re: Doom
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:07 pm
by Softball Bat
Speaking of doom...
Lawmakers departed for their wonderful six week vacation as the federal eviction moratorium (for the common folk) ended.
Go under a bridge.
On the street.
In a bush.
Mom's basement...
They don't give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all.
At all...
Re: Doom
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 5:13 pm
by Left Seater
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 02, 2021 3:07 pm
Speaking of doom...
Lawmakers departed for their wonderful six week vacation as the federal eviction moratorium (for the common folk) ended.
Go under a bridge.
On the street.
In a bush.
Mom's basement...
There is no more need for a Federal eviction moratorium. Plenty of money has been appropriated for rental assistance. That people/states are not taking advantage of this doesn't mean the Feds need to extend the moratorium again.
There have been plenty of moratorium's that meant well during Covid, but are turning out to just handcuff those who took advantage. For example, mortgages, insurance, car payments, utilities, etc.
Re: Doom
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:08 am
by Left Seater
Of course the CDC came back with another moratorium.
There is plenty of double speak in it as well.
The resolution will stop short of another nationwide eviction freeze, but instead will be more limited in scope, targeted to places with high Covid spread.
A source familiar with the effort said the announcement would cover 80% of US counties and 90% of the US population.
90% is limited eh?
Biden said he'd sought out constitutional scholars to advise him on a path forward after the Supreme Court's ruling, and said the "bulk" of them warned an eviction moratorium was "not likely to pass constitutional muster."
"At a minimum, by the time it gets litigated, it will probably give some additional time while we're getting that $45 billion out to people who are in fact behind in the rent and don't have the money," Biden said.
So Biden and his experts expect this to be shot down as unconstitutional by the courts, but hey whatever we will do it anyway.
But if we are handing out this money, why is any of it going to tenants? If people are behind on their rent the cash should go directly to the owner/landlord. Acceptance of the money by the owner/landlord should come with an agreement that the tenant is paid in full and can’t be evicted for non-payment until such time as they fall behind again.
Re: Doom
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:23 am
by Left Seater
Diego in Seattle wrote: ↑Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:00 pm
Nope, we simply need to stop dicking around with these quidiots. Make the vaccine mandatory (it's how we got rid of smallpox).
So the Delta Airlines CEO doesn’t agree with you Diego. In fact his company could decide to only carry vaccinated passengers. It he took a line from Soft Ball.
Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian told CNBC on Tuesday the carrier does not plan to require Covid vaccines for domestic travel.
"It's very difficult for us to come in and mandate a vaccine that isn't even federally approved yet, the authorization hasn't been final yet, so stay tuned," Bastian said on "Squawk Box."
Thoughts? Guess you won’t be flying Delta anytime soon eh?
Re: Doom
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 12:42 am
by Softball Bat
It's very difficult for us to come in and mandate a vaccine that isn't even federally approved yet
- Delta CEO
Of course.
Re: Doom
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:20 am
by Softball Bat
Six Ships Off UAE Report Loss of Control; U.K. Sources Suspect Hijacking of Vessel by Iranian Forces
Iranian-backed forces are believed to have seized an oil tanker in the Gulf off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, three maritime security sources said, after Britain's maritime trade agency reported a "potential hijack" in the area on Tuesday.
Two of the maritime sources identified the seized vessel as the Panama-flagged asphalt/bitumen tanker Asphalt Princess in an area in the Arabian Sea leading to the Strait of Hormuz, the conduit for about a fifth of the world's seaborne oil exports.
Earlier, six oil tankers announced around the same time via their Automatic Identification System trackers that they were “not under command,” according to That typically means a vessel has lost power and can no longer steer. Two of the vessels...
BREAKING: Iran says “London, Washington and Tel Aviv should know that Iran can close the Strait
of Hormuz in minutes. Certain backwards countries should know any attack on Iran will be responded
to immediately; our fingers are on the trigger, try us & see”
Re: Doom
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:55 pm
by Softball Bat
It is a world gone mad.
People and power structures are intent on dividing the population into two categories -- vaccinated and unvaccinated.
And there will be no coming back from this folly.
