The case is not mine to make. I was curious to the context in which you were dismissing any parallel. Initially, my response would have included some footnoted and linked studies on parallels between Saddam and Hitler. Then I decided I better ask you it would appear it was the right thing to do, as I understood your post more. Anyway.PSUFAN wrote:
I can tell you that Germany and Japan were much different nations than the tribal viper den that is Iraq. Neither of the Axis nations offered a bit of resistance to their occupiers. They availed themselves readily to the reconstruction effort.
In Iraq, various factions are using the chaos to eliminate the others. When a group of politicians gather in the name of reconstructon, they are killed.
Islam abhors the Voice of the People. Unless we are converting them away from Islam, then we are no further to transitioning them to "Democracy".
"Neither of the Axis nations offered a bit of resistance to their occupiers" is disputable but in "orders of magnitude", I agree it's a weak comparison.
"In Iraq, various factions are using the chaos to eliminate the others." - Like that has never happened before and Iraq is a direct result of WWI AND WWII, but still, the order of magnitude is far greater and I'd yield on the technicality of your point.
"Islam abhors the Voice of the People. Unless we are converting them away from Islam, then we are no further to transitioning them to "Democracy"." - Disputable. They can be as secular and "wishy washy" as Judeo Christian based "Western" cultures.
Other than "Werewolves" and Jap snipers not knowing the War was over, I think most of the analogies deal with the political landscape and are valid. To say "Even Truman, had his naysayers", would be an accurate statement. Indeed, there were those who didn't believe we belonged in a war with Hitler at the time.
But analogies between Saddam and Hitler, are another thing altogether. I'd find that an interesting discussion.