Tom, what the fuck exactly are you defending? The Project For The New American Century? This catastrophic Quagmire in Iraq? A boatload of CHICKENHAWKS who have no qualms about "staying the course"--when there's no plan whatsoever for possibly "winning"?
Are you just sucking the teat of FOX News?
Seriously, what the fuck do you purport yourself to be? A "republican"? A "patriot"? A docile yet frisky puppet for some neocon nightmare?
bab's, yes Rummy served as a pilot (non-combat), but so what--he's the ONLY one on the list (which comprises the primary members of the administration and auxiallary neocons, regardless of ethnicity) who isn't technically a CHICKENHAWK.
You actually dare--well, really no other alternative--to roll out the Chimp's National Guard duty? Really? Let's see....middle of a fucking war...and he just decides to QUIT without notice to his superiors (that's AWOL) so he can help his malignant clan clamp their political tentacles into the American system, one race at a time.
Gee, no wonder he didn't "run on his record." Of course that's not the Rove style. Rather, the Chimp's campaign was one of smearing anyone and everyone who might oppose his evangelical mission. Imagine smearing a decorated combat verteran like John Kerry--a fellow Skull and Bones member!! That's how craven and slimey Rove, Cheney, and the Chimp are. And you for defending them in your sleazy fashion.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Tom, what the fuck exactly are you defending?
I'm stating that Bush flying patrols during the height of the Cold War, and even more heightened due to it being hot in many areas .... is him serving this country. The "Chickenhawk" label doesn't apply.
In fact, it's being used by douchebags like yourself, improperly and ... :D :D Quite selectively. We only here about those bravely serving, like Murtha, yet the Sam Johnson's of the world go unheard.
Nice liars your ilk can be.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
Sudden Sam wrote:W working for Winton Blount's campaign was serving his country, too, I guess, huh? I mean, that is typical NG duty, right?
How about when YOU did ? Did they have "cherry" assignments like that ? What was your experience ?
I didn't go in the Guard. I wasn't trying to avoid serving in Viet Nam.
Then you must have went active duty because with your criteria as being "why don't you go" or "if you haven't served then keep your mouth shut" you must have gone active duty.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.