The CDC's Covid update page for 7/27 says this...
Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant.
However,that statement stands in stark contrast to what the Director of Public Health Services in Israel told television viewers of the CBS program, Face the Nation, on Sunday, reporting that 50 percent of new infections in Israel are from fully vaccinated people.
It's been only a matter of months since folks took the first two injections.
Now a 3rd, even before winter begins?
When will the 4th be needed?
5, 6, 7...
Thank you, sir. May I have another?
Re: Doom
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:17 pm
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:55 pm50 percent of new infections in Israel are from fully vaccinated people.
Not terribly unexpected, and not much of a big deal personally for the vast majority of vaxed people. Again, in the short term, the primary purpose of the vax is to minimize the effects of the virus if one is infected by it. A hoped-for secondary benefit would be to provide protection against becoming infected, and a hoped-for tertiary benefit would be to reduce or eliminate the ability to transmit the virus to others. At this point, especially regarding delta, the secondary and tertiary benefits are not being realized. This is somewhat unfortunate (especially for the unvaxed) - it's nice when everybody gets what everybody wants - but it doesn't defeat the primary purpose of the vax, which by all credible accounts is being met or exceeded. Vaxed people who get infected are getting far less sick and dying in MUCH smaller numbers than those who are unvaxed. The vax is doing well what it was primarily created to do.
It appears the intent of what I quoted from you above is to try to convince readers that the vax isn't working as advertised because vaxed people are spreading it. That is not evidence that the vax isn't doing its primary job. The stats on which the focus should be placed, regardless of the source of infection (vaxed or unvaxed people), is the percentage of vaxed folks being infected getting seriously ill or dying from the virus. THOSE numbers are extremely low, and THAT is the true measure of the vax's success.
Moderna says everyone will likely need booster shots before this winter.
So what? I fully expected that to be the case even before the vax became available. I don't recall anyone with expertise in the field claiming that the initial doses were going to provide a lifetime, or even a year's worth, of protection. Vaccine boosters are commonplace. Now there just happens to be a new germ that requires periodic boosters for protection to be maintained. What is your point?
Re: Doom
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:30 pm
by Softball Bat
poptart wrote:50 percent of new infections in Israel are from fully vaccinated people.
Smackie wrote:Not terribly unexpected, and not much of a big deal personally for the vast majority of vaxed people.
The big deal is that the CDC just released their Covid update 7 days ago and said,"Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant."
Are they lying or are they incompetent?
Neither one is very reassuring.
Similarly, A. Felchi said in May that the vaccinated become "dead ends" for the virus.
Just last week he had to divert away from that and admit that, "Well no, actually, the vaccinated can become super spreaders."
I find their credibility to be lacking, and their "booster x a lot" strategy to be as zany as what has already gone down.
But there is do doubt some folks are making a huge amount of jack off of this insanity.
Re: Doom
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:52 pm
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:30 pmThe big deal is that the CDC just released their Covid update 7 days ago and said,"Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant."
Without knowing the full context, that may have been a correct statement at the time if the population about which it was made was confined to the US. There's no reason to believe that won't change in this country, and may have already changed, based in part on the Israeli data.
Are they lying or are they incompetent?
Probably neither. They were just reporting the latest data available at the time. If I were writing it, I would've changed the word happen to have happened.. By wording it the way they did, it leaves the door open to be interpreted as "that's the way it is and will continue to be." By wording it my way, it allows that things can change, which should have been part of the message.
Neither one is very reassuring.
I will concede that the messaging has been confusing and inconsistent, which leads to frustration, lack of confidence, and lack of trust.
Similarly, A. Felchi said in May that the vaccinated become "dead ends" for the virus.
I probably wouldn't have said that if I were him. At some level, I understand why he said it; it was a selling point to convince people to get vaxed, and may have actually had some truth to it if there wasn't so much reluctance to get the jab. Going back to the hypothetical of having a 100% global vaccination rate, most everyone does then essentially become a "dead end" for the virus's ability to do widespread and serious damage. But by saying that, he gave more ammo to people like you who already had strong distrust for him.
Just last week he had to divert away from that and admit that, "Well no, actually, the vaccinated can become super spreaders."
That was the risk he took, and he lost. In his defense and that of the other experts who've had to backtrack or concede that what was previously said was wrong, it's the nature of science. In fact, even though I'm by no means an expert, I have to correct something I previously said. I stated that vaccines are only for viral infections, and that is wrong. Tetanus is an example of a bacterial infection for which there is a vax.
We are in either uncharted or seldom-charted water, with a lot of folks scrambling to get it under control. There is still much that is unknown and will remain unknown, with a public that demands information. I won't go so far as to say that no one has deliberately misled folks by saying things they knew to not be true - I'm sure it's happened. But for the most part, and this is where you and I will diverge, the info that has been reported was believed to be true at the time it was reported by those reporting it, and as more data, information, and evidence comes to light, some of that info will turn out to not be true. Again, nature of science.
I find their credibility to be lacking
You've made that clear.
their "booster x a lot" strategy to be as zany as what has already gone down.
Why? Would the only non-zany solution to you be a one-time fully FDA-approved shot that prevents illness, infection, and transmission, and is only administered post-pandemic after millions have needlessly died?
But there is do doubt some folks are making a huge amount of jack off of this insanity.
True, and "follow the money" is a prudent strategy. Money is a strong motivator, but it's not the only one. I admit I don't have a lot of faith in humanity, and you have even less. All of us have to pick and choose who/what we trust, and even then it's not absolute. I may find some folks to be generally trustworthy but not believe everything they say. But I HAVE to have SOME faith in SOME people. Otherwise, I'd be forced to believe in something TRULY wacky. Like Christianity.
Re: Doom
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 9:16 pm
by Smackie Chan
Re: Doom
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:51 am
by Softball Bat
Smackie wrote:Going back to the hypothetical of having a 100% global vaccination rate, most everyone does then essentially become a "dead end" for the virus's ability to do widespread and serious damage.
It was never going to be possible to get anywhere near having 100% of the world vaccinated, and even if it was possible, the length of time it would take would give the virus much time to mutate and possibly/likely evade the vaccine.
Smackie wrote:Would the only non-zany solution to you be a one-time fully FDA-approved shot that prevents illness, infection, and transmission, and is only administered post-pandemic after millions have needlessly died?
I spelled out previously that the presence of a problem does not necessarily mean a pleasing solution is present.
If an emergency use vax was to be distributed, it should have gone out only to "very high risk" people.
Elderly, frail, underlying health issues, etc.
Mass vax idea = dumb.
Continue with masks, social distancing, etc.
Let the virus burn.
That said, if folks want to take the shots, that is their call to make.
Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta in regard to severe illness and death being prevented. But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.
Funny, A. Felchi told the world less than 3 months ago that the vaccinated become dead ends for the virus.
Follow the science?
Can they now stop calling them vaccines, and pimp them instead as treatments?
Get your treatment.
We, who are following "the science," mandate it!
Don't be a shit head citizen.
You have to get your treatment, otherwise my treatment won't work right!
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:22 am
by Softball Bat
Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus.
Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta in regard to severe illness and death being prevented. But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.
I'll say once again, this is going to be mega-ugly.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:23 am
by Softball Bat
Jsc810 wrote: ↑Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:21 amHave you been vaccinated yet?
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:48 am
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:22 amI'll say once again, this is going to be mega-ugly.
Have any of your predictions come to pass?
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:22 am
by Softball Bat
Of course, but you really ought to be much more concerned right now about what Walensky, Felchi, etc. have been telling you will come to pass.
What will the next *surprise* be?
These people, who have a track record of being WRONG, led folks to pump up with an emergency vaccinetreatment that one cannot detox from.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:32 am
by Smackie Chan
Softball Bat wrote: ↑Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:22 amtreatment
If only you had a clue. A treatment is administered after one falls ill. Vaccines are administered to prevent or minimize effects of illness prior to infection. Not sure what information you're hanging your hat on to conclude that what is being administered doesn't qualify as vaccines, but rest assured that whatever it is, it's bullshit.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:43 am
by Softball Bat
Smackie wrote:Vaccines are administered to prevent or minimize effects of illness prior to infection
The CDC Director said on 3/31 that the vaccinated do not carry the virus.
If you don't carry it you obviously can't spread it to others.
Hence we have Felchi making the claim less than two months later that vaccinated people are dead ends for the virus.
They sold this bill of goods and urged people to get vaccinated.
They both gave FALSE information.
People who have taken the shots get infected, they DO carry the virus, and they CAN pass it, just like the unvaccinated.
So the vaccine passport and vaccine mandate ideas are patently RIDICULOUS.
Vaccinated folks are being infected, they are carrying the virus, and the shots they have been given are for the purpose of subduing symptoms.
A vaccinated person might have ended up hospitalized, but because of the shots he instead only suffers from "mild" problems -- low fever, cough, body ache.
This falls much more in line with what most people understand a treatment to be, rather than what they understand a vaccine to be.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:30 pm
by Kierland
Pop is right in so far as vaccines do not equal immunity, masks and social distancing have waned due to people thinking they are “immune” which is a huge problem and that all comes from the shit messaging, oh and the government usually can not be trusted.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:46 pm
by Smackie Chan
Kierland wrote: ↑Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:30 pmPop is right in so far as vaccines do not equal immunity
Agreed. I never argued that it is. Its primary purpose is to provide a level of protection against serious illness if infected, which is not synonymous with immunity. That level can vary from person to person, but so far the success rate has been overwhelmingly high.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:22 pm
by Kierland
All of which was lost in the (horrible) messaging. And “messaging” is a gift. Felchi started this whole thing with his “you don’t need masks” and it was downhill from there.
Re: Doom
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:48 pm
by Smackie Chan
Distinctions should be understood regarding the terms mutations, variants, and strains. Viruses mutate all the time, with most mutations being insignificant. If a mutation changes the virus somewhat significantly, the result is categorized as a variant. Vaccines typically are effective against different variants of a virus, as we're seeing with delta. Vaxed folks contracting delta are generally getting far less sick than those who are unvaxed, and are spreading it at a lower rate. If a mutation is considerably significant, it becomes a strain. A vaccine that protects against variants may not protect against new strains, requiring development of new vaccines. So far, there have been no new strains of COVID identified (at least not that I've been able determine, but I could be wrong), although some sources refer to the lambda variant as a strain, which it isn't. Fwiw, the WHO deems delta a "variant of concern," while lambda is classified a degree lower as a "variant of interest."
Each year during flu season, we are encouraged to get a flu shot, which makes it sound like there's only one. The fact is there are different vaccines for different strains. Influenza is a generic term that covers several different strains, and a shot that protects against, say, avian flu, will not protect against swine flu:
I know pops wants to keep harping on the facts that vaxed folks are still getting infected and transmitting it, and that Fauci et al send out mixed messages and therefore are incompetent. But that focus, while not something that should be completely disregarded, misses the primary mark. To conclude, "Well, Fauci and the so-called experts are part of the gov't, gov't can't be trusted, and therefore everything they say is a lie and should be completely ignored" is a dangerous logical fallacy. Similarly, believing EVERYTHING they say can be equally, if not more, dangerous. One must be able to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding what ANYONE says, and while that may be easier said than done, it's far better than simply discounting everything a particular individual or group might say because they've been shown to be wrong before.
Taking the HIGHLY misguided approach that pops suggests - essentially, not doing anything to rein in the effects of the virus at the global level and simply letting the chips fall where they may because interfering with Mother Nature can screw things up even more based on the belief that there isn't always a sensible solution to every problem - is ignorant. Sure, he's entitled to believe what he wants. But that belief and approach is simply idiotic, since I'm allowed to believe what I want, too.
The reality going forward is that COVID is likely to be with us for a very long time, maybe forever. Different strains are likely to develop, and a similar process as that described above that goes into determining what the composition of a particular season's flu shot will be is likely to be followed for COVID. Yes, it's somewhat inconvenient, and I admit I seldom get flu shots, more out of laziness and lack of concern about getting terribly ill if I do get the flu based on how it's affected me in the past. I ain't gonna mess with COVID, though. It's not "just a flu."